Do not confuse a hangover with a bad case of flu

Many people argue one day when they go wrong, especially during the Christmas / New Year season is over, because this is the time of year when flu is most common. The problem is a person believes he has a headache, but it is actually the flu. This could be particularly lethal if a person contracted bird flu. A cat can make you feel sluggish after a day or two, but two weeks hangover if you are a big party animal, is unlikely. If you still feelhungover after two weeks, then either the liver has been destroyed, or you have a case of influenza. The possibility that there is greater influence during the summer when you are celebrating, because your body will be in a position to and weakening the body's defense mechanisms will be reduced.

In recent years there has been an increased awareness of bird flu, both the causes and symptoms, due to the high lethality of avian influenza. It 'the first timedetected in poultry, hence the name, but the official title is H5N1. It has spread from poultry to humans, in the process, a world, in a panic. To scare the extent of infection and the number of people who had died from the virus, the leading causes of health. Then the panic intensified, as cases of the virus have been found in Europe.

The number of fatal infections in people who have solved the H5N1 virus infects the fear of a global epidemic with the potential to kill millions of peoplepeople. The particularly high level of mortality for people infected with bird flu, are different from many other flu strains that infect humans. The speed with which people succumb to the virus, but also marked by other strains of influenza virus, although not in the same way as the other tribes under contract. At this point, is the way they are under contract, who gave a much larger number of them, the contractors, that the strain of influenza virus.For many people, the most frightening thought is, if the level of intensity, the ability to spread in the same manner as other tribes. The areas where many people live on top of each other, like the larger cities are the biggest target of concern because the virus could spread much more rapidly than elsewhere.

Because of health problems associated with the virus of the government launched a program to store vaccines to combat the spread of the virus. The head of the Tamiflu treatment is currently theis for use when the threat of the virus is achieved. Many people have doubts about whether this way of dealing effectively with the threat to be lifted. There have been questions about the effectiveness of Tamiflu and its side effects. There were also raised about possible mutations of the tribe to make unnecessary clutter. The alternatives have been proposed, but even if they are available, Tamiflu is still the drug, which will put in place to preventor contain a possible epidemic.

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Homeopathic remedies - a proven, reliable method for the treatment of H1N1 Swine Flu

If you are an established, proven method to want to heal the H1N1 swine influenza virus, try homeopathic remedies. The influenza epidemic of 1918, homeopathic remedies have traveled to effective drugs for the treatment of this virus. Several doctors told of this period, the success of homeopathic remedies. Homeopathic remedy acts as a vaccination. It gives the body a small dose of what the immune system must fight to help overcome the disease.

Homeopathic remedy is a proven method that has been tested byTime to heal H1N1 swine influenza viruses. There were two ways that doctors used during the influenza epidemic of 1918: 1) Gelsemium and 2) Bryonia. A doctor in Ohio to be used only to Gelsemium loads in 1800 cases with one death. He did not want to use another, even aspirin.

Modern drugs are ineffective in the fight against viruses. However, homeopathic remedies work with your immune system will help you against bacteria, of course. They attack viruses and relieve pain, feverand pain. Gelsemium relieves muscle aches and headaches irritability during Bryonia addresses and muscle aches. So it is good, is to find a natural product with these two strains in them.

Homeopathic remedies are there for years. Discovered by a German scientist, used successfully to combat the flu virus. Bryonia Alba Better load should be inside. These are combinations of Gelsemium and Bryonia Alba Online. However, make sure they are completely natural. Another goodWhat is that homeopathic remedies have been approved, tested and approved by the FDA in the U.S. Therefore, we can bring them safely.

During the administration of homeopathic remedies are to continue to take your elderberry extract and probiotics. These products allow you to build your immune system, as it has healed, of course, the virus that your body is under attack.

Homeopathic medicines are taken safely without the help of doctors offered: 1) reliable company products are used and 2) until it is ablewho choose homeopathy is for you. They are also safe for children to use! Because they come from nature, they can be used with other drugs.

During the influenza epidemic of 1918 caused by influenza viruses type A, homeopathic remedies have been used successfully to establish a mortality rate of less than one (1) percent. Modern medicine is not fair so well with a mortality rate of 6 to 22%. Therefore, they are tried, tested virus fighter. They worked very well, thenand you can be sure it will work well today.

Proven homeopathic remedy is a proven method for treating swine influenza virus H1N1. The success rate of these strains was considerably over the years. They worked very well in 1918 as an aid to cope with the influenza virus. Why it works so well then you can rely on them to work for you today. As always, my friends eat healthy.

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Garlic Honey Will Boost Your Immune System and Fight Colds and Flu

Garlic has been used for thousands of years to flavor foods and strengthening the immune system. Honey is also used for thousands of years and if these two together, you have an effective remedy for many ailments.

I call the anti-round herb garlic. Garlic is rich in sulfur compounds that are antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and cancer. Two oil-soluble compounds of garlic to stop the growth of tumors and actually shrinks! Garlic is the go-to for all grassthe heart and cardiovascular system.

Regularly consume garlic to energize the body. Make a honey garlic during cold and flu to take to fight infections in the lungs and a sore throat. Join spoon during the day calm a sore throat and kill the germs that are embedded in the fabric.

Raw honey is also a physician. And 'good bacteria and the infections of all kinds you can use honey on skin infections and respiratory andIntestinal problems. If an herb is increased as a powerful add the garlic, honey, the healing properties.

Here's how to make a delicious honey garlic. Fill a small jar with a wide mouth with garlic cloves. You can use the cloves in their skins, or you can press to solve a little 'for the oils. Pour over raw honey, cloves and stir to saturate them. Then top up closely with raw honey and more securely. Stir daily for about 6 weeks. Take a teaspoon ofseveral times a day for sore throat or other infections.

© 2009 Shanna Ohmes

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Cat Flu Or Simple Cat Sneezing?

Cat flu is a very common ailment in kittens and cats. It is hard to tell if your cat just got some dust or dander in its nose, or if it is something more serious like cat influenza. When trying to treat sneezing, coughing, runny nose or any other cat flu like symptoms, it is best to treat them all as if they were the more serious feline influenza. Treating for the worst also cures the simplest. If it is just a mild case of bacterial infection, it will clear up rapidly with the correct treatment, and if it is the more serious cat flu it will respond as well to a natural, homeopathic remedy.

The key in either case is to employ a fast-acting cure with no side effects that doesn't break the bank. We all know how costly a trip to the vet can be. Besides the high cost, veterinarian's treatments are not guaranteed to work, and can have side-effects more dangerous than the ailment you are treating. There is also the invasive treatment of your pet, not to mention the ugly, betrayed looks your cat will give you in return for your efforts.

Cat flu is actually caused by one of two viruses, feline calcivirus or feline herpes. They both reveal themselves through a series of symptoms. If your cat sneezes frequently, you have a cat sneezing blood or mucus, a coughing cat or a depressed cat, these could be signs of cat flu. Luckily, the same natural homeopathic treatment that effectively cures minor afflictions also wipes out cat flu.

Natural, homeopathic treatments have been used for centuries to treat everything from arthritis to tuberculosis, and work for pets as well as humans. Your cat sneezing symptoms can be treated simply in your home by placing a small amount on your cat's tongue. Within minutes the homeopathic cure is working to improve your cat's immune system and overall health. Have some on-hand for immediate treatment before you need it.

You want only the safest and fastest-acting cures for cat flu, cat sneezing and any other ailment your cat gets. All-natural substances, plants and herbs used in a homeopathic, holistic cat flu remedy have no side-effects and work quickly. They are inexpensive, and unlike conventional medicine, have a long shelf life. Keep some on-hand so you can treat your beloved pet at the first sign of trouble, and you will have a happy, healthy cat before you know it.

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What is the duration of flu symptoms and how to get in one easy step, shortening

The typical duration of flu symptoms to be expected as a rule, a couple of days. But this information is really wrong, because it depends much more on how healthy you are, as always on the label disease.

But if you know how to have a healthy immune system, then the duration of your flu symptoms may be minimal, with the rapid and sustained without fatigue.

How can I reduce the immune system in a hurryInfluence>?


The use of homeopathy!

It can be a good homeopath may prescribe a deep acting medicine consult. Or you can buy a kit of homeopathic prescribing home and learn to treat themselves at home.

In any case, the influence for the cause, rather than be treated by suppressing the symptoms.

And 'common to see people who have recovered from the fatigue effect. This means that in realityrecovered from influenza, such as fatigue is one of the main symptoms of influenza.

Homeopathy is a very delicate way, but deeply effective medicine. Their symptoms tend to melt away, almost unnoticed. But you need to know what you are doing so more and kits come with detailed prescribing information.

The great thing to know is that you do not damage from improper homeopathic medicine. It just does not work. This means that yourThe selection was not very good, so you need to go back to the drawing board and try again.

It 'good to know that you have control over the time they have flu symptoms like you about your general health.

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Vaccine Complications

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, commonly referred to as the CDC, said that the best way to increase your chances of getting the flu is not an annual influenza vaccination. Complications and allergic reactions to vaccines, influenza vaccine are rare, and "worth the risk" for some people, especially older people living in residential care situations.

Allergic reaction to influenza vaccination may be caused by any of the components ofshot, but more often in people who seem allergic to eggs. The shot contains dead influenza viruses that have been grown in chicken eggs. It is believed, at least from the CDC that the more influence vaccination complications in people who have an allergy to chicken eggs, occur.

