Treatments & Dealing with cancer

Patients receiving a diagnosis of colorectal cancer are rapidly depressed and get many unanswered questions about its future. The most important thing for them to recognize that they are not alone and that their family and friends are there to provide love and support.

When dealing with any kind of illness, including colon cancer, family and friends are the first thoughts of a positive support system. Understandably, these people canlearn a lot of emotional pain and fear itself, which is based on seeing their relatives suffering from an illness. If not for these reasons a cancer patient may find support at home, it's a good idea to join a local support group or an activity that they engage, enjoy. If my health permits, should a cancer patient to continue to live life and enjoy every day as possible. While the quality of life is very important that you take time for restis one of the most important points for a successful recovery from an illness.

Immediately after the diagnosis, a colon cancer patient should be on their local library or research the Internet for educational resources, visit, of which there are plenty available. This information will help patients be better informed and thus they are more involved with their treatment. It is important to know and understand what happens to the body during illness, treatment methods and theRecreation. It is also recommended that a patient participating in his / her care as long as possible. This can be achieved in the research, ask the doctor too many questions and prepare for the best and worst case scenarios.

Depending on how advanced stages of disease, a cancer patient, there are several treatment options available. If a patient decides to continue to move with the treatment, he / she may also want to consult another doctor for a second opinion to confirmThe diagnosis and treatment recommended. The best result is to completely eliminate the tumor, but if this is not possible, the doctor may be able to stop the spread of cancer or alleviating the patient's symptoms and complaints.

Assuming the patient's health will allow it, and he / she wants to pursue such remedies, is the main method of treatment is surgery. Depending on the location and size of the tumor, a doctor may be able to remove all or part ofthe colon. If a polyp is the only cancer that is known to be present, it can all be removed. In some cases of colon cancer, the patient must wear a permanent colostomy after surgery. This happens when the cancer so advanced that it remove the entire colon, the doctor forces.

Another common approach for the treatment of colorectal cancer is to begin for the patient to a series of chemotherapy for the treatment. This process includestake medication to fight the cancer cells, which are either taken orally or delivered through the veins of the patient. This option is often very useful for patients of any remaining cancer cells to free after the surgery. In addition, chemotherapy can be used to reduce the growth of cancer cells, to control symptoms and prolong life. Radiation therapy, often used in combination with chemotherapy in order to contribute to combating various other cancers, is not a treatment forto help patients with colon cancer after surgery.

This article should not be as professional medical advice. If you or someone you know is concerned about the possibility of cancer, you should immediately consult a doctor. A doctor can discuss various options, prevention and treatment options when they are detected the presence of cancer. A series of tests can be performed to confirm or rule out such a diagnosis can and canonly be performed by a doctor.

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Colon Cleaning UV light, a concept

Colorectal cancer is a killer and the only way to kill it to prevent in the first years of life, it can be seen in the initial stage in order to treat them. There are many foods you can eat to keep your colon working well and build up the bad bacteria. Eat right and stay away from vices can help prevent colon cancer. Here is a concept that will help kill the unwanted harmful bacteria in the colon can. This idea comes from the newAdvances and innovations of UV light to clean water. The only problem is how to get light where the slogan says: "... Where the sun do not shine, here's a thought that maybe some savvy science major, innovative medical education and entrepreneurs want to look at?

UV light is used to kill bacteria in water filtration applications. It works so well, in many sewage treatment plants are using huge units, substantially bacteria from the water, so that theyback into the groundwater, river or sea. Hospitals have used UV light to kill bacteria, there are so many applications for these technologies. Perhaps we should look into a small marble-size battery-operated UV light device. One that can be taken to clean of unwanted bacteria in the stomach and prevent potentially cancer and. The small marble size unit is about the entire system in the stool, cleaning as it goes. Then the patient can eat only a fewYogurt and various other things that make the good bacteria back into the system. I suggest that the unity of marble size UV light flash, a cycle for the best good bacteria and / or the worst cycle for the bad bacteria. Rank near or at 5-8 Hz

There are many super small batteries that can be used and the device could be as small as an M & M candy or many of these young boys could be taken at a time on a relatively empty stomach. It is clean from the stomach, small intestine, largeIntestine and the colon with this UV light. It could be a very simple process and very inexpensive. Although it was perhaps not so much the sound units are used over and over again, by washing them in a series of small plastic container and shook it. Like the old lenses, saline solution and / or isopropanol and then rinse, turn them on and reuse, or trade back into the doctors office for official body, recharging batteries and a complete sterilization.If you want a full report on my idea, contact me.

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Mesothelioma Cancer: Early detection of symptoms is the key to successful treatment

The symptoms of mesothelioma take many years to become visible. In other words, it has a long latency period. This makes it difficult to diagnose and treat. The person may repeatedly visit the doctor with symptoms, but more often than respiratory infections should be considered. The nonspecific symptoms make it difficult for even experienced doctors to make a quick and clear diagnosis with mesothelioma patients. Even people who are exposed to asbestos release shows the onsetlate in her life. Over time, mesothelioma is diagnosed, it is already quite common. However, the awareness of mesothelioma have seen people there in the early stages.

Onset of mesothelioma depends largely on the location size and type of tumor. Signs and symptoms also depend on whether the tumor is benign or malignant. Benign mesothelioma is not manifested in the rule. On the other hand kind of malignant mesothelioma severe symptoms. It hasexerted mainly on the pressure of the surrounding soft tissue is. The malignancy may invade surrounding tissues or result in pericardial effusion and pleural effusion. Invasion of the chest wall can lead to pain in the chest.

The first symptoms is respected are:

Hemoptysis or blood in the sputum
Cough or a change in cough pattern
Dysphagia or difficulty swallowing
Shortness of breath
Pain in the chest or abdomen
Significant weight loss.

Among all typesMesothelioma is the pleural form the most common form. As a result of pleural symptoms are the most common forms of mesothelioma. When in the early stages, the symptoms are more or less, such as pneumonia, and therefore often misdiagnosed. However, these symptoms with the history of asbestos exposure are alarms should ring for mesothelioma. Doctors should be well aware, as they usually the first ones to have survived in contact with the patient.


Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath and chest pain is an expression of common pleural mesothelioma. Pleural effusion due to accumulation of fluid between the linings of the lung and chest are caused, may give rise to persistent cough. On chest x-ray, an accumulation of fluid or pleural effusion can be seen indicating viral pneumonia.
The less common symptoms of pleural mesothelioma are:

Chest pain
Low back pain
Weight Loss
Muscle weakness and sensory loss
Swelling of the face and arms
Hoarseness of voice

The majority of patients show no signs or symptoms until late.

Peritoneal Mesothelioma

It is about structures such as the abdomen, abdominal cavity, liver, spleen or intestines. The origin of peritoneal mesothelioma is usually the abdomen, from where it spread to neighboring organs. The symptoms of peritoneal dialysis Mesothelioma are:

Pain or swelling in the abdomen by a buildup of fluid
Weight Loss
Bowel obstruction
Anemia or swelling of the feet
Bloating due to fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity
Swelling of the feet
Impaired bowel function

The symptoms are a consequence of increasing the mass is exercised. This growing tumor may also cause breathing problems and chest pain in addition to these symptoms. This> Symptoms resulting from tumors, I lean against the abdominal wall. Mesothelioma in the peritoneum, because of its tendency to give space-occupying bowel obstruction, anemia, fever and problems with blood clots.

Pericardial Mesothelioma

Pericardial Mesothelioma is a very unusual shape, the pericardium. Pericardium is the cavity between the linings of the heart. The tumor, which is in the tissue around the heart tends to spread from there.Pericardial mesothelioma sufferers may experience chest pain, shortness of breath, persistent cough, and palpitations. The involvement of the membrane around the heart (pericardium) may cause cardiac arrhythmias.

The symptoms for all types of mesothelioma become more violent and obviously with the progression of the disease. Nevertheless, it can be mistaken as other disease state. The only distinguishing feature is the history of asbestos exposure. Therefore, it iscritical to examine its exposure to asbestos. symptoms such as pain in the lower back or side of the chest, shortness of breath, difficulty swallowing, coughing, fever, sweating, fatigue and weight loss are very common, but the doctor was to clarify the history of Asbestos exposure rule, the presence of tumor.

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Eat Right and Early Detection Key to Colon Cancer Fight

Two of the best things you can do to reduce the risk of colorectal cancer caused by your early death, collapse, is to eat right and try to screening at first glance a problem. Colorectal cancer kills about 350 people out of 100,000 people, so that, although the risk is not so high, they are high enough to be relevant.

One thing of great benefit to know that in the last ten years or so through good education and early detection and fewer people dying of cancer.But there are a few things you need, where it remains, blood in your stool, and the knowledge of your family and types of cancer, run in your genetic lines. If one of your siblings or a parent has had colon cancer, you are advised to be reviewed as early as age 40 and every five years.

If you are a woman, and you have breast cancer or ovarian cancer, you might also were vulnerable. If you have an iron deficiency, whether you are a womanor a man may be of importance. The survival of most types of cancer is quite high when detected in the earlier stages and that will definitely improve your chances.

