What Are The Most Common Hepatitis C Symptoms

Hepatitis C is an illness that causes the liver to inflammate and damages it in time. It is caused by viruses that are transmitted from blood to blood contact with an infected person, and it affects millions of people all over the world. Some of the hepatitis C infections are not dangerous, but many of them can turn into chronic hepatitis which can be deadly.

When people get infected with the hepatitis C virus they enter the acute hepatitis phase. Acute hepatitis lasts for 6 months and while in this phase the virus is "hibernating" and it's not causing any trouble. In most cases it does not show any signs or symptoms but a small number of people have experienced jaundice, abdominal pain, a state of fatigue and weakness and a decrease in the appetite.

In 20% of the cases the body eliminates the hepatitis C virus in these first 6 months, and the patient is cured. But in most cases the virus is still present after 6 months, becomes active, and acute hepatitis C turns into chronic hepatitis C.

Chronic hepatitis C is tricky because it has almost no symptoms and for this reason it can't be discovered until it's too late. Even the jaundice that appears during the acute phase is usually gone. In many cases it's discovered accidentally while routine tests are performed on the patient.

However symptoms do occur when serious damage is done to the liver and it does not function properly. The most common signs that appear at most people are fever and other flu-like symptoms, headache, decrease in appetite, fatigue, abdominal, joint and bone pain.

Other known symptoms that have been encountered in many hepatitis C infections are: blurred vision, dizziness, depression, mood swings and anxiety , dry skin, indigestion, sweating and sometimes weight loss.

The symptoms vary widely from one patient to another so don't jump to any conclusion until you have been examined by a doctor.

Remember that hepatitis C irreversibly damages your liver even if you don't experience any symptoms. If it is left untreated your life may end up depending on a liver transplant, and there are too many that need liver transplants and too few donors, so it's best to consult a doctor if you suspect that you are infected or if you shared needles or had sex with someone that may be infected.

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Tamiflu And Pregnancy - Can I Take Tamiflu During Pregnancy?

Tamiflu is a medicine that is to be taken when you are infected by the influenza virus. Now that I have covered what Tamiflu is briefly I will go into the details and then give you a study on the effects of Tamiflu when you are pregnant and lactating because this too is an important part of pregnancy.

How Tamiflu treats the Flu

The main ingredient of the Tamiflu medicine is the Oseltamivir phosphate. This medicine belongs among a group of medications which is called the neuraminidase inhibitors. The medicine acts in this way; it attacks the influenza virus in the body and stops it from spreading inside the body. This is a great cure. You will feel the symptoms reducing within a span of two days. Most other medications for flu go for the symptoms and try to cure the symptoms or mask them. So you can simply say that Tamiflu treats the flu at the source of the infection.

Tamiflu Dosage

For knowing its effects on pregnancy one should know the dosage of the capsule. Each capsule of the medication contains seventy five grams of the active drug. The capsule is a grey and light yellow capsule. For persons afflicted by the flu, they re supposed to take two capsules orally; one capsule in the morning and one in the evening. For people who have been exposed to the influenza virus and they who are taking this medicine as a preventive measure against the flu should take only one seventy five grams capsule in a day. In the earlier case the person is prescribed this medicine for a period of five days and in the second case for a period of seven days. So this is the approximate dosage of what a pregnant lady will have if she is faced with the consequences of taking Tamiflu.

Studies conducted on the medication for pregnancy

Now I will be discussing the studies conducted on the medication for pregnancy. The FDA has categorized this drug under the medical category "C". The data collected is insufficient to give a clear picture on the effects of Tamiflu on pregnant women and her developing fetus. As there was no human specimens in the tests initial tests were conducted on rats. Then in a later stage we switched over to rabbits. The pregnant rats were given Tamiflu in different proportions. They were administered dosages of fifty, two hundred and fifty and one thousand five hundred milligrams for per kilogram per day. The rabbits were given fifty, one hundred and fifty and five hundred milligrams for every kilogram per day. Both these animals were given the medication by the oral route. The relative exposure rates were accounted for. In a rat the exposure for these doses was two, thirteen and a hundred times. In the case of the rabbit it was four, eight and a fifty times. Pharmacokinetic study showed that fetal exposure was there in both the cases. In the case of the rats, the maternal toxicity was minimal that too in the one thousand five hundred milligram per kilogram per day group. The rabbit showed slight maternal toxicities. Skeletal abnormalities were observed in the cases where the doses were increased. However the abnormality remained in the background.

The studies came to the conclusion as such, "Tamiflu should be prescribed to a pregnant woman only if the case justifies the potential benefit of the fetus."

A similar study was conducted on rats and rabbits for the effects of Tamiflu in lactating mothers. It was observed that Oseltamivir and Oseltamivir carboxylate are given out in the milk. A similar human study could not be conducted due to the lack of lactating mothers infected by the flu who are willing to contribute towards experimentation.

Anyway the conclusion drawn is also the same as that drawn for the pregnancy test. It was again cited "Tamiflu should be prescribed to a pregnant woman only if the case justifies the potential benefit of the foetus."

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Mild Stroke Symptoms

The clinical features of a mild stroke may include an extremely diverse group of effects, or symptoms. These include changes in sensation, changes to patterns of movement, weakness or paralysis, emotional disturbances and changes to speech. All, or only some of these mild stroke symptoms may be present in any particular case.


The first thing to be affected may be the senses, particularly the sense of touch, and this can have a dramatic impact on the capacity of the person for rehabilitation. For example, a lack of sensation on the hemiplegic (paralysed) side can often make it difficult for the person to comprehend what is required. A lack of perception combined with loss of sensation can lead to a great risk of injury. For instance, the person may not be able to feel heat, which means they need a much greater awareness of where their limbs are in space if they are to avoid being scalded or burned.


The thing that will be most obvious to those around the person with mild stroke symptoms will be the abnormal patterns of movement. This may be caused by abnormal tone, sensory deficit, loss of balance or equilibrium and righting reactions. For example, when bringing food from the plate to the mouth the arm may go into a flexion pattern.


Paralysis (or plegia) is the most easily recognisable symptom of stroke. The paralysis may be just a weakness where the stroke has been a mild one. This weakness happens on the side of the body opposite to the lesion in the brain. The face, neck and trunk muscles can be involved as well as the arms and legs. The tone of the muscles alters following a stroke and may be either reduced (hypotonicity) or increased (hypertonicity, or spasticity).

Emotional effects

Many people suffer emotional disturbances after a stroke, even a mild one. They can become emotionally labile, for example laughing or crying at inappropriate times. This can be very distressing both for the person and their carers, family or relatives. The lability tends to pass, but it can give way to depression, frustration and aggression. This is particularly the case where the stroke has also caused communication disorders.


Speech and language disorders normally occur where the person has a lesion in the left hemisphere. If the muscles involved in speech are weak (or paralyzed) speech can become slurred, although there is no real loss of language. The language deficits are known are 'dysphasia' and this can mean that the person either cannot express themselves through speech (although they can still understand the spoken word), or they may lose the capacity to comprehend the spoken word.

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Listerine Toenail Fungus Treatment

You've heard of the mouthwash, but have you heard of the Listerine toenail fungus treatment? It seems that a lot of people are soaking their fungal toenail infections in a basin of Listerine and getting good results. Like people who use other home remedies for this unpleasant infection, people who swear by this oral rinse tried it because they were trying to avoid expensive prescription drugs and their side effects, or had tried the other treatments with no success. Apparently it worked.

If you're using Listerine for toenail fungus, be prepared to keep it up for a while - though some people claim the remedy works after soaking for 30 minutes a day for just a few days, most fungal toenail infections will take months to clear, whether you're using Listerine, vinegar, or any of the prescription drugs. It just takes a long time for the fungus to die and the new, uninfected nail to grow in. Use it every day - never skip a day - and in a month or two, you should see some healthy nail growing in. Don't stop using Listerine for toenail fungus until the entire nail is new and looks healthy and normal.

Many people find that when it comes to treating nail fungus Listerine and vinegar combined offer even faster results. Fungi do not do well in an acid environment, so adding vinegar to Listerine may give your home remedy a little extra punch, combining the acidic vinegar with whatever is in the Listerine (presumably the disinfectant) that kills the fungal infection. Some people have had good success mixing a half-and-half solution and just painting it on the infected nails several times a day.

There's no guarantee that the Listerine toenail fungus treatment will work for you. It doesn't work for everyone, and no published scientific studies have looked at the effects of using Listerine for toenail fungus, or gathered data on the number of people who used it successfully. If you have the time and the inclination to try it, however, it is certainly much cheaper than prescription drugs that can cost eight dollars a day, or even more, to use.

A solution that's safe to put in your mouth is presumably perfectly safe for soaking your feet. It might even feel good! But if you're going to try Listerine for toenail fungus, you should be aware of one potential side effect: it seems that it may turn your feet green! Temporarily.

