Cholelithiasis - Definition, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Cholelithiasis also known is Gallbladder. Gallstones are concretions that form in the biliary tract, usually in the gallbladder. Gallstones are formed within the gallbladder, an organ that stores bile excreted from the liver. Further complications of gallbladder disease include gallstone pancreatitis, gallstone ileus, biliary cirrhosis, and gallbladder cancer. Gallstones may be as small as a grain of sand, or they may become as large as an inch in diameter, depending on how long they have been forming. A stone blocking the opening from the gallbladder or cystic duct usually produces symptoms of biliary colic, which is right upper abdominal pain that feels like cramping.

If the stone does not pass into the duodenum, but continues to block the cystic duct, acute cholecystitis results. Gallbladder calculi are relatively uncommon in children. However, the incidence of cholelithiasis has been increasing recently. Children may harbor cholesterol gallstones, black- or brown-pigmented stones, or mixed-type gallstones. Complications that occur in adults with this condition may also occur in children. Gallstones may cause irritation and inflammation of the gallbladder mucosa, resulting in chronic calculous cholecystitis and symptoms of biliary colic. Chronic gallstone disease may lead to fibrosis and loss of function of the gallbladder and predisposes to gallbladder cancer. Excision of the gallbladder (cholecystectomy) to cure gallstone disease is among the most frequently performed abdominal surgical procedures.

Gallstones are a common health problem worldwide. Gallstones can occur anywhere within the biliary tree, including the gallbladder and the common bile duct. Obstruction of the common bile duct is choledocholithiasis; obstruction of the biliary tree can cause jaundice; obstruction of the outlet of the pancreatic exocrine system can cause pancreatitis. Gallstones are rocklike collections of material that form inside the gallbladder. Different types exist, and they are categorized by their primary composition; cholesterol stones are most common (75-80% in the United States) followed by pigment, then mixed stones. The stones form when there is an imbalance or change in the composition of bile. The first is how often and how well the gallbladder contracts; incomplete and infrequent emptying of the gallbladder may cause the bile to become overconcentrated and contribute to gallstone formation.

The second factor is the presence of proteins in the liver and bile that either promote or inhibit cholesterol crystallization into gallstones. Increased levels of the hormone estrogen as a result of pregnancy, hormone therapy, or the use of birth control pills, may increase cholesterol levels in bile and also decrease gallbladder movement, resulting in gallstone formation. The pain of biliary colic is not characteristically positional, pleuritic, or relieved by bowel movement or flatus.Other symptoms, often associated with cholelithiasis, include indigestion, dyspepsia, belching, bloating, and fat intolerance. However, these are very nonspecific and occur in similar frequencies in individuals with and without gallstones; cholecystectomy has not been shown to improve these symptoms.

Gallbladder sludge is crystallization within bile without stone formation. Cholesterol gallstones may become colonized with bacteria and can elicit gallbladder mucosal inflammation. Lytic enzymes from bacteria and leukocytes hydrolyze bilirubin conjugates and fatty acids. Gallstones are present in about 80% of people with gallbladder cancer. Symptoms of gallbladder cancer are usually not present until the disease has reached an advanced stage and may include weight loss, anemia, recurrent vomiting, and a lump in the abdomen. When the cancer is caught at an early stage and has not spread deeper than the mucosa (the inner lining), removal of the gallbladder results in five-year survival rates of 68%. If cancer has spread to deeper layers, more extensive surgery or other treatments may be required. Sickle cell disease has been identified as an independent risk factor associated with an increase in the frequency of cholelithiasis. Cholesterol gallstones develop when bile contains too much cholesterol and not enough bile salts. Besides a high concentration of cholesterol, two other factors seem to be important in causing gallstones. Acute gallstone pancreatitis is often characterized by epigastric tenderness. In severe cases, retroperitoneal hemorrhage may produce ecchymoses of the flanks and periumbilical ecchymoses.