It is recommended that you go to the website of the American Cancer Society's web site and read all about cancer, if you think you could be in danger or you simply want more information and details for a loved one. I hope to examine all this in 2006.

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Cancer can be undercut - The Big C word

Everything about the "Big C" word - cancer

Cancer is one of our most serious diseases that affect a person, whether young or old, rich or poor, black or white, fat or thin, no matter what your status in life. Get your mind right and focus on beating each other, the big C. noticed the early signs of cancer have an excellent recovery rate. Most cancer at early stages are taken may be fought and cured.

Remember: It's not your fault that youof cancer. There is ongoing research and development related to cancer as a disease. Improved treatment and medication. Never mind for a Better You. Keep in mind that cancer is a disease is very complicated because there are more than 150 different types of cancer. Reletively Some cancers are easily recognized and treated, sometimes increased by 100%. There are other types of cancer, which spread quickly through the body and can not be cured. In countries where there is avery large number of ultraviolet radiation, such as in South Africa and other countries around the world have a high degree of contact with human skin cancer.

In most cases, women are more susceptible to breast cancer than men, but it is a known fact that a large percentage of the male population that contracts from breast cancer as well. It is therefore important to do that both men and women of a normal search, so they know their breasts and then it willbe easier to detect a difference or a fixed amount.

The main cancers' s are given by women cancers of breast, cervical and col are rectrum. For men, it is common for them to lung, prostate and esophageal cancer.

Of course there are triggers that things can spread along. Factors such as lifestyle, genetics, environment and nutrition play a role in increasing your risk for contracting cancer of the s. "comprises Sometimes there is a non -known cause, no family, good food and eating habits, it just happens. There are only a few know lifestyle do's and don'ts that can help you change to survive cancer and also to a better contact if you are doing to cancer.

Drink plenty of fresh water
Cover up and always with the highest sunscreen lotion available.
Eat at least five servings of fresh fruits and vegetables daily.
Regular exercise
Give up smoking
LimitTheir alcohol consumption to one portion per day
Reduce your intake of red meat in front of your
Do regular self-examinations and self-control
Do you have a regular medical examination and screening
Try to stay away from over processed food, junk food and food that is high in animal fats

Although it is not complete by any means and added to the list of the everyday are the warning signs only guides, perhaps a wake-up call for you and me. These symptoms may be signs of other diseases. The best if youGet medical help immediately suspected something.

I lost a beloved sister-in breast cancer because she was afraid to go and confirmed her suspicions. She was too late. She left back three beautiful daughters. Let not this happen to you. Do not do that to your family. Treat yourself to a fighting change. Please!
Some op the early warning signs of cancer:

You have indigestion or difficulty swallowing

Vomiting orNausea

Her voice is hoarse

You have a cough that will not go away

They smoke

You have a change in bowel or bladder action

Changes in warts or moles

You have unusual bleeding or discharge from anywhere in the body.

If you have a lump anywhere on the body

You might also be an indication of thickening in the chest, neck, under the armpits or anywhere else on your body

They feel just not right. Remember, no oneknow how you do your body. Get a second or third opinion if you feel that something is wrong.

Please, you owe it to yourself first, and secondly, to your family, even checked out. It is better to have a little paranoid and stop cancer in its early stage, that to act mucho or fear, and let your loved ones behind.

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Preventing cancer, digestive diseases

Cancer is the growth of abnormal cells. These changes cells grow and they can form in small tumors. The tumors can put pressure on nerves or blood vessels in place, or they may interfere with the functioning of the institutions - such as obstruction of the bowel. Some cancers grow slowly and it may take years for them to life - but others can grow very quickly. Cancers are the type of tissue in which they occur, named - cancers that begin in the tissues of the organs(these are the most common gastrointestinal cancer), to develop lymphoma, the immune system, especially in the lymph nodes, starting on the connective tissue sarcomas such as muscle or bone.

Cancers can throughout the gastrointestinal tract, but the most common sites are the colon and rectum. Symptoms of cancer in the digestive tract are:

• blood in the stool

• difficulty swallowing

• Abdominal pain

• unexplained weight loss

• Changes inBowel habits - not to stand by changes in nutrition.

They should be checked any of these symptoms by a health professional. If cancer is detected early enough, and the prognosis is good treatment.

Colorectal cancer begin with changes in the intestinal mucosa and the development of polyps. Although not all polyps become cancerous, almost all colon cancers start as polyps.

Some of the factors that increases the risk of colorectal cancer

• A diet that is high in saturated fats, especially red meat such as beef, pork, lamb and a diet that is low in fruits and vegetables.

• A diet and lifestyle that increases the level of toxins in the intestine. Toxins cause problems for the body - they irritate tissues, cells and lead to a breakdown occur mutagenic changes.

• Inflammatory bowel disease - ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel disease, Crohn's disease, all increase the risk of colorectal cancerCancer.

• Smoking - cancer rates are higher in smokers than in nonsmokers.

• Polyps - almost all colorectal cancers start as polyps.

• Hereditary - if other members of your family when you are at an increased cancer risk.

Their hereditary predisposition is a factor over which you have little control, but there is much that the risks associated with colon cancer associated - like others can not reduceCancer. With a healthy lifestyle and reducing the toxins that you and especially to those who have suspended taking a big help.

One of the most important things you can do is a clean colon. So then what is colon cleansing? The successful and safe colon cleansing is the process by which to remove the body and stored pollutants by restoring the normal balance and functioning of the colon and the rest of the digestive system. Only through thisthorough process, the body is capable of healing and regeneration, and it can only begin to restore health and vitality.

The colon fulfills many important functions, but one of its most important is the effective elimination of toxins from the body. There are many factors that are able to interfere with this elimination. If the process is slowed or the bacterial balance of the colon is then destroyed toxins, which are included and are a normal byproduct of digestion are absorbedinto the bloodstream. The body will then try other ways they can be overwhelmed be removed. When this occurs, the body needs to store the toxins. These stored toxins damaging tissue and form the basis for many diseases. You need to be excreted from the body. Effective colon cleansing provides a secure means to achieve the cleaning of the whole body. If the toxins effectively removed form the colon then the risks associated with the development of associatedTo colon cancer and many other cancers in the body reduces.

Discover how to properly cleanse internally and to obtain care of your health and reduce your risk of colon cancer with safe bowel cleansing (at Then get on with really enjoying life.

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Colon Health is a Matter of Life and Death


Colon health is an issue of sustainable human interest, and since ancient times. Colon Health is a matter of life and death, but it is one of the most neglected areas of the body. There is nothing that can not pay attention to most people, especially when none of their family members have suffered from colon problems. Colon health is mainly the support of healthy bacteria far outweigh the harmful bugs, and that's what you can do for intestinal health. How can a colon with a weight of 30Pounds (Section to find so many), to be healthy. Colon therapists shows that the typical American diet that is low in fiber and high in red meat and other fatty foods make a significant contribution to this problem.


The importance of regularity, has overestimated for general health is strong for thousands of years. Careful observations have shown that the bowel habits of healthy individuals can vary greatly. So many diseases can be caused by an unhealthy colonor be prevented by maintaining a healthy bowel. The inclusion of the practice of annual cleaning and decontamination will not only win, but also your health, so that your later years are productive and happy.


How do you know if you or your family needs cleansing and detoxification. The answer is: Everyone needs cleansing and detoxification at least once a year. Cleaning the digestive tract helps to ensure that the body to digest and absorbappropriate quantities of nutrients for the repair and restoration of proper tissue function, tissue healing and maintaining a healthy body in general. Cleaning the colon helps the acid-base ratio back into balance, allowing friendly bacteria to thrive, while inhibiting the disease-causing organisms.


In contrast to fasting, detox diets can be carried out over a longer period. Detoxification is the process of eliminating or neutralizing toxins from theBody. The main detoxification therapy categories are: fasting, special diets, vitamin therapy, colon therapy, chelation therapy and hyperthermia. Some detoxification methods are potentially dangerous, with side effects ranging from dehydration to intestinal perforation. Unsupervised detoxification should not by anyone who is underweight, trying to become pregnant, recovering suffering from drug abuse, nor by diabetes mellitus, thyroid disorder or an eating disorderDisorder.

Herbal Colon Therapy

Today, some practitioners are still colonic irrigation as part of a basic detoxification program to use, although many prefer to recommend herbal laxatives in supplement form. Herbal colon therapy is the cornerstone of much of our treatment of intestinal diseases in the same way that endonasal therapy is the cornerstone for the treatment of ear, nose and throat diseases. To the uninitiated, it seems that the most obvious reasonfor herbal colonic treatment would be for correcting constipation. Although it is used for constipation, herbal colon therapy is much more specific mucous colitis, diverticulosis, various forms of idiopathic diarrhea and other conditions under which the irritable bowel or hypersensitive. Natural colon cleansing involves a balanced diet and also kill some herbal preparations that help harmful bacteria and in the elimination of more thanToxins.


