Does Your Health Insurance Cover Flu Shots?

The flue season is picking up, and if years past have been any indication it is going to be a very tough time on the bodies of many. Do you get a flu shot? If not you may want to consider it to avoid paying the prices that come with getting the flu.

Lost Time

The first thing that you have to keep in mind when it comes to getting the flu is that it will keep you out of work for a few days. If you work for someone else this may not be as big of a concern, but if you work for yourself that means you will not be able to be productive or make money.

Even if you don't work for yourself, it's not only work that loses in this case. Your personal life takes a hit too as you will be too ill to do the things you enjoy.

More Medication

The flu causes you to pick up a lot of things from the pharmacy in an attempt to get through it. From cough syrups to sleep aids and anti-nausea medication, you may rack up a pretty big bill trying to deal with the symptoms of this ailment.

Trips to the Doctor

The flu can get pretty bad. If it does for you that can mean a trip to the doctor's office, or multiple trips. If you have health insurance, you may be able to appreciate that much of this is paid for by the health insurance company. But that does not usually include everything. Most health insurance companies have deductibles you have to pay before they kick in. This will be more money out of your pocket.

Body Impact

Have you ever really considered what the flu does to your body. It's a very violent illness internally, taxing every part of your body. While you will be able to recover after a while, it can have effects that leave you feeling worn down for weeks.

Get the Flu Shot

If you couldn't control the impact of the flu that would be one thing, but you can. Today there are flu shots that can be taken to keep you from getting this illness.

Check if your health insurance policy covers getting the flu shot. Many health insurance companies cover them because they realize they will pay much less for prevention than they would to treat the flu once you get it.

Even if they don't you may want to put out the money to get a flu shot. Even if it is your expense, prevention is much more affordable than paying for the treatment once you are sick.

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Swine Flu H1N1 Virus Early Detection and Treatment Methods

As swine flu sweeps our nation and rest of the world, public awareness fueled by media, leads to people seeking out early surveillance and intervention on their own, in an effort to head off serious illness. You can't blame them for wanting to protect themselves and their families, as over a million cases have been documented in the U.S. alone; so many that the CDC has quit counting. There are 2 medications on the market that have been shown to be effective against swine flu, Relenza and Tamiflu. These medicines have to be administered within 2 days of the onset of symptoms (which last about a week), and are said to shorten the duration of symptoms by about 2 days. Because early detection is vital for the efficacy of these drugs, rapid detection is necessary. Many manufacturers are currently working on versions of a rapid H1N1 test to allow early detection in minutes, as opposed to days as is with traditional virus testing.

The trouble is, the preliminary results of these types of these tests have been poor. It was determined that too many false negative results, as many as half, occurred on a regular basis. In other words, the test failed to detect known swine flu in laboratory conditions, meaning a negative test at the doctor's office wouldn't actually guarantee that you don't really have the swine flu. This is important because the patients at higher risk that really need the medication, might not be treated due to false negative results.

The bottom line is, at this point we don't have a rapid swine flu test. Plus, the seasonal flu and swine flu symptoms are mostly indistinguishable and similar in duration. Those symptoms include fever, headache, coughing, sore throat, and muscle pains, and sometimes diarrhea or vomiting. If shortness of breath occurs, you may have swine flu. Still however, symptoms of both should only last about a week. Either way, if your going to go to the doctor to get him to write you a prescription for Tamiflu, go the first or second day you get symptoms, otherwise the medication won't be effective.

Keep in mind that the media fuels paranoia and irrational behavior, so use your best judgement before running to the ER or your doctors office. Remember during the first gulf war and after 911 when gas masks were flying off the shelves of U.S. Army surplus stores? People didn't even know what kind of nerve gas or chemical warfare they were trying to protect themselves from, they just felt better having something. For the flu, it may just be better to take a few days off, take a few tablets of ibuprofen and stay in bed, and catch up on your favorite TV shows. Who knows? You might just survive the flu on your own!

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Symptoms of Drinking Contaminated Water

What are the symptoms of drinking contaminated water? This is a question you may ask if going on a trip overseas to some of the poorer countries whose supplies are questionable. Although, you do not have to travel to have this problem, it can be right on your doorstep.

Water can become contaminated by many things. These things can be protozoal infections which can be like cryptosporidium, which causes a flu, loss of appetite, nausea, diarrhoea, weight loss and bloating with increased gas. Another is Giardia, which causes diarrhoea, bloating, abdominal discomfort and gas. There are three others in this group and they can all display similar symptoms.

Another is the bacterial infection of dysentery caused by a salmonella contamination. This infection causes diarrhoea with blood, fever, stomach pain, vomiting, and an e.coli infection. It also causes loose watery bowel movements and sometimes death from dehydration in the young and very old, as well as those with a low immune system from a prolonged illness. There are twelve others in this group with varying symptoms. They mostly have a feeling of being very unwell to respiratory problems, chills, fevers, muscle aches, pains, tiredness, and in serious cases pneumonia.

There are also the parasites that can get into a person by drinking dirty water. These are mostly caused by the ingestion of eggs or larvae, which hatch inside the human body and can cause all kinds of unpleasant reactions. These can range from such things as nausea, vomiting, loose bowels, liver enlargement and jaundice, as well as fevers. Each has its own particular area where it migrates to and its own set of irritations. World wide there are nine which can be picked up from unclean storage.

The final type is viruses, and there are six of these. These are ones that can cause cold and flu, pneumonia, coughs, tiredness, headaches, sore throat, jaundice, depression and many other things. Each has its own misery and some can also cause death.

When looking at this list it is not hard to see why clean drinking water is a must. Any of the symptoms of these various problems would wear a person down with ruined health, and some would take a great deal of recovery.

Clean drinking water can be obtained in several ways. One way is by using a filter which has been specially designed for this purpose, and another is by boiling water. Boiling may remove all of the so called bugs, but will not remove chemicals or heavy metals as the filters do. If you are interested in these filters try your local plumbing store or the internet for more information.

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Histrionic Personality Disorder - Causes, Symptoms, Information With Treatment

Many mental health professionals believe that both learned and inherited factors play a role in its development. It seems likely that Histrionic Personality Disorder may be over-diagnosed in women and under-diagnosed in men. Most people are more attuned, for example, to the histrionic flamboyance of Blanche DuBois than to the equally over-the-top macho style of Stanley Kowalski, who shows strong histrionic elements as well. Psychoanalytic theories incriminate seductive and authoritarian attitudes by fathers of these patients.

Other character traits due to a combination of genetics and environment including adverse childhood experiences. Other environmental factors that might be involved include a lack of criticism or punishment as a child, positive reinforcement that is given only when a child completes certain approved behaviors, and unpredictable attention given to a child by his or her parent(s), all leading to confusion about what types of behavior earn parental approval. A pervasive pattern of excessive emotionality and attention seeking, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts. In many cases, people with histrionic personality disorder have good social skills; however, they tend to use these skills to manipulate others so that they can be the center of attention.

Causes of Histrionic Personality Disorder

Common Causes and Risk factors of Histrionic Personality Disorder

Genetics factor.

Learned and inherited factors.

Environmental factors.

Sexual abuse.

Signs and Symptoms of Histrionic Personality Disorder

Sign and Symptoms of Histrionic Personality Disorder

Inappropriately seductive appearance or behavior.

Excessive concern with physical appearance

A need to be the center of attention (self-centeredness).

Low tolerance for frustration or delayed gratification.

Rapidly shifting emotional states that may appear shallow to others.

Make rash decisions

Be uncomfortable unless he or she is the center of attention

Dress provocatively and/or exhibit inappropriately seductive or flirtatious behavior

Shift emotions rapidly.

Treatment of Histrionic Personality Disorder

Common Treatment of Histrionic Personality Disorder

Treatment is often prompted by depression associated with failed romantic relationships. Group therapy is not recommended for those with HPD.

Psychotherapy (a type of counseling) is generally the treatment of choice for histrionic personality disorder. The goal of treatment is to help the individual uncover the motivations and fears associated with his or her thoughts and behavior, and to help the person learn to relate to others in a more positive way.

Medication might be used to treat the distressing symptoms, such as depression and anxiety that might co-occur with this disorder.

Dialectical behavior therapy. This type of cognitive behavior therapy focuses on coping skills - learning how to take better control of behaviors and emotions with techniques such as mindfulness, which helps you observe your feelings without reacting. It is most often used to treat borderline personality disorder. Doctors are studying the effectiveness of this type of therapy with all types of personality disorders.

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Retts Syndrome - Causes, Symptoms, Information with Treatment

Rett syndrome is not a degenerative disorder, but rather is a neurodevelopmental disorder. Rett syndrome affects one in every 10,000 to 15,000 live female births. It occurs in all racial and ethnic groups worldwide. Parents later reflected on how it was nearly impossible to comfort them during their episodes. As many as 75% of all girls with RS had been previously diagnosed with the Autism Spectrum Disorder. Adult women with Rett syndrome show many individual differences in the severity of their disability.All women with Rett syndrome are incapable of living independently and require constant care throughout their lives.