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Ethmoid Sinus Diseases - Prevention and Treatment

Sinus infections occur when nasal passages, along with the sinuses, become inflamed due to bacteria or viruses. Ethmoid sinus disease occur when the frontal sinuses are inflamed, causing headache and pressure on both your eyes and nose, which are the most common signs of ethmoid sinus infections.

The ethmoid sinuses are located in the skull, right above the nose and between the sockets of the eyes. These sinuses are small and contain 7 to 10 bubbles which are connected and lined with mucus membranes. These bubbles have passage ways for the ethmoid sinuses that drains the nasal cavity. When bacteria infest the lining of the ethmoid sinuses, it becomes inflamed and eventually blocks the ostia, causing the mucus not to drain from the ethmoid sinuses. Due to this, there will be a mucus build up and this will eventually cause infection which is known as ethmoid sinus disease, ethmoid sinusitis or ethmoiditis.

Ethmoid sinus diseases are known to be acute and the symptoms may usually last no longer than 8 weeks if you are getting an infection once a year. If you are experiencing such condition more often, then the symptoms may last even up to 10 days and these symptoms often include post nasal drip, nasal congestion and discharge, pain in the inner corner of the eyes and on one particular side of the nose. Ethmoid sinus disease symptoms may also be accompanied with headache in the temples and the pain and pressure might be worse when you are lying down and may lessen if your head is positioned upright.

For an ethmoid sinus disease, a decongestant may already be helpful in clearing the airways. These decongestants can be an Afrin, Neo-Synephrine, Forte or Naphcon. These are often used to clear the airways, but for ethmoid sinus diseases which are due to bacteria, antibiotics may also be recommended. Synthetic penicillin such as Polymox, Amoxil and Trimox works best against various microorganisms, but for those who have penicillin allergies, trimethoprim or sulfamethoxazole can be taken instead.

To be protected against ethmoid sinus diseases, make sure to avoid people suffering from common colds and maintain proper hygiene. An annual influenza vaccine can also be helpful in reducing the risk of acquiring infections throughout the year. Including antioxidants in your diet can help you strengthen your immune system as well and do not forget to get proper amount of sleep so that your body can recover from a day's hard work. Drinking lots of water can also help you lessen nasal secretions and thin the mucus.

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Just Great, My Dog Has Worms, Now What?

It can be a devastating and disgusting diagnosis when a Veterinarian tells you that your dog has Worms. Even worse, you may actually see the Worms coming out of your dog or in their stool, if they have Roundworms or Tapeworms. Trust me when I say that that can be a nearly traumatic experience. Also disturbing, some of these Worms can even be transmitted from your dog to you, which is called zoonosis. These include Roundworms and Hookworms, so you should take extra precautions and follow your veterinarians advice to the letter, if you dog has one of these parasites.

Each type of wormy parasite requires a different treatment or medication, and will display different symptoms. Every dog owner should at least have a working knowledge about the warning signs of a Worm infestation and the treatments involved. Here are the five types of Worms that may infect your dog.

Roundworms - There are two types of Roundworms and they are the most common Worm infestation in dogs. The symptoms of Roundworms include: pot-belly appearance, diarrhea, vomiting, dull coat and weight loss. You may even see this type of Worm in your dogs vomit or feces. They look like pieces of spaghetti up to 6 inches long or longer. This type of Worm is usually treated with oral medication, with follow-up fecal screenings. This is one of the types of Worms that can be transferred to humans, but good hygiene will usually eliminate this threat.

Hookworms - Hookworms can not be seen with the naked eye, so they are usually diagnosed by your Vet with a test. The symptoms of Hookworms include: bloody stool, anemia, weight loss, pale gums, diarrhea and low energy level. This parasite is usually treated with oral medication, follow-up fecal screenings, and in the worst case, a blood transfusion. This is the other type of Worm that can be transmitted to humans. Good hygiene and cleaning up after your infected dog can prevent a human infection.

Tapeworms - Common Tapeworm symptoms include abdominal pain, nervousness, severe itching around the anus, vomiting and weight loss. You may also see this Worm in your dogs feces. The broken sections, which may still be moving, will give the dogs stool a rice like appearance. Tapeworms must usually be treated with a prescription oral or injection dewormer medication. Over-the-counter dewormer medication is usually not strong enough to clear this kind of Worm infestation.

Whipworms - This Worm can not be seen by the naked eye, and must be diagnosed through testing. Symptoms of a Whipworm infestation include anemia, weight loss, flatulence, diarrhea with blood or mucus in the stool and lack of energy. These Worms can be difficult to treat with over-the-counter medication, but there are very effective prescription treatments.

Heartworms - Although easily preventable, untreated Heartworm infections are potential fatal. The symptoms usually do not show up until the last stage of the disease, and include pot-belly, coughing, lack of energy and dull coat. Because symptoms do not appear until its too late, it is best to use a over-the-counter preventative medication to stop these Worms before they endanger your pets health.

Having a Wormy dog can be an unpleasant experience, but in almost all cases there is an effective treatment available to help your favorite dog live a healthy and Worm free life.

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Understanding Walking Pneumonia Symptoms

Walking pneumonia, or mycoplasmal pneumoniae, is an illness that everyone can get, because it spreads through the air very easy if a person infected with the bacteria that causes it sneezes or coughs.

Walking pneumonia is a mild form of the disease that used to kill thousands before the discovery of antibiotics and the pneumonia vaccination, but it can be tricky because most of the people that have it confuse it with influenza, and they use the wrong treatment for it, thus allowing it to advance.

Children under the age of 15 are at a higher risk to get this illness, but everybody can have it. It is known that it quickly spreads in schools or army barracks, because in the institutions mentioned above people stay close together and the microorganisms that cause it enter the bodies of many.

Its first symptom is a mild sore throat that gets worse as days pass. Then a dry cough shows up. As its name suggests, walking pneumonia does not make the people that have it stay in bed, its effects are not severe so the patient can tend to his/her normal activities, but this is not recommended if he/she works in an environment with many people. Also, one infected with walking pneumonia will feel a general state of fatigue all the time.

The main problem is that its symptoms are the same with the cold or influenza symptoms. After the coughing a mild fever may also appear, accompanied by a running nose, exactly the same when you have a cold. The first clue that you do not have a simple cold is that the coughing cannot be cured with the regular medication, because the bacteria that cause pneumonia can only be treated with antibiotics. Furthermore, although you took your regular cough medicine, it gets worse and worse until you take antibiotics.

This can make walking pneumonia a tricky, miserable disease, but once it is discovered it can very easily be cured with just a few antibiotics. In a few days it will be gone, but the hard part is to realize that you have pneumonia and not just a cold.
Remembering the symptoms and facts mentioned above can spare you of the trouble of confusing walking pneumonia with influenza, but the best thing to do if you suspect that you have this illness is to consult your doctor as soon as you see that your cough gets worse although you are taking cough medicine.

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What Are Some Signs That Your Dog is Dying?

One unfortunate part about owning a pet is that he or she will eventually pass away. While there is that relationship there, your dog will one day be gone since they just don't live quite as long as human beings do. If your dog is older, it's best to start looking for the signs that the dog is dying. This is so that you can know when the right time is so that he or she does not have to suffer.

The first sign is fatigue. This is typical of older dogs, but this could be unusually long sleeping patterns. If your dog is sleeping almost all the time, they might be fighting of a sickness and getting closer to death.

Some dogs will lose their appetite. If your dog is not finishing meals and drinking much water, something is definitely wrong.

Dogs can lose interest in things that they used to enjoy. Toys and games might become something that isn't fun for them anymore. They would rather lay around than get up and play. When that spark is gone, they might be dying.

Many times a dog become uncoordinated when walking. This might be a slight limp or not being able to walk straight. At times this is a sign of losing eyesight as well as a sign that the dog is getting older and near death.

Your dog might show different behavioral patterns than usual. This could be a change in attitude. Many times it's going to be cranky or even a bit angry. This is because the dog is frustrated with how he or she is feeling and probably does not understand why.

If your dog is frequently sick, this is another sign of death being near. Their body is simply not fighting off sickness like they used to be able to.

It's important to see a vet. Many of the signs of death are also signs of illness which could be dealt with.

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Dog Labor Symptoms - What You Need to Know

Well, it's almost time isn't it. You get a sense that her behavior and actions are telling you that after close to three months of being pregnant, it's almost time.

During the pregnancy you might have seen her rearranging her most comfortable spot. The spot where she will most likely have her pups. Maybe she took her little stuffed animal toys in there and simulated guarding and nurturing them like she will be doing in a few days or perhaps a few hours when the little ones arrive. It's time now to start looking for dog labor symptoms.

Well if you're a dog breeder, you probably have a thermometer for your dog to take your dogs temperature. If you do and you notice a drastic decline in your dogs body temperature, that's the first sign of dog labor symptoms.