Fiber provides no nutrients to the body, but it does promote good health, because it is very absorbent. Fiber adds roughage, food, psyllium, and so plays an important role in digestion and excretion, and promote regularity and colon health. Ordinary constipation can usually by increasing the fiber content of the diet can be corrected, drinking water, adequate amounts of water, and engage in regular exercise.


The conclusion is thatOur health depends on the health of the intestine. Therapists to the conclusion that colon therapy is not mysterious to come is a useful supplement for detoxification in a variety of diseases where the accumulation of toxins have played an important or contribute to human diseases, so that Wash the lining of the intestine is as meaningful as maintaining cleanliness in other parts of ourselves and life in the modern world, there is a tendency for the accumulation ofToxins, increased constipation, increased concentration of the residue in the gut, because a lack of roughage in the diet, so is the cleaning and irrigation is an advantage.

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Colon cancer symptoms, you should know

Many people find each year that the colon or colon cancer. For this reason it is important to always know the major signs and symptoms, especially if you have a high risk of developing the disease. Although the colon cancer symptoms do not always be obvious, these decisive evidence that your life can be extended to help. The sooner they are detected, the greater your chances for survival.

Who is at risk

Anyone canTo develop colon cancer. Both men and women are equally possible candidates contracting this disease. However, there are some people who are more at risk than others in particular.

Although young people can also develop this cancer, who are 50 years old and have a greater risk. This is why people are recommended for this age group often by their doctors to undergo colorectal cancer in regular intervals.

It is also quite possible that theCondition may in the family. Those who are relatives or family members who may have had this disease and the risk of developing the disease.

Sometimes, however, the risk for colon cancer caused by certain lifestyle factors are increased. Smokers, for example, is a number, an offender who is involved in a number of other conditions of cancer. Besides smoking, which is a largely sedentary lifestyle and eating too many foods that are high in trans and saturated fats can also help run closer to colon cancer.

Some people have a higher risk if they were diagnosed with certain conditions. Obese people and those who have diabetes, for example, as "people in danger." Those who had polyps, and certain intestinal diseases or disorders also be in danger.

The above risk factors are not absolute. Even people who may not be able to still develop colon cancer. For this reason, it pays to know what colonCancer can manifest symptoms of the condition.

Signs and symptoms of colorectal cancer

There are times when people just show very slight symptoms. Sometimes the bowel cancer symptoms can vary so that there seems to be no symptoms at all. This is why some people are diagnosed with cancer of the large intestine in an advanced stage can be. In any case, sensitive, even mild symptomsmay already be an indication of the state. Attention is important if colon cancer is to be detected and treated early.

A person who is a developing country of the colon or bowel cancer condition itself is often tired. You may also experience increased abdominal cramps, gassiness or even a slight stomach ache. Stool consistency and stool frequency may eventually change. Sometimes though blood may appear in the stool, this can alsoSign of another condition.

You can never be too sure of himself. You should always consider seeing a specialist if the symptoms and if you are particularly at risk. At the age of 50 you should be done at regular screenings, even if you have no risk and no symptoms. Colorectal cancer is the easiest in the early stages so treated ever before to find out whether you have it, and can improve any of the symptoms of colorectal cancer, the recognizefor you.

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Prostate Cancer Symptoms

Many men are in their life, symptoms that could indicate the presence of prostate cancer. Because prostate cancer symptoms may be like other diseases or disorders that people who look like any of these symptoms should undergo a thorough workup to determine the underlying cause of the symptoms. The need to urinate frequently, especially during the night a common symptom of prostate cancer, prostate cancer and other problems, likeBPH (benign prostatic hypertrophy), in other words, an enlarged prostate.

People have less and less likely to seek medical attention than women, especially for minor problems that serve as a warning sign is often a serious underlying disease. You can now have prostate symptoms mimic the symptoms of prostate cancer. If you are diagnosed with prostate cancer, it is important to get to know that many people, especially those who have in later lifeDecision with their doctors to simply watch and wait rather than undergo conventional cancer treatment. Many men decide to make changes in diet and work to align with natural treatment.

To put it simply, that cancer grows in the prostate is called prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is the "class" and "marked" period. The note is to indicate how quickly a cancer is growing - the higher the score, the more likely it isthat the cancer will grow and spread rapidly, and the size and extent of the tumor will determine the stage. It is estimated that approximately 234,460 people in the United States are diagnosed with prostate cancer this year, and approximately 27,350 will eventually die from the disease. And the most common cancer in American men, excluding skin cancer, prostate cancer.

For natural treatments for the prostate make an appointment with anaturopathic doctor, called the Alternative Therapy, ask for recommendations or you find an MD with a natural medicine practice.

For part of the diet, an approach that does not matter to decide what treatment you are, if possible, eliminate any hormone-containing foods such as meat and dairy products from your diet. Drink plenty of pure filtered water, at least one liter per day to stay hydrated and help your body eliminate toxins.

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Pain Herbal Remedies

If you have pain of any kind, the first thing you think? They want the pain as quickly as possible and as naturally as possible, without freeing a lot of side effects, is not it? Well, there are many different ways to go about pain relief. You can call a doctor and ask for a recipe or if you have more health oriented, you can look into a natural healing, and choose Pain Herbal Remedies.

How do you know which herbs to fulfill the tasks? BelowYou can find a list of 50 at the most common Herbal Pain healing herbs and what condition they relieve.

>>> Joint Pain Herbal Remedies:
Herb ** ** - ** ** Relieves
Aloe Vera - Burns
Black Cohosh - Menopause Symptoms
Boswellia - arthritis and joint injuries
Chamomile - Indigestion
Coffee - Athletic endurance Decongestant in Colds and flu, asthma
Cranberry - Urinary Tract Infections
Echinacea - colds and flu
Evening primrose oil- Rheumatoid Arthritis
Flaxseed oil - menopausal symptoms, osteoporosis
Garlic - A type of antibiotic, cholesterol control, and cancer prevention
Ginger - Motion Sickness, Morning Sickness
Ginkgo - Alzheimer's Disease, Mental Acuity, erection or libido problems, anti-depressant induced sex problems of altitude sickness
Ginseng - Athletic endurance, immune enhancement, diabetes, erectile dysfunction, low sperm count
Goldenseal - gastro-intestinal tractInfections
Hawthorn - Heart Failure
Hibiscus - Hypertension
Horse Chestnut - Varicose Veins
Lemon Balm - Relaxation, herpes
Licorice - Sore Throat
Papaya - herniated discs
Peppermint - digestive disorders, irritable bowel syndrome
Red Pepper - Pain Relief
Saw Palmetto - Benign prostatic hyperplasia
Tea - Heart Health, Cancer Prevention, bad breath, gum disease, Athlete's Foot
Turmeric - Arthritis,Joint injuries
Valerian - Insomnia
White Willow Bark - back pain

The above are a list of the 50 most common pain Herbal Remedies. There are a lot more there that you can try, and you are using, these are just a glimpse of those who are used regularly. Some of these works, and only to relieve the pain and some of them actually work to the condition that relieve the pain caused by too.

As seen clearly from this abbreviated list of Pain Herbal Remedies,There are many different herbs, the cure or relief of pain characteristics. The secret is the source of the pain, including pain, if possible, identify and then look for an herb to relieve your pain Once you have the pain under control, then investigate further and find a herb that has the disease causes, which will ease the pain.

I can not guarantee that it is an herb to cure any ailment, but if you desire a thorough and consistent approach when it comes on to a reviewRelieve pain and cure a particular disease, you are sure to relieve in a position to support some of the pain and hopefully get healthy.

In summary, the body is a very complex entity. As part of the body, it is generally unhealthy triggers a response of pain in one or another sense. If you pay attention, Pain Herbal Remedies, your body will use to stay healthier and can even repair the damage that the pain and not just mask it causes.

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A brief overview of prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is a disease caused by the mutation of cells in the prostate that begin to increase in increasing numbers. Prostate cancer can develop at any age, but it is more common in older men and risks increase dramatically with age. In some people, cancer can develop unnoticed and the men dying from other causes, but if caught early prostate cancer has a 90% cure rate. Therefore it is important that people go to the doctor annuallyDemonstrations.

Signs / symptoms

Men are often unaware that they have prostate cancer until the later stages of the disease, unless they go into a regular screenings. This is because prostate cancer at an early stage is asymptomatic (no symptoms). The first symptoms of the disease are often bladder obstruction and are comparable to the signs and symptoms in patients with BPH can be seen (see p. 18). Rectal obstruction can also occur, what causes problems with bowel movement during defecation.

Later stages of the disease frequently results in a greater variety of symptoms, because at this point the cancer is often metastatic (spread) to another area of the body such as bone or lymph nodes. Signs and symptoms of the later stages of prostate cancer include:

Screening / Diagnosis

Screening and diagnosis is the same for both BPH and prostate cancerCancer. Procedures include the following:

* Digital rectal examination (DRE): palpitation of the prostate through the anal canal can detect enlargement

* Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood tests: Increased levels of PSA in the blood may be evidence of cancer

* Bone pain

*), Edema (swelling of the lower extremities

* Enlarged lymph nodes in the groin, under arms or the neck enlarged liver

* Fractures

* MentalConfusion (in severe cases where the cancer has spread to the brain to see)

* Exclude transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS) ultrasound examination of the testes, prostate, kidney and other diseases or to confirm BPH or cancer.