Innovative and flexible living arrangements such as group homes are becoming the norm in many cases. There are several treatments options available treat for rett-sydrome. Occupational therapy , physiotherapy, and hydrotherapy may prolong mobility. Medication may be needed for breathing irregularities and motor difficulties, and antiepileptic drugs may be used to control seizures. Some children may require special equipment and aids such as braces to arrest scoliosis, splints to modify hand movements, and nutritional programs to help them maintain adequate weight. Special academic, social, vocational, and support services may also be required in some cases.

Causes of Retts Syndrome

Common Causes and Risk factors of Retts Syndrome

Spontaneous mutation of the X chromosome.

Gne MECP2.

Signs and Symptoms of Retts Syndrome

Common Sign and Symptoms of Retts Syndrome

Language and growth retardation

Slow head growth.


Bone fractures.



Abnormal Breathing.


Treatment of Retts Syndrome

Common Treatment of Retts Syndrome

Drugs may help control some of the symptoms associated with the disorder - such as epileptic seizures.

Orthopedic surgery may be needed for severe cases of scoliosis.

In some cases, physical therapy can help maintain walking skills, and occupational therapy may improve purposeful use of the hands.

Some children may require special equipment and aids such as braces to arrest scoliosis, splints to modify hand movements, and nutritional programs to help them maintain adequate weight.

Therapy has also included administration of levodopa (L-dopa), a precursor of dopamine, or medications that mimic the effects of dopamine (dopamine agonists).

Physical therapy may help to improve balance and the ability to walk, maintain flexibility, and strengthen muscles

Regular monitoring for scoliosis is important to ensure prompt detection and early.

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Angular Cheilitis Treatment - How to Cure Angular Cheilitis

There needs to be an Angular Cheilitis treatment (also known as Perleche or Stomitis) which completely eliminates the problem, and not just medicates the outward symptoms. The adaptability and the way that bacteria can constantly evolve, it seems that common antibiotics just have no effect. Other medications, such as the many 1% hydro cortisone products out there, also seem to fall short, which leaves many of us utterly disappointed with today's modern medicine. As a result, many people the world over have been resorting to alternatives like home remedies and natural cures.

For an Angular Cheilitis treatment to work with any effectiveness, we need to have a better understanding of the cause. Many out there confuse this condition as a side symptom of a flu, because these outbreaks often happen during the fall or the winter months - this is just not the case. The condition is actually caused by fungal bacteria, which thrives in moisture caught within folds, creases or wrinkles at the corners of the mouth, and these can be caused by a few things. Perhaps we've gotten overweight, and our face has acquired folds in that area, or age has caused these folds to appear in these places. Maybe we have misaligned teeth, or dentures that don't fit correctly, and we tend to "over-close" the mouth around them, which then creates these folds for the fungal bacteria to take foothold in.

The most important fact to utilize in developing an Angular Cheilitis treatment is this; fungal bacteria absolutely cannot survive without moisture. This is the plain and simple root of the answer here... this is the whole logic behind it. Simply deny the fungal bacteria moisture, and it automatically dies off completely. The problem now, is to try to keep this naturally moist area moisture free, without damaging your skin. Topical home remedies which can dry up and kill off fungal bacteria are the most popular alternative Angular Cheilitis treatment today. Recipes for these usually include natural ingredients that are easily attainable, and can even usually be found in the home. Attacking fungal bacteria with a home remedy of natural ingredients seems the most effective and naturally safe means of Angular Cheilitis treatment.

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Parasite Symptoms

Parasites live in or on another organism, known as the host, from which they receive nourishment and protection. Some pass successive stages of maturity in hosts of different species, including humans. Parasites are of different types, including protozoa (one-celled animals) and helminths (worms) ranging in size from microscopic eggs to adults up to several feet long. The illnesses they cause range from mild discomfort of short duration to chronic, debilitating disease and death.

People who live in areas where the disease is endemic (constantly present) suffer the devastation most keenly. Hardest hit are developing countries in the tropics, where poor sanitation fosters the parasites and the insects that transfer many of them from one host to another.

Parasite infection may cause many different symptoms, most of which are common to other diseases. Therefore, people with parasites may not suspect them as the culprit. Since parasites disturb the ecology of the intestine, many of their effects are seen in digestive problems, including constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating, persistent bad breath, and irritable bowel syndrome. Other health problems that may result indirectly from a disturbance in intestinal ecology include joint and muscle aches and pains (fibromyalgia syndrome), anemia, allergies, skin problems, nervousness, depression, sleep disturbances, teeth grinding, persistent fatigue, immune dysfunction, and uncontrolable sugar cravings.

Of course, not every case of ill health can be blamed on parasites. If, however, symptoms persist after you've been treated for some other suspected ailment, or if the symptoms recur at regular intervals, then parasites should be suspected. It is a good idea to keep track of your symptoms and look into the possible cause of a parasite with the help of a qualified health-care provider. Diagnosis usually must be performed by a laboratory that specializes in parasite testing (see Resources).

If you learn you have parasites, you will want to follow a program aimed at eradicating the parasites instead of merely relieving the symptoms of infection. If the parasites are not eliminated, they will continue to reproduce and create problems. Parasites cause harm in part by overrunning the populations of beneficial microflora in the intestine that aid in maintaining proper digestive activity. They also produce toxic byproducts.

When symptoms are severe, as may occur with certain parasites such as Giardia, doctors generally will prescribe drugs like Flagyl, Atabrine, and Vermox, any of which will usually get rid of the parasites. Many individuals, however, experience adverse reactions to these medications, such as nausea or psychiatric disturbances. Therefore, for less serious infections, you may wish to discuss with your doctor a series of simple steps that change the environment in the intestine to make it less amenable to the parasites' survival.

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Candidiasis Treatment in Men

Yeast infection is not limited to infants and women; there are also men who suffer from Candida infection. Men are believed to be vulnerable to yeast infection because they consume a lot of beer. Yeast is present in beer because of the fermentation process it has to go through. This can eventually lead to infection if there is too much intake of alcohol or any other yeast containing products. Like any other infections, there are Candidiasis treatments that men can do to remedy the disease.

It is important to know the signs and symptoms of yeast infection in men. This could determine whether a medication or diet would be required. It can be acquired during unprotected sex with partner who has the infection. Condom is actually one of the causes of yeast infection; it contains spermicidal lubricant called Nonoxynol-9 which can cause the infection.

The swelling of the glans penis or known as Balanitis is one of the symptoms of yeast infection in men. A burning sensation and severe itchiness is felt particularly after sex. There can also be presence of white substance on the foreskin and glans of the male genitalia. Some men would even experience blisters and dripping in the foreskin; this would indicate that the person is suffering from Candidiasis. Thus Candidiasis treatment should be done immediately.

Fungus may also be present on the blood stream; this condition is known as Candidemia. Treatment should be administered if mucus membranes are seen in the penis, anus and urinary bladder area. The symptoms are similar to genital herpes so professional advice is needed for proper medication and treatment.

Candidiasis treatments for men are usually topical treatment of antifungal medications. Before applying any of these medications, the area should be clean and dry to get the results you wanted. If not, it can further aggravate the infection. Some doctors would prescribe oral drugs. These drugs can only be taken for the longest period of six months. Some yeast infection becomes drug resistant after long medication.

Aside from prescription drugs and over the counter topical ointments, there are also home remedies which are used for Candidiasis treatment. Yogurt is one of the best home remedy. It has the ability to combat the bad bacteria causing the immune system to weaken. But it should be plain and unsweetened; yeast thrive on sweets. Natural oil of oregano and cinnamon or tea-tree oil are effective cure for this kind of infection in men.

You need to visit your doctor if you suspect that you have yeast infection. There are many other options that your health adviser can provide you. You may try one or combination of any of the Candidiasis treatment presented to you. You just need to follow your doctor's advice at all times.

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Black Mold Sickness Symptoms You Need to Know About

Sometimes, a perfunctory check may reveal several areas of mold growth. We know them to grow under the carpets, behind the wall, inside the ceiling, but black mold is also present in our refrigerators, inside the garbage cans, in the corners of our closets. They thrive practically anywhere that's dark and moist!

Don't be discouraged, though - black mold of the non-toxic type is not too dangerous. It can cause several symptoms, though, that can be quite unwelcome:

Coughing and sneezing. These symptoms will help you locate the mold growth because they'll intensify when you enter he room where they're at. Some people experience having a dry, itchy throat which may induce their coughing.

Clogged nose. As the black mold spores find their way to your nose (the spores, by the way, are airborne, so a messy mold cleanup actually releases millions of spores into the air), your cells react to the foreign organisms, triggering an inflammation reaction inside your nose and lungs.

This could lead to breathing difficulties and sometimes even a runny nose. People with asthma should be especially careful not to come near any black mold cleanup operation because even a mild inhalation of the black mold's spores can cause a severe asthma attack.

Headaches and fatigue. The headaches can be linked to the difficulty in breathing experienced by people with black mold sickness. Because a lot of effort is exerted in trying to breathe, the individual naturally gets headaches. Fatigue is caused by the toxic black mold variety, making you feel tired even after sleeping for hours.

This is because the mycotoxin released by this toxic black mold attacks the immune system, giving you a feeling of general weakness.

Some people with black mold sickness also experience lightheadedness or dizziness which often go hand-in-hand with the sinusitis symptoms.

