Flu Scare, we are aware

It is always said that awareness, you can keep away from danger. And if the fear is so threatening as bird flu, people would not have dared more, taking advantage of opportunities for all. Because the flu virus strike different parts of the world's birds, the last participants were India, the poultry industry, of course, the worst incident. Although recent studies have confirmed that food-borne virus and influenza from poultry cooked at 70 degrees does not eliminate any possibility that the deadly H5N1Strain of avian influenza virus, but people are reluctant to take risks. Thus, the degree of fear that hundreds of people with colds and coughs were up medical camps in affected areas in bird flu for a check-up as a prevention strategy.

Bird flu, medically called 'bird flu is a contagious disease of animals caused by viruses in humans is very specific and species that normally infect only birds, but rarely exceeded the species barrier to infect intoo. It spreads very rapidly through poultry flocks, causes disease most internal organs, and has a mortality rate of 48 hours 100% of capacity, are often in very specific. Symptoms of bird flu:

In birds spell or unusual birds that sit still long for the dirty feathers, throat swollen and red spots on legs

o Meat: Pink spots usually white meat chicken and egg during the eggs.

Avian influenza virus has spread-theorythe world has nailed the migratory birds as potential suspects. Sick birds spread the influenza virus in the saliva, nasal secretions and faeces, which in turn infect domestic birds from contact with secretions or contaminated surfaces. Influenza viruses are very unstable and have the ability to mutate rapidly, potentially jumping from one species to another. Direct contact with infected poultry or surfaces and objects contaminated by their faeces, is currently considered the main route of human infection. The disease, caused by H5N1 follows an unusually aggressive clinical procedures, where primary viral pneumonia and multi organ failure are common, with rapid deterioration and mortality.

Even if you do not have any influence breakthrough in the development of a vaccine for avian flu, nor the FDA has approved Tamiflu (oseltamivir phosphate generic), an oral anti-viral drug for the treatment of uncomplicated influenza in adults whose influence> Symptoms lasted more than two days. It belongs to a group of drugs called neuraminidase inhibitors. Their main task is the influenza virus and prevent it from spreading to other parts of the body. Tamiflu has performed for the treatment of influenza type A and B, but was also found against the H5N1 bird flu virus effectively. For more information, contact the operators Tamiflu doctors, media and information sites online. So do not panic,Avian influenza is not afraid, if you are aware of all eventualities.

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Beat colds and flu with the oil of oregano

The most common of all diseases are the common cold and flu. Cold is only a self-limiting disease, but the influence is what we need to care. These diseases have common symptoms such as blocked sinuses, fever, sneezing, sore throat, headache and weakness. In a few days our colds may differ materially from the usual treatment only. But if you contract the flu, we need to adopt more stringent measures. Statistics show that in the U.S.States, 20% of the population is 10 down with the flu each flu season. Fifty thousand of them, mostly elderly people die, too.

There is no reason for concern, because there is no alternative to heal better than standard medications for the most part ineffective and pills. Now we have a very effective alternative - the oil of oregano. This is an essential oil that is made from the leaves of the wild oregano plant won. This plant grows in the hills of Portugal, Greece and Turkey, where theright combination of minerals and the total time for soil gives the work its high effectiveness. For centuries, this wild plant is known to cure skin diseases, digestive and respiratory diseases.

Modern medicine may have a number of studies and experiments in various U.S. universities, while the oil of oregano kill bacteria, viruses and parasites confirmed. The active compounds of this substance are carvacrol and thymol. They work together to known pathogens that killresponsible for colds, flu and other respiratory diseases, skin and digestive disorders. To do this, you must vulgare oil from the plant called wild marjoram Origanum, not the common oregano marjoram oregano called the food is used.

In order to prevent colds, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system. oil of oregano can help the immune system by at least two drops of oil per day under the tongue. If you already have an iced teaDose escalation could present twice a day. Flu-like symptoms are basically the same as the common cold. If you suspect, has called the flu, take 6 drops of oregano oil under the tongue every day, the influence of abating. In order to quickly put two or three drops on a cotton ball or paper towel and soak up the oil of oregano to relieve the symptoms of colds. If you feel the need for longer treatment with oil of oregano, seek the advice ofYour doctor.


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canine influenza - a new rapid spread of the disease in dogs

Did you know that there is a new disease, the spread of dogs? It is canine influenza, dog flu and dog flu, too.

This new disease was identified in Florida in 2004 and has since spread to many U.S. states. Canine influenza was first found in racing greyhounds. The disease spread to racing greyhounds in 9 states others before them have been found in other dogs.

Where do they come from canine influenza?
A subtype of influenza A,Called H3N8, has been known to infect horses for more than 40 years. Shortly before 2004, the H3N8 virus is passed from dogs, horses, dogs, and then began to be infected with influenza subtype.

Because almost all dogs exposed to canine influenza reach
Canine influenza dog could be a major problem in The reason is that there is a new disease. Consequently, there are dogs that have been previously exposed to the virus. Therefore, noDog immunity against influenza virus is, therefore, all dogs are susceptible to influence dog.

This lack of immunity means that virtually the dog, the H3N8 virus, which is exposed to any infection of influence and achieve. Consequence, canine influenza is very contagious.

What are the symptoms of canine influenza?
About 80% of dogs, the influence has mild symptoms. Of the dogs, the symptoms of an injury not seriousThere have been some deaths.

As the influenza virus, the symptoms can be in any of the airways. The most common symptoms are cough and runny nose. Many dogs have a very slight fever. More serious symptoms usually involve the lungs and develop pneumonia.

In cases where the canine flu is found?
Currently, the influence of dog shows in the United States, an examination in several States. Since many dogs are not well tested, it is likely thatInfluenza H3N8 is the most common dog, multiple dogs that are infected show a try.

Everywhere there are many dogs are very close, it is easy for the dog flu is spreading. For this reason, the influence N3H8 will always be a common disease in shelters, pet boarding and doggy day care in some areas.

Is there a vaccine for influenza H3N8 dogs?
A vaccine against the H3N8 canine influenza has been granted a full license of the USDA (United StatesDepartment of Agriculture), June 9, 2010. This vaccine will prevent many, but not all dogs from catching the flu. In those receiving the vaccine against infection with H3N8 to do if symptoms are very mild.

If your dog vaccinated for dogs?
The vaccine for the H3N8 canine influenza vaccine is not a basic.

If your dog is already receiving Bordetella (kennel cough) vaccinations, then consider getting the flu H3N8Vaccine. This is because when a dog at a higher risk, Bordetella, are also at risk of a canine flu. Some boarding kennels in areas where there is now a high level of influence of the dog begins to require that dogs are vaccinated with H3N8 vaccine in addition to Bordetella.

If your dog is not in close contact with many other dogs, so needless, have a considerable degree of H3N8 influenza or dog, your localsome health problems, your veterinarian will take probably not necessary. Ask your veterinarian about what is right for your dog.

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How to tell if your child swine flu?

The swine flu again revived in Mexico, and the large number of cases reported in the world, it makes sense, this infection has become known the symptoms and treatment measures necessary in case your children do with what can to make contact with this contagious disease are increasing day by day.

AS is catchy?

Swine influenza is very contagious and can be caught by inhaling droplets of accountsexhaled by an infected person or touching, shaking hands, for example, or in contact with body fluids such as saliva. The problem is that our bodies have no natural antibodies against this strain of flu, because it is a new variety. Normally, when a person is suspected swine flu, a doctor by, people are kept at home for 10 days to prevent them from infecting more. Often family members who live in the house, will also be asked to stay at home ifpossible.

So what are the symptoms?

The symptoms are unfortunately very similar to ordinary flu:

1. Fever

2. Headache

3. Pain in the body

4. Runny nose.

5. Cough

6. Neck pain

And some a bit 'less common:

7. Vomiting / diarrhea

8. Chills

If the infection is severe, the symptoms are:

-> Pneumonia, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, a blue or gray skin color,persistent vomiting or diarrhea, extreme tiredness, or do not respond.

What do you have?

Once the child is now displayed these symptoms for more than 24, consult your doctor and explain that you suspect influenza virus. He will do some tests and send them for analysis. This analysis takes time, up to 10 days in some countries, physicians will now have to take care of the child in whom, like the flu is dangerous for the pigs, untreated. He will put yourChild on an antibiotic and other medication to help her cope with the effects of influenza, and in many cases, the swine flu cure this, and they usually heal

Children and pregnant women, and old and those who are already sick with another disease, those who are most at risk for the disease.

If your child is not better at the end of the antibiotic course, by telephone or visit the doctor again and let him know thatnot so good, so he takes the necessary steps, as you repeat a recipe for the antibiotic.

Once the tests are back, the doctor will contact you and let you know if your child needs to go on the drug developed for the influence of the pigs, that was it.

Also a good idea is to pray, if you're not already!


Most healthy children will soon return of swine flu, many with very little medication. But webe vigilant and take precautions, since it can be a killer. The mortality rate is about the same as for normal flu, then with the right precautions and prompt treatment, there should be no big problems.

