What are the symptoms of swine flu? As you can naturally cure yourself from the swine flu?
With winter fast approaching, healthcare organizations have warned of the spread of swine influenza expected. In this article I will discuss what are the symptoms of swine flu, how can one distinguish between a normal seasonal influenza virus and the H1N1 virus? I should also explain how you can, of course, recover from viral infections.
The symptoms of swine flu?
Here are some frequently show> The symptoms of the virus.
- Dizzy and weak. You will see six weaker than normal. During normal seasonal flu feel tired and weak, this influence has increased in the pig.
- Do you feel a pain in the chest or abdomen. This is reinforced with heavy breathing.
- If you breathe faster than normal? It is more concerned about your breath? E 'possible you are suffering from the H1N1 virus.
-His face can be changed for light color. Sign of blue or gray skin tone is common.
- If you are vomiting more often? How much liquid you drank recently? You have the feeling of nausea and avoid drinking water? They are experienced diarrhea?
- Having the flu-like symptoms improved for a short period and then return with fever, cough and bad?
- Do you experience a runny nose, headache or neck pain?
- You can also experimenthigh fever. Temperatures above 100.4 degrees Celsius are not uncommon.
How to know if you have the swine flu?
Many points on seasonal influenza, in comparison, but as a general rule, if you have symptoms of fever over 38 ° C/100.4 ° F and experience two of the above, you may have contracted the virus. The best thing to do is call the following toll-free number and the local health council. Worldwide, there arelines to provide local councils are ready to help.
Prevention and Recovery
We also know that children, pregnant women, elderly and patients who were treated asthma during the past three years, flu drugs are at increased risk of influenza virus. If you fit this category, since it is strongly recommended to keep you at your local health professional to antiviral drugs.
swine influenza virus is transmitted as a common cold and flu.The best way to contain the spread of the virus is to maintain good food hygiene practices and cover your mouth when you sneeze. Wash your hands regularly, especially when touching public surfaces such as railings, public PC, and door handles, just to name a few. Clean surfaces regularly to remove bacteria house is not viral.
If the H1N1 virus is given Tamiflu, an anti-viral drugs captured. To prevent the swine flu vaccination as a group gives priority to the risk. So ifIn this category to your local doctor.
Of course, maintaining a nutritious healthy diet, drink plenty of fluids and get a wide range of multi-vitamins with a regular exercise strengthens the immune system.
If you do catch the virus, it is important to follow the instructions provided by health professionals and have committed drug if necessary. Many people are infected with swine flu symptoms that are clearly inQuestion of the week to ten days. Do not panic, to act, to rest and relax.
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