There are several available treatments for Cholelithiasis. Electrohydraulic shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) has also been employed to treat cholelithiasis. Urodeoxycholic acid (UDCA, ursodiol), a more contemporary medical therapy, is successful in only 40% of cases. Both CDCA and UDCA therapies are useful only for gallstones formed from cholesterol. Surgery-Removal of the gallbladder, or cholecystectomy , is usually needed to treat symptoms associated with gallstones. It is a relatively safe procedure that does not cause any nutritional problems. Oral Bile Salts-If surgery is not desirable, bile salts to dissolve gallstones can be taken by mouth. However, it may take a long time to dissolve the gallstones, and because the gallbladder is still present, gallstones may recur. Laparoscopic techniques, which have been used for years in the field of gynecology, have recently been adapted to cholecystectomy, in an effort to decrease complications, recovery time and cost. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is associated with a lower incidence of intra-abdominal adhesions, wound site hernia and scar formation. Postoperative pain is also reduced, and recovery time is shorter. Lithotripsy has been investigated as adjunctive therapy for failed endoscopic stone retrieval and for retained ductal stones after laparoscopic cholecystectomy.

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Human Papillomavirus Infection - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Human Papillomavirus Infection also known as HPV. There are many kinds of HPV; the number could be more than 100. This is a virus that causes skin infection and infection in the mucous membrane. The other kinds of HPV could be responsible for causing cancer as well. This is a contagious disease and could be transmitted from one person to the other through sexual contact as well. In fact, in countries like Canada this is the most commonly sexually transmitted disease.

The HPV are not generally harmful in case it is not leading to cancer but could be embarrassing at the same time. The HPV is classified as the low risk one and the high risk HPV. The bifurcation would depend upon the fact if these are just causing infection or these would end up causing cancer. A person affected by HPV would have skin warts, genital warts, cervical dysplasia, and cervical cancer.

The major cause of the HVP is the breakthrough through the skin. It would get to the skin and would multiply and start to affect the skin. The person might not be able to know about the same for many weeks or months that he is infected with HPV. As mentioned HPV is transmitted through skin contact - using the same pool or equipments in the gym which has been used by a person infected by HPV could spread that to others as well. The expecting mother could be transmitting the same to the baby during labor. The children and the young adults are more prone to this. People who have multiple sexual partners could fall prey to HPV. Most commonly, people with the weak immune system could be caught into the HPV net.

The signs and symptoms of the HPV would vary from person to person. Not only this, you might have the HPV infection for years, but there would not be any symptoms on the surface. This makes it really difficult to be detected. Though, the common symptoms would be warts around the knee, face, finger or nails. These would be painless. Flat warts, plantar warts, genital warts, cervical dysplasia or Precancerous lesions could be the other symptoms. HPV is confused with many other STD and that is what would make people to run to the doctor for diagnoses.

When it comes to treatment, there is no treatment for HPV as such. This is supposed to go away naturally through the body immune system. Though, the signs and the symptoms that have surfaced due to this could be put to rest with vaccine and medication. Most of the medication recommended for the HPV would be podophyllin solution which would be applied on the area affected. Warts could be removed surgically or by freezing or burning or using any other clinical method. Colposcopy could be the way of putting the cellular changes and cervical infection to rest. Biopsy could be needed in some cases.

To make sure that you don't catch the HPV preventive measures should be taken.


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Ovarian Cyst Symptoms and How to Get Rid of Them Effectively

Fear is a common and overwhelming feeling for women who are experiencing ovarian cyst symptoms. Although this disease is common, many women suffer from this disease in silence. Women with complex ovarian cysts rarely enjoy intimate relationships due to the risk of pain they can feel during sexual intercourse. Even basic bodily functions like bowel movements and urination can be painful.

If you already have this disease, then like many women, all you want is for these symptoms to just go away. You also prefer to be left alone and you may get easily irritated. Continual episodes of pain will wear down the most resilient of people and effect them mentally and physically. However the pain caused by this condition will not stop until you get proper treatment.

You may think that pain killers are enough to relieve you from ovarian cyst symptoms like pain in your lower abdomen and pelvic area. Yes, they are effective but only for a short time. After the effects of the pain killers wear off, you will start to feel pain again. This also goes for heat therapy.

When you start to feel ovarian cyst symptoms such as heavy bleeding, dizziness, vomiting and fever, then it's a matter of urgency for you to seek medical attention. You may be worried about the medical bills and that you may not have enough money to pay for them. But you need to think about your health first.