Memory lapses. Countless studies have been made linking memory loss to black old sickness. As the spores travel through your respiratory system, the mycotoxins they released then attack the nervous system, including the brain. Apart from affecting the memory, many patients also report hearing loss and mood swings.

Nausea and vomiting. If you only experience sinusitis-like symptoms, there's a good possibility that you've only been hit by the non-toxic mold. However, flu-like symptoms are signs that the toxic Black Mold is what's causing the sickness, so you should not delay in having yourself treated once you suspect that you're infected with this toxic mold.

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Treating the Flu, Chronic Ear Infections, and Other Respiratory Infections


Before there were antibiotics and flu shots, many people died of flu and other infections. Osteopathic physicians used OMT to help boost the patient's immune system and to aid the body in fighting off the infection. During the deadly Swine Flu epidemic in the early 1900's, the death rate for patients of osteopathic physicians who used OMT was much lower than those of MDs.


As concerns mount about antibiotic-resistant super bugs from the overuse of antibiotics, the threat of pandemics including Swine Flu, the risks of flu shots and the long-term effects of chronic ear and respiratory infections in children, maybe it's time to learn about the benefits of this effective, century old treatment, call Osteopathic Manipulation Treatment (OMT) used by osteopathic physicians. 


One reason why the osteopathic approach can be helpful is that is provides another effective treatment other than antibiotics. There is a great deal of controversy about the over-use of antibiotics for ear and respiratory infections. Because of this over-use, there are now bacteria in the environment that are no longer susceptible to any antibiotic now available. There are no guarantees that the pharmaceutical companies can develop a new, stronger, more broad-spectrum antibiotic for the next generation of resistant bacteria. If we do not turn around this trend, we may find ourselves back in the pre-antibiotic age. Research shows that 80% to 90% of all ear infections heal on their own, and children who do not receive antibiotics actually heal faster and have fewer recurrences. By treating every ear infection with antibiotics, we only succeed at increasing antibiotic-resistant bacteria and prevent the patient from building up his or her own immunity, thus setting the child up for more infections.


My patients often ask me if they should get the flu shot. Getting any vaccine should be a personal decision. In Texas, parents have the right to opt out of having their children vaccinated for everything if they so wish. And if they do opt out, the children can still attend school. There are about 17 other states that allow opting out of vaccinations for personal reasons. Other states usually allow opting out for a medical or religious reason. To my knowledge, the flu shot is not required in any state.

I recommend that people thoroughly educate themselves concerning the risks and benefits to getting, or not getting, any vaccines. However, it may be difficult to get all of the information needed to make a good decision about vaccines. If the doctor has received her information from the pharmaceutical company who is selling the vaccine or from another doctor who is working for the company, that information may be biased to help market the product. The news media may also get their information from sources that have a similar bias. So it can be very difficult to decide what to do.


In 1976, when the last Swine Flu vaccine was made and administered to the American public, it was found that the public did not get the full truth about the potential side effects of the vaccine. More people died of the flu vaccine that year than died of the flu. According to physician and Congressman Ron Paul, the government suspended the use of the vaccine because there were so many deaths. I feel badly for the families of those who died or were injured from the vaccine before that information was known and its use was suspended.

In addition to the deaths, according to Mike Wallace of 60 Minutes, there were 4,000 injuries resulting from taking the Swine Flu vaccine in 1976. Many of those injuries were neurological and permanent.

The government had a similar response to the flu in 1976 as what they are doing now. In 1976 when one soldier died from the flu after he went on a forced march even though he was ill, the rest of the soldiers were tested. Only four were found to have the Swine flu and they all recovered completely without taking a vaccine according to Wallace's report. Based on this one death, the government called for everyone to take the vaccine. Later the vaccine was withdrawn but much damage had already been done. According to Wallace, the government studies had shown that neurological damage could occur but the government did not warn the public so that they could make an educated choice for themselves. See 60 Minute video at this website.

I think it is important to look at the past to help make decisions in the future. I have to ask the question, if the government kept that information from the public then, could they be doing the same thing now?

It had been reported that this Swine flu of 1976 presented as no worse than a bad cold. If the soldier who died had not gone on the march while ill, would he have died? How do we know that the Swine Flu hasn't been here every summer, but no one has ever been tested for it? We might have thought it was only a "summer cold". One of my patients was sent home from camp when she appeared sick and others at the camp had tested positive for flu. She also tested positive for flu, but her mother remarked that she hardly seemed sick at all, more like a cold. At the time of this writing there have been several deaths attributed to the Swine Flu which is now referred to as H1N1.

This year has been interesting because it appeared that the flu was present in some areas, all spring and summer, not just in the winter as the seasonal flu is thought to be. Because of the deaths in Mexico, a red flag went up, that this could be a significant flu. Doctors and public health departments began testing for the Swine Flu. They found it. Many people tested positive, many schools were closed and much fear was expressed. It seemed that for many people though, the Swine Flu was manifesting itself as nothing more than a bad cold. Why did some people die while others had only a bad cold? Could it be that there were differences in the people themselves? Could it be that the ones who died were already sick with something else or were unhealthy to start with or had stressed themselves physically? I would like to know more about the health condition of those who died and those for whom the flu was only a bad cold. As I was writing this, a woman in my community died from Swine Flu. It was reported that she had other medical conditions that may have put her in the position to have a more serious reaction to the Swine Flu virus. I think the health departments should be looking at those differences and informing the public about them. What kinds of illnesses did the people have who died from the virus? I think they should be telling the public how to be as healthy as possible so if we get sick, we are more likely to fully recover. I think they should also be telling us all the potential risks of taking the flu vaccine.

A few years ago, on The Today Show, a couple from Colorado whose son had died from the flu, expressed to the watching public that they regretted not giving their son the flu vaccine. He had died and they were encouraging everyone watching to not make the same mistake they felt they had made. Four children from Colorado had died from influenza that same year.

Someone from the Colorado public health department was also on the show to discuss this issue. Matt Lauer asked the public health official how many children died who had been given the flu vaccine. The health department person replied, "Several."

If four children died and only one of those four had not been vaccinated, why did they choose the parents of the one child who had not been vaccinated to be interviewed on The Today Show? If three children died who had been vaccinated and only one died who had not been vaccinated, the odds certainly point to not vaccinating, yet the public only heard the plea from the parents who did not vaccinate. Seventy-five percent died who received the vaccine while only 25% died who did not. Why are we not being given that information?

Is the government overreacting and putting fear into everyone over something that may only be a bad cold? The millions who died from the 1918 flu epidemic died mostly from pneumonia that developed secondarily to the flu. There were no antibiotics then as we have now and medical knowledge was very different then as well.

According to Ron Paul, there were 13,000 cases of Tuberculosis (TB) in the US last year alone. Yet no one appears to be panicking about that. Why the scare over an influenza that has not been shown to be much more than a cold for most people?

The virus in each year's flu vaccine is actually a guess. There is no way to know which strain of influenza will appear each year, so the drug companies have to guess at which ones to put into the vaccines. They put several into each vaccine, so it increases the odds that at least one of the strains that actually appears, will be in the vaccine. As we have seen, there are years when the vaccine just doesn't seem to be much benefit.

It is important to have a healthy immune system so that when we are exposed to bacteria and viruses our body's immune system can step in and handle whatever the exposure is.

When my Mother was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer, I knew that the chemotherapy she underwent would lower her immune system and make it harder for her to fight the cancer herself. To offset this, I gave her nutritional IV's, many oral supplements and even shots of some nutrients. She used visualization to make her immune system stronger. Instead of being dead in 2 months, as was predicted, she was cured of the cancer in 4 months and lived 18 more years without a recurrence of cancer. She continued to take nutritional supplements for the rest of her life, she opted to not take the flu vaccine each year and even though she lived in a retirement facility with many other people, she did not get the flu.

Even though there was a death from Swine Flu in my community, I am not going to get the vaccine myself. I don't get a flu vaccine for two reasons. First I am concerned about the levels of mercury used. There is still 25 mcg of mercury in the current flu shots. Second, the body's immune system gets stronger and works better if it has a chance to get sick and recover on its own. I will take nutrients like vitamin C and other anti-oxidants. If I should get the flu, I will use my gentle Osteopathic Manipulation Treatment (OMT) to help get well faster.


I use gentle manipulation modalities that help drain the fluid from the ears, head and neck and enhance the immune system. In my office, I have measured ear fluid with a tympanogram and then treated the patient with manipulation alone. A recheck of the ears, with the tympanogram immediately after the treatment, has revealed some dramatic improvements in fluid levels in the ears.

I teach parents how to do this treatment at home on their children for ear infections. I also recommend that they use it for all respiratory infections and flu as it can be very helpful for children and adults. This is the same type of treatment that osteopathic physicians used in the early 1900's to treat Swine Flu. It helped save lives. 

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Common Symptoms of HIV Seroconversion

Seroconversion is the first stage of HIV disease which an HIV-positive person has enough antibodies to the virus in their system that a standard screening tests will be able to detect them. This point is significant in detection a diagnosis of HIV infection.