After that watch her for a while! If she starts vomiting to empty her stomach, that's the second sign of dog labor symptoms. This may happen anywhere between two days and a couple of hours before she starts to go into labor.

If you notice signs of erratic behavior, digging up the blankets in her favorite spot, turning everything in her den upside down, looking like she's trying to do everything to make herself comfortable but it just doesn't seem to be working, these are signs of dog labor symptoms.

She'll be nice and quit one moment, then the next she's following you around the house consistently, trying to be close to you, maybe sleeping under your bed for long periods of time then staying up half the night pacing around with the feeling she just can't get comfortable.

She's definitely going to stay close to her favorite spot during this period of time, and don't be alarmed if she gets very protective of her den and maybe even a little aggressive of anybody in the house that she's not familiar with.

Noticing these signs of dog labor symptoms will allow you to be prepared and ready, and you will also be able to show your dog with compassion and confident actions that you know she's ready and this in turn will give her the comfort she needs to begin.

So remember, check her body temperature, if there's a drop in body temperature, keep a close eye on her. If she empties her stomach around this time the labor will start anywhere between a couple of hours and a few days.

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Your C-Section Incision - Look Out For These 4 Warning Signs of Potential Problems Ahead

Your C-section incision needs to be monitored regularly for the first few weeks, watching for any changes in its appearance.

There are some changes and conditions that are normal to see with your C-section incision, but other differences that could be signs of potential problems ahead. It is common to feel a large ridge or lump under the scar which is scar tissue forming underneath, this should reduce over time.

Another common concern many moms notice is the area often feels slightly numb and tight. These are all normal responses to the effects of the operation and should all gradually become less noticeable over the following weeks.

It is important to be very vigilant over your C-section incision scar because if it becomes infected, the healing process can take many weeks longer.

You should always call your doctor or midwife immediately if you notice any of the following: -

#1 Redness - the edges of a healing incision will normally appear slightly red, this is a natural reaction to the healing process. If the redness increases or starts to spread more than half an inch from around the wound then this could be a sign of something a little more sinister and you should contact your doctor or health advisor.

#2 Heat or excessive warmth on or around the wound. If your wound feels particularly hot compared to previous sensations and if this is accompanied by new pain or discomfort, then it be worth having it looked at.

#3 Any change or unusual appearance of the incision. Your C-section incision should gradually become less inflamed, smoother in appearance, less painful and more comfortable over the following weeks. In you notice any changes other than improvements, monitor them closely and if they continue or deteriorate any further then speak to your doctor.

#4 Any puss in the incision. If you suddenly notice a pussy discharge from your C-section incision after having a clean wound previously, or if the area starts to get mildly tender or painful, this could be a sign that it isn't knitting together very well and again you need to monitor the area closely and speak to your doctor if it continues for more than 24 - 48 hours.

If your C-section incision pulls apart and starts bleeding, apply an antibiotic cream, to keep any bacteria away from the wound. Do not apply any creams other than an antibiotic cream until your incision has completely healed. If you notice any bleeding, applying slight pressure to the wound may help to stop this. If the wound keeps bleeding after you apply pressure, call your doctor.

It important to stay vigilant and not obsessive over your C-section incision because any problems spotted early can reduce their severity over the long term. Don't panic over the slightest change, just monitor it and if you see further deterioration then contact your doctor or health care advisor.

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Symptoms of Lymphoma in Women

Symptoms of lymphoma in women are generally the same as for men.

Lymphoma often develops quietly and with few symptoms so it may take a while before you may realize that there is something very much the matter.

Following is a list of the typical symptoms of lymphoma in women and symptoms of lymphoma in men alike.

One thing to keep in mind is that these lymphoma symptoms can be symptoms of any of a large number of conditions that are generally harmless.

For this reason, it's wise to consult with your doctor if you experience any of them.

1. Enlargement of the Lymph Nodes

This is the most characteristic lymphoma symptom and can be the only symptom that one experiences.

It's very important to note that a lot of different things can cause an enlargement of the lymph nodes and it does NOT necessarily mean you have lymphoma!

Typically, the lymph nodes of the groin, armpit and neck will swell but cause no pain.

Humans have 500+ lymph nodes in the body which are basically "forts" of immunity.

When they swell, it is often indicative of the body initiating an immune response against some type of microscopic invader.

You may notice these lumps in the course of your daily routine, such as when showering or applying creams, etc.

The symptoms outlined most often only indicate a possible lymphoma if they are discovered in addition to swollen lymph nodes.

2. Losing Weight

Typically, sudden weight loss will occur over a period of several months with no good reason.

Weight loss can range from a few pounds to up to 20 or so.

3. Running a Fever

A random fever that keeps occurring for no good reason (i.e., is not connected with a flu, cold, etc.) is usually an indication to go see your physician.

Symptoms of lymphoma can be confused with symptoms of other illnesses and, in fact, a lymphoma that causes fever accompanied by lymph node swelling is frequently mistaken for a flu or something similar.

Additionally, in those afflicted by a Hodgkins type lymphoma, a quintessential type of fever termed Pel-Ebstein fever can develop.

4. Night Sweats

Excess sweating at night may find you waking up soaked in your own sweat.

5. Pruritis (Itchiness)

Lymphoma cells can secrete certain substance which cause the entire body to be itchy, a condition known as pruritis.

6. Lack of Appetite

Individuals with lymphoma can experience a drop in their usual appetite which can also cause weight loss, one of the other symptoms of lymphoma listed above.

7. Fatigue and Listlessness

Cancer cells hijack the body's energy resource that would otherwise be utilized by healthy cells, causing a drop in energy levels.

8. Swelling

Depending upon where a lymphoma grows (and it can occur in any organ of the body), it may compress and block off veins, effectively limiting blood supply and causing swelling.

Site-specific lymphomas produce rather widely varying symptoms.

A lymphoma of the brain may cause pains in one's legs while a lymphoma in the stomach can cause stomach pains.

General Symptoms of Lymphoma in Women and General Symptoms of Lymphoma in Men

The first and most obvious sign of lymphoma is adenopathy, aka lymphadenopathy, which is a painless swelling of the lymph nodes.

Swollen lymph nodes by themselves, however, are NOT necessarily an indication of lymphoma.

It requires medical testing to confirm or negate the diagnosis.

Symptoms of lymphoma can come in many varieties, dependent upon the location of the lymphoma, the stage of growth, size of tumor, etc.

Symptoms linked with bone marrow issues such as becoming anemic (having a low red blood cell count) are uncommon in the beginning stages of a lymphoma but often are seen later in the game and often as a result of treatment.

MALT (Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue) lymphomas affect any mucosal site, the stomach being the most common one. Alterations in bowel movement and stomach pains can be indications.

As far as the stomach lymphoma goes, if it is a result of infection with the H. Pylori bacterium, antibiotic treatment can cause the lymphoma to regress in 70%+ of cases.

How To Report Your Symptoms To A Doctor Effectively:

Describe the intensity of your symptom on a scale such as "This hurts about a 7 out of 10″.

For visually observable symptoms, show them to the doctor and also explain how they started off and looked like initially.

Explain when you first experienced your symptoms

How long have you been experiencing this symptom?

Is the symptom constant or does it come and go?

Describe any medications or dietary supplements you take/did take starting from the time symptoms manifested.

Do the symptoms change depending upon body positioning, time of day, etc.?

Do certain foods trigger the symptoms?

Be as descriptive as possible. The more accurate and specific the information you give, the more your doctor will be able to pinpoint the nature of your problem (if you have any!) and the better he/she will be able to treat you and advise you.

As you can see the Symptoms of Lymphoma in Women are generally the same as they are for men. It's important to pay attention to your body and note any symptoms you may have so that you can discuss them with your doctor in detail and he will be in a better position to help you.

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Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency

Many of us suffer for months and years from chronic conditions, that no one seems to detect the source of (not even the so-called experts). Only a few lucky ones realize that the true source of these conditions is due primarily to a magnesium deficiency. Many conditions are caused primarily by a deficiency and for many other conditions it is a major contributing factor.

Magnesium is a very important mineral for the body and is responsible for numerous functions. Some of which are the creation of new cells, the proper functioning of your heart and kidneys. It is sometimes known as the heart mineral,or the mineral of the heart.Other functions are the production of energy, proper digestion, the relaxation of muscles and the function of muscle. It also activates B vitamins, the adrenals ,the brain and the nervous system.

To understand the importance of this mineral, consider that 90-95% of the population is deficient, and many thought that regular magnesium supplements will fix this deficiency. But if it is not water soluble or available in ionic form it will literally pass through the digestive track with very little benefit to the body. For minerals to be absorbed into the body they must be available in ionic form.

Deficiency of magnesium, to any extent, will interfere with any of the functions that this mineral is responsible for. The solution is to take it in a form where it is completely dissolved in water. In this ionic form the it assimilates into the body fast, producing almost instant relief.