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influence the basic remedies for children

Influenza Influenza is often called, is a highly contagious disease caused by viruses due. RNA Influenza is an infection of the nose, mouth, ears, throat and lungs, which may temporarily lead to death. Each year approximately 35,000 deaths occur only for the flu. The most common symptoms of influenza are chills, high fever, neck pain, joint pain, muscle aches, headache, cough, weakness, fatigue, nausea and discomfort. In influenza> The symptoms worsen, causing pneumonia, especially in young children, the elderly and chronically ill. A child infected with influenza can be nostalgic and effort.

Influenza infection spreads through the air. It occurs in a person's body through the eyes nose or mouth. Flu is another transfer of a person to person by coughing, sneezing or by sharing infected objects. The flu virus is more active in winter, is necessary to mount and holdImproves the immune system at this time. Disinfectant may inactivate the influenza virus and sunlight.

And the influence

Influenza is divided into three groups

1. Influenza A

2. Influenza B

3. Influenza C

These three types of influenza viruses are responsible for flu symptoms. The virus is transmitted from one object to another person by coughing, sneezing or by sharing contaminated. Recovering from flu lastsalmost two weeks, with or without antibiotics.

General measures

A sick child needs plenty of rest, the children sleep well, get plenty of water and eat a healthy immune system and nutrition. Children should drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day. It helps to hydrate the mucosa. A spray can help children breathe easily, and you should also always the nose with saline nose drops to clean.

Flu remedy

Fever may be seen as a healthy signthe body's immune system. High temperatures can weaken and kill the flu virus and bacteria in the body by its system of self-defense. Herbs to support your immune system play an important role. A dye with herbs such as echinacea, garlic, lemon balm, thyme, elder flowers or strengthens the body's immune system.

the-counter flu remedies-Over

You can give your child decongestants, nasal sprays, cough drops, cough syrup and painkillers, so you have something of a child Relief from the harsh effects of the flu. Do not give aspirin to children who have flu symptoms, especially if they are suffering from high fever.

Prevention using a flu remedy

Children, the elderly and people should suffer from a chronic illness of a year of vaccines and antiviral drugs to obtain. Antiviral drugs can help in the reduction of the amount of influence. Some flu medicines and basic usage habits> Flu Prevention

• Get a flu shot / vaccine.

• When you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth and nose.

• Keep away from people who sneeze and cough.

• blow his nose with a tissue and then throw away the tissue. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and antibiotic.

• Wash your hands every two hours, with antibiotic soap and warm water. Dry hands with a fresh towel.

• Do not touch eyes, nose or mouth with your hands after handlingObject.

• Use an alcohol-based disinfectant to wash the germs from your hands. alcohol-based sanitizer helps to kill bacteria.

• Take the saunas, the flu virus to help you kill. You can not hot and the influenza virus to stay alive in the sauna bath, because the atmosphere is great. A steam bath helps to relax and nasal passages.

• Drink plenty of water helps to moisturize your mucous membranes, online as well. HotThe liquids help a lot more relaxed in the upper respiratory tract.

• Avoid crowded places where flu epidemic. The virus spreads easily in crowded places.

• Avoid alcohol, tobacco and smoke during a flu outbreak or epidemic of influenza. These are harmful to the body and also weaken the body's immune system, allowing you more vulnerable to influence.

• Reduce stress, because it can bring your own immune systemSystem.

• Sugar should be avoided unless you are in good health. Sugar is bad for your immune system so that more and more vulnerable to influenza infections

• Stay away from the unexpected addition of exposure to dust, chemicals and air pollution, the rapid and extreme temperature fluctuations.


Take the kids to the doctor immediately if your child has difficulty in breathing along with other symptoms such as pale skin does not, because all liquids, extreme weakness, tooIrritability, agitation, fever with rash, symptoms such as cough and high fever.

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Influenza vaccination complications

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention, commonly called the CDC recommends influenza vaccination is an opportunity to provide an annual influenza that the best way to lower your. Complications and allergic reactions to vaccines, influenza vaccine are considered rare and "worth the risk," some people, especially older people living in situations in nursing homes.

allergic reaction to influenza vaccination can be performed in any of the other componentsShot, but more often in people who seem allergic to eggs. The shot contains dead influenza viruses that have been grown in chicken eggs. It is believed, at least from the CDC, flu vaccine that most complications occur in people who have allergies to eggs, chicken.

The CDC recommends that the signs of an allergic reaction to a flu shot include trouble breathing, hoarseness or wheezing, hives, paleness, weakness, tachycardia, dizziness, and when they occur,Will be shot within the first hours after the flu. Complications, beyond the most common side effects (redness or swelling at the injection site, mild fever and muscle aches), a doctor should be reported immediately and the doctor should be a " Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System "as a file. A severe allergic reaction to influenza vaccine can be vaccinated against life-threatening influenza vaccine and any past, which has had an allergic reaction to vaccination should Consult a physician before the annual influenza vaccination.

Those people who are mercury or thimerosal, a response to vaccination against the influenza vaccination. Thimerosal you are allergic to vaccines used in the manufacture of influenza and is most often used as a preservative in allergic While the CDC said there was "no convincing evidence" that researchers and thiomersal can cause serious complications, influenza vaccination, many doctors believe that mercury in the presence > Flu vaccination can cause autism and Alzheimer's disease. The proof of the relationship between mercury in the flu vaccine and autism was convincing enough for New York state to ban thimerosal vaccines for children and women, aimed at pregnant women. But even the flu vaccine, preservative-free labels still contain traces of mercury. It is generally not believed that these tracks lead to complications for influenza vaccination.

One of> Complications of vaccination against influenza occur only rarely, a condition called Guillain-Barre syndrome. It is not an allergic reaction to flu vaccination, as vaccination, but may be associated with it. Guillain-Barre syndrome symptoms are fever and muscle weakness and sometimes leading to paralysis and permanent nerve damage. The CDC recommends that anyone who had Guillain-Barre syndrome in the past, regardless of whether it was shot in the complications associated with influenza,should consult their doctor before taking annual vaccination.

Because vaccinations are rare serious allergic reaction influenza vaccination, the CDC believes that the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risks associated with complications of income in connection with the possible influence. The vaccine is given as 70-90% effective in preventing influenza in people healthy under 65 years, 30-70% effective prevention of hospitalization due to influenza in the elderly outside of nursingBuildings, 50-60% effective in preventing influenza in elderly patients admitted nursing home residents and 80% effective in preventing death from influenza in elderly nursing home residents.

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Influenza - prevention and care

Flu is the common name for influenza virus is a disease of the respiratory system and muscles.

Influenza is a disease that is in the air by coughs or sneezes, creating aerosols containing the virus, and hand-eye, hand to nose or transmitted by hand to-mouth transmission, both surfaces direct personal contact or contaminated, such as shaking a hand. It can also be transmitted through direct contact with bird droppings or nasal secretionsor contaminated surfaces. The risk of influenza viruses can be inactivated or reduced by sunlight, disinfectants and detergents.

Influenza is known as a seasonal epidemic and the most active in winter. It leads to death around 250000-500000 people increases every year and the number of years of a pandemic. The influenza virus in three types, influenza A virus, influenza virus B and C viruses, which divides the types A and B may be caused by an outbreak of respiratory associated withDisease.

Although the flu is with cold, confused, should not be taken lightly. Symptoms such as fever and extreme cold (shivering chills, chills), cough, stuffy nose, muscle aches, especially joints and throat, fatigue, sore head, irritation and watery red eyes in children, such as diarrhea and abdominal pain should be carried out for the symptoms observed.

The flu can be cured by vaccination, often for high-risk groups such as children, the elderly proposedPeople, pregnant women or, asthma diabetes, heart disease or have weak immunity. Flu vaccines are usually produced by the virus in fertilized chicken eggs and after cleaning the virus is inactivated to produce vaccines.

Influence should increase fluid intake patients taking plenty of rest, avoid alcohol and tobacco, and, if necessary, take medications such as paracetamol to relieve the flu, fever and muscle pain associated with it. Showers andhot packs, especially near the nose, can reduce body aches and nasal congestion. humidifiers and nasal strips can help reduce traffic jams, especially when trying to sleep. Children and young people with flu symptoms should avoid aspirin during a medical Influenza is a flu and is caused by a virus, antibiotics have no effect on infection.

"Prevention is better than cure" goes the old proverb, and it is better to takeprevention measures for influenza. Since the virus can be inactivated by the soap, wash your hands often reduces the risk of infection. Good health and personal hygiene, alcohol hand rubs, bleach diluted with alcohol and chlorine disinfection, prevention remains the spitting, not in contact with the sick at home and disease are just some of the measures of prevention.

The influenza virus attacks the respiratory system of birds and animals. Bird flu, also known as bird fluInfluenza is an infection caused by avian influenza virus A. This is not the one that causes SARS. The virus causes the influence of the dog, or influenza, horse riding, horses and swine influenza and influenza in cats and ferrets seen.