Symptoms are caused by the body's immune response to the infection. Seroconversion refers to the development of antibodies that patient always experience flu-like symptoms and occur shortly after infection.

Flu-like symptoms include fever, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, sore throat, headache along with aches and pains, digestive troubles and skin rash. The immune system will begin to respond to the infection by producing antibodies to the virus.

Unfortunately, it is the cells of the immune system that are the target of HIV. HIV disease enters a long asymptomatic stage after the symptoms clear. There are no symptoms during this stage which lasts for about 10 years.

Once a large enough number of antibodies to HIV has developed within a person's system that they will occur on a screening test, that individual is said to have seroconverted. An HIV test is necessary to diagnose HIV infection because of the non-specific symptoms.

Most people develop a diagnostically significant level of HIV antibodies within a month after infection while small number of people report that the process at times takes up to 6 months. This illness basically occurs within two to four weeks after an individual contracts HIV.

Tests of blood and oral fluids are most commonly used to diagnose for the presence of HIV seroconvention antibodies. Other tests, which screen for the genetic code (RNA) of the virus directly are not related and can detect infection before it occurs.

Because the diagnose can take up to 6 months, screening tests undergone within this illness after a possible infection may return a false negative. The symptoms of this illness are similar to those of other viral infections.

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What Are the Options For Kidney Cyst Symptoms Treatment?

Kidney cysts begin to appear on the kidneys due them having a disease known as Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). The symptoms of PKD will not start to be experienced for a few years after the onset of kidney cysts. We will go on to discuss kidney cyst symptoms treatment, but first it is useful to get some background on Polycystic Kidney Disease. PKD comes in 3 forms, 2 of which are inherited and the third of which can occur due to a long history of kidney problems, dialysis or just through old age. Around 7million people suffer from the life-threatening condition worldwide.

The most common type of PKD is called autosomal dominant PKD. This affects 9 in 10 of people suffering from PKD and requires the abnormal gene to be transferred from only one parent. This means if someone has one affected parent and one parent who is unaffected they will have a 50% chance of getting kidney cysts in later life. The other form of PKD that is also inherited, is called autosomal recessive form. This is the childhood type of PKD and requires that both parents transfer the mutated gene meaning a 1 in 4 chance for the baby to get the disease. If there is a history in the family, the disease can be detected by an ultrasound before the birth of the child.

Now we know some of the background of the disease, what are the main symptoms and what is advisable kidney cyst symptoms treatment? Sufferers will have headaches, notice blood in their urine, may have a urinary tract infection and should also feel some unpleasant pain and aches in their abdomen and lower back. One of the worst kidney cyst symptoms is the pain that is felt for which over-the-counter drugs including paracetamol can go some way to easing. Patients may also opt to go through surgery to makes the cysts smaller which can also help to reduce the pain in the abdomen and lower back. The urinary tract infections that will often occur can be treated with the use of antibiotics. In order to help slow the effects of PKD, sufferers are recommended to adjust their lifestyle to ensure their blood pressure is kept at normal levels. Ultimately, when kidney failure eventually occurs the patient will need to undergo dialysis or have their kidneys replaced entirely. These are the main kidney cyst symptoms treatment, and it should be advised to visit a doctor if any of these symptoms are felt.

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Incubation Period of Swine Flu

The course of H1N1 has three parts: incubation, symptomatic, and post-symptomatic periods. The incubation period of swine flu is between 1 and 7 days according to the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta. They say that they think it is most likely 1 to 4 days. During this time, you can still shed the virus and infect other people.

Once you come down with symptoms, you can expect the aches, pains, sneezing, coughing and other problems to last from 3 to 7 days. During this time, you place other people at the most risk as a result of the coughing and sneezing.

You can protect the people around you by always coughing or sneezing into a tissue and then disposing the tissue. Wash your hands vigorously with antibacterial soap for 20 seconds frequently. And, disinfect surfaces because the virus can live outside your body for up to two hours. But, once the symptoms of H1N1 have passed, it doesn't mean you are in the clear. You can still transmit the virus for up to a week.

There are numerous reasons that Swine Flu has become a concern for health officials and the public at large. One reason is that it spreads so rapidly. Another is that it is killing a disproportionate number of 30 to 50 year old otherwise healthy people which is quite unusual for the flu.

Swine Flu has been labeled a global pandemic. While the number of deaths worldwide to date is under 1000, some health officials are concerned that once the flu season hits in the western hemisphere, those numbers will skyrocket. Additionally, if the virus mutates, there could be serious problems.

So, the incubation period of swine flu is 1 to 7 days, the symptomatic period is 3 to 7 days and the post symptomatic period is up to 7 days. This means you could be spreading the disease for up to 3 weeks.

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Five Dangerous Myths About Antibiotics

After the anthrax attacks of 2001, thousands of Americans took the antibiotic Cipro (ciprofloxacin) prophylactically in fear that they had been exposed to the deadly anthrax bacterium.

Unfortunately, while fewer than one in 5,000 had actually been exposed to the disease, about one in five users of the antibiotic suffered serious side effects, including hives, swelling of the throat, and difficulty breathing.

Even though many people think that antibiotics are harmless, these potent infection fighters actually can endanger your health and the health of your family if they are not used properly. Here are the top five myths about antibiotics and why not having the facts can cause you harm.

Myth number 1. It's a good idea to stock up on antibiotics in case there is a shortage when you get sick.

The number one fear of survivals is an outbreak of bird flu. Although there undoubtedly would be uses for antibiotics during a bird flu epidemic, antibiotics would do nothing to treat that particular viral infection. Moreover, storing antibiotics past their expiration date causes unpredictable variations in their potency. An antibiotic like Cipro you have had sitting on a shelf at room temperature for 2 or 3 years may be less potent or so much more potent that it costs deadly drug interactions. Antibiotics that are used after their expiration date may even cause kidney or liver damage.

Myth number 2. Antibiotics will help you get over colds or flu.

The only microorganisms antibiotics kill are bacteria (and not every antibiotic is effective against every strain of bacteria). Colds and flu are caused by viruses that are unaffected by antibiotics. Doctors used to accede to patient requests and prescribe antibiotics anyway, but nowadays the problem of antibiotic resistance is so great most doctors will refuse to prescribe them when patients present viral symptoms.

Myth number 3. Antibiotic resistance is itself a myth

Unfortunately, the ability of bacteria to gain resistance to antibiotics is very real. Especially when someone takes just part of their prescribed pills, a few bacteria will survive treatment. These virulent bacteria can then exchange their genetic material with weaker bacteria, creating a superstrain that no antibiotic can handle. That's what has happened with MRSA, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, the devastating skin disease that can be spread in locker rooms, hot tubs, hospitals, and jails.

Myth number 4. It's OK to take antibiotics even if you aren't really sick

Any time you take any drug you risk side effects. If you are taking an antibiotic prescribed for someone else that's been on the shelf for an extended period of time, you are risking serious side effects. And if you try to use antibiotics when are not infected with disease-causing bacteria, you (1) kill the symbiotic bacteria that digest fiber and manufacture B vitamins and vitamin K in your colon and (2) potentially create a strain of bacteria that previously was benign.

Myth number 5. It's OK to stop antibiotics as soon as you feel better

If you stop taking antibiotics before you have finished your prescription, you may feel OK for the short term but risk a much more serious infection in the long term. If you take just enough antibiotic to kill 99 per cent of your infection, you will likely have a 99 per cent reduction in symptoms. The problem is, that last 1 per cent of bacteria will have survived the first few days of treatment, and can pass on its offspring so that they too can survive the first few days of treatment. Next time, you or someone you infect will not get relief as quickly from antibiotic therapy, and maybe not at all.

It is not easy for scientists to create newer, stronger antibiotics. Only by using antibiotics carefully and completely can we keep them effective against new infections in the future.

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Lynch Syndrome - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Methods

Lynch syndrome is a rare disorder. The condition is named after Henry Lynch, a doctor and authority on inherited cancers. The estimated proportion of all CRCs that are caused by Lynch syndrome depends on how this syndrome is defined, with traditional definitions being based on family history and age of onset. It is also known as hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer syndrome(HNPCC). It is caused by mutations or alterations of particular genes. Lynch syndrome strongly predisposes people who have this inherited defect to develop colorectal cancer as well as several other types of cancer. The genes associated with HNPCC can sometimes cause other cancers, such as stomach, ovary, endometrium (the lining of the womb) and kidney. HNPCC is an inherited cause of cancer of the bowel. The HNPCC syndrome is due to mutation in a gene in the DNA mismatch repair system, usually the MLH1 or MSH2 gene or less often the MSH6 or PMS2 genes. The syndrome is classified as Type I in the absence of extracolonic cancers and Type II if these are present. However, sarcomas have rarely been described in these families. The cancers of the colorectal area associated with the Lynch Syndromes usually develop at a younger age than is normally found in other persons with colorectal cancer.