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency


This mineral has a key role in the energy process within each cell, and our overall energy level. Energy production is inhibited, with inadequate amounts of magnesium, with the eventual outcome being fatigue and weakness. It is essential to regulating potassium levels and functioning of the adrenal glands which are both important to maintaining high energy levels.


Deficiency in this mineral can cause insomnia, and wake us up with muscle spasms, cramps, tension and feeling uncomfortable. The proper functioning of the nervous system requires magnesium and without sufficient quantity the nerve cells cannot give or receive messages and tend to become excitable and highly reactive. Noises will seem excessively loud and the person will jump at sudden sound and be generally nervous and on edge. Light can appear to be too bright and the person can become highly sensitive and nervous.


Instant relief can be obtained by taking a magnesium drink because PMS is mostly a magnesium deficiency and excess calcium. When it comes to OSTEOPOROSIS, this mineral is crucial in regulating bone density, as it is magnesium which allows calcium to assimilate. Calcium alone is potentially harmful.


Without sufficient of this important mineral you would actually die as your heart will stop beating and the doctors will call it "a heart attack". Thus it is critical to have the proper levels of it in the body. Early signs of terminal extinction are unusual changes in heart rates (beats), angina pain, collapsing from exhaustion after heavy physical exercise or sports related activities. With low magnesium the heart muscle develops a spasm or cramp and stops beating because there is insufficient of it to relax the heart ready for the next contraction.


Asthma, headaches, migraines, seizures, depression, fibromyalgia, anxiety, ADD, arthritis and kidney stones get worse when a sufficient amount of this mineral is not consumed.

Excess calcium DEPLETES magnesium from the body and as a result brings about symptoms of a deficiency. It is not important how much you take but how much is left in the body. Remember calcium and magnesium need to be in correct proportions, otherwise calcium goes from being a nutrient into a pollutant. When this mineral is deficient in the body excess calcium can cause heart disease, arthritis, senility, calcification of organs and tissues that eventually degenerate. Thus excess calcium can become a real problem, while excess magnesium is not any concern. This mineral does not build up in the body but the excess is eliminated while excess calcium builds up. This situation can be the cause of senility, arthritis, heart disease, calcification of organs and tissues, causing them to degenerate.

Besides calcium, there are other factors that deplete this mineral in the body. Learn what depletes it, and avoid them as much as possible. These factors dramatically deplete your body's storage and make it necessary for greater consumption of the mineral:

- coffee
- sugar
- mental stress
- alcohol
- cola type soda
- high sodium diet
- tobacco
- medical drugs of all types
- high perspiration
- low thyroid
- diabetes
- diuretics
- chronic pain
- a high carbohydrate diet
- a high calcium diet (yet too much calcium can be a problem)

Deficiency symptoms include Muscle Cramps, Anxiety, Spasms, Fatigue, Headaches, Irritability, Sleep-Disorders, Low Energy and Body-Tension.

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Why Does My Dog Have Diarrhea? Dog Diarrhea Causes and Treatment

Diarrhea is an extremely common condition which affects dogs of all ages. If your dog has soft bowel motions, it indicates something is not quite right in his intestines. It also means you may have extra cleaning up to do!

Loose stools have many causes, some more serious than others. Here are the most common reasons your dog may develop diarrhea.

1. Dogs aren't always sensible about what they eat, and don't snacking on any spoiled food or even dead birds they come across during the day. As you can imagine, this upsets their gastrointestinal system, and will cause diarrhea, often accompanied by vomiting.

2. Still on the subject of diet, even a change in the brand of kibble you feed your dog may result in loose stools for a few days as his intestines adapt to the new food. You can avoid this by gradually changing his food over the course of a few days. Increase the amount of new food and decrease the amount of old food in his dinner bowl at each meal, and he shouldn't have any problems at all.

3. Worms often cause diarrhea, particularly in young pups. This too is preventable by using an effective wormer on a regular basis. Ask your veterinarian for advice about a suitable worming product and treatment schedule for your dog.

4. Loose stools can be associated with stress and anxiety in dogs. Has your dog had a recent change in his life? Perhaps you've moved house, or your dog is spending more time alone than he used to.

5. Dogs, like people, can have food allergies, and diarrhea is one possible symptom of such an allergy. These dogs often also have itchy skin and ears. Food allergies are often tricky to diagnose, and take a lot of discipline on their owner's part to manage.

6. Infection. Most dog owners will have heard of the dreaded parvovirus. This causes severe and bloody diarrhea in dogs, accompanied by vomiting and depression. Parvovirus can kill a dog. There are other viruses which aren't as severe as parvovirus but can still make your dog quite sick.

What do you do if your dog has diarrhea?

If he is obviously sick, depressed and not interested in what's going on around him, you need to take him to your vet. If he does have a serious condition such as parvovirus, he'll respond better to treatment if it is started early. Similarly, if there is blood in the diarrhea, he needs veterinary attention sooner rather than later.

Many dogs develop diarrhea and are otherwise bright and alert, and still have a wag in their tail. If that's the case with your dog, you can watch him for 24 hours and see if his stools start to firm up.

It's a good idea to skip his next meal to give his intestines time to settle down, and then re-introduce food by giving him 3 or 4 small bland meals over the course of the day. Lean chicken and boiled white rice is ideal. Make sure you treat him for worms, and if the diarrhea persists for more than a day, or if he becomes unwell, it's time to call your vet.

Our dogs are like family to us and so naturally it's very upsetting when they become sick. Wouldn't it be wonderful if you knew how to give your dog a check-up, so you could spot a problem early? Before it became truly serious or even life threatening?

Well, now you can!

Learn To Give Your Dog A Check-Up Just Like Your Veterinarian Does!

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Optic Atrophy - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Optic atrophy refers to changes in the color and structure of the optic disc associated with variable degrees of visual dysfunction. Optic atrophy may be classified into hereditary, consecutive, circulatory, metabolic, demyelinating, pressure, post inflammatory and traumatic types. Degeneration of the retina and the optic nerve due to different patho-physiological processes is believed to be the cause of this disease.

The Ayurvedic treatment of optic atrophy is aimed at preserving vision, slowing down or reversing the degeneration in the retina and optic nerve and treating the cause, if known. Medicines like Tapyadi-Loh, Punarnavadi-Mandur, Saptamrut-Loh, Panch-Tikta-Ghrut-Guggulu, Punarnavadi-Guggulu, Triphala-Ghrut, Vat-Gajankush-Ras and Maha-Vat-Vidhwans-Ras are used to preserve vision and to prevent or halt the degeneration in the retina and optic nerve. Herbal medicines like Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Behada (Terminalia bellerica), Yashtimadhuk (Glycerrhiza glabra), Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum), Mandukparni (Centella asiatica), Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) and Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa) can also be used for this purpose. Triphala (Three fruits) is a herbal combination which is recommended in the Ayurvedic texts as the mainstay of treatment for most of the diseases of the eyes.

In addition, medicines which act on the 'Rakta' and 'Majja' dhatus (tissues) are helpful in this condition. These include medicines like Patol (Tricosanthe dioica), Saariva (Hemidesmus indicus), Patha (Cissampelos pareira), Musta (Cyperus rotundus) and Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia). Medicines like Suvarna-Parpati, Suvarna-Malini-Vasant and Abhrak-Bhasma are used in minute doses along with the above-mentioned medicines in order to improve the therapeutic response.

A special procedure called 'Akshi-Tarpan' is used for patients with a risk of complete loss of eye vision. In this procedure, a paste is applied around the eyes, and the eyes are then submerged in warm, medicated liquids like Triphala-Ghrut, Yashtimadhuk-Ghrut or Panch-Tikta-Ghrut for a few minutes. At the end of the procedure, the medicine is drained, the paste is removed and the eyes are then cleaned. The entire procedure is repeated at specific intervals and is believed to help in preserving vision in the eyes and promoting regeneration of the optic nerve. Another procedure which is believed to help in optic atrophy is blood-letting from the skin around the eyes with the application of leeches.

It is important to treat the known causes of this condition. Optic atrophy is believed to be an end-stage disease and therefore, it is important to initiate treatment at the earliest possible in order to limit the damage to the optic nerve. All such patients should be under the regular care and supervision of an Ophthalmologist.

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Keratosis Pilaris Treatment - Easy Home Remedies Tips

Keratosis Pilaris is a very common, but relatively unknown skin condition that affects over 50% of the world population. Most of those with this condition do not even know it. Keratosis pilaris causes small, acne-like bumps, which usually appear on the upper arms, legs or buttocks; they usually don't hurt or itch. Keratosis pilaris can also appear on the face, where it closely resembles acne. Although these bumps are quite harmless, it could affect a person's self confidence and could reduce a person's quality of lifestyle. Keratosis pilaris is particularly prevalent in those who are overweight, or have celtic backgrounds, atopic dermatitis or ichthyosis. Is keratosis pilaris treatable? Of course. Here are some possible home remedies for this condition.