Influenza vaccination is not only a must for people, but also for animals and birds. The awareness of timely vaccination can help prevent an epidemic.

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The key challenges in the treatment of swine

swine flu, which is now known as H1N1 virus, is caused by a strain of the H1N1 virus is known. The year 2009 saw the explosion in the world. The swine flu symptoms are confused with common flu symptoms. It would have been a runny nose, fever, sore throat, headache, muscle aches, if are infected with the virus suffer with chills.

Stay home and rest when you are infected. Antiviral drugs are taken, that Tamiflu (oseltamivir) if you are diagnosed withSymptoms>. It prevents virus infection in full swing. Age is an important factor in the spread and severity of virus attack. The elderly are more vulnerable to virus attacks. People with respiratory diseases prey easily.

E 'was also recognized that Tamiflu is the best way to treat people infected hours. But the unlimited use of this drug may cause the resistant virus. Thus, the effect in the future for medical treatment.It 'obvious that those patients given Tamiflu to 1.5 times faster than patients who recovered were not specified.

But in recent years have developed vaccines to prevent infection of the virus. Get to know your doctor.

The disease spreads rapidly through physical contact and proximity to the infected person. It 's a challenge to prevent the transfer. It spreads through coughing and sneezing often. Hygiene is very important in controlling the spread ofDisease. Wash your hands with disinfectant alcohol. bear on public areas, a mask. These are some of the measures to control the spread and control of the disease.

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Getting Over the flu

If you've ever had the flu, you know how miserable life can be. And the worst part is that there is no kind of influence, but there are many different strains of it that person, all types of pain. The flu is very contagious and can usually room caught when working in small spaces with people or if you work in a small office. People who are at risk for catching the most influence of teachers, and people who work with the publicor small office environments. So, what are some tips on how to avoid getting the flu? Well, the last years flu vaccine is often) are offered at clinics in the fall and early spring (from seasonal influenza and tends to be Autumn Spring.

However, the vaccine is known to be actually negative impact on some people to do it. The launch, which is given to the person is actually a shot with a small amount ofreal influence in it, believing that your body build immunity against them and will help to defend themselves. But many people end up-like flu symptoms as a result.'s Influence has many different symptoms. For some people, symptoms may be mild-to-nose with something heavy and can include such things as closed, sneezing, coughing, pain throughout the body, fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, etc. it seems thatno limit to the number of symptoms that may not coincide with the flu. To avoid having the flu, be sure to strengthen the immune system through regular training, Takin

g vitamin supplements and / or eat healthier. Make sure you wash your hands every time you go to the bathroom or before eating (it's amazing how many people fail to do this:. Make sure you have fresh air every day this is especially important, since his surpriseMost people who work full time in an office environment. So, if you step outside 15, 20 or 30 minute break, very soon. Try not to drink alcohol if you can avoid. Too much alcohol affects the liver and immune system function and may help to open up all kinds of infections. The heavy drinkers are especially vulnerable to the flu.

Do not smoke! If you can avoid to avoid smoky places such as second-hand smoke significantly affect the immune systemSystem. It dries your nasal cavity and affects the cilia in the nose (nose hairs), which act as filters to protect against several types of bacteria. Some people believe that sitting in the sauna several times a week can help prevent the flu forever. Although there is no proof is still worth a try. Be sure to get enough sleep. It 'amazing how many people do not sleep enough, really influence your thinking and work throughout theAll day. Also, chewing your immune system.

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Home remedy tips for relieving symptoms of influenza in pregnant women

expected mothers are encouraged to maintain full health and welfare, as some drugs are not safe to take during pregnancy. However, the more you try to protect you always hurt the first, it may be difficult to stop diseases like colds and flu typical. E 'is particularly common during the flu season, which begins in November or early October to late May.

Although birth defects can rarely occur for the flu, that during theThe pregnancy of a woman predisposed to diseases such as pneumonia. Add to this, the research has shown that the flu and colds last three times higher in pregnant women. The best weapon against the flu is prevention. Influenza vaccines are safe for pregnant women and nursing mothers. However, nasal spray flu vaccine is contraindicated because of the fact that it is to live, weakened flu viruses.

Flu-like symptoms: fever over 101 degreesFahrenheit, chills and sweating, dry cough, muscle aches, weakness, headache, stuffy nose and loss of appetite. If you think you have these symptoms, it is ideal to contact your health care provider. Pregnant women should avoid the-counter medicines for colds and flu, if they are approved by their doctor. The effects of medicines for colds and flu, in anticipation of the mothers has not been adequately studied, it is often best to get the recipe just beforeTaking any medicine.

Home remedies are very helpful in relieving the symptoms of colds and flu. Humidifier function of additional moisture in the room with the tools to decrease congestion. If you do not have a humidifier, you can fill your tub with steaming water and you can add chopped ginger or a teaspoon of Vicks Vaporub. Then drape a towel over his head, and breathe the steam for several minutes. This should contribute significantly toReduction of traffic congestion. Another option is a few drops of eucalyptus oil and menthol in steaming water to add. Eucalyptus is known for reducing congestion and opening of bronchi.

It 's very important to stay hydrated if you have the flu or colds. Congestion is a typical problem and the consumption of at least 8 glasses of water, can help liquefy secretions have evolved in the respiratory tract. It 'also good to get away from drinks containing caffeine, such asIt can lead to dehydration, especially if you have a fever. A diet high in vitamin C can also help strengthen the immune system. Good sources include orange juice and fruit to C. hot chicken broth has been found to improve, to act as eyelashes, hair extensions can be found in the nasal cavity. The functions of the eye to protect the body against bacteria and viruses.

Pregnant women should also be plenty of rest and sleep. This is important becausehelps strengthen the body's immune system, and gives the body a bit 'to recover. If you have a headache, you can get to cool or heat packs on the release. To relieve cough and sore throat, you can pad with honey.

A pregnant woman is essentially a pregnancy without risk to ensure the provision. To avoid a virus, stay away from the crowds and contact with people who have colds. Pregnant women also have to practice proper hand washing is often to reducethe possibility of infection. Although the flu can be managed at home, it's even better suppliers in touch with your doctor if you feel an improvement in your situation after 3 days, or if you suddenly breathing problems. It 'important that the physician can manage accordingly therapy to stop any health risk, not only but also your unborn child.

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Such as pigs or swine flu influenza from the unequal treatment of the common flu?

The human influenza H1N1 swine influenza type A (also known as swine flu, swine flu and swine flu) epidemic worldwide and has confirmed all over the world. It is not easy to avoid it. Once, when you have flu symptoms, as you may know, was shot in the swine flu or not?

The symptoms of swine flu and seasonal influenza: fever, cough, sore throat, muscle aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Both symptoms are almost the same. Dr. Ng Hee Liang(MB, BS Singapore) whether the symptoms are similar, can be identified even if you hit every day in 2-3.

If you received the flu or ordinary seasonal flu, it can take days to be recovered within the first 2-3. Prescription drug companies is a common way for healing. No need to worry about no symptoms in 4-5 days.

The case, however, affect swine influenza season is high, if the symptoms worsen over a period of 4 days or longer (eventaking medications). In some cases, after feeling a bit 'better, there are signs of a more serious problem. Some of these signs are feeling ill-at-your-stomach, vomiting, high fever, chills, chest pain, cough, or yellow-green mucus. Some patients seem to be reporting more often with diarrhea and vomiting as normal swine flu "influenza".

In another way Bermal Manila (Philippines) said that Dr. influenza virusesusually circulate in a human or animal. in humans, swine influenza virus causing the flu and spread of these by seasonal influenza flu virus that is changing. He noted that the mixing of human and animal influenza viruses that led to the development of new viruses in human population or no immunity shortly.

Finally, unless you have access to a virology laboratory, you probably will not be different, the two viruses in exactWay. In practice, the two forms must be distinguished.

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The benefits of having a year of vaccination against influenza

The chances of getting a flu shot every year and keep us suffering from a lot of trouble and prevent serious complications for your family. The flu vaccine each year is the best expert advice, respiratory viruses will affect each of us in the fall and winter. This complicated process of monitoring activity of influenza in the world is similar to long-range weather forecast. A lot of science and intelligent guessing is not a simple process,fully understood. Remember we have the respiratory disease with symptoms such as fever, sore throat, cough, muscle aches and generalized headache. For most of the gastrointestinal symptoms are not part of this disease. Although children some seasonal flu or diarrhea, can cause nausea, typical seasonal flu, "is clearly a different animal as viral gastroenteritis or" stomach flu.

Seasonal flu can be very sneakyPredator. It 'usually spread by droplets of mucus by coughing, sneezing or talking, even when the transfer of a drop is close to another person. In general it is not air for more than a few meters. E 'possible by touching a contaminated surface and then transfer purchases to your nose or mouth. Another dilemma human to human spread of the disease is that infected people are contagious before they appear sick. Infected people are contagious a day beforeshow no symptoms and may continue for another week, they distributed after they are sick. are people who are particularly vulnerable children, pregnant women or people whose immune system is weakened. They may also be at risk, sooner or for longer periods than healthy people without chronic health problems. These same sensitive individuals may develop an increased risk of complications. The rate of death from seasonal influenza in the last 34 yearsreviewed to death you will find a wide variation in the number of influenza-related. The mildest year since 1976 was 4,700 dead and about 56,000 higher. The new influenza virus (H1N1 strain) was disturbing, because it's time people around the world over a much longer period. It also led to a high number of deaths among the young, healthy people.