The CDC recommends that the signs of an allergic reaction to influenza vaccination difficulty breathing, hoarseness or wheezing, hives, paleness, weakness, tachycardia, dizziness, or contain andwhen they occur, which will be within the first hours after the flu shot. Complications, other than the most common side effects (redness or swelling at the injection site, mild fever and muscle aches), a physician should be reported immediately and the doctor should have a "Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System" form file. Can vaccinate a serious allergic reaction to vaccination against influenza can be life-threatening, and that he had an allergic reaction to being vaccinated against influenza vaccine inPast should consult a doctor before taking annual influenza vaccination.

Those who are allergic to mercury or thimerosal vaccine may have an allergic reaction to vaccinations against influenza. Thiomersal is used in the production of influenza vaccines and is used as a preservative in many. While the CDC states that there is "no convincing evidence" that thimerosal can cause serious complications of influenza vaccination, many doctors and researchers believe that the presence of mercurythe flu vaccination can cause autism and Alzheimer's disease. The evidence on the relationship between mercury in flu vaccines and autism was convincing enough for the State of New York, to vaccines containing thimerosal, which are intended to be used in pregnant women and children are banned. But the flu vaccine, which contained labeled preservatives are still traces of mercury. It is generally accepted that these traces can cause flu vaccination complications.

One ofcomplications of the flu vaccine, which occurs only rarely, is a so-called Guillain-Barre. It has not been vaccinated as an allergic reaction to vaccinations against influenza, but may be associated with them. Guillain-Barre syndrome symptoms are fever and muscle weakness and sometimes paralysis and permanent nerve damage. The CDC recommends that anyone with Guillain-Barre syndrome in the past, regardless of whether it was related to influenza vaccinationComplications should consult their doctor before taking annual vaccination.

Vaccinate as a serious allergic reaction to vaccinations against influenza are rare, the CDC believes that the benefits outweigh the risks associated with the vaccine in relation to possible complications of influenza vaccination. The vaccine is 70-90% effective in preventing 'flu in healthy people under 65 years, 30-70% effective in preventing hospitalization due to influenza in older peopleliving outside of nursing homes, 50-60% effective in preventing hospitalization influence in nursing home elderly residents and 80% effective in preventing death from influenza in elderly nursing home residents.

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Colds and flu medications are OK while breastfeeding?

A very common question in the cold and flu season.

If you are sick, many people head for the island of medication to the pharmacy for relief. But if you need to breastfeed, taking into account the possible effects of all drugs on you, your production of milk and the baby.

Most colds and flu medications contain antihistamines and decongestants. Antihistamines are drugs to correct a nose is runny. Decongestants are drugs that treat sinus or nasalCongestion. Unfortunately for those suffering from colds and flu, none of these drugs are recommended during lactation. Why you ask? Since both have been known to adversely affect milk production. Her runny nose may dry out, but your milk.

What can we do? Over the counter pain relievers: acetaminophen or ibuprofen for pain. Zinc supplements to reduce the duration of the virus. Guaifenesin (cough) is safe to use during breastfeeding. Use if theCough is not allowing you to sleep. Saline or Afrin nasal spray for nasal congestion. Humidifier in the room. Drink plenty of fluids. Eating a healthy diet.

Some things to consider about the symptoms of colds and flu. The fever is the body's ability to activate the immune system. Fever of 104 degrees are not dangerous, they are beneficial, helping to fight the infection. A runny nose is the body's way of cleansing the sinuses of germs viruses. A production / wet cough should notstopped using drugs. If you stop the cough, the mucus stuck in the lungs and may develop a bacterial infection. The common cold virus causes fever for 2-3 days, nasal discharge and cough for 7-14 days 2-3 weeks.

And the flu vaccine, Tamiflu and breastfeeding? Both are considered safe during lactation.

Is there anything you do to avoid getting sick?

1 Get plenty of rest.
2 Wash your hands frequently, avoid touchingYour face with dirty hands.
3 Blow your nose often. (This is often where the first virus to enter)
4 Gargling with salt water and wash the nasal passages with salt water. (If you pose an irrigation system, nasal passages recycling)
5 Eat a healthy diet, choose foods rich in vitamin C and zinc, are the natural immune system booster.
6 Drink warm liquids to wash the seeds directly into the gastrointestinal tract, where they can not stand a chance!

In summary,Prevention saves a lot of discomfort with a cold or flu. But if you develop a cold or the flu, remember to check all the counter medications with a lactation consultant or doctor. Many mothers take over the counter medication during breastfeeding safe. This is not the case. It is advisable to check with your pediatrician or lactation consultant before taking medications.

Liz Pevytoe, RN, IBCLC, a lactation consultant Board Certified. You can sendQuestions of drugs for them using the link below.

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Influenza - Treat it Early

Influenza - The Early Symptoms

Influenza, commonly known as flu causes discomfort and that is only for starters. The first signs are usually a throat irritation and a slightly stuffy nose. These can develop into clogged up sinuses, very bad cough, runny nose and constant sneezing. As it progresses, you experience general body pain and joint aches. It gets worse when body temperature rises and a fever breaks out. It is terrible when you have congestion in the chest and you start throwing up. Some people can shrug off the early symptoms due to their good physical condition. Highly resistant body immunity is a strong factor in coping with an early attack.

Relief From The Early Symptoms

Increase fluid intake. Use medicated inhalers and vapor rubs. Dab some eucalyptus oil onto a handkerchiefs and inhale from it. Gurgle with warm salt water. Use medicated mouthwashes or specially formulated throat smears. Keep an ice pack handy. No ice? Use a damp cloth. Place it on the forehead. Monitor body temperature. Avoid oily and spicy food. These are among some of measures people are advised to take when they are down with the dreaded flu. However, at best, such measures may only help in relieving the symptoms. Our immune system used to be quite capable of beating the flu virus. However, a highly compromised immune system and the emerging of new and more potent strains, render the task very difficult. Influenza is caused by viruses that infect the respiratory tract. At the first signs of an impending attack of flu, it is best to consult a doctor.

Treating Influenza

Influenza used to be common during the winter months. However, recent reports indicate that it now occurs all year round. Vaccination is recommended. But once you have it what is the best treatment? Since influenza is caused by viruses, the best solution is to treat it with medication.The medication should help boost the immune system to the level required to fight-off the attack. Like all other diseases, prevention in this case too, is better then a cure.

If prevention is not possible, the next best thing is to be prepared. Learn about the best medications available for the treatment of flu. Ensure that the medications are genuine. Obtain them from safe, reliable and professional sources. Influenza is contagious. It can be fatal but thanks to modern medicine, it can be treated. The key is to treat it early to avoid complications.

If you need the best influenza medication, obtain it from trusted and reputed healthcare professionals. Be safe. Beware of cheap and dangerous imitations. The medication recommended for the treatment of flu works by blocking the action of an enzyme that is vital for the production of the flu virus. Thus, the medication effectively stops the spread of the virus and limits further infection in the body. This action allows the body's immune system to take command and attack the virus.

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Fight colds, flu and allergy - Three Natural Ways, increase their immunity

1) Improve the immune system with Chinese herbal formulas, build immunity, and pathogens from the body.

I recommend that you stock up on Yu Ping Feng Pian as formulas, which are used to prevent influenza, colds and bacterial infections.

This formula can also help you recover more quickly if you are exposed to pathogens and to develop the disease.

Another formula, Yin Qiao, may be taken during the first two days of virus infection on the rate of recovery. This is a formulathis only works at an early stage of infection, so do not take it for longer than 2 days or restart it if you've been bad for more than 48 hours.

For allergy symptoms, Bi Yan Pian test the formula linked helpful in relieving the symptoms of upper respiratory allergies, including runny nose and paranasal sinuses.

(2) Increase the immunity building foods.

Increase the following foods in order to bring the balance of the immune system.

Foods rich inZinc:
Bamboo shoots, wheat germ, shitake mushrooms, parsley (dried), chicken and turkey, oyster, sesame, pumpkin.

Foods that resonate strongly with the immune system:
Cabbage (green), cauliflower and kohlrabi, Chinese pears.

(3) Meditate
Meditation has to rise to T cells (immune cells fighter) in people with cancer and other diseases, which have reduced immunity.

Increase immunity Meditation

Sit in a quiet andTreat yourself to relax your body.
Breathe deeply and count to five.
Take a deep breath and count to five.
See the silver light completely filling your lungs to breathe, like you.
As you continue to breathe deeply, this silver light cleaning and strengthening of the lungs show.
Imagine this is a bubble of protection of silver light around the body, strengthen the immune system and fight pathogenic invasions, such as colds or flu.

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Benefits of Onions For Cold and Flu Symptoms

Most of us are aware of the powerful odor of onions. Did you know this is their secret weapon against viruses and bacteria? That pungent odor is caused by the rich sulfur compounds that promote health and well-being. Throughout history onions have been held in high regard for their culinary and medicinal qualities. They have even been used as a currency in Egypt to pay the workers who built the pyramids.

Onions have phytochemicals and quercetin which assist the body by moving and breaking up the mucus in the head and chest. The powerful odor causes the eyes to tear and the nose to run. It is this affect on your body that stimulates the immune system to fight the virus or bacterial infection. This is helping your body shed the virus and reduce the inflammation from congestion.