Cysts are usually benign, but if they are left untreated for a long time, certain complications such as cancer can occur. Nevertheless, if you really can't afford to get surgery, there is another alternative treatment you can use.

This alternative treatment is commonly known as natural treatment, which involves the use of herbs, homeopathy and traditional Chinese medicines. It also requires the patient to have a controlled diet and to increase their antioxidant and fiber intake. For this type of treatment, you need be patient and more disciplined.

You don't have to live with ovarian cyst symptoms. Don't give this disease a chance ruin your life. There are a lot of treatments out there that can help you get rid of this disease and its symptoms permanently. Some of them are not as expensive as you may think; but they are still very effective. It is vital that you take the time and positive steps to eliminate this condition and obtain the peace of mind this will bring.

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Liver Cancer - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

The liver is the largest internal organ in the body. It is also known as primary liver cancer or hepatoma and hepatocellular carcinoma is a cancer arising from the liver. The liver performs several vital functions. It processes and stores many of the nutrients absorbed from the intestine. It also makes some of the clotting factors needed to stop bleeding from a cut or injury. Hemangioma (he-man-ge-O-muh) is the most common type of benign liver tumor. It starts in blood vessels and Hepatic adenomas are benign tumors that start from the main type of liver cells (hepatocytes). Women have a much higher chance of having one of these tumors if they take birth control pills, although this is rare. Stopping the pills can cause the tumor to shrink. Hepatic adenomascancer begins in many spots throughout the liver and is not confined to a single tumor. This is most often seen in people with liver cirrhosis and is the most common pattern seen in the United States.

Hepatic tumors also called Liver cancer. Hepatic tumors is are tumors or growths on or in the liver. There are many forms of liver tumors premary is Malignant. Malignant, primary liver cancer is hepatocellular carcinoma (also named hepatoma, which is a misnomer). These growths can be benign or malignant (cancerous). They may be discovered on medical imaging (even for a different reason than the cancer itself). Most of the time when cancer is found in the liver, it did not start there but spread to the liver from a cancer that began somewhere else in the body. These tumors are named after the place where they began (primary site) and are further described as metastatic. Symptoms can include a lump or pain on the right side of your abdomen and yellowing of the skin. However, you may not have symptoms and the cancer may not be found until it is advanced.

Some researchers believe that cancer starts with damage to DNA the material that contains the instructions for every chemical process in your body, including the rate of cellular growth. DNA damage causes changes in these instructions. Liver cancer also occurs as metastatic cancer, which happens when tumors from other parts of the body spread (metastasize) to the liver. In the liver cancer some cells begin to grow abnormally. One result is that cells may begin to grow out of control and eventually form a tumor a mass of malignant cells. In the United States, most cancer found in the liver spread there after originating elsewhere. Rather than being called liver cancer, this type of cancer in the liver is named after the organ in which it began such as metastatic colon cancer in cancer that starts in the colon and spreads to the liver.

Causes of liver Cancer

Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is the main causes of liver cancer. Liver cancer relates to (correlates with) the frequency of chronic hepatitis B virus infection. Studies in animals also have provided that hepatitis B virus can cause liver cancer. For example, liver cancer develops in other mammals that are naturally infected with hepatitis B virus-related viruses. Finally, by infecting transgenic mice with certain parts of the hepatitis B virus, scientists caused liver cancer to develop in mice that do not usually develop liver cancer.

Symptoms of liver cancer
Liver cancer is very common larges countries in world wide. Generally is discovered at a very advanced stage of cancer disease for several reasons. In addition, patients from these regions actually have more aggressive liver cancer disease. live cancer tumor usually reaches an advanced stage and causes symptoms more rapidly. Abdominal pain is the most common symptom of liver cancer and usually signifies a very large tumor or widespread involvement of the liver and other symptom is weight loss. These symptoms are less common in individuals with liver cancer in the additionally symptoms is ascites (abdominal fluid and swelling), jaundice (yellow color of the skin), or muscle wasting.