The syndrome is neither common nor rare, occurring in one or two of every 1,000 people. Women with HNPCC have a 20-60% lifetime risk of endometrial cancer. In HNPCC, the gastric cancer is usually intestinal-type adenocarcinoma. Other HNPCC-related cancers have characteristic features: the urinary tract cancers are transitional carcinoma of the ureter and renal pelvis; the small bowel cancer is most common in the duodenum and jejunum; and the most common type of brain tumor is glioblastoma. When colorectal cancer is associated with Lynch syndrome, it tends to occur at a younger age than in most other colorectal cancer cases. Colorectal cancer associated with Lynch syndrome tends to occur in people at a younger age than for people with the more common nonhereditary forms of colorectal cancer. Family history can provide important clues to the presence of the Lynch syndrome. Different segments of the DNA strands contain genes responsible for different structures and functions in the body. For example, certain segments of DNA carry genes that determine one's eye color, hair color, height, and other physical characteristics. Other DNA segments of DNA carry genes that regulate the duplication and the rate of growth of cells.

Causes of Lynch syndrome

The common causes and risk factor's of Lynch syndrome include the following:

Lynch syndrome is caused by mutations or alterations of particular genes.

Age is the primary risk factor.

If you have a family history of Lynch syndrome, you're at much greater risk of inheriting this condition yourself.

Daily alcohol use (may double the risk).

Eating a high-fat, low-fiber diet.

Genetic disorders such as familial polyposis syndromes and hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer syndrome (HNPCC).

Not having periods, or not having them often.

Smoking is also a risk factor for Lynch syndrome.

Symptoms of Lynch syndrome

Some sign and symptoms related to Lynch syndrome are as follows:

Changes in bowel habits- for example, constipation or diarrhea that persists for longer than several days.

Change in appetite.

Abdominal pain and even an abdominal mass.

Feelings of fatigue or weakness.

Black, tarry stool, which may represent bleeding above the rectum.

Iron deficiency without another identifiable cause.

Rectal bleeding.

Fatigue associated with anemia.

Treatment of Lynch syndrome

Here is list of the methods for treating Lynch Syndrome:

When polyps associated with Lynch syndrome are present, doctors remove them during a colonoscopy.

Chemotherapy, which uses drugs to destroy cancer cells. This approach often follows surgery.

Surgery may also be an option in people who carry the genetic mutation of Lynch syndrome, even if they don't yet have colorectal cancer.

The standard treatment is to give radiotherapy after surgery to women in certain circumstances.

Most people with Lynch syndrome choose frequent colonoscopies over prophylactic surgery.

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To Flu Shot or Not to Flu Shot? That is the Question

With Avian Flu in the news, parents, seniors, healthcare providers are exploring the question of whether flu shots are appropriate, and if they should be mandated to protect us all from the risk. The fact that many doctors can not get the shots should not be a deterrent for those who are convinced of the benefit. Most drug stores still have stock available.
Flu shots are not a slam dunk. They are controversial. Here are some of the reasons why:

oFlu shots are preserved with thimerisol as the primary preservative. Thimerisol is a nerve toxin, a form of organic mercury. Mercury poisoning is deadly and cause a range of health issues that stay with the patient for life. The effect is cumulative, and if annual flu vaccines become required, the toxic load is sufficient to cause autism-like symptoms, fibromyalgia like symptoms and more. Thimerisol has been banned in many European countries, because of its negative health impacts. I repeat, mercury is a neural poison. Do we really want to inject it directly into our blood streams?

oFlu shots have a more concentrated dose of mercury, than the EPA indicates is safe for a 250-pound man. We give these shots to babies and school children. And we wonder why learning disabilities are rising at alarming proportions in this country?

oFlu shots have viral elements based upon the prior flu season in the southern hemisphere, typically Australia. There is no guarantee that the strain of flu that the vaccine builds resistance to, will be what is needed in the US the following season. There is no double blind, scientific testing with flu vaccines. The more a virus mutates, as a result antibiotic overuse, or a result of genetically modified organisms gone wrong, or as a result of the process of making the vaccine, for example, the more likely the vaccine will be ineffective.

oWhen flu vaccines were first developed they were determined inappropriate for people in fragile health, the elderly and for people with certain reactions, allergies to certain drugs and foods. Unfortunately when these populations were eliminated, the market for these vaccines was less than 20% of the population. Thus these concerns were removed from final warnings for these vaccines.

oWhile flu vaccines were added the government's list of mandatory vaccines for school children under the age of 18 and are recommended for elderly, parents can opt their children out, with a philosophical, health or religious objection. However many parents are unaware of their ability to do this, because schools have incentives to get all their students vaccinated, because the formula for state funding of schools includes incentives for vaccinated school population. It is not in the schools financial interest to inform parents of their rights.

oHealthcare workers were very forceful, in their boycott of federal plans to required healthcare workers to submit to mandatory smallpox vaccines, as part of a bio-war on terror. The program was scrapped. If healthcare workers, who are most aware of the vaccines, refuse them, what should the rest of us be taking from this?

oPeople who got flu vaccines still get the flu. What efficacy is that?

oThere are other ways to protect against the flu, with less potentially lethal side effects. These include using homeopathic anti-flu meds like Occillo. These include making sure you eat healthy, keep your immune system in peak condition, eat your vegetables. If you are concerned about Avian Flu, consider eating only organic, range free chicken. And if you find yourself catching a flu, consider in addition to chicken soup, and drinking lots of liquid, a trip to your acupuncturist, your naturalpath or your chiropractor.

The answer to whether or not to vaccinate would seem to rest upon your trust or lack of it in the vaccine's effectiveness and safety, weighed against the potential for harm if indeed you became sick with the virus.

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Jaundice Treatment With Ayurvedic and Home Remedies

Jaundice is a disease caused due to vitiation of the pitta dosha. It is called as kamala. When there is an excessive circulation of the bile pigments in the blood, then this disease is caused. Pitta dosha controls the bile pigments.

Hence, jaundice is a disease of the liver. It can occur when there is an obstruction in the bile duct, or if there is destruction of the red blood corpuscles. When a person has jaundice, their skin becomes yellow in color. This characteristic yellowness is seen even in the eyes and the fingernails. Stools and urine also get colored. The yellow color is an indication that the circulation of bile is in excess.

Along with the yellowness of the skin, there are other symptoms associated with jaundice. Indigestion occurs and the person becomes very weak. Jaundice may also cause the body to itch.

(1) Useful Herbs in the Treatment of Jaundice

1. Berberis (Berberis vulgaris)

Berberis is a very effective herb for all kinds of liver ailments, especially jaundice. So effective is the herb that it is nicknamed 'jaundice berry'. It is a bitter tonic which must be given to a jaundice patient several times a day in does of quarter teaspoons. The fluid extract of the fruit also has similar properties.

2. Chicory (Chichorium intybus)

All parts of the chicory plant are useful in the treatment of liver ailments. The flowers, seeds and roots are the most often used. The juice of the chicory can help in the treatment of sluggishness of the liver, obstruction of the flow of bile and the enlargement of the spleen; all of which are associated with jaundice. Chicory can also promote the healthy secretion of the bile.

3. Gokulakanta (Hygrophila spinosa)

The root of the gokulakanta plant is potent in the treatment of liver diseases such as jaundice and hepatitis. An infusion of the root of the herb in water is prepared and is given to the patient twice or thrice each day.

4. Indian Aloe (Aloe barbadensis)

Indian aloe is an excellent remedy for liver problems such as jaundice. For effective treatment, the pulp of one of its leaves is to be taken with black salt and ginger every morning for a period of ten days.

5. Indian Sorrel (Oxalis corniculata)

The herb is useful in treatment of jaundice. It is taken with buttermilk that is prepared from cow's milk.

6. Picrorrhiza (Picrorrhiza kurroa)

Picrorrhiza is one of the two best Ayurvedic remedies for jaundice. It is known as kutki in Ayurveda. Powder of this herb is mixed with hot water and taken twice a day.

7. Snake Gourd (Trichosanthes anguina)

Snake gourd is taken as an infusion of its leaves for the treatment of jaundice. It is generally to be taken with coriander.

8. Turpeth (Operculina turpethum)

Turpeth is the other best Ayurvedic remedy for jaundice. It is known as nisoth in Ayurveda. The powder of this herb is prescribed mixed in hot water twice a day.

(2) Dietary Treatments for Jaundice

1. Sweet foods are suitable for a jaundice patient. For easy digestion, sweet foods in liquid form must be consumed, such as sugarcane juice, orange juice and juices of other fresh fruits. Dry grapes are also beneficial. Pomegranate is good for jaundice, though it has a slight sour taste.

2. Fresh vegetables must be included in the diet. They must be cooked in minimum oil and kept as green as possible. That is, the use of spices should be curtailed. Bitter vegetables like bitter gourd and the bitter variety of drumsticks are suitable to a jaundice patient.

3. The fat intake should be limited. Even curds must not be given to the jaundice patient. Buttermilk can be given if the butter has been carefully removed from it.

4. Alcohol is very dangerous to a jaundice patient. It can seriously complicate the disease, with fatal consequences. Hence, alcohol in any form must be avoided.

(3) Ayurvedic Treatments for Jaundice

Ayurvedic treatments for jaundice begin with a purgation therapy. This helps o remove the toxins accumulated in the liver and the rest of the body. Strong purgatives are avoided.

The drugs of choice for the treatment of jaundice are nisoth and kutki. Their roots are administered to the patient in powder form. The two herbs can be taken either together or individually, depending on the seriousness of the jaundice and the internal strength of the patient.