The onion is a warming, stimulating and penetrating herb. It is used in soups and even cough syrups. But you don't have to eat it to experience its healing affects. Apply them externally as a poultice and inhale and feel their pungent effects. Onions bring heat to the area and this action brings the fever to that part of the body to control how far the infection spreads.

You can also cut them in slices and put them in a bowl by your bed at night or in any room in the house. It is said they absorb the viruses and bacteria from the air. A doctor during the 1918 Spanish flu discovered a farmer and his family doing this very thing and they did not catch the flu, so the story goes.

Onions are anti-bacterial, ant-viral, and anti-parasitic. They are rich in vitamin C, potassium, chromium, fiber, manganese and vitamin B6. So eat onions every day, learn to make poultices and syrups and continue a 5,000 year old remedy.

(C)2009 Shanna Ohmes

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Who is the Discoverer of Influenza?

The influence comes from an Italian word for influence. It is a contagious viral disease that can infect humans, birds and mammals. The virus spreads through the air or some form of physical contact. The result is a viral infection in the person suffers from headaches, fever, cough and malaise. Some people may also develop a sore throat, diarrhea, vomiting and nausea.

First reports of flu-like symptoms
This disease is very old looking at human evolution.The story began as a credible theory that has been done, when people began their animals. Hippocrates kept the ancient greek medical records first flu symptoms almost 2400 years. The same was observed also identified in the same period a greek historian Herodotus.

Influence through the centuries
The first outbreak of influence in Eastern Europe was recorded in 1580. According to experts, began in Russia andAfrica and then spread to Central Europe. Thousands have been killed by this epidemic. Dr. JS Koen observed in 1918 that the same symptoms as human and pig were.

Orthomyxoviridae the strain of the virus was discovered in 1931 and was assisted by Richard Shope. He studied the symptoms of influenza in pigs in 1928 with N. McBryde. That infects healthy pigs with the virus after their samples of mucus. Has shown that the influence was caused in fact byVirus.

Influenza viruses often change from time to time, usually mutations - is the change in viral RNA. This change allows you to adjust the frequency of the virus to the host's immune system to avoid, so that the host is susceptible to infection with influenza virus throughout the life-changing.

Types of influenza viruses
There are three types of influenza viruses: A, B and C. A is the most flexible, and can thrive anywhere. Currently there arealmost fifteen serotypes HA, NA and nine serotypes. Because the virus constantly changes, there to present unknown subtypes. Type B infects only mammals and is less than type A. It has no known serotypes. Influenza type A and B cause epidemics of respiratory illness that occur almost every winter and are always associated with increased rates of hospitalization and death could.

Type C infect humans, but rarely causes serious illness, it is usually caused eithera very soft respiratory sickness or absolutely no symptoms. It also does not have any known serotypes. It also does not cause epidemics and does not have severe health impact of influenza Type A and B.

Traits of Influenza
The influenza virus is therefore extremely small and has a size of about 80 to 120 nanometers in diameter. It appears spherical under a microscope. The external side of the virus has a fatty layer covered with glycoprotein spikes. Deep inside the fatty layer is a line of proteins.

Influenza in modern times
The modern flu epidemics are less deadly as compared with epidemics in the past. Modern medicine proved successful in stopping its spread. However, some worst flu epidemics in the last century were the Asian Flu of 1957, great Swine Flu of New Jersey in 1976 and also in Russia in 1977. The recent epidemic that has scared the world is known as the H1N1 virus and research studies are going on to know about its origin.

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Cure For Swine Flu

With the advent of Avian Bird Flu in the year 2005, scientists have been looking for an effective cure against viral diseases of this sort. Swine Flu has symptoms similar to the Avian Flu and also spreads equally fast.

The scientists have identified various antioxidants that lower the rate of duplication of both types of viruses including H1N1 Swine Flu and H5N1 Avian Bird Flu. The test was first done on mice, who were infected with the H5N1 bird flu and then given high doses of resveratrol. This dose was given to them after 3-9 hours of getting infected. More than 90% of the mice, who were given resveratrol 3 hours after the infection showed no sickness. The resveratrol is an important element produced by plants that helps in fighting various infections and diseases. In fact, resveratrol is an antibiotic that also boasts of life-extending properties.

The natural sources of resveratrol include grape juice, red wine, red wine vinegar, grapes, peanuts, and dark chocolate. Therefore, it is important that you stock these sources of resveratrol during H1N1 Swine Flu Season. For example, you can drink grape juice for breakfast, add peanuts to your rice or salads, enjoy some red wine before going to the bed, and munch a piece of dark chocolate during the day.

Red wine not only contains resveratrol, but it also contains many other powerful compounds that promote good health. So, there is definitely a natural cure for Swine Flu, just look around, stock your food cabinet well, and enjoy the life.

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Chai Tea Offers Health Benefits

Chai tea is a centuries-old tea, which is important in many cultures around the world. This rich black tea that is traditionally sweetened with milk and honey, various spices, which add not only for its spicy taste, but its health benefits as well.

From a base of black tea, Chai is full of antioxidants from tea leaves, which help the immune system and prevent disease. In recent years, including all tea black tea in the news for her bysignificant health benefits. In fact, the National Cancer Center Research Institute in Tokyo has suggested that it may be the most practical way to prevent cancer by drinking tea. Studies have shown that drinking tea can reduce the cases of all cancers, but is particularly useful in inhibiting cancer of the esophagus and digestive tract as well as the long and breast cancer. Not only that, there is some evidence that drinking tea helps to counteract some of the damageChemotherapy is not on your white blood cells.

Not only that provide the health benefits of tea chai tea that you get the same, but added the spices have more health benefits you will not find in other types of tea. Some spices are added to the rule include spice cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, nutmeg and pepper.

Cinnamon is fast becoming a popular medicinal plant is very versatile, but perhaps the most important thing is that there are other herbs that help stimulate and healFaster. It is said to lower blood pressure, reduces pain and fever, relieve symptoms of indigestion, nausea, gas and heartburn, and can also help with menstrual problems. Incidentally, another spice in chai tea - cardamom helps with digestion problems so if you have problems with digestion, this tea can help.

Cloves should help strengthen the body and have a reputation to be great in relief of colds and flu.

Ginger is a great herb garden, used for the alreadyThousands of years and will help in the fight against colds and flu and is particularly effective for strengthening and healing the respiratory and digestive tract. It is also said to help with cardiovascular health, to heal ulcers and reduce fever and muscle aches.

Nutmeg is, to help the mucous membranes, especially in the neck, is a plant very wet for those who have problems in this area.

Pepper, which may seem strange,a cup of tea is another ingredient of Chai tea, which stimulate the taste buds and help to improve digestion. has been for centuries to prevent the gas has been used and has anti-bacterial properties and antioxidants. This is a great plant for the promotion of healthy digestion.

So you see, the next time you sit down to relax with a cup of chai tea and delicious to drink more and not just something delicious, but also help improve your health.

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Countdown to the 2010 flu: Flu Vs mononucleosis

Recently we have seen the difference between pneumonia and influenza. Today, we use nominal iTriage for mononucleosis and help us learn how to influence it. The following information iTriage mononucleosis.

Infectious mononucleosis (also called "mono" is known in North America) is a contagious viral disease. This disease occurs most commonly in adolescents and young adults and is characterized by fever, sore throat and fatigue, along withmany other possible signs and symptoms.

Fever, sore throat, white discoloration of the tonsils (exudate), enlarged lymph nodes, especially in the neck and armpits, malaise, discomfort or malaise, fatigue, anorexia, muscle pain or stiffness, swollen spleen, skin rash.

An examination of the history and physical activity. The CBC is done to detect abnormalities in white blood cells (atypical lymphocytes). A single positive pointDetection of Epstein-Barr virus is the most common method of diagnosis.

Most patients recover within 2-4 weeks without medication. Acetaminophen (Tylenol), nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs / NSAIDs (ibuprofen / Motrin or Advil, Naproxen / Naprosyn) and drink plenty of fluids are the mainstay of treatment. There is no specific antiviral treatment available. Steroids may be considered in patients with severe symptoms. Patients are asked to avoidContact sports, spleen rupture.

As you can see both the flu and mononucleosis are viral diseases. Treatment for both is calm, oral fluids and medication for fever. Remember, antibiotics are not useful for a virus. In general, patients with mononucleosis have a very sore throat and swollen glands called lymph nodes. These swollen glands in the neck, and found among the poor. Mononucleosis is most common in children and adolescents to be found inMost patients can only get the disease again. Many older adults have a natural immunity from previous infections, preventing them from sick building a second time. The flu can infect the same person several times, changed slightly each year since then. This ability of the influenza virus is to change, because you need a new flu vaccine every year. Use iTriage to find a provider for your flu shot.

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The symptoms of rabies Cat

Not many would have thought of a cat with rabies to be set. Yes, cats do not just dogs. When you know that your cat shows symptoms of rabies cat? For all you know that rabies is fatal to health are caused by viruses. Anger can lead to adverse situations to your beloved pet meowing.

You need to understand the symptoms of cat rabies symptoms before giving her medical done in three phases. Prodromal, furious and dumbor paralytic stage. If you notice your cat is frightened, anxious, tense and feverish for two days, then they could be imposed with anger. If your cat is restless, irritable, unfocused, extremely sensitive to visual stimuli and vicious, then it shows the stage of anger angry cat.