If you are looking keratosis pilaris treatment, do bear in mind that this condition does not need to be treated with conventional medication which may bring more harm than good. Start with the basics such as diet and skin care, and this will significantly improve your condition.

First, include Vitamin E and the essential fatty acids, such as omega-3, omega-6, omega-9 & GLA, in your diet, as these help regulate abnormal proliferation of the outer skin layers. In other words, they help promote a healthy exfoliation process which in turn helps the skin rids the body of toxins. Daily cleansing of the body is how we help the process by washing away the dead skin cells from the body. In some cases, we may need to assist the exfoliation process with the use of exfoliating soaps or cleansers or body loofahs.

Keratosis pilaris is a condition which indicates lack of moisture and imbalance immune system. You need to bring moisture back to your skin, by increasing water intake as well as moisturizing your skin. In addition, you need to restore balance through nutritions and detoxification to remove the toxins that are affecting your immune health.

Urea Cream is often recommended for treating Keratosis pilaris. However, before you use urea creams, think about this. Nitrogen, which is a waste product of protein metabolism in humans, is removed from the blood and converted to urea. Urea is transferred into the urine and removed from the body. Medically it is used in creams, supposedly, to restore moisture. There are more natural and healthier alternatives for moisturizing the skin such as Vitamin E oil, borage oil, and a many others; why use a toxic waste byproduct to do the job. In addition, most of the prescribed creams that contain urea might contain other harmful ingredients that's not particularly good for the skin.

Try these more natural skin care options instead:

Elicina cream ([http://bioskincare.com/keratosis-pilaris.htm])

Rose Hip oil

Burt's Bees Exfoliating soap

Burt's Bees Vitamin E bath oil

Borage Skin Therapy lotion by Shikai

Consider a cleansing or detoxification program to rid the toxins from your system. Finally, you will need make sure your environment is allergen free. Apart from food allergens, try to avoid other possible allergens which may aggravate your condition such as chlorine treated water systems, pet dander, molds, dust mites, Amalgam fillings in teeth, fluoride in toothpaste, harsh detergents, and so on.

In conclusion, it is good news to those affected that keratosis pilaris is harmless and easily treated. With the proper diet and change of lifestyle, you can overcome this condition easily. Go for natural treatment for keratosis pilaris to avoid even more toxins to get into your body system which in turn will worsen the condition. Take care of your diet and lifestyle, you are on your way to healthier skin.

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Symptoms of Pain and Illness in Dogs

Dog owners, who recognize the early signs and symptoms of illness or pain in their dogs, will not only relieve their loved one's suffering but may also be able to save themselves an expensive trip to the veterinarian. Not only is it important to recognize these signs early to relieve pain and suffering, but it is much more effective to treat an illness when it is detected early.

The dog owner should keep an accurate and detailed account of their dog's symptoms to help the veterinarian correctly diagnose and effectively treat the dog's illness or condition. Most canine illnesses are detected through a combination of various signs and symptoms:

Temperature, Respiratory Rate and Heart Rate

A newborn puppy will have a temperature of 94-97º F. which will eventually reach the normal adult body temperature of 101.5º F. at the age of 4 weeks old. Take care when trying to take your dog or puppies temperature as the thermometer can easily be broken off in the canine's rectum. Also any form of excitement can cause the temperature to rise by 2-3º when the dog is actually in normal health. If your dog's temperature reaches 105º or above OR 96º or below please take him/her to the emergency vet immediately!

An adult dog will have a respiratory rate of 15-20 breaths per minute (depending on such variables as size and weight) and a heart rate of 80-120 beats per minute. You can feel for your dog's heartbeat by placing your hand on his/her lower ribcage just behind the elbow. Don't be alarmed if the heartbeat seems irregular compared to a human's heartbeat, it is irregular in many dogs. Have your vet check it out and get used to how it feels when it is normal.

Behavior Changes

Any behavior changes that are not associated with a change in the household atmosphere, such as jealousy over a new pet or child may be an indication of an illness. Signs of behavioral changes may be:

o Depression

o Anxiety

o Fatigue

o Sleepiness

o Trembling

o Falling/Stumbling

If your dog shows any of these signs, he/she needs to be kept under close watch for a few hours, or even a few days, until positive signs develop or he/she has returned to normal. Do not try to exercise the dog or put him/her in any situation that may cause stress. Most veterinarians will want for you to keep track of when the symptoms first appeared, whether they are getting better or worse, and also whether the symptoms are intermittent, continuous, or increasing in frequency.


Dogs that are in pain will likely indicate that they are suffering by giving you clues as to where the area of discomfort is. For instance, a dog that has abdominal pain will continually glance toward their belly, bite or lick the area, and will not want to leave his/her bed. The dog may stand hunched over, or take the 'prayer position' which is when a dog gets down on it's forelegs with the hind legs still standing, because of the pain in her abdomen area.

Dogs can not tell you that they are hurting or cry real tears but a dog may vocalize their pain in a different way. A dog that is hurt suddenly (such as being stepped on) will cry out or wimper in pain. This also happens when an external injury or internal injury (such as an organ) is touched. Whining or vocalization that is unprovoked may be caused from an internal injury as well. Some breeds of dogs (such as the American Pit Bull Terrier) have a higher pain threshold and need to be watched more closely for signs of pain. Breeds with a high pain tolerance are more likely to endure the pain without vocalization.

Another clue to pain is a change in temperament. A dog that is in pain may show signs of aggression. Please take note of this before concluding that a dog has become vicious and let your veterinarian know so that the correct treatment can be administered. Also females in general (even humans!) have days when they are just in a bad mood for no obvious reason. Take note of days of times that these mood swings occur as well as any events that might have triggered them.

Other signs that your dog may be sick:

o Ears: discharge, debris, odor, scratching, crusted tips, twitching or shaking.

o Eyes: redness, swelling or discharge.

o Nose: runny, thickened or colored discharge, crusty.

o Coughing, sneezing, vomiting or gagging.

o Shortness of breath, irregular breathing or prolonged/heavy panting

o Evidence of parasites in the dog's stool, strange color, blood in the stool, or lack of a bowel movement (constipation).

o Loss of appetite or not drinking as much water as normally would.

o Weight Loss.

o Strange color of urine, small amount of urine, straining, dribbling, or not going as frequently as normal.

o Bad odor coming from mouth, ears, or skin.

o Hair loss, wounds, tumors, dander or change of the skin's color.

o Biting of the skin, parasites, scratching or licking the skin frequently.

The preceding article was meant to help educate you to the signs and symptoms of probable pain or sickness in your dog. If any of these symptoms occur over a prolonged period of time, please seek the help of a veterinarian. I hope that this article will help stress the importance of keeping watch over your dog's health patterns and the importance of keeping an accurate, detailed health record for your veterinarian's convenience.

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Signs and Symptoms of the Stomach Flu

The stomach flu, also known as gastroenteritis, is a viral infection that attacks the stomach and small intestine. Usually brief in nature, it typically lasts 1 to 3 days. The stomach flu is NOT the same flu for which we receive vaccines each winter. Those flu vaccines are for influenza, which is not the same as the stomach flu which is a mild virus that affects your intestines.

There are several viruses which can cause the stomach flu, including adenoviruses, rotaviruses, and the Norwalk virus.

Gastroenteritis or the stomach flu results when we swallow one of these viruses. Transmission of the virus is really quite simple since the body fluids of those infected contain the virus, sometimes even before their symptoms begin.

Then the virus is spread through contact with an infected person, like through shaking hands or kissing example, or by sharing food, or drinks, or eating utensils. Pretty easy to transmit the virus from one person to another if you think about the many opportunities we have each day for transmission.

Once you have been in direct contact with the virus, it travels to the stomach and intestine and then settles in to cause an inflammation of the lining of these organs. So when that happens, the stomach and intestine lose their ability to work properly.

They cannot keep up with their usual activities. Because of this issue, the virus can cause food to move more quickly through the gastrointestinal (GI) tract causing diarrhea.

Signs and symptoms of the flu may develop over a period of hours, or it may suddenly start with stomach cramps, vomiting, or diarrhea. You may also see signs and symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps, loss of appetite, muscle aches, low grade fever and chills.

If you have diarrhea, you should not just assume that you have the stomach flu since there are other causes for diarrhea such as other medications, bacteria or parasites. If you have unusually severe symptoms or if they last longer than a few days then you should see your healthcare provider in order to determine the exact cause of the diarrhea.

Stomach flu can come on rather quickly and can have serious side effects particularly in infants, children and the elderly. Monitor your symptoms carefully and make sure to seek medical attention if you need to do so.

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Flu Shot Side Effects - Painful Flu Jab?

Have you had a flu shot this year yet?