The treatment of prostate cancer depends on the stage of cancer, the effect of treatment, age, general health and life expectancy of the individual. Men who are diagnosed and treated in theearly stages of prostate cancer have a 90% chance of completely disease.41 Although complete recovery is not so easy in the later stages of cancer, treatment can prolong the life expectancy, reduce tumor size to relieve the pain and heal. Treatment options include both surgical and non-surgical procedures.

Surgical Treatments

* Prostatectomy-the partial or complete removal of the prostate.

* Transurethral resection

* Cryotherapy --Procedure, in which the prostate exposed to freezing temperatures. During the procedure, needles are inserted into the prostate through the area between the scrotum and anus. After the needles are in place to produce the needles to destroy the icy temperatures of the prostate and all surrounding cancerous tissue. Note: The surgical treatment of prostate cancer is often a temporary loss of urine control and / or sexual dysfunction. Medicines are prescribed, can by yourDoctor to help reduce these side effects.

Non-surgical treatments

* Radiation therapy to destroy medical application of ionizing radiation on the DNA of cancer cells. Radiation is used to destroy or control the proliferation of malignant cells. The radiation is applied to the site of cancer (tumor, lymph nodes, etc.) and the surrounding tissue. This treatment is often used in combination with hormone therapy or chemotherapy.

* HRT hormone therapy includes theAdministration of specific hormones, such as steroids or drugs that inhibit the production or activity involving other hormones in the development of cancer. The agent in hormone therapy should be used to change gene expression of cancer cells, causing cells to cease its activities, or by promoting cell death.

* Chemotherapy Chemotherapy is the use of chemicals and antibiotics to kill cancer cells. Cancer is caused by that division uncontrollableCells. The chemicals are used during chemotherapy to target fast-dividing cells, so targeted cancer cells and not healthy cells of the body.

* Immunotherapy-Immunotherapy is a relatively new treatment that stimulates the body's own immune system to kill tumors.

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Prostate Cancer Signs and Symptoms - Know What to Look Out For

In the last twenty years, survival rates for people with prostate cancer have been steadily increasing, mainly due to better detection and treatment techniques. The chances of prostate cancer are successfully treated will also greatly increased if the cancer is diagnosed early, it is important to know what symptoms you aware of. If it is left, and spreads to the bone, it often can not be cured, and at this stage of treatment focuses on the extensionLife and the quality of life.

Show the following signs and symptoms of prostate cancer may be that someone has the disease, but can also be caused by many other things. Having these symptoms does not mean that someone of the disease. However, it is always advisable to go to a GP or doctor if these symptoms appear to be on the safe side. Even if prostate cancer do not usually up at the following symptoms until it has grown large enough toPressure on the urethra, so very early prostate cancer has few symptoms.

Prostate Cancer Signs and symptoms:

Painful urination
More frequent urination than usual (often during the night)
Weak and irregular urine flow
A feeling that after urination, the bladder does not empty completely
Blood in the urine in exceptional cases

Prostate cancer also can cause:

Decreased sexual desire in some cases

Again, these symptoms are not that someone has prostate cancer, but they are an indicator of whether there is a possibility. A GP or doctor will advise you in a position to determine whether a scan is required.

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Ovarian - cancer symptoms or not?

If you have an ovarian cyst, you may be wondering whether it means that you have cancer. The good news for the majority of women is that one does not mean ovarian cancer. However, there are some symptoms that make ovarian cancer more frequently.

The problem with ovarian cancer is that it is almost never recognized until it is widespread. There are very few symptoms of ovarian cancer, those who do not mimic other diseases occur. Thefirst symptom in most cases is an irregular menstruation. As the disease progresses, you develop abdominal pain, bloating, and sometimes you can a lot of sense.

Therefore, when the doctors discover a cyst, which has certain characteristics, they almost always recommend surgery. These types of cysts are not a cyst, which are a solid or partially solid mass rather than fluid filled, or is a cyst, which is septate, or divided into several chambers. A biopsy of the cyst is the only waybe absolutely sure that ovarian cancer. If a biopsy is done in the end only 1 in 1000 cases, to cancer. However, there are some tests that have a higher likelihood of cancer, including can specify a new blood test.

You should always ask your doctor to perform this additional research before you agree to the surgery. You can add a test for CA-125. Higher this chemical has a higher probability of ovarian cancer. You can even for ausing Doppler ultrasound technology, the better a doctor can find a cyst's makeup. There are also CT imaging, the physician to see if the cyst is possible dissemination to other organs.

Only approved in September 2009, the OVA1 test measures five different proteins that change because of ovarian cancer. The blood test combines the results of all five in a score that indicates the likelihood of ovarian cancer. It's definitely a test should be asked, if you believe that yourMy doctor thinks cyst may cause cancer.

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Natural health therapies and cancer - Part One

Cancer. The word itself is alarming. It sounds like a death sentence. In many cases it is. But it need not necessarily be so. The topic of cancer is so great that we take at least three or four articles is to respond only to some extent on the main points. Like any other disease, the more you know about it, the better you will cope in a position to. For example, how much you have about your own health problems before they affect your life personally?What would you have done differently in your life if you knew that it would prevent the problem? Would they have been willing to make the changes? I can imagine that you would. You have the possibility of cancer. In a series of articles we are not only the natural health therapies for cancer, but prevent the changes in lifestyle that cancer as well.

The increase in the rate of cancer is astounding. One hundred years ago, 1 in 33 personsHad cancer, today 1 in 3 people either cancer or it will develop. Statistics show that life in America has died of cancer, all of 45 seconds. There is no other issue in medicine, that this emergency. So just what is cancer? Basically, it's gone Nature "overboard." Healthy cells are more properly for a variety of reasons, and then begin to reproduce damaged copies of itself. The natural process of multiplying cells is acceleratedas this new mutated cells are not regulated by the usual checks of the body. In addition, the lifespan of these cells is controlled is not, which means that cancer cells become virtually immortal.

There are types and stages of cancer. Of the 150 different types of cancer, there are 5 major groups:

• cancer - solid tumors from the cells in the surface of the mouth, nose, throat, lungs, respiratory tract, skin, GI tract, GU tract, breast and thyroid.Lung, prostate, stomach, skin, colon and breast cancers are this type.

• Sarcoma - solid tumor of bone, fat and other soft tissues such as muscles, tendons, stomach, heart, central nervous system and blood vessels. These are the rarest and most dangerous of solid tumors.

• leukemia - a blood-borne cancer by an abnormal production of white blood cells from.

• Lymphoma - solid masses of abnormal white blood cellsconcentrated in the lymphatic system. Examples of this type of cancer, including Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.

• myeloma - a rare cancer of antibody-producing cells in the bone marrow or blood-producing regions.

Cancer is often of what phase it is in. Staging described in cancer patients on a scale refers to the amount of cancer to determine its location, size and degree of containment. The four different levels listed below describethe stages of cancer.

• Stage I - at the earliest curable stage. Local tumor only.

• Stage II - some spread of cancer to surrounding tissue and possibly nearby lymph nodes.

• Stage III - involves dissemination to distant lymph nodes

• Level IV will be - modern, easily cured at least. Cancer has spread to distant organs.

Why do some people get cancer and others do not? What is the trigger that this ishealthy cells in mutants? What causes cancer? There are at least 33 contributing causes, according to various researchers. Each of these factors could provide an article in itself so I just you with the list for today. With this information, you can easily expand this research to contribute to your article of cancer knowledge. The factors that may contribute to cancer are:

1. Sunlight

2. Nuclear Radiation

3. Pesticide / herbicideResidues

4. Industrial toxins

5. Polluted water

6. Tobacco and Smoking

7. Chronic Electromagnetic Field Exposure

8. Hormone treatments

9. Immuno-suppressive drugs

10. Irradiated food

11. Food Additives

12. Mercury Toxicity

13. Dental Factors

14. Chronic stress

15. Depressed thyroid action

16. Gastrointestinal toxicity and impairment

17. Parasites

18. Viruses

19.Diet and malnutrition

20. Nerve interference fields

21. Toxic Emotions

22. Blocked roads Detoxification

23. Chlorine water

24. Fluoridated water

25. Ionizing Radiation

26. Geopathogenic

27. Sick Building Syndrome

28. Free Radicals

29. Cellular hypoxia

30. Cellular Terrain

31. Oncogenes

32. Genetic predisposition

33. Miasma

Now that we have abe little background on cancer, we begin, a broad range of clinically proven natural health therapies, which can cover helpful to people with various forms of cancer. Each of these types of complementary medicine has to review a wealth of scientific research available, thanks to the ongoing research by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). In addition, each of the currently available therapies by physicians with outstanding medical backgrounds. TheBottom line is that all the cancer treatments I have that are discussed in the next few articles are valid and have been documented in the scientific literature.