Avipattikara choorna and Arogya Vardhini vati are the usually prescribed medicines in jaundice. These are to be taken in teaspoonful quantities twice a day with water or with honey.

Another general medicine which can be used in all kinds of jaundice is the Bhumyamalaki. This is a short herb which is very rarely available. Its juice is given mixed with honey in a teaspoonful quantity thrice a day. Vasaka, Kakamachi and Triphala are the other drugs used.

(4) Home Remedies for Jaundice

1. Juices of bitter vegetables like the bitter gourd are very effective in treating jaundice. Mash the vegetable and extract their juices by pressing with a cloth. This juice must be ideally had in the early morning. One glassful of juice per day is recommended.

2. Prepare a cupful of juice of beetroot and lemon in equal proportions. Having this juice for a few days will definitely cure jaundice.

3. Extract juice of amalaki (Indian gooseberry, Emblica officinalis). Have this juice thrice in a day in a teaspoonful quantity. This is a potent remedy for all kinds of liver ailments.

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What Are The Main Kidney Cyst Symptoms?

Kidney cysts begin appearing on a person's kidney due to the onset of a disease called Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). Before we go on to discuss the main kidney cyst symptoms we will first look at what Polycystic Kidney Disease is and who is affected. Polycystic Kidney Disease is primarily an inherited condition, although as we will see this is not always the case. The most common form is known as autosomal dominant PKD. 90% of people with PKD are autosomal dominant. In this form, the person only needs to inherit the abnormal gene from the one of their parents that are affected, giving them a 1 in 2 chance of developing PKD.

The other form of inherited PKD is known as autosomal recessive PKD. This affects children and requires that they inherit the abnormal gene from both of their affected parents. This results in a 1 in 4 possibility of inheriting PKD, with around 1 in 10,000 babies being affected. There is a third type of PKD which someone can get, even if neither of their parents possesses the abnormal gene that causes PKD. This form of PKD is typically brought on as a result of long term kidney problems, dialysis or old age. So, what are the kidney cyst symptoms you should look out for?

Kidney cyst symptoms for the autosomal form will generally start to appear in the sufferer during mid life. However, the afflicted person may not start to experience the symptoms for several years after the cysts have begun to develop. The typical symptoms of kidney cyst problems include:

- Headaches

- Urinary tract infections

- Pain and aches, and sometimes sudden and harsh pain in the abdomen and lower back

- Blood appearing amongst urine

Unfortunately, there is no cure for kidney cyst symptoms so affected people can only take measures to try and relieve the pain and lengthen their lives. If you begin to experience any of the symptoms described above, it is of course strongly advisable to book an appointment with your doctor immediately.

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Treatment of Sacroiliitis

Sacroiliitis is a disorder that is far more complex than back pain and it is important to seek medical attention early if you develop the symptoms. The condition is complicated with a variety of causes; it may be secondary to an injury or pregnancy but this is not a disorder to gamble with. Delay may lead to joint degeneration or the pain may be a symptom of a larger, inflammatory arthritic condition known as ankylosing spondylitis. This is one of the many forms of inflammatory arthritis, the most common of which is rheumatoid arthritis. Complications of ankylosing spondylitis can be quite serious and include:

Spine Deformities
Difficulty Breathing
Lung Infections
Heart Problems. 

Symptoms OF Sacroiliitis

Pain and stiffness in lower back, thighs, buttocks
Pain becomes worse with walking, due to the motion of the hips.
Psoriasis, an inflammatory skin condition, may occur with a type of arthritis and sacroiliitis.
Pain radiating down leg, often mimicking sciatica
Decreased range of motion
Elevated temperature
Bloody diarrhea occurs with Reiter's Syndrome, which causes painful urination, joint pain, sacroiliac joint pain, and eye inflammation, and accompanies sacroiliitis.
Eye inflammation in one or both eyes, a symptom of Reiter's Syndrome and evident with sacroiliitis. 


History and Physical
When examined, pain localized around sacroiliac joints, can be detected.
Laboratory studies, including blood cultures
X-rays of sacroiliac joints
MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scan of sacroiliac joints
Culture of fluid from affected sacroiliac joint 

It is important that the doctor be informed if there is a history of IV Drug use and whether any antibiotics have been taken recently. Recent antibiotic use can delay the proper diagnosis and identification of the infectious organism if a blood culture is done.


The underlying cause and symptoms are considered when implementing a treatment plan.

NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs) such as naproxyn and ibuprophen reduce inflammation and pain.
Cortiosteroid Drugs, such as prednisone and medrol, reduce inflammation and slow down joint deterioration.
DMARDs (Disease Modifying Anti-rheumatic Drugs), such as Azulfidine and methotrexate, help limit joint damage.
Antibiotics, if an underlying infection is determined by a blood culture or culture of fluid from infected sacroiliac joints. Drug must be specific for that infectious organism.
Rest to relieve strain on sacroiliac joints.
Tumor necrosis factor inhibitor medications, such as Enbrel, Humira, Remicade, can block a cell protein that acts as an inflammatory agent. This helps reduce pain and stiffness. These medications are quite expensive and may not be prescribed unless other medications are not effective.
Physical therapy will be started after the painful, acute phase is under control. Range of motion exercises and stretching exercises to improve muscle strength and joint flexibility.

         Decrease or eliminate smoking because nicotine decreases the blood flow to the affected areas and makes it more difficult for the body to fight the disease. 

These medications can effectively relieve the painful symptoms of sacroiliitis but they have many side-effects. They may interact with medications you are already taking so it is important that you understand all their side-effects and how to use them appropriately. Some of these drugs increase the risk of bleeding, the risk of a cardio-vascular event or damage to your kidneys, liver or gastrointestinal tract. Complete patient education is vital to the management of sacroiliitis and the effective relief of its symptoms.

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Vaginal Thrush Treatment

Vaginal thrush, also known as yeast infection or Candida, can be an incredibly irritating, embarrassing and, at times, painful, complaint to deal with.

Irritating, because that itch-scratch-itch cycle can drive you crazy,
Embarrassing, because if you're in public, it's not always appropriate to scratch the itch, and
Painful, because amongst other conditions, thrush can lead to bladder infections and sore, swollen and broken tissue.

Over the years, I must have tried a few dozen thrush treatments. I've used creams, jellies, pessaries, pills, herbal and holistic treatments, most of which gave some temporary relief, but only one of which gave any lasting results.

So, how do you get thrush, what are the symptoms and how can you treat it?

Causes of Vaginal Thrush

We all have the thrush bacteria and Candida Albicans (the yeast that causes thrush) present in our body. Under normal conditions, they hang out together, causing us no problems at all. However, if something should occur to create an imbalance which causes the level of yeast to rise, that's when a thrush infection can occur.

There are many things which can cause this to happen, amongst them:

The level of estrogen in the body being unusually high (e.g.; during pregnancy or menstruation)
Using steroids or medication which contains steroids
Having sexual contact with a partner who has the infection
Diabetes - a high blood sugar level can bring on a bout of thrush
The use of antibiotics
Having a weakened immune system or being generally run down
The use of an IUD (some say that IUD's which contain copper more likely to cause thrush)
The use of the contraceptive pill

Symptoms of Vaginal Thrush

The symptoms of vaginal thrush can literally keep you awake at night.

The maddening itch, which can drive you to utter distraction, is bad enough on its own. However, a really bad case of thrush can be made much worse if the inner and outer lips of the vulva become affected, resulting in sore, swollen and broken skin on the most sensitive of areas.

If this occurs, even the most simple and natural of bodily functions, e.g.; urinating, can cause extreme pain as the acid in the urine comes into contact with raw or broken skin.

It's not unheard of for a person suffering from thrush to develop cystitis as well. If this occurs, a dull ache in the lower-back and an internal burning sensation when urinating are the tell-tale symptoms. These are sometimes accompanied by feelings of being shivery and weak.

Oftentimes, but not always, vaginal thrush is accompanied by a creamy white discharge, which if you've never had it before, can be quite alarming the first time you see it.

Thrush Treatment

If you've ever suffered from thrush, I'm sure you'll agree that it's a condition which, as soon as it develops, the only thing on your mind is how to get rid of it.

For most people, the first port of call is the pharmacy, where numerous over-the-counter treatments can be purchased in pill, cream or pessary form. (Incidentally, applying natural yogurt to the sore areas can bring pretty immediate relief, but unfortunately, it's only temporary).

If none of the above help, or the thrush recurs, a visit to the doctor for an examination and some prescribed medication may be the solution.

However, if conventional medicine isn't your preference, you may wish to investigate an holistic thrush treatment. This will not only treat the symptoms, but work on establishing, treating and eliminating the root cause of the infection.

Personally, this is the treatment that has suited me best, although I have to say that it took some time to get to grips with. Having said that though, it is, without doubt, the only thrush treatment which (so far!) appears to have prevented any recurrences of infection, which in my mind, makes it well worth having persevered with.

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Morphea Scleroderma - Morphea Symptoms, Prognosis & Treatment

Important Facts about Morphea Scleroderma

Morphea Scleroderma is a medical condition that unlike systemic scleroderma usually only affects the skin in localized areas of the body. The condition normally begins with patches of skin becoming yellowish, somewhat dry and rigid until they eventually harden completely.

