Flu (Influenza) Definition and natural remedies

Definition and description of influence: the influence is known, the influence of influence in the technical and medical language. It is one of the highly contagious and acute respiratory infections, usually in winter. Overall, it appears in the form of an influenza epidemic. Although all ages can influence children to make more people are affected. Human immuno-compromised people, chronically ill children and the experience of the influence of gravity high. Pneumonia (viralPneumonia or bacterial infection) is produced by most common complication of influenza. Other complications include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, myositis, myocarditis, Reye's syndrome, encephalitis and pericarditis.

And the flu: influenza virus has been caused by different strains of influenza. These viruses can mutate into different forms. Can respiratory infection with influenza by indirect inhalation of droplets from a person infected with influenza orContact as being contaminated with glass.

Sings and symptoms of influenza: The main symptoms of influenza are weakness, muscle aches, fatigue, fever, headache and sneezing. Cold can be observed in some cases. Usually the symptoms of mild flu complications and serious health problems. However, if the following conditions you should consult your doctor.

You have a fever (over 102 F)for more than three days

If the mucus released after heavy coughing

If you experience difficulty breathing

If flu-like symptoms for significantly longer duration

Preventing the flu: influenza vaccination to obtain, although protected. There are some vaccinations to prevent influenza, etc.. There are Certain side effects may seem mild flu-like symptoms, inflammation at the injection siteThe vaccine against influenza. People with weak resistance should avoid crowded places like shopping malls, markets, theaters, etc., especially during the start of the influenza epidemic.

Treatment of influenza are not specific treatments for the flu. The drugs generally known for their "anti-flu characteristics are required. Bed rest and increased fluid intake can help you get the 'flu free. Drugs such as ibuprofen or paracetamolused to relieve muscle aches and headaches. In addition to medicine as alternative therapies such as homeopathy and herbal medicines can provide significant results. The use of natural supplements like colloidal silver, colloidal gold, etc. can help in the prevention of influenza due to these colloidal infection are known for their property to kill bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms responsible.

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