In the next article we will be helping us explore the use of the following methods for the treatment of cancer through scientific evidence:

• Nutrition - diet and anti-cancer food

Anti-Cancer Herbal Supplements

• Innovative anti-cancerSubstances

• Support Physical therapy - Detoxification, Biological Dentistry, water therapy, heat therapy, Bodywork / Therapeutic Massage / Exercise, Qi Gong

• Energy Support Therapies - Electrodermal screening, magnetic therapy, light therapy

Finally, you should remember that early detection and prevention is the key to beating cancer. Here are the 8 early warning signs of cancer. If you have any of the following signs or symptomsContact your doctor immediately.

1. A lump in the breast or testicles.

2. A Change in a wart or mole.

3. A skin sore or a sore throat that will not heal.

4. A Change in bowel or bladder habits.

5. A persistent cough or coughing blood.

6. Constant indigestion or difficulty swallowing

7. Unusual bleeding or vaginal discharge

8. Chronic Fatigue

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Lymphoma symptoms

One of the most important factors in determining the survival rate or chances for remission of cancer patients is early detection. Some cancers where it is very true are breast cancer and prostate cancer because early detection makes it easier to treat because the cancer is usually found only in a localized area. With regard to lymphoma, the same principle applies; early detection of lymphoma has been shown to lead to higherSurvival rates. The key to early detection is a perception of symptoms that indicate the presence of lymphoma. Fortunately, the research on this subject is comprehensive and offers a wealth of information that can help people to recognize the symptoms of lymphoma.

Some common symptoms

Almost all lymphomas exhibit some general and specific symptoms, which largely depend on what type of lymphoma. One of the most common symptoms of lymphoma, the Swelling of the lymph nodes, often in the upper body. These swollen nodes are not painful, is what distinguishes it from an ordinary case of an infected lymph nodes, where the swelling comes with pain. Other common symptoms include a lack of energy and dramatic weight loss. Due to the effects on the immune system have a lymphoma, an increased incidence of fever and infections are another common set of symptoms in lymphoma patients. Other> Symptoms include night sweats and itching deep in the skin.

Some of the specific symptoms are pain in the lower back, which was the result of enlarged lymph nodes, hitting some nerves, pain in the lymph nodes after drinking, and spots on the skin or skin lesions. In addition to these symptoms is one of the most common methods to diagnose the disease is detected by routine x-rays, these machines are powerful enough to be a swelling in the lymphNode of a person.

How to increase with every cancer, early detection, the chances of survival for a person who is suffering from lymphoma. Against this background, the people of the symptoms must be aware that they should pay in order to detect the disease early and to receive appropriate treatment. Fortunately, the extensive research on lymphoma and IT systems that allow people to do just that.

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What are the signs of colon cancer?

This article describes a set of facts about cancer, what is and what is the most important sign of cancer. Colorectal cancer is a definition that is used to describe colo-(or colon rectal) cancer. The colon is part of the intestine. These casings are made of the small intestine (between the stomach and appendix) and the large intestine (the site) to the anus. The large intestine is divided into the long> Colon and rectum, a short, just before the anus. Two-thirds of all cancers occur in the colon and third in the rectum.

There are a number of different symptoms of cancer are related. The main symptoms of colorectal cancer are abdominal pain, diarrhea and constipation, blood in the stool. But the fact is that all the symptoms from person to person, so you can never quite sure, and there are even cases to say, without any symptoms vary at all. IfYou see a sign of colon cancer, contact a doctor immediately. It could be bleeding from the rectum or blood mixed with your stool. Often, however, believe the people that this is linked to hemorrhoids, which they always made the correct diagnosis and treatment in the early stages when the chances of preventing the highest.

Here is a list of colon cancer symptoms: pain in the lower abdomen, chronic bowel problems with bowel movements, diarrhea ismore than a few days, mainly colon problems with bowel movements, obstruction of bowels, iron deficiency anemia, which suggest bleeding in the intestine, blood in the stool, significant weight loss, abdominal mass or hardness in the abdomen, significant changes in the intestine - practice of Annex cancer pain characters.

A sign of colorectal cancer is an indication that something is not right in the body. But signs are defined asThings that are seen by a doctor, nurse or other medical professionals to. But only a single application may not be sufficient to define the exact condition. There are cases in which cancers begin where it causes no symptoms until the cancer has grown quite large.

So in this chain of thought, it must be noted that a sign of cancer listed above does not mean that you have cancer, there are many other conditions thatcan lead to exactly the same symptoms. It could be another cause for each of these characters, but the idea is to allow the medical practitioner so that they can be studied to know.

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Colon Cancer: if he failed to receive medical treatment, herbal Turned Parts

That is a 46-year-old man, he had problems of irregular bowel movement. Sometimes he had to empty his bowels twice a day, sometimes every two to three days. The chairs were often hard and painful. Finally, he lost his appetite and was sick when he ate. The food was not going to be able to stomach. Also eating a little food made him feel full. That had this problem for over four years. Last year was the worst - he suffered from pain and the chairs were blackand bloody. Then, one night he had severe abdominal pain. He saw a doctor who has many X-rays of his stomach. The doctor advised him to see a specialist immediately. After seeing the specialist, was carried out an operation the next day.

The surgeon removes a portion of the colon, which was as big as a tennis ball. Everything was good and that he was given chemotherapy through a whole year. Chemotherapy was administered once every two weeks. WhenChemotherapy treatments were completed, the blood test showed everything was in order. He continued with his routine monthly check-up.

In December 1997 that suffered from back pain in the stomach and he coughed non stop. The doctor said that he had a recurring cancer and needed a second operation. The medical report dated 12 December 1997 stated the following: "worn colon indicates an infiltration, moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma of the Duke's stage B. The operating margincloser to the tumor shows dysplastic changes in some of the mucous glands. "

After the second surgery, the doctor said to go further for the fact that a round of chemotherapy, but he refused. He came to CA Care for Herbs, 16 January 1998. Improved after only one week of the herbs, appetite, and he felt better. And to this day (November 2006, almost nine years on the herbs), that is still in good health.

That is doing well and is happy in fact. What would you thinkhappen if that were for patients with chemotherapy as proposed to go after his second surgery?

That is not an educated man, he is clever and has a lot of common sense. In the first instance, the chemotherapy treatments that cure at all. But despite this, there are many, many people who would go for more and more chemotherapy. They consider chemotherapy as a safe way to be - just to be safe. And there's a good feeling - I feel safe. But is it really safe?

Storyextracted from the book by the author: Cancer Success Stories 1: In Search of a Cure.

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Skin Cancer Symptoms - How do you know if you are concerned?

Sunlight, for several years associated with skin cancer. More and more people with this cancer than any other diagnosed. Therefore, it is important to learn about skin cancer symptoms, to protect yourself and those you love.

Skin cancer is often described as the growth on the surface of the skin. Moles or marks the time have since birth are rarely cancer. Changes in the appearance of these moles or marks maya sign of cancer, and should be examined by a doctor.

Sometimes skin cancer looks like a boil or pimple, do not heal. These areas may bleed or ooze clear fluid. You can develop crusts, appear as if they begin to heal, but then begin to bleed or seep back.

Different skin cancers developing in different areas of the body. Basal cell carcinomas normally appear on the skin surfaces frequently exposed to the sun, like the face, neck or upper back andoccasionally the hands or arms. Often, yellowish fluid, scab to seep, leak out and start again. When the skin is taut, basal cell carcinomas are often light gray color. Sometimes small blood vessels can be seen in the tumors.

In comparison, squamous cell carcinomas are more likely than basal cell cancers on the backs of the arms or hands to appear, but are found most often on the face, neck and back. These appear as painful reddish, scaly growths. These are also seepor bleed, scab over, and then drain.

Malignant melanoma, the most dangerous kind, usually appears on the trunk or legs. These can appear as changes in freckles or moles, or they could grow there spontaneously from one part of the skin that appears completely normal. These are often multicolored and can be brown, black, white, red or blue.

In rare cases, people may be in the development of other types of skin cancer. Kaposi's sarcoma in people with weakened immune systems, such as people found with human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV), or those who had organ transplants. These are painful purple spots that may, on the skin and to the lungs and digestive tract.

Individuals at high risk for skin cancer, how often the sun or persons with a family member, the cancer should consider testing their skin was often exposed. Skin cancer is usually very curable if it is found and treated early. Being aware of skin cancer> Symptoms and check your skin often you can not get ahead of the medical treatment and could save your life.

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What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS?

True to its name, irritable bowel syndrome or IBS is a disorder of the intestine. Some common symptoms include abdominal pain, control of mucus in stool, lower abdominal cramps, inability of the bowels, gas and alternative bouts of constipation and diarrhea. It is in all age groups of children widespread in adolescents and adults. The symptoms may disappear suddenly, or may reappear at any time in the life of an individual. Although IBS canResult in great distress and inconvenience, it is not life threatening like cancer or it causes no permanent damage to the stomach or intestine.