The hard skin spots or legions commonly appear as circles and have a yellow color with a purple or deep red center. These manifestations are due to excessive deposits of collagen in the layers of the skin tissue. Morphea does not normally affect any other organs of the body apart from the epidermis which makes the condition far less severe than symptoms of systemic scleroderma.

Common Morphea Symptoms

Generally, any area of the skin can be affected by Morphea, but usually most sufferers experience the formation of hard skin patches on the abdomen or upper body. In the majority of cases and more precisely more than half the cases in which the condition appears Morphea Scleroderma affects the upper layer of the skin only.

Rare Morphea Symptoms

Still, in some cases (rare), the condition may also affect the muscles, tendons and even the joints of a person afflicted with the condition. Generally,the former Morphea Scleroderma that affects the skin only is the most widely spread and even if you notice the symptoms you should not automatically think of the worst case scenario.

Will Morphea Scleroderma Clear Up By Itself?

Morphea Scleroderma skin legions are often described as a plaque and in many cases will go away on their own within tree to five years. This is however a very long period of time to live with the unsightly symptoms so treatment is often sought. Owing to the variations and severity of scleroderma the best solution for any sufferer would be to seek medical help at the first signs of trouble.

Morphea Scleroderma Variations

The other types of Morphea tend to spread to more areas of the body and inside layers and are much harder to treat. In such cases the treatment by a medical professional specializing in this field is absolutely essential. The different types of the condition are determined by its acuteness, spread and persistence in general. Some of the most common of these include Generalized Morphea, Morphea Profunda, Deep Morphea, Guttate Morphea and Bullous Morphea.

What Causes Morphea?

Morphea scleroderma is catagorised the same as the more serious condition systemic scleroderma otherwise known as systemic sclerosis, both conditions are types of autoimmune disorders, that affect the connective tissues in the body. One of the most probable causes of the condition is genetics. Although you may not be born with the condition, studies indicate that many people are born with a gene that predisposes people to autoimmune disease.

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Cellulitis - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment for Cellulitis

Cellulitis is a common inflammation of the connective tissue underlying the skin. It appears when bacteria occupy broken or normal skin, cuts, burns, insect bites, surgical wounds, or sites of endovenous catheter insertion and start to spread just beneath the skin or in the skin itself. This leads to an infection and inflammation of the cells, erythema, edema, and warmth.

Cellulitis can occur on any part of your body but lower legs or skin on the face are most commonly affected by this infection .Staphylococcus ("staph") is the main bacteria which causes cellulitis. Occasionally, some other bacteria may cause cellulitis as well.

As a spreading infection cellulitis generally
starts as a small region of tenderness, swelling, and skin redness . As this red region starts to increase, the person may result a fever, sometimes with chills and sweats, and swollen glands near the area of infected skin.


Cellulitis may be caused by many different bacteria but streptococcus and staphylococcus are the most common originator of these bacteria, which are normally exist on the skin but cause no actual infection until the skin is broken.So cellulitis is started by entering by way of a break in the skin. This break can't be visible by naked eye. Predisposing conditions for cellulitis include insect bite, animal bite, pruritic skin rash, recent surgery , athlete's foot , dry skin , eczema , burns & boils , though there is debate as to whether minor foot lesions contribute .Streptococci spread instantly in the skin because they produce enzymes that impede the ability of the tissue to confine the infection.

Pneumococcus may result a specifically malignant form of cellulitis, usually in an immunocompromised host, and frequently is combined with tissue necrosis, suppuration, and blood stream invasion.

There are some reported cases of cellulitis where it appears on areas of trauma, the broken skin, such as the skin near ulcers or surgical wounds. Also some wounds appearing after exposure to fresh water may be lead to Aeromonas hydrophila, a gram-negative rod.


Cellulitis can be occurred anywhere in the body but it most commonly develops on the legs.The main symptoms are skin redness or inflammation that spreads in size as the infection spreads , tight, glossy, stretched occurrence of the skin , tenderness of the area , skin injury or rash, sudden onset ,warmth over the redskin,fever .there are some other signs of infection includes chills, shaking, fatigue, warm skin, sweating, muscle aches, myalgias. Some of the additional symptoms that may be related with this disease are nausea, vomiting & hair loss at the site of infection

In some advanced cases of cellulitis, red streaks may be seen moving up the affected area. The swelling can spread frequently. The infected skin gets hot and slightly swollen and may look slightly pockmarked, like an orange peel.The swelling appears due to the infection blocks the lymphatic vessels in the skin.


Antibiotics are used to control infection, and analgesics may be needed to ebb pain. Commonly used oral antibiotics are penicillin, flucloxacillin, cefuroxime or erythromycin. Antibiotics taken are penicillin-based antibiotics (e.g. penicillin G or flucloxacillin) or cephalosporins (e.g. cefotaxime or cefazolin).

Clindamycin and vancomycin are efficacious antibiotics in patients with serious penicillin or cephalosporin allergy.

Amoxicillin and clavulanic acid may be used in the situations where a broader antibiotic cover is required, for example a diabetic patient with a foot ulcer.

It is recommend that person should wear long sleeves and pants in high risk areas e.g. gardening. Maintained proper hygiene& keep skin clean and well moisturized, with nails well tended, avoid having blood tests using from the affected limb , cure fungal infections of hands and feet early, keep swollen limbs elevated during rest periods to cure lymphatic circulation.

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Lupus Symptoms In Women - The Lupus Rash

Approximately 9 out of 10 lupus patients are women. Lupus symptoms in women are wide-ranging and can affect nearly every part of the human body including the skin, joints, and internal organs. Approximately 85% of lupus patients will experience changes to their skin. One of the most common skin symptoms characteristic of most forms of the disease is a lupus rash.

Cutaneous or discoid lupus, which only affects the skin, is often associated with several different kinds of skin rashes and lesions, but these are also commonly present in people with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Most rashes are extremely photosensitive, meaning they are made worse by exposure to ultraviolet light like that from the sun.

Other lupus symptoms in women may include ulcers inside the nose and/or mouth, extreme fatigue, headaches, fever, dizziness, chest pain, hair loss, sleep disturbances, and internal damage to areas of the body such as the brain, kidneys, heart, lungs, and blood vessels.

The poster-child rash of lupus disease is the butterfly rash. This rash occurs on the face and gets its name from the characteristic "butterfly" shape it usually forms in. The body of the butterfly is made by the bridge of the nose and the wings are created by light pink and/or bright red markings that extend across the cheeks underneath each eye.

The areas of red may be large and solid or they may be blotchy. A butterfly rash may also be scaly in texture, and itching is a common complaint from lupus patients with this type of rash.

A second common lupus rash is the discoid rash. The term "discoid" refers to the shape of this rash which is often oval or disk-like. Discoid rashes commonly occur on the scalp, face, and neck along with other areas of the body exposed to sunlight. They are extremely photosensitive and may become very itchy.

Discoid lesions, discoid sores, and subacute cutaneous lesions are also common and may leave scars as they heal. These lesions are generally coin shaped and can cover large areas of the body if the skin becomes exposed to sunlight. Some discoid lesions start out looking like red pimples whereas others start out as flat lesions and get bigger by expanding outward.

Approximately 20% of SLE patients will experience what are known as chronic discoid lupus lesions. With these lesions, the central area becomes depressed and forms a scar which can be very disfiguring. Chronic discoid lesions require immediate and aggressive medical attention.

Many rashes may also be coupled with muscle and joint pain, fever, and overall discomfort. Since virtually all lupus rashes are made worse by sun exposure, sun screen becomes an extremely important prevention measure.

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Do Flu Shots Have Mercury In Them?

Do flu shots have mercury in them? Yes, says the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, commonly referred to as the CDC, in their facts on the flu shot question and answer guide.

Opinions about whether mercury in flu shots is a threat to human health may vary, but no one can deny the facts on the flu shot. Mercury is used in the manufacturing of and as a preservative in most flu shot vaccines. Even those vaccines that are labeled preservative free have trace amounts of mercury left over from the manufacturing process, but because the content is too low to act as a preservative, they are called preservative free.

Questions like "do flu shots have mercury in them" may be asked for many reasons. Mercury contamination in fish and the environment is of great concern. Mercury poisoning can cause illness and death. Some people have severe allergic reactions to mercury. Mercury is a known neurotoxin, meaning that it damages or destroys nerve tissues. Mercury has been linked to autism and Alzheimer's.

The facts on the flu shot presented by the CDC maintain that there is "no convincing evidence of harm" from mercury in flu shots, but there was sufficient evidence for New York to pass a law in 2006 banning thimerosal (a mercury based preservative) from flu shots intended for use in children and pregnant women. But, even with this ban, the answer to "do flu shots have mercury in them" in New York is still, yes. As previously stated trace amounts of mercury are present even in preservative free flu shots.

In 1999, the Public Health Service agencies, the American Academy of Pediatrics and vaccine manufacturers agreed that mercury should be reduced or eliminated from vaccines as a precautionary measure. But, still the answer to the question "do flu shots have mercury in them" is yes. The facts on the flu shot presented by the CDC maintain that the best protection from influenza is the annual flu shot, but ultimately it is a personal choice.