Treatment of liver cancer

The treatment of liver cancer is overall condition of the patient. First treatment if liver cancer is Chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is a powerful drugs to kill cancer cells. Chemotherapy is anot effective not some cases of liver cancer but type of chemotherapy is known as chemoembolization is an important part of treatment for HCC. chemoembolization causes many of the same side effects as other forms of chemotherapy, including abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. Second treatment is surgery. Surgery is best treatment for localized resectable cancer is usually an operation known as surgical resection. In some cases, the area of the liver where the cancer is found can be completely removed. Alcohol injection has been shown to improve survival in people with small hepatocellular tumors. It may also be used to help reduce symptoms in cases of metastatic liver cancer. The most common side effect is leaking of alcohol onto the liver or into the abdominal cavity.

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Why Do You Want to Stop Smoking?

Many people, especially the youth, are easily lured to the world of cigarettes. Why not? Smokers describe cigarettes as loyal friends who stick with you in moments of despair and distress. Only until they suffer the ill effects of cigarettes will these smokers learn to detest them. So why do you want to stop smoking, is what I will discuss with you today.

Worst effects of smoking

The worst effect of cigarettes is on one's life. Studies disclosed that about 13 to 14 years of life is thrown away by a smoker. The health risk should never be discounted. Who is not afraid of the Big C or cancer? Of all the types of cancer caused by smoking, lung cancer is the most prevalent. Aside from physical suffering, the financial condition of the family is affected. Medication for cancer is very costly! The disease even leads to death.

Worse effects of smoking

Wouldn't your conscience haunt you when a family member gets sick due to second hand smoke? A smoker does not only put himself to risk. Family member and friends can also be prone to smoke caused diseases. This is another factor why you would want to stop smoking.

Bad effects of smoking

Other diseases may also be contracted by the smoker. You can be sick with diabetes, high blood pressure, coronary ailment, emphysema and shortness of breathing. A smoker has restricted physical activities. He suffers persistent coughing. His senses of taste and smell mal functions.

There is also bad effect on the physical attributes. A smoker has bad breath, his teeth as well as his finger nails are stained with the yellow pigment of nicotine. The skin of a smoker is not glowing. The smell of cigarette clings to the smoker's hair and clothes. His room and other belongings also stink.

But the good side is: anyone with will power and determination can get rid of his smoking habits. First and foremost, throw away all cigarette sticks. Then stop smoking. When there is persistent craving for cigarette, he can resort to stop smoking remedies.

Stop smoking remedies

If you really want to stop smoking, you can use any of the remedies. The first in the list is nicotine replacement product. You can use gums, inhalers, sprays, patches and drugs. You can choose any of the three therapies: water, herbal or psychological. You can attend stop smoking programs such as counseling and meeting. Acupuncture so with hypnosis can be utilized to serve the purpose. Finally, a nicotine vaccine can be prescribed.

With all these in mind, you can never go wrong with your decision. Use your best weapon - determination. And after the battle, which you will definitely win, you can live a good, awesome and longer life.


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When Should You Get a Colonoscopy?

Over the past couple decades, colon cancer has really become quite a problem with more and more Americans. This could possibly be due to the baby boomer generation getting into the prime age group for this disease, or it could possibly be a dietary problem that has been an ever increasing issue for quite some time. Let's face it, Americans have horrible eating habits as a whole. I know because I was one of them.

At the ripe old age of 22 I began having terrible stomach cramps and a recurring issue of diarrhea and constipation. After a few weeks I began to become worried that I may have something more serious going on with me, so naturally I signed online and typed in my symptoms into the search box and lo and behold the symptoms I was having were the same as colon cancer!

I immediately set up an appointment with my physician and had all the preliminary tests done to make sure it wasn't some bug or underlying condition that could be cured with a pill. Once all tests were exhausted there was only one more thing to do before he could give me a diagnosis, that was to give me a colonoscopy.

Needless to say I was terrified. I was only 22 years old and just couldn't imagine having cancer at such a young age. I was debilitated by my fears and really couldn't focus on anything else until I knew for sure I was cancer free.

The point I'm getting at here is that the symptoms for colon cancer are the same for other non life threatening diseases such as IBS. My Doctor told me that irritable bowel syndrome is a diagnosis of exclusion, meaning it was only diagnosed after everything else had been tested, including the colonoscopy.