The 2010/2011 flu vaccine is a cover of the last two flu strains H1N1 and other seasonalthat the experts of a problem as soon as possible. The peak influenza season is usually in January. can begin, however, cases in the United States in October. Given the uncertainty of the last two years, experts recommend getting the flu vaccine as soon as there are communities that should be most of September 6 months of age must be vaccinated at all in the eggs, unless you have an allergy, had a severe reaction to influenza vaccine in the past or hadwith an unusual condition called Guillian-Barré nervous in the past, especially in response to influenza vaccine. If you're sick with a fever are present, you should wait until you are better than before the vaccination. The vaccine can be given no protection. Stimulates antibodies against its own immune system in the next 2-4 weeks after vaccination for production.

The best way is to prevent the flu, the flu vaccineeach year. The time has come. Be smart and protect.

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Tick ​​bite symptoms

Ticks are parasites in the blood of mammals, birds and reptiles. Tick ​​bites occur when a tick attaches itself to a host and feed them. Not all tick bites cause diseases. In reality, most are harmless to tick bites. However, if a tick is attached to the skin must be removed immediately.

tick bite symptoms include rashes, muscle aches, headaches and swelling. These symptoms can emerge anytime between one day and several weeks after the tickBite, depending on the infection to pass the check mark.

Lyme disease is the most common tick diseases in the United States, and their symptoms develop in 2-30 days after a tick bite. Warning signs of the disease are a red circular rash in the area of ​​the bite, headache, mild fever, muscle or joint aches and weakness. Rocky Mountain spotted fever is another disease ticks. Symptoms include fever and rash shows that within three to twelveDays after a tick bite. Relapsing fever, as the name suggests, is intermittent attacks of fever. The symptoms of this disease occur within three to ten days after a tick bite. This disease is characterized by high fever, headache and joint pain. This takes two minutes, three days ago, followed by days without fever or problems. a couple of days, however, fever and other flu-like symptoms again. Colorado tick fever symptoms appear within After3-14 days and include flu and rash. Tick ​​paralysis is a serious disease, albeit rare, caused by tick bite. It usually occurs within one week after being bitten by a weakening of the muscles.

In animals, tick bites lead to various diseases that are characterized by weakness, swelling, vomiting, fever, and even paralysis.

Tick ​​bites can cause severe diseases in humans and animals. Therefore, people need to take in threatened areas tick appropriate security measures to protect themselvesand their pets bitten by ticks.

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How do parents know when children have colds or the flu?

It 'time again ... begin to feel both the children or parents, under the weather. It is difficult to know who comes to a disease. They know that is either a cold or the flu and knowing full well that next week will be living in a nightmare. But, as you can tell the difference between colds and flu, and what do you do when you find out?

Both the cold and flu are respiratory illnesses but are viruses that have made ​​several. The coldtakes a little 'more, usually a week. The influence is much stronger, but lasts only about 4 or 5 days. But the influence is more severe.

The cold always starts with inhaling through the nose, a filament of cold viruses in circulation on the left, or object. The virus starts in the nose. Your body then tries to fight with the sending of mucus and make you sneeze and cough a lot. The symptoms worsen in the next 48 hours, then finallyStart dodge. However, it is contagious two days before getting to the most common symptoms for a few days after the symptoms away. E 'contagious for almost 2 weeks.

Influenza, on the other hand, is much more suddenly.'s Influence has more muscle aches, fever, tiredness, dry cough (against a moist cough and mucous membranes), headache and chills. E 'for about 5 days a week, depending on the health of the infected person contagious. The influenceis, in different, often mistake the stomach flu, which is total. The stomach flu symptoms of gastrointestinal problems and is fast and goes away quickly, while the actual influence (influence) is more serious.

For cold, it's the best thing you can do to get plenty of water and rest. If your body tells you it's tired or hungry, can not be ignored. When you cough and sneeze, your body releases fluids and your body is dry. Drink plenty ofFluids your body breaks down and helps thin mucous membrane. Too much medicine may actually want to do the opposite. Your body will actually get used to the medicine and the establishment of a tolerance. But even if you have a tolerance to the drug, with more than the recommended dosage can have serious side effects. The best you can do is just too much water to drink, eat, sleep, and some chicken noodle soup.

For the flu, you should only and always be preparedtake the flu vaccine each October. But even with the flu come from anti-viral drug is better if you always. And just like the cold, plenty of rest and fluids are a necessity. Make sure you take aspirin if you have the flu. Taking aspirin with the flu can cause Reye's syndrome, and in some cases can be fatal. Instead, take Tylenol. Tylenol does not contain aspirin, and instead use a safe form of pain relief. If problems persist for morea week or a fever over 103 degrees reached consult, consult your doctor. And if in doubt consult a doctor anyway!

Thus, the old traditions of your grandmother tells you if you fall ill or are working best. Modern medicine only temporarily relieves the pain and, finally, the drugs may do more harm than good, with some special influence. Just be sure to get all the sleep your body tells you to drink water and get chicken noodle soup made for you. If you can, you can indulge your loved onesYou! You'll need it and deserve it!

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Flu remedy

What is influenza?

Influenza is commonly known as flu. It is a highly contagious viral infection of the respiratory tract (nose, throat, lungs and bronchi) of an infected person is spread by droplets, either by coughing, sneezing or by hand. L ' influence can be cured by a remedy with influenza.

Some of the causes are viral infections, anxiety and stress, unhealthy lifestyle, lack of regular exercise,excessive workload, sleep in living rooms stuffy and not always enough.

Although the flu is often mistaken for the common good cold, the symptoms are similar to influenza often stronger than that of a common cold. Flu symptoms can include nausea are fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat, sore , dizziness, chills, muscle aches, fatigue or ear pain.

Flu remedy is available in the form of home remedies or doctors, Virus can help to address some of the unpleasant symptoms. The flu remedies that you should check out, health is different depending on your age and overall. E 'need to take a rational decision when to do the influenza virus.

Therapeutic products include -

Influenza vaccination:
This should be done every year, as you progress, new vaccines against the virus in circulation. The vaccine can protect us from different strains> Flu for about a year. These injections are usually given to older people or people suffering with severe asthma or a weakened immune system. You should consider the vaccine in the fall or early winter.

Plain aspirin, aspirin or coated aspirin mixed with antacid.

Acetaminophen: Tylenol Extra Strength Excedrin capsules, tablets and capsules and analgesic Aspirin Free Geltabs.

NSAIDs: Advil capsules, tablets and capsules, Aleve, Motrin IB Gelcaps and painkillersCapsule.




Home Remedies Include -

Green tea is very effective when used regularly to prevent influenza is provided.

Honey mixed with warm water helps to control the influence of the flow of mucus and calm.

Drink plenty of water. Since the fall in levels as a disease, you should drink plenty of water and set up your system with fluids.

Add 10-15 drops of eucalyptus oil onYour hot water as it helps to combat viral infections.

Heat the milk mixed with a teaspoon of turmeric is an effective treatment for influenza.

Hot water with a few drops of lemon juice and honey mixture provides a strong combination helps to solve the mucus.

Do's and Dont's -

Wash your hands often normal than soap kills the virus.
DO reduce stress because it causes disease and creates imbalances in the body.
DO avoid prolonged exposure toCold, because it lowers your immunity and resistance.
Take lots of bed rest.
Not exposed to dust and chemicals.
DO N0T consume milk products because they help the body to produce mucus.
Do not smoke, because it damages the respiratory system and weakens the body's immune system.
DO N0T take antibiotics as they help to weaken the immune system in the long term.

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Swine Flu Facts - The Things You Should Know

Recently it was shown that an outbreak of swine influenza in the affected countries in many people. It turned out that almost all have been infected with swine influenza virus lethal. According to a recent study, health, swine influenza virus in humans with surprising speed. It spreads easily from person to person causing serious illness.

The origin of the swine influenza virus

Swine influenza is caused by the virus. In 1930, influenza A (H1N1) virusidentified by an infected pig. swine flu is the disease of the airways, usually in pigs. In the past the people coming in direct or close contact with infected animals, this would be only the infection. But recent studies have shown that swine flu in people who had never had contact with pigs have been diagnosed.

Swine flu symptoms

Common symptoms of swine flu are fever, sore throat, chills, headache, musclePain, lethargy, cough, loss of appetite and weakness. Some people may also experience a runny nose, vomiting, nausea and diarrhea. These symptoms of swine flu virus may develop three to five days after exposure and can last for eight to ten days. H1N1 is a mild illness in most people and get rest, drink plenty of water, and drugs influence . Some groups of individuals at high risk than others. can worsen the condition and if left untreated, candeath.