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Thrush An Embarrassing Ailment - The Causes And Treatment

What Causes It ?

Most people carry candida in their bodies, but normally it is kept at low levels by the body's own immune system. It can live in the intestines, mouth,skin,and vagina where" friendly" bacteria help keep yeast levels low. An increase of oestrogen caused by pregnancy and the contraceptive pill can encourage candida growth. Antibiotics, which can destroy good bacteria can be another cause

Some women experience symptoms similar to thrush but actually have an allergy to latex condoms, spermicides and the rubber in cervical caps.Thrush can also be passed on to men. Over the counter remedies usually settle the attack in 48 hours, but if does not respond to treatment after two weeks, they should consult their doctor for a swab test to rule out other infections and show which type of candida is causing the infection. The doctor may also want to test for diabetes and dermatitis. In rare cases the tests could indicate cancer of the vulva.


Over the counter remedies are anti fungal drugs in the form of vaginal pessaries or creams, these are usually helpful. Foods such as sugar and dairy products, coffee, tea and wine are thought to contribute to the problem by increasing uriny sugar, an environment which candida thrives. Anything that changes the body's natural acidity, such as perfumed soaps, douches and bubble baths can also irritate. Avoid tight trousers, leggings, and synthetic underwear such as tights, as these prevent air circulating and can create the perfect environment for thrush.

Whats New?

Sadly little has developed for thrush in terms of research. One of the newest alternative treatments is Dida, a natural herbal supplement which may help matain a healthy candida balance in the body.

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Deficiency of Vitamin D - Symptoms and Side Effects

Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms and Side Effects The article aims to educate you on the severity of not having enough vitamin D and teaches you how to check for the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency.

With more and more office personals going to office in the early morning and leaving only after the sunset, the time exposed to the sun is getting lesser.

Without sunshine, our body is not able to generate enough vitamin D, hence the lack of it, which poses a health risk.

Some Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms

Muscle pain
Sudden loss of muscle strength
Constant bone pains
Low energy / Moodless

Reasons and causes of vitamin D deficiency can vary accordingly.

Usually seasons such as winter forces people to rest at home, hence the lack of sunshine can be the primary cause for people to have lack of vitamin D. 

Dangerous side effect of malnutrition of vitamin D

Dental cativities

Osteoporosis, osteomalacia and rickets are diseases related to our skeletal structure.

As you know, bones are mineralized using vitamin D and calcium.

Shortage of vitamin D prevent the growth of bones, which causes rickets in children. Children suffering from rickets causes knock knees and bone deformation!

For adults, osteomalacia can occur which leads to weak bones which might eventually lead to bone cancer. Without mineralization, bone become frail and simple knock to the bone might even cause a fracture!

Teeth will become brittle and will cause them to chip off. This are part of vitamin D deficiency symptoms

People who are at risk are 

Young children
Working office-bound adults
Pregnant woman

When young, the skeleton is constantly growing at a rapid pace. Hence attention must be given to make sure they have their daily requirement of vitamin D.

Office workers too tend to suffer from the insufficient exposure to sunlight, which minimize the body's ability to create vitamin D.

Pregnant woman, too, are at risk to suffer vitamin D side effects as most of their body nutrients are given to the baby.

As our body ages, the body loses its natural ability to create and absorb vitamin D, thus extra care must be given to ensure that the elderly have their requirement amount of vitamin D.

If you or your relatives have any vitamin D deficiency symptoms, it is recommended that you seek a doctor's attention immediately!

Vitamin D Deficiency Treatment Although malnutrition of vitamin D is serious, recovering from malnutrition of vitamin D is easy. Spend an hour for a walk in the park regularly and your body will start to heal by itself.

Another alternative method will be taking supplements to replenish the vitamin D back that is needed by your body.

However, although overdose is rare, check with your doctor for a prescription. 

After recovering, remember to maintain a healthy diet of fish and milk with sunlight exposure and you will never face vitamin D deficiency symptoms again.

Read More at  Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms

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The Best Sore Throat Treatment in the World Using One of the World's Greatest Herbs

Flu season is right around the corner and with it millions will have the sniffuls, the achy headache, the puffy eyes, the never ending sneezing and the ever omnipresent sore throat. I promised you remarkable relief and I'm going to give it to you but I first need to lay some groundwork here

If you've ever had a sore throat, you know how terrible it can be, don't you?! When it starts getting hard to swallow and you feel that itch at the back of your throat that you can't quite get to, it's time to use this homeopathic treatment. It works like gangbusters and it's as close as your spice rack.

Yes, I know we're conditioned to take cough drops, eat lots of chicken soup, and to have a large quantity of tissues near by. It's big business to get those flu symptom relievers out. This remedy will work and can eliminate it within a day or two. .

What is a sore throat? It can be either bacterial or viral. The bacterial kind of sore throat is worse than the viral one. The types are hemophilius, mycoplasma and strep. Viral kinds are the flu or even mononucleosis. Viral sore throat infections are certainly not as painful as bacterial ones nor are they as painful.

Okay, here we go. This herb is very inexpensive. In some instances, it's not uncommon to cure your sore throat in just one day. The more significant the flu and virus, the longer. The only side effect is a hot tongue. The "magical" herb is cayenne pepper. Hold on! Don't go away! It's true. Cayenne pepper is an herb that is nothing short of amazing. It's not easy to take admittedly due to its heat, but it works.

Here is how you use it to cure a sore throat. Warm up some water. Not so hot that it's like tea, but rather somewhere between lukewarm and hot. Then, add anywhere from a quarter of a teaspoon to a full teaspoon in the warm water and gargle with it the way you would Listerine. Obviously, the more cayenne, the hotter it will be. Don't worry, it won't hurt you. The heat goes away quickly.

Gargle for a solid couple of minutes. If the viral infection is in the beginning stages, you can cure yourself in about 2 to 3 hours. If it's already bad, gargle every 15 minutes to half an hour. If you use it, it will cause your sore throat to disappear. Why? It's a stimulant herb but it also is a stimulant, tonic, carminative, sialogogue (stimulates the secretion of saliva), stomachic, rubefacient, pungent, alterative, astringent, antispasmodic, sudorific, emetic, antiseptic, condiment, and anti-rheumatic herb. In fact, cayenne has such anti-fungal capabilities, it has even been known to alleviate the herpes virus. Compared to the viral properties of herpes, a sore throat is insignificant.


I know this is new information to you. Don't take my word for it. Try it for yourself and you'll have found a great herb whose uses goes far beyond its culinary purposes.

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Elder Care: Seniors and Flu Season, Taking Care of Elderly Loved Ones and Preventing Flu

The Center for Disease Control (also known as the CDC) reports that every year, more than 200,000 individuals are hospitalized because of the flu and 36,000 pass away. For elderly folks and older adults, flu season can be very serious, and in worst cases, deadly. 90% of flu-related deaths and more than ½ of all flu-related hospitalizations occur in individuals age 65 and older. Seniors in their 70's and 80's are at even higher risk than those in their 60's-immunity declines with age. This is especially important for individuals who have asthma, heart disease, diabetes, lung problems, or other serious conditions.

Senior Care: Getting an Annual Flu Shot

Even if you received a 2009 H1N1 seasonal vaccine, it's still a good idea to get vaccinated this year-vaccine viruses are regularly updated each year, with recipients gaining flu immunity two weeks after vaccination. For elderly individuals or elder care providers, it's best to speak with your doctor or nurse to determine the best option for your flu prevention. In general, it's worth getting vaccinated as aging can weaken your immune system, making yourself or your senior loved one more vulnerable to flu viruses.

Elder Care for Flu Symptoms

If your elderly loved one comes down with flu symptoms, they may need medical evaluation immediately, including immediate treatment with antiviral drugs.

Symptoms include chills, fatigue, headache, body aches, stuffy nose, sore throat, cough, and fever.

If you're providing elder care for a parent or loved one, get them medical care promptly if you notice they have purple or blue lips (lip discoloration), chest pain or difficulty breathing, frequent vomiting and cannot keep down food or liquids, or if they show signs of dehydration, cannot urinate, feel very dizzy when standing, experience seizures, or appear confused and non-responsive.

If you're providing elder care for a family member or parent, avoid close contact with your loved one for the first few days, as he or she is most likely to spread flu virus and infection. Frequent hand washing and hand sanitizer also helps prevent cold and flu from infecting others.A good elder care tip is to provide your loved one with a healthy diet to boost immunity from the flu, and keep your parent or loved one warm at all times.

Flu season runs from October to February and seniors are vulnerable to complications. Vaccination is the most important factor in senior flu prevention, and is up to 90% effective. Individuals providing elder care should be aware of the dangers the flu poses for their elderly loved ones.If you wish to learn more about elder care, flu prevention, or respite care for families, speak with an elder care provider.

Disclaimer: The information in this article is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.  You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained from or through this article with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician. NEVER DISREGARD PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL ADVICE OR DELAY SEEKING MEDICAL TREATMENT BECAUSE OF SOMETHING YOU HAVE READ IN OR ACCESSED THROUGH THIS ARTICLE.

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