It is estimated that a search of 10 people, medical care, suffer from this condition. Many did not appear any serious symptoms, and it is rather a common ailment, the one for 20-25% of visits to gastroenterologists. The predominant symptoms include lower abdominal cramps and swelling. In many cases, theseSymptoms disappear with defecation. IBS is more common in women than men. IBS should not be with other inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis, the inflammation of the colon causing confusion. IBS does not cause inflammation in the colon, however, and is not as serious as colitis.

The increase in fiber intake and a reduction of caffeine is found that some of its benefits. IBS is a syndrome, as it includes several symptoms. A balanced dietcoupled with adequate medication and stress management could bring relief for many, however, IBS can put many people out of action because they have problems when walking or traveling in the face.

The contraction of the muscles, intestines, bringing about the movement of its contents is typically caused by hormones linked with neurological and muscular electrical activity in the colon affected. IBS is not a colon contrast to many other inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative limited. In some cases, IBS may begin suddenlyIndividuals (Rome II criteria positive), which is much more homogeneous, or infectious diseases such as fever, acute diarrhea, or positive stool culture ( "post-infectious IBS).

Even today, the exact causes of irritable bowel syndrome remains obscure. But the common risk factors thought IBS triggers are poor diet, stress and hormonal changes. Eating gas-forming foods aggravate the condition could be persons who are already suffering from IBS. In some cases, attacks ofinfectious diarrhea could lead to IBS. Probability that a genetic cause is also not excluded, as in many cases, IBS includes all members of a family.

The treatment is usually

For people who are useful in constipation, fiber supplements or laxatives, while those that are identified from diarrhea, benefiting from anti-diarrhea medications such as Lomotil or loperamide. Codeine, but effective control diarrhea might addictive.

While antidepressants may Relieve symptoms, which are antispasmodic agents useful in the management of colon muscle spasms and stomach pains. Many alternative therapies such as acupuncture and homeopathy are also very popular in the management of IBS. While many people resort to acupuncture, no scientific proof to attest to its effectiveness.

If all else fails, at extremely low doses of antidepressants are also used as a last resort. It works by imitating the nervous system> Intestine.

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Colorectal Cancer Facts - This is a preventable disease

Do you know what the second leading cause of cancer death in the U.S.? Cancer - is an entirely preventable disease. Many people are unaware that screening could be saved every year for this disease, thousands of lives. Unfortunately, these tests are not as often as they could be used.

It is believed that colon cancer take many years to develop, usually first as a pre-cancerous polyps in the color or rectum. Because they take on, more like along time to develop, it is time to recognize and remove growths before they become troublesome. Therefore, colorectal cancer is a very preventable disease.

Measures to: - early detection

As with all cancers, early detection is the key to survival. The earlier cancer can identify you, the better your chances of survival. Colorectal cancer screening, most polyps before they become available cancer. Removal of the growthsactually prevents cancer occurs. You can prevent this cancer or detect it early enough to remove it using one of these procedures:

An occult blood test (FOBT) is a very simple procedure that you can do at home. This procedure examines hidden blood in the stool sample, which can be a sign of cancer or polyps or other disease.

A sigmoidoscopy allows you to see about one third of the total length of the large intestine. A small,flexible, hollow, lighted tube for cancer or polyps in the rectum and lower colon to detect.

A colonoscopy is similar to a sigmoidoscopy, except it allows you to see the full length of the large intestine.

A double-contrast barium enema is an x-ray procedure that the doctor can see the entire intestine.

Symptoms and risk factors

If you develop symptoms such as persistent abdominal cramps, rectal bleeding or a sudden change in theBowel habits - you are looking for your doctor very soon. Risk factors for colorectal cancer are higher for people who already have colon cancer or polyps, or for those with chronic inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis book. Even those who have a close blood relative who has had colorectal cancer or polyps. If you have these risk factors, you need the screening tests have often done. Visit with your doctor about yourpotential risk factors.

When doctors see a polyp or other abnormality, then they will be a small tissue sample for the test. If cancer is found, then surgery is often the next step. Sometimes surgery is combined with radiotherapy and chemotherapy, was one of the most effective treatment methods.


Nearly all colon cancer start as a polyp, which grows into a tumor. When polyps are detected at an early stage(before) they become cancerous, they can be surgically removed before cancer develops. Because cancer generally takes such a long time to develop, there will be a preventable cancer. The key to success is early diagnosis. Also a good meal with low-fat diet with an emphasis on fresh fruits and vegetables can also help reduce the risk of colon cancer.

Early detection is the key to success in the fight against all forms of cancer - especiallyColorectal cancer. You are visiting with your doctor and schedule regular screenings.

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Colorectal Cancer: Can Diet and Herbs Out-chemotherapy?

In this part of the world I live in, patients with cancer often say that they (chemotherapy sometimes must undergo radiation therapy) after their operations because they would otherwise die. That is the perception of a "civilized" here. But after reading the medical literature on this topic, it came as a shock to know that we do not necessarily die if we do not undergoing chemotherapy. The perception I had then, without chemotherapy, colonDie Cancer patients would - if not all of them, at least a large majority of them. But the research data does not support that perception. Allow me two research papers for your reading.

Dr. Charles Moertel and colleagues from the famous Mayo Clinic, advocates the use of 5-FU + levamisole for colorectal patients. They showed that this brew is more effective than the use of 5-FU alone. Based on data from 929 patients with stage 3 colon cancer, they put theirReport in the Annals of Internal Medicine, 1 March 1995, Vol 122: 321-326 (fluorouracil plus levamisole as effective adjuvant therapy after resection of stage III colon carcinoma:) A final report as follows:

1. Of the 315 patients not receiving chemotherapy, 177 of them, namely 56%, suffered relapse.

2. Of the 304 patients who received chemotherapy, only 119 or 39%, suffered relapse.

3. Of the 315 patients who received chemotherapy 168of them, ie 53.3%, died.

4. Obtained from the 304 patients receiving chemotherapy, 121 or 39.8%, died.

5. The side effects of fluorouracil plus levamisole were: nausea, rarely vomiting, stomatitis, diarrhea, dermatitis, fatigue, occasional mild alopecia and neurotoxicity.

6. About half of the patients had hematologic depression, which was generally limited to mild leucopenia.

7. Forty percent of patients had liver function tests outside the standard results in the coursetherapy. Its toxicity was reflected in increased alkaline phosphatase (equivalent to about 7 months reached after the start of therapy), causes increased aminotransferase (AST) levels and increased serum bilirubin in addition to fatty liver.

From the above data it is clear that chemotherapy reduced again reduced by 17% and the death of 13.5%, but not without side effects, which are often dismissed as insignificant.

Similarly Wolmark et al. (Post-operative adjuvant chemotherapyor BCG for colon cancer: results from NSABP C-01 protocol. J. National Cancer Inst 1988th Vol: 80:30-36), showed that a mixture of 5-FU have semustine vincristine + + a good job. Let's look at the data presented:

A total of 1166 patients, the operation for B and C were subjected to Duke's colorectal cancer were divided into 3 groups and in view of the above treatments. The results of the study were as follows:

1. 59% of those who underwentSurgery only (as a control group) survived for 5 years.

2. 67% of those receiving the 5-FU + vincristine + semutine obtained after 5 years.

The results show that the use of 5-FU + vincristine + semustine after surgery for Duke's B and C colon cancer increased 5-year survival rate of charge. Leukemia was in 3 of 479 patients who had received the semustine observed.

Note that the real benefit of chemotherapy is shown in this study at 8% of thePatients only. Even after 5 years, 59% of patients were still alive, even without chemotherapy. The question that we would like to ask is: "what if they undergo chemotherapy?" I expect that almost all living or a large majority of them at the end of five years. No, the data shows only 67% of them survived. This is yet another shocking truth - even if it points to the chemotherapy, research finds that 33% of dying patients were still undergoing bowel cancer.

A doctor said hisPatients taking herbs and always a question of luck. Well, what is chemotherapy? Chemotherapy patients may need as much luck?

The difference of five-year survival rate between chemotherapy and no chemotherapy group is only 8% and 13.5% (on the work at the Mayo Clinic is based). Chemotherapy has proven to be only a narrow margin of advantage. In fact, from the scientific point of view, the result is not statistically significant. This would please the statisticians and scientists, but I am notsure if it pleases on all cancer patients. I believe this is not looking for it, (what patients, especially in poor developing countries). Are you looking for a real cure (no MEDISAL CURE is not!). If this is not possible, at least, they expect a much greater chance of achieving it. I wonder if 8% or 13.5% benefit is good enough?

Chemotherapy causes severe side effects in most patients. It is not like an "ant-bite", as an oncologist would tell in some patients. Withonly 8% or 13.5% difference, it is worth playing?

A question comes to mind: Can this slim margin of 8% and 13.5% not from any other non-invasive or non-toxic agents to achieve? For example, it will ever happen, to people only through a change of diet or taking herbs, maybe we can increase our chances of colon cancer cure and the result could be better than chemotherapy? In my future articles I will present several case studies that in fact this showHypothesis is valid and merit - Herbs and changes in diet and lifestyle can prolong meaningful survival better than chemotherapy!