The difference between ordinary flu and swine flu

Swine flu is highly contagious in humans and can be fatal. Influence, people general agreement based adjust each influenza autumn known as influenza or common. Unlike normal flu, the H1N1 virus in the intestines of pigs and is transmitted from person to person. Although there are many similarities between ordinary flu and swine flu, aretwo different strains of influenza. Honestly, can not you be able to distinguish between their H1N1 influenza and the common on your own, because both cases, the symptoms are almost identical.

Tips to prevent H1N1 infection

There is no human vaccine for swine flu, so it turns out, life is a great danger for you. After a few simple tips you can from swine flu station:

Wear masks - is the most important safety measure and the firstH1N1 virus to prevent infection. If you're in an environment where these outbreaks occurred, wearing a mask is the most intelligent thing to do.

Personal care - care of their personal hygiene is the best way to prevent the spread of the virus. tissue whenever you cough and sneeze.

Avoid going to crowded places - increasing the amount of swine flu, if they come into contact with a crowd. Those who know the person next to you may be infectedthis virus.

Antiviral therapy

Tamiflu (oseltamivir) is one of the most preferred anti-viral drugs for treatment of influenza. It attacks the H1N1 virus and prevented its spread in the body. Tamiflu is effective when it occurs within 48 hours of symptoms. Reduces the complications associated with it and can shorten the illness.

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Swine flu Effects - Addendum to prevent virus

The swine flu effects that once were considered life threatening at all, was less severe. During the first outbreak, fewer people have died from it that the normal seasonal flu. Even less badly enough to be provided in a hospital. So what does all this mean?

The swine flu, bird flu and other viruses are very strong. But as the virus changes, it can be either weaker or stronger. This was the case ofcurrent epidemic of swine flu. It 'was in fact still alive and in hospital was not a lot of virus, scientists and experts have been projecting.

What is known about the virus, is its effect on the body. Symptoms such as swelling, runny nose, stuffy nose, fever, muscle aches, etc., can really impact a person's life up to four weeks and sometimes longer . But there are ways to prevent or increase the likelihoodless severe symptoms Experience. surcharges are a way to prevent the virus.

Supplements, the effects of swine influenza can prevent flu

There are various combinations of supplements that are safe and gentle on the body. Combination is effective in preventing colds or the flu. The best supplements, the formulations contain, how they work, he says. Never buy supplements that are not fully explain what they do or how they work. IfIf you are unsure of a supplement, you should ask a health food store guide.

Supplements all work slightly differently, depending on the combination. When you start a supplement, try it for a month and see how you feel. Usually, estimates based on natural herbs and are gentle on the body and cause no side effects. Review of the Internet for possible side effects of a supplement or herb is highly recommended.

Supplements such as wellness formulas, formulas of the immune system or immunecombinations of operation are the best to enhance immunity. They are designed to support only the body take care of themselves.

It usually takes an extra month to help the body, a strong immunity against a virus. Just under a contract for a few weeks is not very effective. Why does it take a month? Supplements and herbs are a gentle and natural in the body improve its support of the immune system. For these services effectively, should happen to slowso that the body gets used to the change. After a month, the body is on track to avoid a cold virus or flu. Continuation of the addenda is recommended to strengthen the immune system.

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Flu vaccine side effects

Because of concern over side effects of flu vaccine, many people are interested in homeopathic remedies for flu viruses, while other systems focus on the protection and preservation of a healthy immune system. Here we consider a typical flu vaccine can cause side effects, and some homeopathic remedies for flu viruses.

homeopathic healers, herbalists, doctors of natural medicine and conventional doctors all have different views on how best to protect yourself fromand / or treatment of influenza. These experts may have different opinions about the side effects of influenza vaccine and whether any should be an annual influenza vaccine. There is no doubt that some people have contracted the virus as much as cold and influence. The flu is a greater danger for people who have a weakened immune system because they are more likely to contract the virus and are more likely to develop complications from the virus.Homeopathic remedies for flu may not be the best choice for someone with a weakened immune system.

Once a person the flu, and homeopathic remedies are effective for influenza such as contracts for any other natural treatment. Antiviral drugs are available and can be recommended for some individuals at high risk, but must be adopted in the first two days of symptoms after use. Because of concern over side effects of flu vaccine, although not many people knowRegister, but the season should make efforts to protect, and promote a healthy immune system, especially during cold and flu.

Typical flu shot side effects include fever, muscle aches and pain, redness or swelling where the shot was given. The nasal spray vaccine is different because it contains weakened live flu viruses and can cause coughing, runny nose, headache, sore throat e. These are not allowed more than the flu shot sideEffects, but some prefer the nasal spray vaccine, because it is preservative free. Thimerosal, a preservative containing mercury, has been widely used in the flu shot first and the last was believed to add effects to the list of possible influence Side Shot. Now there are condom-free flu vaccine, but it may be necessary to require this, and though.

Homeopathic remedies for flu is different form herbal medicines and protective equipment, because having homeopathic healerdifferent diseases. Looking at all the individual symptoms, homeopathic remedies for flu or other conditions have been chosen so as to induce symptoms when taken at higher doses of the same. It's called taking the same type. Those who use the other conditions, homeopathic remedies for flu and should be followed carefully and use when symptoms worsen or if new symptoms develop.

If you prefer to avoidPossible side effects influenza vaccination and homeopathic remedies for flu-sound unpleasant to you. You can still protect yourself by using herbs, vitamins and minerals that scientific studies have shown, by strengthening the immune system, relieve the flu symptoms that reduce recovery time and reduce the likelihood of developing life-threatening complications such as pneumonia. Unlike flu vaccine side effects and homeopathic remedies for fluThe virus, these products are completely safe and have no side effects.

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Canine Flu - Symptoms and Diagnosis

Canine Influenza (or flu-dog named SO) is a disease that usually shows itself in dogs (as the name of the dog). The H3N8 influenza virus from a number of known how the virus was discovered in 2004 caused.

Many dogs suffer from this disease because of lack of exposure to the virus. The lack of exposure means that many dogs on the immune system ready for them and can suffer greatly. In many regions, the disease spreads and causes a highDeath rate.

This type of flu is very contagious and causes the dog racing greyhounds come to death. This was done on a race track, in January 2004 in Florida. A number of dogs was in Florida when the virus was found in the region and a number of infected dogs have been infected in a circuit. Although this virus, the cause of many outbreaks of respiratory disease, which increased between 1999 and 2003, it was.

H3N8 is responsible for the production of an influenza epidemic in New York City in May2005th The outbreak took place in 10 states and 20 tracks: Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Arizona, Arkansas, Kansas, United States of America, Texas, Rhode Island, and West Virginia. The influence of the dog has been confirmed in about 22 countries and many countries affected dogs. The good thing was that the flu is not transmitted from cats, humans or other pets. The H5N1 virus (bird flu) is the cause of death of a dog from Thailand. He was infected after eating a sick duck.

Influenza A Virus developed a negative single-stranded RNA virus. The H3N8 has been transmitted from horses just before the dogs.


Almost 40% of all dogs that have been infected with H3N8 showed mild symptoms. Even if the illness was treated, was the mortality rate is very low. green nasal discharge and a little 'cough, and fever were the main symptoms. The death rate is not so great, and the refugee population has so far not affected. The main> The symptoms were infections with the virus and the secondary by the bacteria. Many dogs develop pneumonia and died when they receive the appropriate treatment. severe hemorrhagic pneumonia was found as well, and found evidence of vasculitis.


Usually when an upper respiratory tract infection is determined as the dog under suspicion. The best test is a serum sample from a dog in a laboratory, making the PCR can provideEvidence. Results are ready in a few days and then the correct treatment can be applied.

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The dreaded cold and flu season - with Qigong for the prevention and rapid recovery

Qi is the Chinese word for "bio-power" flowing into and through you, heaven and earth. It is' the energy of life. " Knowing how to maintain balance Qi, creating an abundance of qi, and maintain a smooth flow of Qi is essential to prevent or recover quickly from a cold or the flu.

Qigong can be prevented is used to strengthen the immune system and help colds and flu, or it can be used to reduce both the duration and symptomsthe common cold or flu. And 'Qi, builds and manages your health through balance, abundance and flow. Loss of balance, inadequate quantity and flow of qi stagnation often an acute illness such as colds and flu, which can lead to death if not treated, the development of chronic diseases and perhaps even.

Strengthen the immune system is one of the best ways to prevent influenza, outbreaks of diseases, especially cold. your immune system isability against pathogens, and it is only when you allow the immune system is suppressed, that the infectious agent as a cold or flu virus can operate.

If you come down or have a cold or the flu, then your goal in dealing with Qigong is to minimize the symptoms and duration of DES, the key to recovering quickly the disease at the beginning of a cold or the flu is to be aware, first, that go down with something.Secondly, you must start immediately, the Qi to restore balance, abundance and flow.