Tom Smith did and he quickly regretted it. He had a flu shot in his right arm eleven days ago and now his upper arm and shoulder area is killing him! He thinks the flu jab must have hit a nerve. He's in a panic and asking "What should I do about this? The pain radiates down my arm and into my neck. It also keeps me up for several hours a night. Will the pain from this flu shot go away soon?"

Ron Evans' mother had the same problem and now he worries what might happen to him. Countless people around the world are worried about an influenza outbreak but don't protect themselves because they are even more worried about how the vaccination might affect them! What should you do? Will you get side effects too?

Abbie said:

"I had a very bad reaction to a jab recently too. My doctor gave me the shot high up on the shoulder and to be honest I have never seen a flu shot given that way. I asked her about it but she said that it needed to be given deep into the muscle. I could actually feel the pain as she gave the injection - yuk - it really was horrible and within an hour my shoulder was achy and it was the worst I have ever felt after any kind of vaccination. It's now gone over a week and my shoulder is still aching and I can still hardly lift my arm or shoulder."

Would all of this put you off having a jab? Don't make your mind up yet - read below before you decide!

Flu shots or flu vaccinations can cause pain for a number of reasons.

The commonest reason is that some people develop a minor allergic type reaction to the flu virus contained in the vaccine - or more rarely to the stuff that is in the liquid used to make up the vaccine.

The arm becomes warm, swollen and tender and this can persist for up to two weeks. If it is very severe then you should see a doctor for some treatment.

Some experts think that a reaction like this indicates an aggressive response by your immune system to the flu virus in the vaccine - indicating that your immune system will thereafter be very efficient at fighting off flu should you be exposed to it.

Simple remedies to take if your arm reacts like this to a flu jag include over the counter painkillers like Tylenol or paracetamol. You can also apply an ice pack or take an antihistamine tablet.

It is also important to let the doctor or nurse know that you reacted like this so a note can be put on your records. You should also mention a reaction like this before you have another flu shot next year

A vaccination against influenza could literally save your life this year. Don't rush into a decision not to have one before you really think it through properly.

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Symptoms of Ovulation? 5 Common Ovulation Symptoms For Getting Pregnant

If you know what to look for the symptoms of ovulation are very easy to spot. Ovulation usually occurs 12-16 days after the first day of your last period. During ovulation your body will make some slight changes such as a change in vaginal secretions, slight cramping, elevated body temp, and sometimes it may be accompanied by some very light spotting. You have most likely seen or felt these changes before but paid no attention to them, as they are very subtle in nature. Noticing these changes are not difficult you just need to pay close attention to your body.

The first step to noticing changes in your body is to know your body very well; this is usually extremely simple for women as we are very intuitive by nature Just another plus of being a woman. The first symptom of ovulation is your vaginal secretions will increase and become almost the consistency of raw egg whites, this occurs because of a change in hormones.

Two to three days before ovulation you will notice this increase of clear slippery vaginal discharge, during these days you are fertile but, the last day of the vaginal discharge you are most fertile. This is because it is on this last day of discharge or the day after, that ovulation actually occurs. Remember, sperm can live up to five days in the vagina so even if you have not ovulated having intercourse on these days is very beneficial.

The second symptom of ovulation is slight cramping; this cramping you may feel is often called mittelschmerz which means middle pain in German. Middle pain is usually felt on the side you're ovulating on. This is caused by the release and movement of the unfertilized egg down the fallopian tube. For me this is not a constant pain it is usually just one of those "ouch what was that?" and then it is gone however, and this may occur several times during the day.

Pain associated with ovulation may occur every month but, for some reason usually occurs every third month. In most women the pain disappears within 6 to 8 hours but, can persist for 24 to 48 hours. You may also experience nausea, bloating, frequent urination, and pain during intercourse however, this is uncommon.

It is at this time you may also notice a slight pink tint in the vaginal secretions, don't worry this is completely normal. These signs and symptoms may vary from woman to woman but, one way to surely tell is to check your basal body temperature. After ovulation a woman's basal body temperature will rise 0.4-1 degrees.

As well as the symptoms listed here, many women report that during this time they actually have an increased desire to have sex. This is simply your body's way of making sure all of its hard work does not go to waste. After all you know what they say it takes two to tango!

I know this may seem like a lot to take in right now but, in the long run becoming more familiar with your body and all its working structures will not only help you identify the symptoms of ovulation but, can also help you get pregnant in the shortest period of time.

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Flu Shot Ingredients

The major flu shot ingredients are dead influenza viruses. There may be any number of different flu viruses circulating at any one time, but pharmaceutical companies only choose three as annual flu shot ingredients. Even if you take an annual flu shot, you could still contract another flu virus and still come down with the flu. So, it is still important to protect your immune system and practice good health habits. Common flu vaccine side effects include body aches, low grade fever and soreness at the point of injection. There are some rare, but serious flu vaccine side effects that concern many people.

In addition to the major flu shot ingredients, pharmaceutical companies add preservatives. Until recently there were no preservative free flu shots. The addition of the preservative thimerosal to flu shot ingredients has caused illness and injury. Thimerosal is mercury based and is believed to have been the cause of flu vaccine side effects in many people. Of major concern is the increase of autism in recent years and many researchers and doctors believe that thimerosal, a known neurotoxin, used as flu shot ingredients and in other childhood vaccines is the cause.

Some researchers and doctors believe that flu shot ingredients, including thimerosal and aluminum, increases the likelihood of developing Alzheimer's disease. This, of course, is not one of the common flu vaccine side effects and since Alzheimer's does not develop immediately after taking the shot, then the link can not be proven. A prominent physician and researcher showed that people who had five consecutive influenza vaccinations between the years 1970 and 1980 were ten times more likely to develop Alzheimer's than were individuals who had none, one or two.

It is believed that some people cannot shed mercury from their systems and it builds up in their brains causing nerve and brain damage. In addition, some people are allergic to mercury and thimerosal and can experience serious allergic reaction as flu vaccine side effects. Some states have banned mercury from flu shot ingredients intended for use in children and pregnant women. But, while health advocates have petitioned the Food and Drug Administration to ban thimerosal from flu shot ingredients, nothing has been done at this time. Many manufacturers continue to add thimerosal to their flu shot ingredients.

The dead influenza viruses which are the major flu shot ingredients are grown in chicken eggs. So, people who are allergic to chicken eggs could have serious flu vaccine side effects. Some people blame the onset of chronic fatigue on flu vaccine side effects, but there is no scientific research supporting this belief.

The influenza nasal spray vaccine is chosen by some as an alternative to the flu shot. Ingredients in the nasal spray include weakened live influenza viruses. The common nasal spray flu vaccine side effects include runny nose, headache, sore throat and cough. The nasal spray flu vaccine is preservative free, but is only approved for use in healthy people between the ages of 5 and 49.

Concern over flu shot ingredients and flu vaccine side effects raise questions in the minds of some people as to whether or not healthy people, with a healthy immune system even need an annual influenza vaccine. Alternatives include the use of natural immunity boosting products. Some feel that these products may even reduce the likelihood of contracting the flu, the common cold and other viruses. Most natural immune system boosters have no unwanted side effects and carry none of the risks associated with flu vaccine side effects and flu shot ingredients. To learn more about immune system boosters and for more information about the common cold, influenza and other viruses, visit www.immune-system-booster-guide.com.

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How Dangerous Is A Sigmoid Colon Polyp?

A sigmoid polyp is a mass of cells that grows in the sigmoid colon, which is the s-shaped section of the large intestine near the end of the digestive tract. A sigmoid polyp is a matter of some concern because it can - but doesn't always - become malignant. Therefore, it is described as being pre-cancerous.

Even though polyps don't always result in colon cancer, it's best to remove them if they're detected. This can be done during a colonoscopy. A colonoscopy is a surgical procedure in which a doctor examines the inside of the colon to make sure it's healthy. He or she will use a device known as a colonoscope during this examination. A colonoscope is a long flexible tube with a tiny video camera attached to the front, which enables the surgeon to look for signs of cancer in the walls and lining of the colon.

There are several types of sigmoid polyps. They are sometimes small and flat. These are called sedentary polyps. Or they can look more like a mushroom with a stalk, in which case they're known as pedunculated.

Some sigmoid polyps are tiny - as small as a pea. Other are huge and can become as large as a golf ball. Those that are smaller and mushroom-shaped become cancerous less often than those that are flat and large. Typically, the bigger the sigmoid polyp, the higher the chance that it will become malignant.

The major risk factors for sigmoid polyps include

Aging - they appear much more often after age 50
Tobacco use
Eating a lot of low fiber, high fat foods
Heredity - you're more likely to have a sigmoid polyp if there are others in your family who have also had them

Small colon polyps don't present symptoms. This is why it's important to have colon cancer screenings as recommended by your doctor. It's very important to have these screenings after age 50, but your doctor may recommend them sooner if you're at higher risk.