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Scalp Cancer - Is Your Life In A Risk

A skin cancer is the abnormal growth of keratinocytes or skin cells that are stimulated by solar radiation. Basically, the cancer is of three types namely:

1. Basal cell cancers: This is the most widespread and most commonly occurring form of skin cancer. It is based on excessive sun exposure. Basal cell cancers are usually slow growing. This may relate to the surrounding areas of the body.

2. Squamous cell cancers: This type of Cancer can also to other body parts. And it can be fatal if left untreated.

3. Malignant melanoma skin cancer: If you see it in your body, it begins to superficial spreading further reduction to lower structures of the skin about 1-2 mm below the surface. Malignant melanomas are usually black surface, and this can take your life from you.

The scalp cancer, we are talking about is an unusual type of squamous cell carcinoma of the skin Cancer (SCC), is found mainly in men who are balding on the stage. But how? The reason is the direct exposure of their bald scalp to harmful rays of the sun. But do not remain under the illusion that it can not occur on the scalp cancer with thick hair. It can be someone victims.

This scalp cancer is considered the most dangerous form of SCC. But the good news is that scalp cancer if diagnosed at the very first stage. The> The symptoms of this disease are:

1. Irritation on the scalp

2. Formation of red nodules or fat lesions on the scalp

3. Bleeding from these lesions

To diagnose it, these lesions during a routine biopsy but the permanent or appropriate treatment for scalp cancer is observed in the surgical removal of the tumor.

It is not that there is no prevention to this type of cancer. There are many ways to stand out from the scalp cancer like you can preventfor sunscreen, hats outdoors and try to avoid midday sun as much as possible.

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Peritoneal Mesothelioma Cancer - Symptoms and Treatment Options

Peritoneal mesothelioma, also known as asbestos lung cancer is a relatively rare form of mesothelioma cancer, accounting for less than one quarter of all mesothelioma cases. It is called Peritoneal because it appears as a tumor in the peritoneum membrane of the abdomen.

Exposure to asbestos is the only known cause of this disease in the United States. Patients with peritoneal mesothelioma have afflicted asbestos fibers are inhaled or swallowedusually through work related activities. symptoms do not occur until between 20 and 40 years after contact with the mineral and its by-products. Malignant peritoneal mesothelioma is often fatal and patients who are affected by it to live an average of less than one year from the date of diagnosis.

The symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma
The symptoms may be abdominal pain, swelling, a change in your bowel habits, such as frequent diarrhea includeor constipation, pieces of tissue in the abdomen and unexplained weight loss.

Diagnostic Tools
Peritoneal mesothelioma is discovered by X-rays or CT scans, peritoneoscopy (analysis of the peritoneum) or a biopsy, where a tissue sample taken from the examination by a pathologist.

Treatment Options
Localized applications only treat the original cancer site, either by surgery or radiotherapy. A peritonectomy surgery is used whenPeritoneal mesothelioma detected early. However, the symptoms are usually only in the advanced stages because of the gradual development of symptoms detected. Complete removal of Caner is through surgery doubtful of the disease even in the earliest stages. The first 30 days after surgery are crucial. Unfortunately, this is after surgery death rate for this operation is very high. Many patients do not make it through the process. In this sense, many medicalCenters do not choose surgery as a viable treatment option plan at this time.

Regional chemotherapy for peritoneal mesothelioma cases, if the cancer is localized still used at the starting point. This option is used in the treatment of early and late stages of the disease, use of anti-cancer drugs. The drugs are injected directly into the abdominal cavity. Patients undergoing weekly or biweekly treatments are used depending on the specific drugs.

An additional procedure known) as adjuvant chemotherapy (regional chemotherapy may be used immediately after surgery to reduce the likelihood of the return of cancer. However, if the cancer is not completely removed by surgery, chemotherapy will continue to slow throughout the life of the cancer in an attempt to their development.

A second type of treatment as systemic treatments are used if the cancer metastasis (spread throughout the body) known. SystematicTreatments are implemented in the two earlier stages or late stages of peritoneal mesothelioma.

Since peritoneal mesothelioma often remains dormant for years, the cancer is usually detected in its final stages. At this point, patients are too ill to be treated with intensive chemotherapy. Doctors choose non-aggressive palliative care at this time. Treatment goals are focused on the reorganization of pain, discomfort and weight loss as an attack on the disease on its head. A kind ofPain, often in the late states of the disease causing accumulation of fluid in the abdomen. Doctors try to reduce the pain and discomfort by draining the excess fluid through a procedure called abdominal paracentesis on.

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Colon Cleansing

Intestinal cleansing is one of those topics filthy that no one feels himself talk. This is unfortunate, because it is a process that is really who they may sustain benefit. If more people would be willing to get out the word, then we could see a number of health benefits that have to take responsibility for. Here is some information about colon cleansing, and how accurate it may be helpful for you.

There are three main types of colon cleansing, you can do. Thefirst is the more manual selection. This is when the water is pumped through the large intestine and drains to clear all the unwanted excrement. This is known as an enema, and many people have a slight aversion to this method.

Another type of colon cleansing is the herbal and natural diversity. That is, if you change your food intake to a particular diet is recommended. Through all the necessary materials and ingredients, you will have mild laxative effect and is able tocleanse your colon. This can be a pill, a court or some other thing that you would take normally.

Oxygen-based colon cleansing is another method that goes on and on much more popular as time. It dissolves all chemical wastes in the large intestine, which causes an obstruction or irregular activity. This is usually more expensive, but very fast, effective, and unobtrusive.

Whichever method you choose, the final results are essentially the same. Your Colon, of course, is a large amount of waste is stagnating, and if you do a colon cleansing treatment to be carried out free of charge on all of these wastes. It is not unheard of for someone 10 to 30 pounds of waste, lose as a result of colon cleansing session.

But when the body naturally stores all of this waste is, it is not meant to be there? This is not always the case. Many people suffer from intestinal diseases such as diarrhea or constipation. If you are a healthy> Colon by cleansing it regularly, you can get rid of many of these problems.

If these benefits sound appealing to you? A quick cleaning of the colon, you can use the exemption from so many different things that you almost no reason to avoid them. If you want to find the supplies for some of the most popular methods of colon cleansing, you can simply look on the internet. Many different aspects are required to have devoted the most effective methods and provides on the market, so that, if you are just these pages you will find in the economy.

Bowel cleansing is certainly not for everyone. Before you commit a certain method, you should be a lot of research. Make sure that your conditions are perfect and that it is a necessary and viable solution. Do not use it just because some slight stomach discomfort ñ call a physician and see if you experience something natural or if you have a problem that can be helped with> Colon cleansing.

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A healthy colon is the key to a healthy body

Maintaining a healthy colon is one of the single most important steps you can take to detoxify your body of accumulated toxins and waste. A healthy gut is really important to their overall health, especially when you consider that virtually everything you eat in your gut toxins ends. Part of the reason why so many Americans is an unhealthy colon, the lack of benefits of fiber to their diet. Furthermore, the average American diet contains less than a fractionfiber foods are necessary to promote elimination of toxins from the body.

Poor diet, poor diet combination and the lack of dietary fiber make maintenance of a healthy colon virtually impossible. In many cases a person may, on the typical Western diet of up to 8 meals of undigested food in the intestines and digestive tract, which cause bad bacteria to increase their numbers increase, and that persons weight. Let's face it, no one who eats a "modern" diet, which can escapeFormation of mucoid and metabolic waste deposits on the inner walls of the colon. Colon cleansing is an ongoing process that can be helped by diet, exercise and water consumption.

Colon cleansing is vital for maintaining optimal health and easy to do if you use a natural product to clean colon. If you currently suffer from chronic constipation, diarrhea or general irregularity, a powerful colon cleanse maybe just the solution youneed. The benchmark for all to clean colon is the ability to consistently produce thick, dark and rubbery bowel cleanse, the sign of a successful. The key is listening to your own body to know whether you need to use daily to cleanse all three weeks, quarterly or half yearly.

Natural herbal colon cleaning products makes the process of colon cleansing very smooth and thus helps us maintain our bodies in a much more effective. Balanced and proper diet along withherbal cleaners will clean the colon over time, but those with serious conditions need to take quick remedial. If you have one of these common symptoms of toxicity, you need to be cleaned.

When you clean your bowel and then the balance of good and bad bacteria that is true if you have adequate production of enzymes and your dietary intake and the production of vitamins, you should improve your food intolerance is essential orleather suit.


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A Closer Look At Colon Cancer

Cell proliferation is associated with the development of the human body. Once the complete development is achieved, the process stops. Until then, new cells are created solely by the need created for them. But if this process continues at an abnormal case is likely to develop cancer. These cancer cells will invade neighboring tissues. If this condition occurs in the intestinal mucosa, called a disease like colon cancer begins as betterly colon knownCancer. Colon cancer usually begins as benign polyps that soon develop into cancer.

