How to tell if your child swine flu?

The swine flu again revived in Mexico, and the large number of cases reported in the world, it makes sense, this infection has become known the symptoms and treatment measures necessary in case your children do with what can to make contact with this contagious disease are increasing day by day.

AS is catchy?

Swine influenza is very contagious and can be caught by inhaling droplets of accountsexhaled by an infected person or touching, shaking hands, for example, or in contact with body fluids such as saliva. The problem is that our bodies have no natural antibodies against this strain of flu, because it is a new variety. Normally, when a person is suspected swine flu, a doctor by, people are kept at home for 10 days to prevent them from infecting more. Often family members who live in the house, will also be asked to stay at home ifpossible.

So what are the symptoms?

The symptoms are unfortunately very similar to ordinary flu:

1. Fever

2. Headache

3. Pain in the body

4. Runny nose.

5. Cough

6. Neck pain

And some a bit 'less common:

7. Vomiting / diarrhea

8. Chills

If the infection is severe, the symptoms are:

-> Pneumonia, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, a blue or gray skin color,persistent vomiting or diarrhea, extreme tiredness, or do not respond.

What do you have?

Once the child is now displayed these symptoms for more than 24, consult your doctor and explain that you suspect influenza virus. He will do some tests and send them for analysis. This analysis takes time, up to 10 days in some countries, physicians will now have to take care of the child in whom, like the flu is dangerous for the pigs, untreated. He will put yourChild on an antibiotic and other medication to help her cope with the effects of influenza, and in many cases, the swine flu cure this, and they usually heal

Children and pregnant women, and old and those who are already sick with another disease, those who are most at risk for the disease.

If your child is not better at the end of the antibiotic course, by telephone or visit the doctor again and let him know thatnot so good, so he takes the necessary steps, as you repeat a recipe for the antibiotic.

Once the tests are back, the doctor will contact you and let you know if your child needs to go on the drug developed for the influence of the pigs, that was it.

Also a good idea is to pray, if you're not already!


Most healthy children will soon return of swine flu, many with very little medication. But webe vigilant and take precautions, since it can be a killer. The mortality rate is about the same as for normal flu, then with the right precautions and prompt treatment, there should be no big problems.

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