The symptoms of cat rabies are detected, even though the offensive spells. If your cat shows no interest in eating or not eating the food that they can control their anger. WorseCase is that they can perform deep breathing and begin to decline because of their jaw muscles paralyzed face. Prolonged weakness of the muscles and nerves that can cause respiratory failure leading to death.

When a cat is bitten by an animal, they can potentially develop cat angry, which leads to the destruction of the central nervous system. The anger of the cat can also cause respiratory infections, urinary tract problems, cat disease, diabetes, flu, vomiting, kidney andConjunctivitis. Although rabies rarely attack cats, cat owners still have to be very aware of the symptoms.

Keep an eye on your cat's health is primary. Symptoms of cat rabies be prevented exacerbation as soon as possible. If an indicator is evident in your beloved cat, do not hesitate to consult a veterinarian. Not only did the anger passed from an infected animal, but also from infections aerosols, or ingestion ofCarrier animals. It should be noted that the most likely anger lingers in animal saliva. So, if your cat is bitten by a dog or an animal carrying rabies, will be infected with rabies as well.

The symptoms usually spread through the nerves to the brain. The virus is gradually spreading through your cat's body in 2 to 6 weeks. Once you reach the brain, is to live in the salivary glands. But before he could reach the salivary glands, your cat will begin to manifest allthe three phases of symptoms of rabies. Some indicators can be detected early if your cat is yelling loudly and run into any object they saw. The lack of physical coordination is also an early symptom, you must act. Do not let your cat near the vet diagnosed.

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Latest information on Avian Influenza

The latest information on avian influenza are available from the World Health Organization (WHO) reports that Indonesia had a total of 69 confirmed cases in humans since 2003. The bird flu to WHO statistics include only cases confirmed human infections compiled and death caused by infection with the H5N1 virus. Each influenza virus that infects birds is called avian flu. Only viruses infect humans andBirds. Influenza virus A, which were found in both birds and humans, scientists are more concerned about H5N1. This virus caused the death of man, while people were infected with other strains of avian influenza (H7 and H9), caused only a mild disease and only in people who have contact with sick or dead birds were found. H5N1 is believed to have been caused by human, human contact in a family moved to Indonesia in 2006.

Latest NewsWorld Health Organization on Avian Influenza in the case of a 21-year-old woman from East Java province in Indonesia affected public. She is the sister of a 11-year-old boy died on 18 September 2006. He began to show symptoms on the 24th September, and was immediately isolated in hospitals and anti-viral oseltamivir given drug. Other antiviral drugs have proved ineffective in treating avian influenza in humans. Avian flu, statistics showthat of the 69 human cases in Indonesia, 52 have resulted in the death of the individual. No cases have been reported in Indonesia before 2005, and most (50) occurred this year.

Most cases in 2005 in Vietnam, where 61 cases resulted in 19 deaths occurred. Prior to 2003 the disease had never been reported in Viet Nam. The H5 virus was detected in 70 000 birds of which 40 000 were killed and 30,000 were found destroyed. WHO information on avian flu statistics for the VietNam show that three confirmed cases in humans, all resulting in death in 2003. In 2004, the number of reported cases in humans up to 29 including 20 to his death. So far in 2006, new cases have been reported in Vietnam.

The published information on avian influenza for travelers to the fact that the disease is not highly transmissible among humans. However, travelers should avoid handling dead birds or raw poultry. The Centers for Disease Control suggests that those whoTraveled to affected countries should not live birds, even if they are good and should appear surfaces contaminated with bird droppings to avoid. There are currently 48 different countries in Asia, Europe and Africa that have reported outbreaks in poultry and wild birds. In addition, travelers are advised not to birds, which eat not been cooked thoroughly. After cases of avian influenza are two statistics is assumed to be drunk out ofraw duck blood.

If you are planning on traveling to a foreign country and you take the time not a point of the immune system, you can begin to smart. A strong immune system that protect against viruses and other infections. He was released after the latest information on avian influenza from the CDC, the vaccine has not yet been found to prevent infection by H5N1 in humans or birds. While the disease rarely affects humans, avian flu statistics no longer growslowly.

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Strengthen the immune system against the flu N1H1 with Acai Berry

If you watched the news lately, where all the talk about the virus N1H1 have known better known as swine flu. Each year tens of thousands of suffering people around the world through the unfortunate experience of influence, as they experience symptoms such as sneezing, coughing , headache, constipation and fatigue.

This officer, the medical community and governments in their arms as they shot to a chimney, is for the racesable to treat and vaccinate people of this strand of influenza.

During the N1H1 virus is a new strand of influenza virus, treatment of the virus is not new, but depends heavily under the same common sense practices in every season of smoke used to prevent the spread of smoke and smoke-treated with virus.

Advice to prevent the spread of influenza virus, health officials, the practice of good hygiene. WhenRelations with the public is a good idea to wash your hands after contact with people, dealing with mobile phones, public transport or handling of the supermarket trolley.

In cases where an outbreak is difficult to stay alert for any warnings that may be issued by public health officials, such as restrictions on travel to certain destinations around the world or even avoid large crowds, such as theme parks and cabins closed. If you or someone in your familyhappens to the flu, you should stay home. Parents should keep children at home with the flu, and to prevent the spread of the virus recover on other children.

While recovering, it is important for a lot of liquid contains the essential nutrients that you need to drink again. Fruit juices are rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants are very effective in increasing the body's immune system and demonstrated that the recovery speed. There are various juiceson the market that contains high antioxidants. Just around the internet check or visit your local supermarket and look for oranges, grapes, grapefruit, and even some vegetables like turnips. Berries are a great source of nutrients. Acai Berry, who was recently brought to the fore, is known to contain the highest levels of antioxidants than any other natural fruit and vegetable juices.

This berry is grown in the Amazon rainforest, has gained momentum and popularity among the hugehealthy consciousness of Western civilization and is famous for its unique blend of antioxidants, trace elements and vitamins essential to recover the body from diseases like flu and many other known diseases.

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Avian influenza - Tamiflu can treat the deadly bird flu virus?

Discovery of bird flu

A question asked by many people: to want to go for this aspect of Tamiflu, I open the door to discussion on avian influenza or bird flu. Beginning with the discovery of bird flu, the discovery of avian influenza can be traced back as early as 1918 but the recorded facts are a very young age, as a kind of respiratory disease has been detected in poultry farmers in 1983. This has been quiteDiscovered by farmers in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Virginia Shenandoah Valley is the largest producer in the country (USA) treated poultry products. Quarantine was imposed on the valley, which has not been revoked for more than a year. This resulted in the killing of more than a million birds in relation to turkeys and chickens.

The estimated losses of the farmers were facing the valley at a height of approximately $ 40 million. After this mass murder of birds,the United States were able to contain the disease. This prompted the U.S. to certain provisions, such as poultry products should be treated, what happens to be done in poultry. The United States was aware that the world is moving on a time bomb. With time, the strains of influenza emerged in Hong Kong. Some people lost their lives to the flu. These later appeared in different countries in different forms of the virus strain, with its well, wherever it goes.

The symptoms of avian influenza

Flu symptoms are just like any other influence. The reason for calling the bird flu is the flu spread from birds to humans. That used to suffer from sore throat and then followed by muscle aches. This was followed by a feeling of nausea and dizziness. Now, the flu has taken completely. It 'very important to recognize the symptoms of Influence> in a very early stage. If symptoms are detected, it is appropriate to use with medication. It is a viral infection, antibiotics may play a role. Antibiotics can treat only bacterial infections. Tamiflu is the only drug available in the market to combat virus infections. But the Council does not take Tamiflu without talking to your doctor.

The benefits of Tamiflu

This drug is a drug Tamiflu to treat advertised> Influence. Tamiflu is the only drug that attacks the source of the virus and prevent the spread of influenza within the body. It is advertised as a drug for adults, adults with flu-like symptoms, which have developed in recent days has shown. But the drug can be taken by children under the age of thirteen.

Another advantage of Tamiflu is that you take this drug as a preventive measure. If you hadexposed to people who put together the flu, you should also take a medicine. But adjust the dosage. Here, as a preventive measure, take one pill a day. In the case of patients who go into pills for days.

Influenza type A and influenza B is just the flu, which has been shown to respond well to medication Tami flu. Avian influenza is under the influence of A. So the blanketRespond to the type of influence to influence Tami.

In a case where they are not on the drug Tamiflu, ask your doctor or health practitioner to respond to him and ask what could be the problem.

Tamiflu is generally heal out of the deadly strain of avian influenza virus.

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What are the warning signs of pneumonia, you should know

Pneumonia is an inflammation and subsequent infection of the lungs. There may be difficulty in breathing, coughing, production and cause chest pain. Pneumonia can affect one or both lungs and there are various forms of the disease. And 'know that the most common cause of pneumonia is associated with a lung infection by viruses or bacteria, Gram-positive and gram-negative. Some pathogens may share common features of both viruses and bacteria also causePneumonia.

Liquids, dust, chemical fumes and other irritants: Aspiration pneumonia is caused by the inhalation of foreign bodies. This type of pneumonia most common in young children, but adults are not immune to it because either vomit or have inhaled the food. The symptoms of aspiration pneumonia are not always intense and may disappear within a few days but in rare cases, the search for food and vomiting can lead to respiratory arrest and death.The main symptoms of aspiration pneumonia are: a dry cough, chest pain and pain, shortness of breath during normal breathing and shortness of breath. It is advisable to inform your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms.