Qigong practice for the prevention

To strengthen the immune system and prevent colds and flu, there is a practice that Qigong was a doctor, first taught by a Taoist Tao Hung-jing (AD 451-536). It uses six notes to clean and strengthen Yin organs. Each sound is repeated six to twelve times. From the comfortable standing or sitting in aLocation. As you exhale, see these tones gently sing, each of the organs and see the toxins are cleaned from them and said, "is my [organ name here] strong and healthy."

1. SETTINGS - Sound is "ss". It is pronounced as "sh"

2. HEART - The sound is "Kher". Pronounced 'khuh "

3. Spleen - The sound is "hu". Pronounced as "chi"

4. Liver - The sound is "Xu said." Pronounced "Shoo"

5. Rene - The sound is "Chui". Pronounced as "ch-way"

6. VISCERALCavity (around the organs, also called the triple heater) - ". XI" Sound Is Pronounced "Shee"

Qigong practice for Quick Recovery

If you come down with a cold or the flu here is a simple Mind Power Qigong practice, you can run the file. It contains the four aspects of the spiritual power of Qigong that respiratory movement, visualization and affirmation. It calls for a display of fresh energy to create a warm white with fire and cleanse the body ofToxins. You start in a standing or sitting in a comfortable position.

1. Keep your arms at your sides at shoulder height with your palms forward.

2. Take a deep breath. When you inhale reach the poor and see that wrapped around a large Christmas tree meeting their energy and then place the palm of the hand and the energy to the chest and in your heart. At the same time, use the inner voice and say to yourself "I choose to create good health."

3. Exhaledeep. As you exhale, hold both palms on the heart and see that you are a candle flame, a huge fire burning bright, burning white the infection from your system. At the same time, use the inner voice and say to yourself "I choose to feel better and better."

4. Repeat this procedure several times until you feel the heat, feel the pathogens are distributed.

5. In an end, both palms on your Dan Tian (four fingers below the navel), relax,breathe normally and enjoy how you feel.

Qigong can be used effectively and easily prevented or quickly at the beginning of a cold or the flu. The prevention techniques should be used every day to make sure you have a strong and healthy immune system. Techniques for the recovery or the flu should be called as soon as possible to the beginning of a cold.

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Home Brewing healthy soup recipes: Better Box Alternative

Soup is really great for a number of reasons. It 'delicious and nutritious, as well as to make it easy and possible, with common ingredients. Many types of real health benefits and the soup and can work very well reduce the severity of the symptoms of colds and flu, among others. There are also tangible benefits for the production of the soup itself, rather than had to canned soups. In this article we will examine what soup is good and that together withConsiderations of different soup recipes Health benefits of beer brewing at home.

The Trouble With canned soup

If all mass-produced to look beyond packaged foods, you can find on supermarket shelves today, it might seem excessive to put a similar error on canned soups. Of course, soup is good, although in the box. Now, even though the canned soup just worthless trash in plastic or metal containers of many lies, is not soGood for you, as if made from ingredients at home. The production of preserves and additives and preservatives can be used too much of what is great about SAP soup recipe and set aside for a relatively unhealthy.

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Gather the ingredients and put together your own recipe soup is certainly committed to healthier than buying ready-made soup from the shelf, and you'll almost certainly that is not really much moreEffort. Omitting the malicious treatment in commercial soups, you can learn the essential nutrients in the soup recipe and keep more for everything else, you can enjoy the process of production of the soup. The feeling of reality is only cooked for you almost as much as the homemade soup!

Healthy soup recipes

There are an infinite variety of soup recipes healthy. Everyone knows the old favorites,Chicken soup. However, do not use it for chicken, and vegetarians can find a wide selection of recipes for soups online quite easily. What are you really in any homemade recipe is a good choice of vegetables. Onion and garlic are a great addition to any soup and bring a lot of that sound and feeling that the symptoms helps to expel the influence unpleasant. There are entire sites devoted to recipes to match, and you should not have problems, findYou like.


healthy soups are not difficult to obtain and some of the best ways to fast for one meal. Prepare soup is pleasant and rewarding and allows the ingredients exactly as you want. It will make it much more nutritious soup benefits from saying that he lost when using canned soup from the shelves are. It is always a bit 'of soup plus, as are many of the recipes are, sodelicious and aromatic, it is likely that someone else in your family, with a loud voice for a portion of them!

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Preventing the flu with Vitamin D

Vitamin D is probably the best choice for preventing influenza. Let me explain. Research has shown that supplementation with vitamin D dramatically reduces the influence. In fact, doctors now believe that the reason is the influence of seasonal (winter) is that our fall in the levels of vitamin D in winter because of lowered levels of sunlight.

Have you ever wondered why there is a flu season? That is to say, "Because influenza viruses cause problems only in the winter?" OurFriends of Health say that the trend in winter (in northern climates) persons to be closer to each other in winter. We piled in because its cold outside. As in closer proximity makes it the flu, sneezing is communicated primarily through touch and easy to travel from one person to another more. It makes sense that the proximity would increase the incidence of influenza a bit '.

But it is a fact that explains that the flu is seasonal?Researchers have another explanation, which is more feasible to vitamin D is only recently that the medical community to appreciate the primary importance of vitamin D in our Health found. My first contact with vitamin D in high school biology (or was it the food?) Is that vitamin D deficiency causes rickets. When vitamin D deficiency was not the calcium could be absorbed and the bone is weak. We now know that vitamin D is much more encouraging than calcium intake. Vitamin D has beennoted that influence the expression of over 200 genes in the human body. Among other things, vitamin D increases the body's defenses against infection. This is done by stimulating the production of a substance called cathelicidin in white blood cells. Cathelicidin has anti-microbial. It helps to kill the invading white blood cells, is a virus or bacteria.

Okay, what if the vitamin D stimulates the immunity? What to do with the flu?

This still does not explain everythingon influenza activity during the winter. Yes, and here's why. Vitamin D is formed when sunlight hits our skin. In northern climates, there is less sunlight in winter (November to February in most places). There is also a corresponding decrease in population levels of vitamin D during winter. According to John Cannell, MD about 70% of the U.S. population is vitamin D levels are too low (below 35 ng / ml). The lack of sunlight in winterfurther exacerbates this lack. How important is sunlight to produce vitamin D? A young white man will produce 20,000 IU of vitamin D in a few minutes of whole-body exposure to the sun. And in winter we have less sunlight, and therefore our body produces less vitamin D.

But this is not a test for vitamin D - the name of the influenza virus, is not it? Here, where the researchers come in with what they believe is the beginning of the detection of a vitaminD-flu-related. Aloia John and Melissa Li ng their findings in an article entitled "epidemic influenza and vitamin D in the journal Epidemiology and Infection (October 2007) published. The authors studied 208 women over the age of three years. The women were divided randomly into two groups of the 104th One group received 800 IU of vitamin D and the other has not received (placebo). The groups were followed for two years, to see how many women have the flu. L 'Group, vitamin D had 8 cases of influenza. The group is not of vitamin D were 26 cases or more than 3 times the number. In the last year of the experiment, the women who had less than 800 IU of vitamin D in their daily dose was increased to 2000 IU. The third year was only once with the flu in the group with vitamin D.

Another group of researchers published their findings in an article published in the medical journal Nature Medicine in April,The 2006th article was "fighting infections with vitamin D" is entitled. The authors begin by noting that in 1903, Niels Finsen received the Nobel Prize for discovering that the sun cured tuberculosis. Sunlight therapy care and / or improvement of 95% of cases. The reason was unknown at that time. We now know that vitamin D stimulates the immune system, production of antimicrobial substances. The authors say that our current recommendations for vitamin D intake as necessary, based onfor bone health. The findings suggest that the optimal intake of vitamin D to ensure a strong and healthy immune system is more.

How much vitamin D you should take a strong immune system?

There are two answers. The first is that, ideally, you should check the levels of vitamin D. The ideal range for vitamin D (calcidiol) 35-50 ng / ml, many commercial laboratories report a vitamin "normal" level D and somewhere between 8 and 72 ng / ml Thus, insteadalways a "normal" return from the lab, you must see that the number is 35-50 ng / ml. If you want to check the levels of vitamin D and do not get much sunlight, taking 800-2000 IU of cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) per day. Vitamin D3 is found only in animal sources. Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) is of plants. Make sure that your vitamin D does not contain too much vitamin A. For example, cod liver oil contains 1200 IU and 14,000 IU of vitamin DVitamin A per tablespoon. Taking 2000 IU dose of cod liver oil a day is too much vitamin A and vitamin A can be toxic.

What about the toxicity of vitamin D? What is the danger?

Vitamin D toxicity is uncommon. The best way to insure against toxicity is that vitamin D levels checked at regular intervals. John Cannell, MD Vitamin D Council, reports that there were 100,000 capsules of 1,000 IU of vitamin D to take the lethal dose of vitamin D in a 150 approachPound man. Research has shown that taking 4,000 IU of vitamin D has up to six months without adverse effects. If a concerted effort to have received sun exposure, can the intake of vitamin D to 800 IU per day fall.