Large colon polyps may present symptoms like

Rectal bleeding or blood in stools
Stools may become noticeably more narrow
Bowel difficulties like diarrhea and constipation, or pain during bowl movements

Sigmoid polyps that are discovered early can generally be removed safely and completely. The first step is to find out if a mass is malignant or not. Your doctor can take a sample during a colonoscopy and have it analyzed.

There is no sure method of preventing sigmoid polyps from developing. You can certainly lower your risk, however, with lifestyle changes and regular screenings.

Getting some exercise and eating healthier food (especially high fiber types) definitely help. Be sure you get enough calcium because it helps protect you against cancer. Broccoli, kale and canned salmon are good calcium sources. Vitamin D also appears to help reduce your risk.

If you smoke, stop. If you consume a lot of alcohol, cut back.

Having a sigmoid polyp doesn't need to frighten you. The most important thing is to find out that you have it before it becomes malignant, so it can be removed and you can remain colon cancer free.

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Symptoms of Parasites in Humans

A parasite refers to any organism that lives in with or off another organism and that includes in humans. In fact, humans can hosts up to 100 kinds of parasites. These parasites are transferred to humans in a variety of ways. These can be transmitted through contact by air or through water. These parasite targets different parts of the human body and when they are inside and hosted in the human body, these parasites can cost some inconveniences and health issues to the human carrier. The presence of parasites in one human can be confirmed by checking the symptoms of parasites in humans.

One possible symptoms of parasites in humans to look out for is constipation. The worms are the typical culprit for this. Since worms can be large at times, these worms can obstruct some of the organs in the body. And heavy worm infections in the body can block the common bile duct and the intestinal tract, thus the person encounter problems in the elimination of wastes. Diarrhea is another signal of the presence of these parasites. Gas and bloating are possible symptoms as well. This is made possible by the presence of some parasites that live in the upper small intestine. If a person experience irritable bowel syndrome then chances are, parasites are present in the body. Joints and muscle pains are indications as well that the person hosts some parasites in the body. These living things are known to migrate to encyst or to get enclosed in the sac in the joint fluids and worms can encyst in the muscles. When this happens, pain will become evident.

Skin conditions and allergy also are also symptoms of parasites in humans that need to be observed. The worms that are present in the body of a person can cause hives, rashes, weeping eczema and other kinds of skin reactions. Cutaneous ulcers, presence of swellings and sores, popular lesions and that itchy dermatitis are the result of protozoa. If doctors can observe that there granulomas near the colon and the rectal walls, then the presence of these masses signify the presence of these parasites. Other than in colon and rectal walls, these masses can be located as well in the lungs, the liver and in the uterus. Nervousness in one person is an indication as well that the person has parasites in his body. These parasitic metabolic wastes and the toxic substances can irritate the central nervous system of the person.

Restlessness and anxiety are also symptoms of parasites in humans. That is why if a person completes a herbal cleansing, then that person becomes more pleasant and the grouchiness is lessened. Sleep disturbances are indications as well those parasites are taking residence in the body. This multiple awakening usually happens between 2 and 3 AM. These disturbances are the attempt of the body to eliminate the toxic wastes through the liver. Other noteworthy symptoms that people should remember include teeth grinding, chronic fatigue and when the immune system has been depressed.

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Flu Season Is Here! Six Flu Facts You Should Know

Flu season is upon us once again, with all the fun stuff that goes along with it. If you're wondering exactly what flu is, and if you can prevent it, read these flu facts to learn more.

1. What Is Influenza?

Influenza, or "flu" for short, is a very contagious virus that settles in the nose, throat, and lungs. It's much worse than a cold, with high fevers, headaches, muscle aches, weakness, and tiredness.

Some people fight the bug off quickly, but others aren't so lucky. The elderly, the very young, and folks with chronic health conditions are more prone to developing complications, including life-threatening cases of pneumonia.

2. When Is Flu Season?

It varies from year to year. People may start getting sick as early as October, but the peak months are usually January and February. The season can last into March and April.

3. Is The Flu Contagious?

It sure is. It's spread by people coughing and sneezing, and also by using an item an infected person has touched. You can get it if you're within six feet of someone who has it. It's pretty hard to avoid it if you have contact with people at all, which is why it sweeps through schools, nursing homes, and workplaces, seemingly at the speed of light.

4. How Long Is Flu Contagious?

You can spread it a day before you start feeling sick. Since it takes one to four days for symptoms to start, you can pass it on before you even know you're sick. Feel like Typhoid Mary yet?

After you're sick, you can share it for another five to seven days. Sick kids can spread it for even longer.

5. How To Prevent The Flu

Unless you can move to the middle of the Sahara Desert, you will more than likely be exposed to the virus before winter is over. Washing your hands often is probably the best means of prevention. But it's pretty hard to avoid getting infected during a major outbreak.

6. How To Strengthen The Immune System

A daily walk will boost your immune system. People who get out for a half-hour walk nearly every day are half as likely to get sick during the winter. Regular exercise also lowers stress levels, too, which helps to keep you healthier.

Eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies. They're loaded with the nutrients you need to maintain your health. Add garlic to your diet as well. This pungent bulb has strong antiviral properties. If you can't tolerate it fresh, try a garlic supplement.

Vitamin C is also recommended. If you fall victim to the bug, it will help you fight it off faster.

You may not be able to avoid the flu bug completely, but if it does manage to bite, you'll bounce back faster if you follow this advice.

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Side Effects With Using Hydrocortisone Cream As Eczema Treatment

In my teens, I was first introduced to using hydrocortisone cream for my eczema treatment. Since then, every time I had an outbreak, I would turn to it. This continued for more than ten years. However, in the last few years, I noticed that increasingly applying hydrocortisone creams on my affected skin is not as effective as before. In fact, it got harder and harder to control my eczema. My affected skin also got thinner and I would get abrasions very easily. I then decided to find out the truth behind the side effects of using hydrocortisone creams.

Hydrocortisone cream (1%) is one kind of topical corticosteroids and is easily available at your local store without prescription. They are packaged in various forms such as creams and lotions and are marketed under different brands.

Corticosteroid creams are topical skin applications which are used for skin itching, redness, discomfort and other skin-related problems. They come in varying strengths. Stronger ones are only available via prescription by your doctor. Corticosteroids are referred to as steroids. The term steroids often have a negative ring to it because of a number of side effects that this drug is known to bring. Corticosteroids for eczema are different from anabolic steroids, which are used by some athletes to increase their endurance.

However, just like any other type of drugs, hydrocortisone cream for eczema treatment also has its own side effects especially if you do not administer it properly. You should always check to see if you are allergic to steroids in the first place. Ask your doctor if in doubt. Secondly, as I have found out, prolonged use can cause skin to thin out. This is a condition known as atrophy. Because your skin is now more sensitive due to thinning out, you are more prone to skin abrasion and infection. That is why if you have eczema and have used hydrocortisone cream for weeks or months, you are more susceptible to a fungi and bacteria infection. With an infection, your eczema symptoms are sure to worsen.

You also get the appearance of stretch marks with prolonged use. Your blood vessels swell and there is loss of skin pigment in the affected areas. Your bloodstream may also absorb the strong steroids and this can affect other body systems. In the worst case scenario, it can also suppress the production of your natural adrenaline, thus causing you to be prone to a lot of illness including Cushing's syndrome.

In all situations, it is in your best interest to minimize the use of hydrocortisone creams or corticosteroids for your eczema treatment. If you need to use them, do so sparingly and use only as directed. If you find that your medication is not working within a week, stop its usage and see a skin doctor right away. You may need a stronger prescription. It is far better to treat your eczema with an appropriate strength medication than to use one that is not effective. A stronger prescription also allows you to get your eczema treated within a shorter period of time. In addition, look for alternative eczema treatment options which are natural and potentially produce fewer or no side effects.

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How to Recognize the Symptoms of Gall Bladder Disease

Due to inappropriate diet and obesity, many people suffer from gall bladder disease. Gall bladder disease commonly affects overweight people as a result of high blood cholesterol levels. The consumption of foods that are rich in fat also contributes to the development of gall bladder disease and many people suffer from gall bladder affections as a consequence of inappropriate diet.

Gall bladder disease is usually caused by gallstones, solid structures formed from cholesterol, calcium and bile salts. Gallstones can cause cholecystitis (inflammation and swelling of the gall bladder), choledocholithiasis (occurs when gallstones accumulate inside the bile duct) cholangitis (infection of the gall bladder and bile duct) and pancreatitis.

Judging by the seriousness of gall bladder disease and its rate of development, there are two forms of the disorder: chronic cholecystitis (biliary colic) and acute cholecystitis. In the chronic form, the symptoms of gall bladder disease are milder and have a recidivating character. In the acute forms, the symptoms of gall bladder disease are very intense and in some cases suggest the development of complications.