Fortunately, colorectal cancer is easily detected and has great potentials for removal if diagnosed at an early stage. Surgical treatments can be enforced even before the cancer spreads to the lymph nodes. And the success of undergoing chemotherapy to cure the cancer that is impressive. Although this is true, the fact that colon cancer is ascancer remains the second most common reason for the higher mortality rates for cancer victims. The previous estimate for the survival of colorectal cancer victim is around ninety percent and higher. But this number sharply after 2004 does not change.

People with higher risk for development of colorectal cancer

Western societies are more vulnerable to the dangers caused by the cancer. The reason pointed outThis condition is that people from the western diet, the necessary nutrients for the body and the healthy foods that are normally eaten in other parts of the world lacks needed. Nutrition in the highly industrialized parts of the West are much worse. Food usually come shortly with the components in fruits, vegetables and proteins.

In addition, smokers who are regularly found around 20 cigarettes or more on a daily basis to 250% chance of developing colonCancer. Drinkers have 87% more opportunities for the acquisition of the disease, in contrast with nondrinkers. And if these two will be ill, then combines the likelihood of developing polyps rises to 400%.

Men are at greater risk for developing colon cancer than those of the female population. Colored women who have mostly black, a greater likelihood of developing the disease. And drinkers, smokers, obesity and physical inactivity have some potential risks for polypsGrowth.

Unfortunately, colorectal cancer is hereditary. If a person is found in the family, the result is, then the first-degree relatives may have colon polyps as well.


There are strong indications that high calcium content in reducing a person's body against the risk of colon cancer. Again, more good sources for the prevention of the disease are the vegetables. The phytochemicals found in certain vegetables are to be noted to havegreat effect against the development of polyps. Daily exercises also go a long way in controlling the risks for cancer.

Aspirin is known to reduce the potency of the growth of polyps and cancers of the colon and cancer of the esophagus and the stomach. Is a regular 325 mg aspirin every day to weigh enough serious risk of a person. Although it should be noted that aspirin can cause gastrointestinal bleeding and ulcers. Lower AustriaIncidence of colorectal cancer is also due to the daily consumption of 1500 mg of calcium.

The future of colorectal cancer is yet to be defined. But today's trend of developing the disease not so, as with other fatal diseases, and fortunately even worse, there are major improvements over earlier diagnosis of the disease. As with the majority of health to continue the rule of thumb is to stay healthy and maintain a healthyLifestyle.

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Pancreatic cancer - causes, symptoms and treatment

Pancreatic cancer is a relatively rare disease, about 3 in 100 cases of all cancers in the United States. However, the disease, the impact is mainly due to people over 50, increasingly common in the U.S. because life expectancy is rising. Pancreatic cancer occurs almost twice as common among men as among women and the disease is slightly more common in African-Americans and Polynesians. People with pancreatic cancer usually have few symptoms until theDisease reaches an advanced stage and often not until it has spread to other parts of the body, usually the lymph nodes in the abdomen and liver. The disease is almost always fatal and is the fourth leading cause of death from cancer in the U.S.. Little is known about the causes of pancreatic cancer, but it was associated with a diet, especially with fatty foods and high alcohol consumption. An increased incidence of cancer in certain ethnic groupsindicates that genetic factors may be involved. The risk of disease is greater in people who smoke and in patients with chronic pancreatitis.

The pancreas is an organ in endocrine functions, such as the secretion of insulin and exocrine functions, such as involved in the secretion of insulin and exocrine functions, such as the secretion of enzymes involved in digestion. It is located below the stomach and the liver, adjacent to the duodenum (the first section is the smallIntestine).

Causes: The cause of this cancer is unknown. The most established risk factor for the development of this cancer is cigarette smoking. Other less common risk factors:

• A high-fat diet

• Diabetes

• Chronic pancreatitis, usually associated with high alcohol consumption

• The workers in contact with organic chemicals

Symptoms: When the cancer develops in the head of the pancreas, which is in a confined spaceDuodenum, the patients suffer from jaundice and generalized itching. If on the other side of the tumor arises in the area of the tail of the pancreas, is the farthest from the duodenum, the tumor can grow to larger sizes before causing symptoms. This condition can lead to the obstruction of bile excreted, the development of

• Jaundice

• Pale-colored stools

• itching

• Abdominal pain

• Weight Loss

• APalpable mass.

Many patients with pancreatic cancer also have symptoms of cancer that has spread to other organs.

Diagnosis: Cancer of the pancreas can be easily seen with computed tomography or ultrasound of the abdomen to. The diagnosis must be confirmed by obtaining a biopsy.

Complications: Complications resulting from the spread (metastasis) of cancer to other organs or of the physical size of the tumor causing obstruction of theBile duct or other internal structures.


Self treatment: A general healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet is important to preserve the general health during the treatment for pancreatic cancer.

Medical Treatment: Although treatment with chemotherapy has not been very encouraging, promising new chemotherapeutic agents are always investigated. Combinations of treatment with chemotherapy and radiation can help control symptoms, in some casescancer at an advanced stage. Surgical treatment: removal of the tumor is the only chance of cure for this type of cancer. Unfortunately, only about 15 percent of patients whose tumors are completely removed. The rest of the patients have cancers that are grown too large to remove completely.

Prevention: the only established risk for the development of pancreatic cancer is cigarette smoking. Smoking cessation should therefore lead to a reduced chancethe development of this type of cancer.

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Colorectal Cancer Part 6: Chemotherapy for the Elderly - Is It Worth It?

According to the editorial in the New England Journal of Medicine (advanced age - and not a hindrance to cancer treatment. Vol: 345: 1128-1129. October 2001), more than half of all new cancers in the U.S. in patients 65 years of age or older . Also, around two thirds to three quarters of the cases of colorectal cancer in these older age groups and three quarters of them die of the disease. In another report, in the same journal (Vol: 345: 1091-1097) entitled: "A publicpooled analysis of adjuvant chemotherapy for resected colon cancer in elderly patients, "Dr. Daniel Sargent and his colleagues analyzed data from 3351 patients and compared the performance of patients in four different age groups. They concluded that:

1. Selected elderly patients with colorectal cancer may have the same performance "of patients with chemotherapy as their younger colleagues.

2. The five-year survival rate was 71% for those receivingChemotherapy and 64% for those who do not receive chemotherapy.

3. The toxic effects of therapy were nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, stomatitis and leukopenia (ie) reduction of white blood cells. The toxic effects in those aged over 75 years, not increased as compared to other age groups.

Question: The difference in performance between chemotherapy (5-FU + leucovorin or 5-FU
+ Levamisole) and no chemotherapy was 7%. This benefit of increased survival comes with toxic side effectsEffects. While younger patients may be able to tolerate the side effects, I wonder if the elderly want to go through such "suffering." In order to provide oncologists and researchers, the results were "statistically significant", but from the perspective of the patient, I'm wondering if it worth it?

Theodore, JI & Lamont, EB (in: The efficacy of adjuvant fluorouracil in clinical practice: A population-based cohort study of elderly patients with stage III colon cancer.J. of Clinical Oncology. October 2002. Vol: wrote 20: 3992-3998):

"In five years, were treated, 52.7% of the elderly, patients with stage III colon adjuvant 5-FU alive compared to only 40.7% of untreated patients."

Questions: If you are old and had an operation on your stage 3 colon, but decided not to go for chemotherapy - you would soon die out? The answer is no. The data of these studies show that you may still be alive after five years if youundergone chemotherapy. Think about this carefully: For every 100 elderly patients who are undergoing chemotherapy, only 12 of them benefit from the treatment. This means that 88 elderly patients to tolerate the side effects of chemotherapy, and they do not benefit from treatment.

Yang, TS and colleagues (in Phase II clinical trial of a weekly 8-hour 5-fluorouracil and folinic acid infusion in patients with advanced colorectal cancer: dose adjusted according to theirToxicity. Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2,001th Vol: 31: 610-615) studied 26 patients with inoperable metastastatic or local recurrence of colorectal carcinoma. The patients were treated with 5-FU + leucovorin. The results of their findings were:

1. The study began in June 1998, but until December 2000, and a half years later, only 3 patients alive, that was 23 of 26 patients and 88% were dead. They survived for 1.5 to 28.3 months (median survival = 12.1Months).

2. The overall survival rate was 53.8% at 1 year and 11.5% after 2 years.

3. The most common side effects were observed were nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and mucositis.

4. Hand-foot syndrome occurred in 11.5% of patients.

5. Fatigue or weakness occurred in 57.7% of patients.

6. The study was terminated because the expected return rate was not achieved as expected.

Questions: Are the results of this study in Taipei, Taiwan, not thepainful experiences of most cancer patients who have undergone chemotherapy? Are we to believe that chemotherapy for colorectal cancer is good if 88% were dead 1.5 years after chemotherapy?

I often tell this to cancer patients: How much longer to live, is not important. How do you live within his lifetime, is the core of the problem. What is the point of being alive if you spend most of your time into and out of the hospital, or enduring the pageEffects of treatment?

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