Viral pneumonia is very common form of pneumonia, children, adolescents and elderly. It can sometimes be mistaken for a cold or flu or. Viral pneumonia, the following symptoms: sore throat,non-productive or productive cough, swollen lymph nodes, chest pain during breathing, mild to severe headaches and a general feeling of tiredness. A cough may or may not also produce varying amounts of mucus. You may also experience mild fever and chills.

Bacterial pneumonia is a severe form and can be symptoms that are more intensive to produce. The bacterial forms of pneumonia appear to be more common in adults, and those who have a weak immune system. BacterialPneumonia can be symptoms such as high fever, excessive sweating, a productive (mucus producing) cough, shortness of breath (dyspnea), chest tightness and pain (a sensation of pain when breathing), nausea and abdominal pain, pain muscle weakness of the body and pronounced. A symptom of bacterial pneumonia is critical cyanosis, a bluish color on the lips and nail beds, due to insufficient oxygenation of the blood. Humans can also coughing a greenishbrown mucus. It can also traces of blood in the later stages.

Mycoplasma pneumonia or pneumonia feet can all be affected, because your health and age is not important. This type of pneumonia, is usually mild. There may be symptoms: cough with mucus, any pain in the chest from excessive coughing, shortness of breath, dizziness and fatigue. You may even be a slight fever, chills, nausea, abdominal pain and vomiting. HikingPneumonia tends to develop slowly and can not find that the symptoms until several weeks after infection. Although this type of pneumonia is not really considered serious, you are strongly advised to inform your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms.

Because pneumonia is a very contagious disease and pathogens that cause disease, through the air we breathe all will be transferred, it is very easy, just to infectby respiration. Since the respiratory tract has its own natural defenses of the nasal hair, mucus and cilia), some of the microorganisms are still able to penetrate the lungs and both inflammation and infection. Once that microorganisms can break down our natural defenses, the vapors, irritants, viruses and bacteria can spread rapidly in the alveoli (small groups of air sacs, where instead of exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide)and this can cause serious lung damage if left untreated.

Pneumonia can strike anyone, because age is not a factor. It 'a fact that the elderly and small children are more likely targets for the development of pneumonia. You can also very susceptible to developing pneumonia, if you have a weak immune system suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), other internal disorders (liver, kidneys), chemotherapy or had experienced a recent surgeryProcess.

Walking pneumonia can be used have been found responsible for the deaths of thousands of antibiotics and the availability of vaccination pneumonia. Most people walking pneumonia to be confused with symptoms of influenza (flu), and if the wrong treatment is used, it can progress further.

Pneumonia can spread rapidly in schools, barracks or other places where there are large numbers of people where they are relatively closetogether, the microorganisms can be transmitted easily with a simple cough or sneeze of an infected person. The first symptom is a slight sore throat that gets worse every day. Then, a dry cough was noted. They can lead to a general state of fatigue all the time.

The real problem will be affected by this, the first symptoms of pneumonia to be the same as a cold or flu. After the development of cough, slight fever, followed by a sequential numberNose, just as if you have a cold. The first major evidence that demonstrates that they have a cold, a cough that is frequent or too much, you do not care with the drug regularly. This is because the bacteria that actually cause lung inflammation and antibiotics can be treated with antibiotics. Even if you take cough medicine, it is even worse, until you start treatment with antibiotics.

Try to remember the symptoms and factsPneumonia, as it saves a lot of time and effort to confuse the signs of pneumonia with the flu, but if you have symptoms of pneumonia, you must inform your doctor as soon as possible and prevent the disease becomes more severe. There's really fun to cough so strong it makes the chest pain, cough or breathing problems or mucus ugly. Pneumonia is treatable with medication right.

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Best Cold Remedies - 7 Popular Home Cold and Flu

In the cold and flu season is normal for commercials promoting the latest cold and flu remedies on TV that your condition can be seen in its proper spell. Most of these over the counter remedies to treat the symptoms but does not reduce the duration of a cold. In addition, many of these drugs that make you feel drowsy or drugged.

Home remedies colds and flu are more popular than ever and are an alternative for those who do not want to submitDrugs with many mysterious ingredients. While there may be no cure for colds or flu, there are several home remedies that can help people, their duration and effects on your body.

Chicken soup

Eating a bowl of warm chicken soup has long been one of the most popular cold remedies and influence around the house. This old-fashioned remedy really stand the test of time. Chicken Soup for the common cold has been since the time of the ancient Egyptians prescribed. ThisRemedy is probably so long because it contains proteins that the body needs to be better, plus, it sinks to survive light and warm and comfortable. Recent research has shown to have chicken soup has anti-inflammatory nutrients. So go ahead and take a nice hot pot of chicken soup.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is known for its immune enhancing benefits estimated for the body. If you get a cold or flu, the virus tends to attack the healthy blood cells, which thendefend - that makes you tired and we wasted a lot of energy. If you drink orange juice or other citrus fruits rich in vitamin C, is literally rejected from your healthy blood cells increased power to nasty cold germs. Many people may choose the form of tablets of vitamin C or vitamin C to make sure it is one of the most powerful home remedies you alienate a cold.


Echinacea is a popular herbal remedy to help reduce the duration of itscold. You can find echinacea in capsule form, in lozenges or as a tincture of alcohol. While Echinacea has healing benefits, its effectiveness in fighting the cold often with mixed results. Echinacea alcohol tinctures can last for several years, while the leaves are used in many pills and capsules lose their effectiveness over time. In addition, the quality varies greatly due to the nature of the plant Echinacea. The upper part of the plant contains the most benefits, while thethe lower part has little therapeutic benefit.

Spicy foods

Spicy foods are garlic, onion and cayenne pepper can help you more quickly from a cold. These three foods contain powerful antioxidants and immune system compounds that help your body to excrete the virus. Eating a bowl of chili for lunch or dinner is a great way to eat your way to improve themselves in the shortest possible time.

Vaporizers & Steamers Personal

Hot steam rises through the nasal passages andYour sinuses and lungs is a good way to clear jams from the system. One of the things that makes it so miserable with a cold, is that your nose is clogged and the breast, when filled with gunk. Vaporizers & personal steamers work by adding water to a base and then heated to become steam. Here you can breathe in the steam and delete the system, which allows you to make peace.


Soak in a hot bath relaxing at any time, but if you have a cold, the steamAn increase from the tub can be a calming effect on your tired body. Steam is the ideal place to break the congestion that clogged your sinuses and chest. To create an aromatherapy experience, add a few drops of peppermint oil or camphor oil for hot water. Please do not use the funds for infants and young children because they can cause their injuries.

Hot Toddy

Hot toddy is a favorite cold and flu remedies. Many people believe that curling on the couch (or in aFavorite chair) and drinking a hot grog is a good way to ward off a cold or the flu, but in reality there is no evidence that this drink has healing benefits.

A hot toddy with hot water or tea, lemon juice, sugar or honey and is, brandy, rum or whiskey made. While tasty, the American Lung Association warns that lead from drinking alcohol while sick with a cold is to dehydration, which make a cold more. However, if you can not sleep and you do not want to takeCold Remedies Over-the-counter, will send a hot toddy with alcohol to you in a nice long sleep.

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Intestinal Flu

The Intestinal Flu can cause an upset stomach, which is one of the most bothersome conditions a person can experience. The thing with an upset stomach is that because it affects even our activities of daily living, we sometimes skip work, cannot focus on our tasks, we may feel irritable and prickly, and many other allied discomforts. However, we have to put in mind that an upset stomach is not a disease itself, it may indicate an underlying condition... and one of the most frequent causes of an upset stomach is viral gastroenteritis.

What Causes Intestinal Flu?

Viral gastroenteritis, stomach flu, intestinal flu- whatever we may call it, it all points to one and the same circumstance. As its technical term suggests, intestinal flu is most commonly caused by viruses that march into our gastrointestinal tract, more specifically our intestines. These viruses disrupt the normal functions of our intestine to such a point that we experience nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, as well as general body weakness and sickness.

How To Remedy?

Since this is a viral condition, antibiotics will be of no use. Like the common cough and colds, intestinal flu is also self-limiting, which means it will resolve itself naturally.

Give your intestines some rest! The last thing that your stomach would want to do during an intestinal flu attack is to work and digest food. If you feel nauseated, do not take in fluids or eat anything for about two hours. In case you are vomiting, do the same thing, but this time for four hours. Once the discomfort starts to alleviate, you may try to take sips of water or Gatorade (to provide your body some electrolytes).

After 24 hours, you may start to shift your liquid diet to bland foods like banana, rice, apple and toast (or what we usually call the BRAT diet). These foods will not provoke your gastrointestinal system to work heavily as these are light foods. Once able to endure these types of food, you can progressively shift to any diet that you can tolerate.

If in any case that your diarrhea or vomiting is not resolved in a day or two, you may need to contact your health care provider, especially if you notice blood in your stool, as this may indicate a more serious health threat more then just an Intestinal Flu. It is usually expected to resolve itself in three to five days. If after that time frame you are still experiencing harsh symptoms, hospitalization and further medical attention may be required.