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The Flu - Preparing for flu season

The authorities expect that the swine flu (H1N1), we saw this spring was again this fall, along with seasonal influenza. Although the vaccine against seasonal influenza has been recommended that the rule changed to October-November This year, with the address. The American Academy of Pediatrics put out a statement that the influenza vaccine in August, should, if all children from the age of six months, once, when available, even in

In addition,the seasonal vaccine H1N1 influenza vaccine is also recommended. However, it is not yet available, even if everything is done, a safe and effective H1N1 vaccine available as soon as mid-October have.

On July 29, 2009 Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), an advisory committee of the CDC recommends the vaccine against influenza H1N1 to be as open to the following five groups:

- Pregnant women
- Staff doctorand emergency medical
- People who care responsibilities for children under 6 months
- Children and adolescents aged 6 months to 24 years
- People aged 25 to 64 years with medical conditions (eg asthma, diabetes)

Together, these groups would equal about 159 million people.

Preventing the flu with headache

Each year 36,000 people die from seasonal flu. The influenza virus H1N1 has caused mortality rate, significantlyand morbidity. Since prevention can be a long way to vaccinate against influenza as soon as the vaccine.

Strengthen the immune system through adequate sleep, healthy diet and exercise daily.

If they are ill with influenza

The CDC recommends that people with flu-like illness to stay home until at least 24 hours after they are free of fever (100 ° F or 37.8 ° C). In other words, if you are sick with the flu andfeverishly to stay away from other people in an attempt to contain the infection.

Treat symptoms

The influenza virus causes an intense upper respiratory tract, such as fever, stuffy nose, headache and muscle aches, runny nose, sore throat and cough. It 's very important to stay comfortable through the treatment of fever and symptoms of being hydrated, as the necessary treatment.

Fever stimulates the immune system to fight the flu virus, so as to cover onlyAnd 'High (102 F or higher) or if fever or chills you feel unhappy. Remember that the body needs more water, if you have a fever so the habit of drinking to avoid dehydration, such as dehydration slows the healing process.

HEADACHE & muscle pain
Headache may be the result of fever or viral infection. Treat with acetaminophen or ibuprofen and rest.

Neck pain
Hydration and emulsification sink your sore throat. Hot TeaThe honey will do.

Vitamin C is very effective in sore throat anesthetic, orange juice to drink and eat fruits rich in vitamin C, such as grapes, oranges and strawberries. Pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that is effectively anti-inflammatory pain and neck.

Of course, the old-fashioned throat gargle with warm water and salt, and older children and adults are offered. For those who consider the salt water is unacceptable, an alternative would beDrinking chamomile tea, as anti-inflammatory properties.

cough suppressants are not very effective and can be dangerous for children. Studies have shown that honey works better to suppress cough dextromethorphan (DM), which in many cough medicines. I usually recommend a teaspoon of honey every 2 hours for children from the age of one year (younger children should not eat honey, because it may contain spores, botulinum toxin) and adults. Honey can be eaten bySpoon mixed in tea or sprinkled on buttered toast, pancakes, or biscuits.

Studies show that chicken soup is very effective in breaking up the mucus in the airways, so that helps to control cough and stuffy nose.

Most people recover from flu symptoms within 1-2 weeks. A significant number of infected people develop encephalitis with the flu or complications such as ear or sinus infection, pneumonia. Furthermore, the influenceto chronic diseases such as asthma, heart disease or COPD to worsen. In addition, a significant effort that may accompany the flu last for 3-4 weeks.

If a health care provider

Medical evaluation if:
- You have chronic diseases such as asthma, heart disease, or COPD and to develop flu-like symptoms
- The fever lasts more than 3 days, or can not be controlled with a fever reducing medication
- The cough gradually becomesworse
- You have chest pain or shortness of breath
- Other symptoms worsen or you are in any given

Visit the website to read, not what should go get the kit of influence, my visit.

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Canine influenza or dog flu

Canine influenza or dog flu, is it really possible? Until about six years ago, the answer would be, it is not possible. But everything changed in 2004 when it was discovered and confirmed as Dr. Cynda Crawford, an immunologist at the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine.

It was during this period that many greyhounds who have been diagnosed with the flu, when there was a huge explosion at a track in Jacksonville, Florida, and is completelydocumented in a September 26, 2005 issue of the journal Science.

What is it?

canine influenza is a highly contagious respiratory disease in dogs is often confused with kennel cough, but it is much more serious. In fact, it may be so severe that, although rare, can take the life of your dog. It not only impacts on greyhounds no longer, as it is now, the entire dog population is spread out and has a potential risk to health around the world for yourDog.

canine influenza is believed to have originated from a horse and is technically H3N8 virus and the influenza virus. Although at first it was a lot of misconceptions, is not a human virus, and as such can not be transmitted to humans. There is a horse virus and it was quite common in horses for at least 40 years and is now generally accepted that, on horses and has adapted and can contribute to the disease of dogs.

It 's still quite often confusedBordetlla or kennel cough, a virus is complex. kennel cough affects the dog's trachea and bronchial tree, but that is usually very mild to moderate symptoms with no other reality. For this reason, it is considered to be limited to themselves. However, canine influenza is much more serious than is often associated with very high temperatures and threatening, cough and nasal discharge.

canine influenza is highly contagious and spreadsrespiratory secretions of the virus into the air by infected dogs, very similar to spread in humans. This virus can be transmitted through direct contact with an infected dog or a contaminated toys, drinking or eating disorders unit of the intestines. However, it is so contagious that it is accessible to persons who come into contact with the virus and can play their hands, clothes or shoes to be distributed.

This virus will be up to 48 hours for some items infectious.infected dogs have a higher probability of them in their secretions 2-4 days after they were exposed. But just like human influenza, they may have no signs or symptoms or who are infected but still may be able to spread the virus up to 10 days because it is so highly contagious, that dogs are protected lived, or a lot of dogs for some reason are much more susceptible to the virus.


Canine Influenza rapidly form separate kennel cough from the variety of symptoms that show your dog. But just like the kennel cough, is the first symptom is your dog starts to cough. Once this is done, the next set of symptoms are conjunctivitis liquid, will be where your dog a irritated eyes, and rhinitis, which is where your dog's nose begins a. Sneezing may or may not be one of the firstSymptoms>.

If it is severe, there are two other symptoms, the surface is faster. The first is where your dog starts to make breathing very difficult time, and the second is the development of fever. If the fever reaches 106 degrees, your dog's life is in danger now, and you should consult a doctor immediately. However, there is also another possible life-threatening symptoms of dog flu, pneumonia.

It 'was reported that a smallNumber of dogs developed pneumonia due to this virus, and did not survive.


canine influenza has no generally accepted treatment when he was still very early in the real discovery and understanding based on the levels of the virus. To add to the confusion, any form of treatment may also be controversial, because the vet is not sure if it's the flu or kennel cough only. Once it identifies how the influence of the dog,Liquids can, to prevent dehydration, but if your dog has difficulty breathing, go to the hospital and given oxygen until the arrest.

cough suppressants may also be used, but before this is done, be sure to discuss in detail the pros and cons of this form of treatment because it can be dangerous. Under no circumstances should you ever give your dog a human being over the counter cough medicine without a rigorous guide to the vet.

Most of allThe cases to recover your dog is too full of this virus. However, just like people, if your dog has a different kind of breathing problem, or develops a high fever or pneumonia, dog can not survive. E 'have developed a vaccine, but not to treat this virus. You can not prevent, but usually to decrease the severity of it. It 'also used to reduce the amount of virus that spread from dog to help the environment.

However, unless the dog isin high risk neighborhood, so to speak, will not be generally recommended. It 'important to remember that this is still a relatively new virus in the dog world and there are no new discoveries occur.


canine influenza is very real and present. In most cases, the dog survived, but as human influenza, can be very sick. Although this virus is highly contagious to other dogs at this time there have been no reported caseswhere they are transmitted to humans, at least not yet.

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Colds and flu treatments, can be found at home

Feeling under the weather? The common cold is a difficult disease to treat but I do not know what more is there are a number of home remedies that can alleviate symptoms and make you feel better. Check out these natural alternatives for you to overcome colds and flu.

Chicken soup. No wonder they call it the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" Studies have shown that more than make you look better physically, chicken stock or broth, in general,also help overcome social exclusion. Chicken soup is part of Asian ginger root has long been valued by cultures as a medicinal product and has also been shown to relieve symptoms of indigestion, flatulence, nausea, vomiting and dizziness.

Ginger. We're on the subject, speaking of ginger tea, an anti-viral which can only reduce cold and flu symptoms do not, but also help to cure an upset stomach. It 's a big hassle alternative to organicrelieve the symptoms of colds and flu. Just boil a couple of tablespoons of fresh grated ginger in two cups water for 15 minutes. Remove from heat and let steep for 10 minutes before drinking. For a relaxing treat, you can show even a bath of ginger. Only a cup of powdered ginger and gauze before placing it in the tub. This will speed up the promotion of the lymphatic system and aid lymphatic drainage.