The generalized symptoms of gall bladder disease are: abdominal pain, indigestion, vomiting, nausea, bloating of the abdomen, discomfort and pain when ingesting fatty foods. These symptoms of gall bladder disease are common in patients with chronic cholecystitis. However, apart from gall bladder pain, many patients may have no other symptoms of gall bladder disease. Gall bladder pain is characteristic to all people who suffer from gall bladder disease and it usually occurs after meals. This major symptom of gall bladder disease usually intensifies at night and after physical effort.

Persistent bitter taste in the mouth, bad breath and headaches can also be symptoms of gall bladder disease. Other symptoms of gall bladder disease are constipation and discolored stools.

In its acute form, the symptoms of gall bladder disease are accompanied by fever, sweating and severe pain attacks. Pain attacks are very intense in acute cholecystitis and they may last for a few hours. Pain episodes usually occur after meals and at night. The pain usually occurs in the abdominal region, the mid back region and under the right shoulder. Fever suggests the aggravation of gall bladder disease, occurring due to bacterial infection. Other symptoms of gall bladder disease that may indicate the development of complications are: yellowish aspect of the skin and eyes, chills, sweating and ongoing abdominal pain.

Gall bladder disease can become serious if it not treated appropriately. It is very important to pay attention to the symptoms of gall bladder disease in order to timely spot the presence of the disorder. If the symptoms of gall bladder disease don't ameliorate after medical treatment and appropriate diet, surgery may be the only option left. However, gall bladder surgery is uncomplicated, involves minimal risks and allows patients to recover quickly after the surgical intervention. Many people with recidivating pain often decide to have their gall bladder removed even if their condition is not serious. Gall bladder surgery is a very effective way of overcoming the intense symptoms of gall bladder disease and it is also considered to be very safe and quick to recover from.

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Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptoms

Your body requires very little vitamin b12 or cobalamin and most of us get sufficient quantities of it in our normal meals to satisfy our daily requirements. Although it's rare to see vitamin b12 deficiency symptoms it can still be useful to be able to recognise them just in case.

You're most vulnerable to vitamin b12 deficiency if you've vegan and don't use the available dietary supplements containing vitamin b12. Infants breast-feeding from vegan mothers can also be at risk. Vitamin b12 supplements are generally regarded as safe because there are few known adverse effects of overdose.

The main symptom that arises from vitamin b12 deficiency is a type of anemia that causes you to feel tired, weak and lethargic. You might also feel nauseous, constipated and become very flatulent (gas). You may also lose your appetite and suffer weight loss.

More severe cases can give vitamin b12 deficiency symptoms, which include:

Numbness or tingling in the hands or feet
Loss of memory
Lack of balance
Digestive problems
Liver enlargement
Eye problems
Inflamed tongue
Breathing difficulties
Loss of memory
Neurological damage
Tinitus or ringing in the ears

Vitamin b12 is commonly found in animal products like eggs, dairy, fish, meat and animal organs. B12 is rarely found in vegetables, which is why vegetarians and especially vegans who don't eat dairy products or meat, are especially at risk. If you fall into this category then you should consider using vitamin supplements containing b12.

It's also important to realise that the operation of vitamin b12 is dependent on sufficient quantities of other vitamins being present in your body so you should take care to get a balanced diet to avoid vitamin b12 deficiency symptoms.

Your body requires very little vitamin b12 or cobalamin and most of us get sufficient quantities of it in our normal meals to satisfy our daily requirements. Although it's rare to see vitamin b12 deficiency symptoms it can still be useful to be able to recognise them just in case.

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IBS Treatment - What Have Bananas And Apples Got To Do With IBS?

When someone talks about bananas, one thing comes to mind - energy food. The reason for this is because we often see the tri-athletes gorging on this before and during their race events.

Well, it is a known fact that it contains three natural sugars - sucrose, fructose and glucose - combined with fiber. The sugars give us the instant and sustainable energy. Research has shown that just two bananas can sustain one for a vigorous 90-minute workout. But for an IBS sufferer, it is the insoluble fiber that we are interested in. The abundance of insoluble fibers helps in relieving constipation without the need for laxatives. So keep a banana or two in your daily diet. One banana has 16% of the fiber, 15% of the vitamin C, and 11% of the potassium we need every day for good health. Bananas are unique because it helps in both IBS constipation and diarrhea. A few (no more than 2) large bananas a day provide the fiber to promote bowel movement. Eating more bananas a day can help stop diarrhea. Bananas have other benefits as well. For anemic patients, bananas are high in iron, which helps in the production of hemoglobin - the foundation of blood. This is especially important to women when they have their menses.
For high blood pressure and stroke sufferers, bananas are high in potassium but low in salt. Research, has shown that potassium reduces blood pressure. In one research, keeping bananas as a regular diet can reduce the risk of death by stroke by as much as 40%.
For heart burn patients, bananas have antacid properties. Gulping down a couple of bananas provide relief in heart burn patients.
For ulcer sufferers, bananas coat the lining of the intestines, thus providing relief for over-active ulcers. A banana's antacid properties will reduce acidity in the stomach as well.
For mosquito bites and warts. Forget your creams, just use the banana skin and rub some on the mosquito bite. It not only provides irritation relief, but reduces inflammation as well. Keep the inside of the banana skin on the wart by using plaster and see the wart go away. Tips: Do not take bananas late at night. When you take bananas, also take lots of water after that if you want to prevent constipation. Apples are also unique because they are both beneficial in the treatment of constipation and diarrhea. Uncooked apples are good for constipation. On the other hand, baked apples are good for diarrhea as the cooking process softens the cellulose and provides bulk to stools. For the best IBS treatment, apples should be peeled. The sugars in apples are harder for the body to digest. And what the body can't break down, it pushes out. So apples are a natural laxative. Personally, I find combining bananas and apples into a drink is even more effective as a constipation relief, so here is a recipe for one IBS constipation relief drink. Banana, Apple Lassi (Yogurt drink) Combine two fruits with natural laxatives and digestion booster properties, and you get one of the best IBS constipation treatments. Yoghurt builds 'good' bacteria in the gut. (Caution: if you are lactose intolerant, do not take yoghurt made from milk - then use soya yoghurt)


1. Use natural unflavored yoghurt (about 3 tablespoons). if you are milk intolerant, skip this and just use water or soya yoghurt.

2. 2 ripe, peeled bananas. Use 1 banana if you want to reduce the banana fragrance in the drink.

3. Peal an apple and cut into pieces and put in a juicer. Use the apple juice.

4. Add about 1 cup of cold water in a blender. Pour in the yoghurt. Pour in the apple juice and add in the bananas

5. Give the blender a spin so that they are mixed up.

6. Drink immediately. To keep, refrigerate. Drink this on a daily basis either early in the morning. Not only will this drink give you a boost the entire day but it keeps the gut well and bowel movement consistent.

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5 Ways to Promote Positive Mental Health

Positive mental health is a great way to ensure you lead a long, happy and healthy life. Maintaining your mental health is easier than most people think and will have a significant impact on your everyday life.

Would you like to have more energy? What about a good night sleep? How you would like to go an entire year without catching the flu once? Achieving a positive mental health state will not guarantee these things, but it sure will help.

Here are the top 5 things you can do to help promote positive mental health in you and your children:

1. Eat Healthy. Eating fast food 3 times a week and downing a few cold ones before bed might be easier than making a home-cooked meal and more enjoyable than drinking a cold glass of water but it won't do a whole lot for your health. Eating home-cooked foods (especially fruits and vegetables) and staying away from the fast food joints will help you achieve the healthy lifestyle you desire.

2. Drink Lots of Water. To maintain a healthy lifestyle, average individuals are expected to consume at least eight glasses of water a day. And while this seems like it may be a lot, it's actually not. Eight glasses is almost equivalent to filling up your water bottle a few times between waking up and going to bed. Remember, if you work out, you will need to increase your water intake to compensate for the water you're burning off while exercising. Drinking water will detoxify your body and restore it back to a healthy state - especially after drinking coffee or alcoholic beverages.

3. Kick the Bad Habits. We've already mentioned it a few times but eliminating significant alcohol intake will have positive results on your mental health. Likewise, kicking other bad habits like smoking and drinking considerable amounts of coffee will also help keep your mental health at its best.

4. De-Stress. Stress is one of the leading causes for poor mental health. When you're stressed out, your body has to work harder to keep up and, overtime, it will take its toll on your body and your brain. Next time something stressful happens, try lighting some candles and taking a bath. If that doesn't work for you, try letting off some steam by going to the gym or going for a run. Keeping a positive frame of mind will promote positive mental health and eliminate undue stress on your brain.

5. Book Regular Check-ups. Unfortunately, you can do all of the things listed above and still suffer from mental health problems. In fact, you might have a mental illness and not even know it. Make sure you're mental health is in good condition by booking regular appointments with your doctor. He/she will be able to confirm whether you're lifestyle is healthy or identify where you may need to make some changes.

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