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War of the Spanish flu of 1918 caused by a mutated bird flu virus?

A recent study published in the Spanish flu epidemic of 1918 February 5, 2004, in Science Express confirmed the online version of Science magazine suggests that our fears worse when it started in birds. The 1918 flu epidemic killed an estimated 20 million to 40 million people around the world, including at least 500,000 in the United States. The research was the result of a long-term collaboration between the late Don Wiley, a Howard Hughes MedicalInstitute researcher at Harvard University and Sir John Skehel of the Medical Research Council's National Institute for Medical Research in London.

The results are finally revealed the mechanism by which the murderess influenza infects human cells and was responsible for the deaths of many millions of young people to develop as many of the elderly population, a certain immunity to viruses similar earlier in their lives . The Spanish flu virus is now extinct, but researchersits viral DNA sequences were investigated by examining biopsies from infected tissue from the bodies of American soldiers died in the pandemic and Intuit woman whose body was preserved in permafrost in Alaska. The scientists used X-ray crystallography the three-dimensional structure of the surface haemagglutinin of the 1918 virus' (HA) protein, a molecule that is known to start to reveal the early stages of infection. The protein binds to receptors on the cell surface and causesHuman cells in the pores open, allowing the virus to pass.

The HA protein product for human and avian viruses bind normally to various types of cell receptors, which makes it very difficult to infect avian strains to humans and vice versa. The document showed that the molecule could still resemble the HA binding site bird flu, but infect humans, the researchers found that two pages of hemagglutinin receptor site in slightly different positions in1918 hemagglutinin, in comparison with the Hong Kong-protein, that bind to an antigen in the human receptor-positive way. This means that even during the 1918 pandemic, the avian influenza HA protein mutant seems, so that the deadly virus to bind efficiently to human cells, while maintaining the basic characteristics of the avian influenza virus from which emerged.

While some scientists have long argued that the Spanish flu had nothing to do with birds, many othersI suspect that it was a bird flu virus had mutated in some way and "jumped" from birds to humans. The report's findings are important because a strain of bird flu, H5N1, as is known, has recently spread like wildfire throughout Asia and has already killed 12 people. The hemagglutinin of the 1918 virus was H1, ​​the Asian flu, which began in 1957 H2, and the strain in Hong Kong, which began in 1968, designated H3.

It is understood that many scientiststhe view that the potential pandemic in humans has become, if not stopped quickly. The WHO, UNFAO, and the World Organisation for Animal Health have jointly today an urgent appeal for funds for the new avian influenza, which they say could quickly into an "efficient and dangerous human pathogen", which is dedicated development. Many Asian countries have used mass culling of infected farms to be the best way to control the spread of pandemic influenza. This radical programinfluenced by a widespread feeling that health authorities in Asia quickly enough last year to the SARS virus, a hitherto unknown human pathogens that contain eventually killed 800 people, has failed. Apart from being highly contagious, influenza viruses have the ability to rapidly mutate by exchanging genes with each other, so if someone brings a new human flu virus catches the bird flu, the two strains in the body of a patient to combine, creating a new, highlycontagious and fatal human plague. And 'well known that the two influenza pandemics of 1957 and 1968 by mixing human and animal viruses, to form hybrids have been created.

Fortunately, as with the 1997 outbreak in Hong Kong, almost all patients who appear to have been infected with the H5N1 virus has infected through direct contact with infected birds. I am aware of the growing concern about two sisters who died of disease in Vietnam last month, which probably started fromhis brother. There were also concerns over five-year-old girl, 7 December 2003 the disease had approached chickens played, but his two young cousins, who were less than a week later in hospital, had only played in their vicinity . The WHO said that the current outbreak of H5N1 in birds started in South Korea in December, but many feel the outbreak probably began a few months before the farms of southern China, where ducks are often housed together with pigs andPeople.

There is no doubt that earthquakes in California, another global influenza pandemic is "inevitable and possibly imminent", but the world is a different place than the bad conditions that existed at the end of World War II. For starters there is now a global disease surveillance to warn us if H5N1 has begun to show evidence of direct person to person. We have better anti-viral drugs and treatments that are available for the many millions that have beensuccumbed to the pandemic during the past century. At best we can tell, that seems to present the transmission of the H5N1 virus from person to person can be inefficient, because every day on our television screens of workers, only instead of masks, gloves to kill the birds have been seen dead bodies in barrels .

Another study led by Ian Wilson of the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California, was conducted recently published in Science, has confirmed that birds were the source of strain 1918. AlthoughNo cases of bird flu infecting humans, until an outbreak of H5N1 in poultry in Hong Kong in 1997, is now thought that all the worst flu outbreaks in the last century, including the Asian flu in 1968 and 1957 's Hong Kong flu birds from primary school.

Most of us remember that in 1997, six people have died after contact with infected birds and shoot down a decision in Hong Kong's entire poultry population of about 1.5 million birds in just three days. Rejectingthe influenza virus more opportunities to infect humans, it can act quickly to avert a pandemic. So let's just hope that we stop this epidemic of H5N1 in its present location, before being in another world problem.

Centers for Disease Control background on pandemics
An influenza pandemic is a worldwide epidemic of influenza and occurs when a new influenza virus emerges, spreads and causes disease worldwide. The influence of the pastPandemics have caused high levels of illness, death, social disruption and economic losses. There were three pandemics in the 20 st Century. All of them spread worldwide within 1 year of being detected. They are:

1918-19 "Spanish flu" [A (H1N1)] caused the highest number of known flu deaths: more than 500,000 people in the United States have died, and 20 to 50 million people died worldwide. Many people died in the first days after infection and diedof complications soon after. Almost half of those killed were healthy young adults.

1957-58 "Asian flu" [A (H2N2)] caused about 70,000 deaths in the United States. First identified in China in late February 1957, the Asian flu spread to the U.S. in June 1957.

1968-69, "Hong Kong flu" [A (H3N2)] caused about 34,000 deaths in the United States. This virus was diagnosed in Hong Kong in early 1968 and released in the the end of the year. Type A (H3N2) viruses still circulate.

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The symptoms of prostate cancer - act now before it's too late

Upon arrival at a new location for the first time everyone sees the marks on their paper. Everyone is looking for a landmark or a sign to lead us in the right direction, we would not be lost. If a character is so important to pass on the right track, wrong as you can see the signs for us in our bodies. Usually when we are sick, there are first signs that our suffering is.

Sometimes we have a headache is a cold or flu. Prostate Cancer> The symptoms are difficult to determine, as the flu. Usually come from small, you are invincible to the naked eye. It 'very risky, not on the possible symptoms of various diseases that might make you want to be informed so that it is very important to gain knowledge, as in reference to signs of the disease can be achieved, it is.

The symptoms of prostate cancer usually begins with a complication during urination. In general there's a bit 'of pain in the body and the flowunusual. This symptom is quite obvious to see. There is also a possibility that it will not be able to control the bladder, and this is very unusual. Another symptom of prostate cancer is the struggle to get and maintain an erection. In general, there is pain during intercourse in the human body. There is also the possibility that the blood is in the urine or semen. The latter is the most common symptom of a person, the bearer of these are malignantDisease.

Prostate cancer survival rate depends on the age and general health of the patient. It also includes whether the cancer was diagnosed only in the prostate or is new. Over the past 30 years, the survival rate for this cancer has been improved thanks to the innovative way to make drugs available today. A lot of people are afraid to think of knowledge about the awareness of the various types of cancer, and that does not threaten to get.

Because moresay, prevention is always better than cure. Symptoms of prostate cancer are not something you should fear what we do. Once we see the signs in our body we are not afraid to go to a doctor to find out what was wrong. We should always be in our minds who first discovered the cancerous tumor and removed, it would be better for us. At stage 1 cancer is always better than a level 4, where we are at a greater risk of dying.

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Signs and symptoms of fibromyalgia

Although pain and fatigue are the most common signs, symptoms of fibromyalgia across the spectrum of physical and spiritual realm. They are indeed so numerous that they have a doctor in time, fibromyalgia is considered as a possible cause in many cases. Various tests are performed, but if no results are found to damage or inflammation, some doctors may be inclined to see the patient as a suspect, a hypochondriac, based on their shields, > The symptoms of fibromyalgia is difficult to prove. These days it is much more likely that the condition can be detected, although there are only two or three decades since it was originally recognized by the American Medical Association.

Often the leg or back muscles and joints most affected by this pain, weakness or stiffness, but this is not always the case. Some patients, severe headache, sharp or joint pain in the chest, a general> Flu-like malaise, or a dull ache all general as one of their signs. The symptoms of fibromyalgia can also jaw pain, which is fairly common and occurs in about one quarter of patients diagnosed with the disease. For those who suffer from stiffness, tends, in the worst cases in the early hours of the morning, which suggests that the gentle movement and exercise can temporarily alleviate the problem, or at least reduce this to complain of the many signs and symptoms ofFibromyalgia is therefore reduced.

Basic fatigue and difficulty with sleeping bags are also among the most common signs. The symptoms of fibromyalgia are often both the mental and physical fatigue, lack of energy, and the feeling that ', arms head and legs are tied something extremely heavy and cumbersome. Sleep disorders are often the biggest problems. Although many patients may have difficulty getting to sleep, it is entirely possible to wake up updated without the problems of not sleeping deeply enough. Other interested parties may also have difficulties in accessing adequate sleep. Sleep apnea, bruxism, restless leg syndrome and other problems that typically arise from sleep are also possibilities.