For the honey. Those who have a sweet tooth, honeyis a great way to relieve the symptoms of your cold and flu. A well-known anti-viral properties, honey can be used as a simple cough syrup. Just add a splash of fresh lemon juice and you're done. It also contains phytochemicals that help to improve immunity.

. More than just a great gargle salt, the salt can actually relieve a sore throat. Take warm water and salt and turmeric to the anti-inflammatory properties that help heal sore throats. For nasal irrigation, you can inhale hotsalt water to speed up the recovery of sinus infection of the sinuses.

Oranges. This fruit is known that the high vitamin C, helps strengthen the immune system and recover more quickly to help. Studies have shown that regular intake of vitamin C six hours of effective intervention and prevention of flu symptoms.

Kiwi. An alternative to the popular Orange, Kiwi really high in vitamin C as well. It can help treat more thanRespiratory infections and was found to have an effect on the conditions of the prosthetic lung in children.

Water. Never underestimate the power of water, because not only keep you hydrated for the brain function better, but it can also nourish the body. Drink plenty of water throughout the day is recommended by most doctors as a healthy practice

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There are medicines for colds and flu OK while breastfeeding?

A very common problem and affects the cold season.

If you fall ill, many people head for the Isle of drugs at the pharmacy for relief. But if you are breastfeeding, you have all the drugs, the potential impact on you to see the production of milk and the baby.

Most colds and flu medications contain antihistamines and decongestants. Antihistamines are drugs that will fix a runny nose. Decongestants are drugs that cure or nasal sinusCongestion. Unfortunately for those suffering from colds and flu, these drugs are not recommended during lactation. Why you ask? Since both are known to deliver a negative effect on your milk. Your runny nose may dry up, but your milk can, too.

What can you do? Over the counter pain reliever, acetaminophen or ibuprofen for pain. Zinc supplements reduce the duration of the virus. Guaifenesin (cough medicine), it is safe to use while breastfeeding. Use only if theCough is not to sleep. Saline or Afrin nasal spray for nasal congestion. Humidifier in the room. Drink plenty of fluids. Eating a healthy diet.

Some things about the flu and cold symptoms. Fever is the way in which the body to activate the immune system. Fever below 104 degrees are not dangerous, are useful, help fight infection. A runny nose is the body's way of cleansing the sinus passages of virus germs. A cough productive / wet should notstopped using drugs. If you stop coughing, mucus stuck in the lungs and could turn into a bacterial infection. The most common cold virus causes fever for 2-3 days, nasal discharge and cough for 7-14 days 2-3 weeks.

What about the flu vaccine Tamiflu and breastfeeding? Both are considered safe during lactation.

Is there anything I can do to prevent the disease?

1. Get plenty of rest.
2. Wash your hands often, to refrain from contactYour face with dirty hands.
3. Blow your nose often. (This is often the first in which viruses enter)
4. Gargle with salt water and rinse the nasal passages with salt water. (If you do an asana irrigation system to wash your nasal passages)
5. Eating a healthy diet, select foods rich in vitamin C and zinc, the natural immune system booster.
6. Drinking hot liquids, wash the seeds directly in the digestive tract in which there is no escape!

In summary,Prevention will save you a lot of discomfort with a cold or flu. But if you develop or influence, remembrance, cold doctor of all prescription drugs consult a lactation consultant o. Many mothers take over the counter medications are safe during lactation. This is not the case. We recommend checking with your pediatrician or lactation consultant before taking medications.

Liz Pevytoe, RN, IBCLC is a board certified lactation consultant. may be submittedDrugs to their questions via the link below.

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Flu symptoms - things you need to know the symptoms of influenza A

Sometimes there is confusion when the signs and symptoms of influenza are discussed. Most of us do not know the difference between a cold and flu. Although there are many symptoms that are typical symptoms vary greatly among people. They differ in degree, frequency and duration of a type of person to person. But whatever the outcome may be, it is important to remember that the flu-like symptoms should be reported immediately to health careProfessionals.

What A patient reported

In the first phase of influenza, a victim usually complains of unexplained fatigue. Typically, the patient undergoes general exhaustion. In addition to fatigue and exhaustion, a person often complains about the early symptoms of flu and sore muscle pain. Of course, these symptoms usually come out of nowhere and are not associated with physical activity. The signs should be reported anddetected as soon as possible so that proper management will be given immediately.

The signs of influenza worse especially when the person begins the later stages of the disease. The individual typically report a stuffy nose and headache and very bad to happen any time of day. Fever may also suddenly at some point in the next step and adjust gradually, as the disease goes through stages. No matter what level a person is, is very important to note that the assumption ofIndicators. The patient should be signs of influence and relationships.


The treatment for both phases of the signs of influenza is symptomatic and supportive. For example, you have to take painkillers if you experience fever. You should also be a cool sponge bath to lower the temperature, sometimes with alcohol for fever. fatigue of the body can be addressed with a good rest. As often as possible, you need to release stress control, especially if one considers that theInfluence sign of deterioration. Above all, you should consult a doctor and seek proper treatment. Your doctor may give you the proper care that should be added to a patient suffering from influenza. It comes to finding new treatments every day. Flu treatments to relieve symptoms until the infection to change its course.

If you apply all these measures, you can easily recover from flu-like symptoms that.You should follow the same treatment as the doctor so that full recovery can be made possible by the disease.


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Staying healthy during flu season

Influenza is a viral infection that spreads easily from person to person. The infection primarily affects the nose, throat and bronchi, but sometimes affects the lungs. Symptoms of flu: fever, cough, sore throat, chills, muscle aches, headache and fatigue. In more serious cases can develop complications such as pneumonia. Most of the people who influence the weeks 1-2 are new, but nobody wants that all viruses. Few people can affordtime away from work or school. How do you stay healthy during flu season?

First, it is important to understand how the virus spreads among people. The virus is transmitted through droplets spread when an infected person coughs or sneezes produced. touched other people breathe the germs in their system or by touching a surface that the infected person. To protect yourself and your family during this flu season, you should cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchiefevery time he coughs or sneezes. Remember, the tissue away after each use. If you do not have one, sneeze or cough into tissue with the elbow or upper arm is not in your hands. Hands should be washed frequently with warm water and soap, especially after sneezing or coughing. based hand sanitizer alcohol may sometimes not be used if washing. you should avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth. If you get sick, try to limit contact with others. Stay home from work orSchool until you have a fever for 24 hours.

The most important thing people can do to prevent the flu is a flu shot as soon as they become available. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that everyone aged 6 months and older get a flu shot this year. A virus, influenza B virus, and H1N1 influenza this season's flu vaccine protects against three flu strains different field.individual at high risk for complications of influenza are very young children, pregnant women, elderly and people with chronic health problems such as asthma, diabetes, lung disease and heart disease. Health care workers and caregivers of children should be protected. Children under nine years, which are accessible only to the influenza vaccine for the first time need two shots one month can be fully protected. The nasal vaccine FluMist is an alternative toShot for healthy adults and children aged 2-49 years. With the flu vaccine and common sense health tips, anyone can stay healthy the next flu season.

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My cat keeps sneezing - is a serious matter, such as cat flu?

Your cat or kitten keeps sneezing. It 'been a couple of days now, and it is feared is a cat or cats cool to cold, possibly feline leukemia. If you are a cat's sneezing and coughing, sneezing or a cat have blood, they are certainly more time to heal. When sneezing cat symptoms such as cough, runny nose and watery eyes are also present, then you have a serious problem.

The only way to successfully treat your beloved pet if your cat has stopped sneezing andbefore accelerating bacterial pneumonia or, sneezing cat is treated as if it were important. This should be a safe and easy to use natural remedies for your pet immediately. It should also be non-invasive, easy to administer and relatively inexpensive. Homeopathic remedies are natural, safe, without side effects and cost only a fraction of a trip to the vet.

If you have a safe, easy to use natural remedies to use on hand when the cat continues to sneeze, you can applyimmediately and save your feline friend the pain of other diseases, and allows you to save a few hundred dollars in veterinary costs. Even if your pet is a kitten or older, his immune system is diminished, and has immediate treatment. Treated cats in the wild eating plants and herbs. These natural remedies are also your first logical step when your cat keeps sneezing.

Homeopathy is the practice of "like cures like." And 'the belief that a small turbo chargedSet of natural substances to treat the disease that causes the disease itself, when prepared in a way. The application of this substance causes the immune system picks up your cat to wake up and begin to try to eradicate any disease. This enhanced immunity in your cat free from even their cat sneezing symptoms. Another benefit of homeopathy is that the whole immune system is improved, not only what your cat is sneezing. Thus improve the general health is aU.S. lead.

The incubation period for influenza cat is 2 to 10 days, so it is extremely important that the treatment takes place at this time. The application of a homeopathic, holistic healing cat sneezing is easy to process. Only a few have started on the tongue of your cat, and healing. Love your pet and want only the safer, faster healing, if your cat is still sneezing. Homeopathy and holistic remedies are the answer.

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