Depression, anxiety, mood swings and mental suffering can lead others due to problems with sleep, chronic illness, fibromyalgia, or seems to be exactly like the characters.> The symptoms of fibromyalgia are those pesky problems such as difficulty with memory loss, struggle with conservation - especially with names and numbers, and poor concentration. Many doctors prescribe the ongoing process to obtain a better night's sleep before the treatment of depression or anxiety, although it is possible, since a prescription for antidepressants or diazepam when a problem is extremely serious and it appears, without further dependence onto sleep.

The reference to a psychiatrist or a psychologist may also be issued between treatments by a doctor when they consider the problem more than a temporary and minor. Meditation can also sometimes relieve suffering psychological support syndrome.

Irritable bowel syndrome is another common symptom, symptoms of fibromyalgia can be constipation, diarrhea, stomach pain and gas, and reflux are. Sometimes a wrong diagnosis can be madeThe cause of digestive problems for the irritable bowel syndrome alone. If you are diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome have been, but apparently other indications have fibromyalgia, you should consult your doctor about the possibility of suffering from a complex disease determined. It can be one of many signs, symptoms of fibromyalgia is so variable. Among the less common signs that show, nausea, skin sensitivity, in the morningStiffness, painful menstruation, and numbness of the feet or hands.

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A list of symptoms of MRSA

In addition to the characteristic symptoms of a staph infection, like a reddish abrasion, not to heal, and giving pain, other symptoms have MRSA, which stands out. The symptoms of MRSA is an infection that will not heal an immunity or resistance to drug treatment. So even if the surgery is done to remove the pus, it is possible that the wound does not heal properly. It 'also possible that the pus is over and over or just beginning toalong the veins to the important organs of the body. The symptoms of MRSA are listed below, but this is not in any way a reason to avoid seeing a doctor. You can not diagnose and harder to heal yourself, because this is like playing with your life and health. There are cases of people with symptoms of MRSA, which have lost limbs because of inadequate treatment of documented MRSA.

Small, red bumps like bites or pimples only
When these signs begingrow in a boiling water or pus
Anthrax, the large openings in the skin infection causing pus, blood or water will seep
Pus under the skin yellowish, thick substance, often with a fetid smell, which is also known as impetigo
Eyelid infection, commonly known as a stye
Cellulitis, skin infections with the fat under the skin
Swelling and tenderness in the affected area
The pain that gets worse every time that the area
Edema or waterRetention
Sepsis, toxins in the blood
Periostitis, which starts when the tissue around the bone happens to infect
Appendicitis, meningitis, peritonitis, pyoderma, eczema
Skin lesion
Clotting time of an enzyme known as coagulase, produced by MRSA
Difficulty breathing
Fever or chills
Muscles, breast, bone and joint pain
Fatigue or lethargy
Low blood pressure

Technically, sinceMRSA symptoms can be widespread and numerous, the patient must understand that it is mainly because the immune system is not working properly. The body can not fight bacteria and drugs are not a lot to do well. The doctor is needed an antibiotic that the patient is not immune to stop the infection from spreading and causing damage to important organs like lungs, heart and kidneys. Some of these MRSA symptoms are also symptoms of other diseasesmeans that a culture to determine the cause of infection in the laboratory to be examined. In any case, consult a doctor at the emergency, regardless of whether the patient is in pain is essential. Do not wait for them to get worse, because this will result in a longer treatment and hospital birth possible. If you are cooking or ignore a growing pain in the affected area, you risk the following major medical problems:

Blood poisoning
Could affect internal abscesses, heartValves, joints, or an artificial element in your body
Septic shock
Endocarditis, infection or heart lining
Bone marrow infection

Groups at high risk for MRSA infections and symptoms are associated with HIV / AIDS, those who have the surgery, the experience of cancer patients undergoing regular dialysis treatment, and those who take antibiotics frequently.

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Throat Thrush - Symptoms and Treatment

Thrush is a form of throat, oral thrush, which is in my throat. Also known oral Candida is a yeast infection that begins with the natural growth of the yeast Candida occurs and can not be done effectively by the body.

Thrush can be uncomfortable and sore throat, but because of its location, can be very difficult to determine what could be causing this feeling. Thrush throat is also accompanied by small white spotsyou may be able to see, to look in a mirror on the back of the throat. Although these points do not cause symptoms, they tend to bleed when scratched, making it very unpleasant to eat a sick throat thrush some hard foods, the scratches can cause a stir.

The Candida fungus that causes thrush in the throat about 50% of the population, although many will never experience a full-blown attack throat thrush. Thrush throat can occur at any time, butis often a symptom of a weakened immune system and this means that it happens regularly suffer if you feel run down, has the flu or some other disease weakens the immune system immediately.

If you suffer from thrush, throat, or suffering from yeast infections before, you'll be glad to know that help is at hand. New homeopathic remedies are the most effective treatment, both occurring fungal infections were easily identified and prevent further yeastRecurrent infections.

Yeastrol has proven the most effective treatment for neck and thrush thrush in other parts of the body. It 'easy to use, with a spray that is taken by mouth every day. The special formulation of the balance of the body's immune system to adequately control the overgrowth of yeast.

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What you should know about the flu - How to transmit the flu?

What is the flu?

Every winter, millions of people suffering from the flu, a highly contagious infection. It can be easily from person to person, primarily when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Viruses that infect the nose, throat and lungs causes the flu, which is the short name for influenza. The disease is usually a mild disease in healthy children, adults, young and middle-aged people. However, it can be life threatening in the elderlyThey grew and people of all ages with chronic diseases such as diabetes or heart, lung or kidney disease.
Influenza is an infection of the airways by a variety of flu viruses cause. It differs in several respects from the common cold, respiratory infection caused by viruses. For example, people with colds rarely, fever, headache or suffer under the extreme exhaustion that flu viruses can cause.

What types of influence areright?

The virus was first identified in 1930. Since then, scientists have classified three types of influenza viruses on their protein composition. The types of influenza viruses type A, B and C are Type A viruses are found in many types of animals, including:


Type B viruses circulate widely in humans. Type C in humans, pigs and dogs found. Type C causes mild respiratoryInfections, but does not spark epidemics.
Type A influenza is the most frightening of the three types of flu. It is believed that the responsibility for the outbreak of the Global 1918, 1957 and 1968.

What are the first signs of flu

Common flu symptoms begin quickly and can include:

Dry cough
Sore throat
Runny or stuffy nose
Muscle pain
Extreme Fatigue.

Usually, the fever will go down from the second or third day of illness.

The flu is contagious?

Outbreaks usually begin suddenly and occur mainly in late autumn and winter.'s Influence spreads through communities creating an epidemic. During the epidemic, the number of cases peaks in about 3 weeks and it sounds like another 3 or 4 weeks. Half the population of a municipality may be affected. The school is an excellent place to> Flu viruses to attack and spread. They were then infected families with school-age children more infections than other families, with an average of one third of family members each year.

When is flu season?

About 10 percent to 20 percent of Americans fall with the flu from November to March (the season for this disease).


Besides the rapid start of the outbreaks and the large number ofPeople are affected, the flu is an important disease because it can cause serious complications. Most people get better within a week, even if you have a persistent cough and tire easily can have for a while '. But for the elderly, infants and people with certain chronic diseases, influenza and its complications can be dangerous.

How can the spread of influenza?

Can the flu if someone around you who has a cough or sneezes. Or you can simply get by using a surface like a telephone or a handle that the influence of those who have been contaminated. The virus can pass through the air and enter your body through the nose or mouth, or if you touch a contaminated surface, they can out of your hand to the nose or mouth. I am the greatest risk getting infected in highly populated areas such as crowded living conditions and in schools.

Why do I getInfluence>?

It is estimated that 10 percent to 20 percent of Americans with the flu during each flu season, which usually lasts from November to March to come. The children are 2 to 3 times more likely than adults to get sick with the flu, and children often spread the virus to others. Although most people recover from the disease, estimated to be accepted in the United States more than 100,000 people hospitalized and about 36,000 people die from thisDisease and its complications every year.

Drugs for influenza

Although the flu vaccine is the best method of prevention, antiviral flu influenza is also available on prescription flu medicines contain.:

Tamiflu ® (oseltamivir)
Flumadine ® (rimantadine)
Symmetrel ® (amantadine)
Relenza ® (zanamivir).

Tamiflu, Flumadine and Symmetrel possible adults and children 1 year and use elderly. Medications can be used both for prevention and to reduce the duration of fever and other flu-like symptoms.

Tips on preventing the flu

A flu shot can greatly reduce the likelihood of influence. In fact, the majority of cases and deaths caused by influenza A vaccine can be prevented by annual influenza. Medicare covers the cost, and many private insurance companies also pay for the flu vaccine. You can> Influenza Vaccination in:

The doctor's office
Your local health department
Other health professionals.

It 'important to note that there are no vaccines, which provides complete protection against influenza and the vaccine is no exception. In the elderly and people with certain chronic diseases, vaccination against influenza is often less effective in preventing influenza. However, the flu vaccine will help reduce the symptoms and the associated risk of serious illness andDeath.


Important information about the flu are:
Influenza can be very dangerous for people aged 65 years,
It can be prevented
Need a flu shot every fall for people in high-risk groups
The shot is covered by Medicare
The shot is safe and can not cause flu
The influenza vaccine and the pneumococcal vaccination can be administered simultaneously.

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Identifying Strep Throat Symptoms

Sore throat symptoms are easy to recognize. Sore throat is a bacterial infection with the local group A streptococcus bacteria. Sore throat need specific medical treatment consists of antibiotics and analgesics. In contrast to the symptoms of sore throat, sore throat symptoms are intense and often fever, headaches, inflammation of the tonsils and swollen lymph nodes. Sore throats caused by viral infections and in many cases necessaryspecial medical care. On the other hand has a sore throat as a serious disease that can lead to complications. (Sinusitis, tonsillitis) and therefore needs appropriate treatment and special medical care.

The bacteria responsible for the appearance of sore throat are highly contagious and can be completed through contact sneezing, coughing or physical. A person with group A streptococci are infected, they can easily contaminate other people simply by breathing near them. TheBacteria, which are a sore throat in the air and also an impeccable personal hygiene can not prevent the infection occurs.

Anyone can sore throat, especially accompanied by a cold or flu. Even if the sore throat usually occurs in children and adolescents, adults get a sore throat as well. The first symptoms are similar to those of the neck, sore throat, pain, neck pain and discomfort, inflammation of the tonsils, nausea, fatigue and anorexia. ThoughSymptoms are severe sore throat, and in many cases, high fever, swelling and inflammation of the neck, difficulty swallowing, swelling and inflammation of the tonsils (sometimes the tonsils may be covered in pus), swelling and tenderness of the lymph nodes (the glands in the upper neck), the presence of white spots on throat, rash, abdominal pain and tenderness, vomiting and diarrhea. Most sore throat, symptoms are not very serious, and if aappropriate treatment is prescribed to improve the time in the early days of treatment.

Sore throat symptoms that are considered medical emergencies are: high fever, severe dehydration, severe difficulty swallowing, shortness of breath, severe swelling of the neck, throat bleeding. It 'very important to consult a doctor quickly if you show any symptoms of sore throat. Even if the symptoms are sore throatvery serious, it is recommended to maintain permanent contact with your doctor and inform on the progress of the disease. With appropriate antibiotic treatment should be significantly reduced symptoms of sore throat after the first 3-4 days. If the disease persists and sore throat symptoms do not seem to improve, your doctor may consider treatment.

Pay particular attention to the symptoms of sore throat and make sure you follow your doctorexact indications. Also, don't interrupt the treatment unless your physician tells you to do so. Strep throat needs at least ten days of continuous treatment with antibiotics in order to heal properly.

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The first unusual symptoms Pregnancy - Pregnancy Symptoms Strange

These are the most common symptoms of pregnancy must have heard and have already mentally prepared that. But, you will be prepared one of those highly unusual early symptoms of pregnancy? Sometimes pregnancy symptoms can vary greatly and are unpredictable. These symptoms raise height of anxiety and confusion, making it very difficult for women to recognize their pregnancy. Many expectant mothers also confused when these symptoms point to get toComplications or not, while some even fail to tell their doctor that nothing of their influence on pregnancy. Therefore, knowing the strange symptoms of early pregnancy for all women expect important.

Unexpected pregnancy symptoms you can expect during pregnancy

Many pregnant women report that not one of the predominant symptoms of pregnancy, such as fainting or dizziness or even bleeding occur. This means thatThere were signs of pregnancy through her ​​body. Probably they were. Probably could not understand these signals as positive signs of pregnancy. Therefore, once you know what unusual pregnancy symptoms that are likely to get, you will be prepared and able to seek medical advice accordingly. A list of these symptoms is as follows -

1 Spider Veins - Appearance or the veins surrounding chest andUpper arms received one of the most important symptoms of pregnancy is very unusual. This is a symptom of what most women hate to worry about. However, there is nothing to suggest doctors arrested for the spider veins, receive, because it simply results from increased blood flow in the body and is then carried out on several important areas of the body.

2 Stuffy nose - If you feel your stuffy nose during pregnancy, you should know, happens to be nasalCongestion. This is considered as one of the unusual symptoms of pregnancy, which can lead to uncomfortable nights as you heard during the influenza. Nosebleeds often, even if during a perfect weather with no signs of cooling. Ask your doctor to detect pregnancy.

3 Metallic taste - you may feel metallic taste often during pregnancy. Metallic taste are considered an unusual pregnancy symptoms and are caused due to hormonal changes in your body.

4 Flatulence - Flatulence or arousal of gases are the most painful symptoms of early pregnancy. To avoid this problem, you get the proper diet chart to be an expert.

5 Production of excessive salivation - Many mothers feel about the saliva in your mouth. This excessive production of saliva lead nausea symptom even more unpleasant and make it very difficult for pregnant women to deal with these unusual early pregnancy> Symptoms. Your mouth drooling, sleep itself.

6 Leg cramps - If you happened to wake up in pain in the legs, at midnight, you should by the symptoms of pregnancy that are not very common. Blame the lack of calcium in the body speaks, or for other reasons during pregnancy with your doctor to find ways to reduce.

7 facial hair and pigmentation - even if women do not hesitate to spend money for the removal of facial hair, but, With an increase in facial hair with a pigmentation of the face during the pregnancy. These are unusual symptoms of early pregnancy, but not rare. Therefore, rather than refer to chemical use, ask your doctor to alleviate these problems.

Whenever an unusual pregnancy symptoms do not hesitate to run with your doctor about the effects on symptoms of pregnancy or reduce these symptoms.

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How Homemade Herbal Teas for coughs, colds and flu fight

Need help for a child coughing in the middle of the night? Sick of your runny nose and head over? You can home-made teas and herbal infusions to relieve the symptoms of bad cough, colds and flu. This article contains a list of cold and flu fighting herbs, their medicinal properties and clear instructions on how to use them.

Natural medicinal herbs to treat coughs, colds and flu

Many herbs are suitable asthe most important ingredients for medicinal teas to fight coughs, colds and flu. The herbs in herbal tea recipes listed below are used to improve the healing process.

Echinacea (Echinacea angustifolia) - an immunity enhancer with strong anti-influenza, taking only three weeks, then stop taking them for two weeks. Do not give to children under twelve years of age or those who have asthma.

Evening primrose (Oenothera biennis) - its leaves are anti-inflammatory,Anti-influenza and many other healthful properties.

French tarragon (Artemisia Dracunculus) - helps to soothe coughs and has anti-influenza, anti-bacterial and anti-allergic.

Greek oregano (Origanum vulgare hirtum) - has a lot of anti-influenza and anti-bacterial. It can be used to calm the symptoms of allergies like hay fever and environmental allergies. Marjoram may be used for similar purposes.

Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) - a sedative thathelps to calm and induce sleep and also has anti-cold and flu.

Peppermint (Mentha piperita) - soothes stomach problems, helps relieve pain and also has anti-bacterial and anti-influenza. Do not give to children under twelve.

Self-Heal (Prunella vulgaris) - has many health benefits, anti-flu is one of them. Can be used as a tonic.

Spearmint (Mentha spicata) and peppermint. Do not give to children under twelveAge.

Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) - has anti-cough and anti-influenza anti-inflammatory properties, too, to help with pain problems, digestive and stomach ..

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) - As greek oregano, but also helps the memory. Take only three weeks, then stop taking them for two weeks.

How can home-made herbal tea

For the herbs mentioned in the list colds and flu-fighting, use the leaves to make the plants at home herbalTea. You can have tea with the herb alone, or add herbs to tea as a base of green tea or chamomile tea.

If you prefer, you can season to taste lemon juice, honey or other sweeteners. However, most herbal teas taste very pleasant, as they are. A small addition of honey to make tea more delicious for kids, but note that honey is not recommended for children under two years.

If you are treating coughs, colds or flu, it is better to drink the liquid, whileis still hot. Obviously Tea for children should be performed at a safe temperature to be cooled before you can drink.

You will need:

clean boiled water, preferably spring water, fresh water or rain

Teapot and / or glasses or cups of tea, perfect porcelain, glass, ceramics or enamel

Tea Filter (optional)

Lemon juice, honey or maple syrup (optional)

Tea staples such as green tea or chamomile tea (optional)

You can use fresh or dried herbs for herbal tea made at home. For eachCup of tea needed, use a small handful of leafy herbs with small leaves or twigs 2-3 herbs. This is a tablespoon of herb per cup. Gently pull leafy herbs help the phytochemicals readily dissipate into the water.

Place the herbs in your tea cup or teapot and pour boiling water over them. The cap on the lid of the teapot or cup and saucer to contain the essential oils in it. Let stand for at least five minutes. If you have a teapot you can create a burdenherbs such as tea in a tea cup. When preparing tea in a tea cup then you can just sell the herbs on the floor. Sweeten to taste, if desired.

Make herbal teas is very similar to tea. The only difference is that the leaves are too steep for more than tea, usually leaving a minimum of 20 minutes. Soft herbs for longer brings their substances in a much higher concentration. Alternatively, you can leave the herbs in the potindefinitely to reinforce and pour the liquid as you need it during the day.

If you are pregnant, have asthma or allergies, has a thyroid problem, or if you herbal tea to give to conceive a child, please verify that you are using herbs that are safe for these conditions.

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