Luckily, I was cancer free, but for every one person that's given an IBS diagnosis, there is 1 other that's given a cancer one in its place. If you have symptoms, get tested, it shouldn't be an option.

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10 Things You Need to Know About Asbestosis

If you've heard the term asbestosis, but don't know what it is, then here's what you need to know.

1. Asbestosis is a respiratory illness that affects the lungs. It's not always obvious, as the symptoms are similar to aging, and being overweight.

2. It can take around 15 - 20 years for asbestosis to develop, and so it's affecting many older people, who may think that their symptoms are just a sign that they are getting old.

3. Most foreign objects that are breathed in are broken down by microphages, before they reach the lungs. Unfortunately, asbestos can't be broken down easily. The method the microphages use to break down asbestos, causes damage to the alveoli, which then leads to breathing problems, as the lungs are damaged.

4. Early symptoms of asbestos include generally feeling unwell, and out of sorts. You might be short of breath after light exercise. You might also have a dry cough too.

5. As the disease progresses, you might be even more short of breath, and start to have chest pains. Another sign of asbestosis is you're your fingers start to deform, which indicates that oxygen isn't being exchanged efficiently in the blood.

6. The advanced stage of asbestosis includes lots more chest pain. You'll have problems sleeping due to the pain, and being unable to breathe properly. You might need to be reclined in order to breathe. Your hands and feet might start to swell. You might also start coughing up blood. If you are, or were, a smoker, then you might think that your condition is due to smoking.

7. If you have been diagnosed with asbestosis, then it can usually be kept under control. You'll want to be able to retain some of your independence, and carry on with your life as normal, if you can.

8. Asbestos can also lead to other serious illnesses, such as mesothelioma and cancer. These can prove fatal, and so it's important to seek medical advice if you think that you might have been exposed to asbestos.

9. Asbestos was used in many work and home environments from around 1900 to the 1970s. It affects all sorts of workers, such as shipyard workers, gas fitters, electricians, carpenters, and even those who lived near asbestos factories, or washed the overalls of those workers.

10. If you're suffering from asbestosis, then you can claim compensation. It involves providing a lot of medical and personal information, and you'll need a dedicated firm of asbestos solicitors,rather than normal accident claim solicitors to help you.

Now you know more about asbestosis, and what it can do, if you think you've been exposed to it, or are already suffering, why not see if you could claim compensation from an asbestosis lawyer?

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Colon Cleanse - What Are the Effects of a Colon Cleanse on Cancer?

There are many types of cancer but colon cancer is the second most deadly cancer in the world. In fact the high incidence of colon cancer is because of huge amount of toxins that are formed in our colons. If we go for colon cleanse regularly we can easily prevent colon cancer to a great extent. It is true that controlling our diet and ensuring only natural food all the time is far from practical, but we can definitely detoxify our colon when required.

In such a situation there must be some way out to get rid of all the toxins that get deposited in our digestion system. Colon cancer is caused if you keep suffering from chronic constipation and you simply ignore it. Preventing colons cancer by colon cleanse is the easiest solution.

The more toxins we have the more vulnerable we are to cancer growth. It is therefore advisable to clean your colon so that your digestion works perfectly fine. With perfect digestion many diseases are easily cured. Cardio vascular function, cholesterol, obesity, immune system etc, all is in some way related to digestion. A natural colon cleanse from time to time ensures there are no cancerous growth inside our colon.

Cleansing your colons with natural products has its own advantages.  Not only are the toxins flushed out of the body but also nutrients deficiency is replenished. When you go for natural detoxification of colons you do not suffer from any side effects. If you buy any OTC drug for detoxifying your colons you always have the risk of causing some side effect.

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Facts About Colon Cancer in Women

Contrary to the popular misconception, colon cancer is a common ailment that affects both men and women. Indeed, it is seen as the third most common reason for cancer deaths in women. Hence, women should never underestimate their ability to develop cancerous enlargements on the inner walls of their colons. This terrible fallacy of it being a 'man's disease' needs to be replaced with education on the risk factors for women, how they can curtail the occurrence of colon cancer, and the proper ways to receive screening and treatment, diminishing its impact.

What are the risk factors for women with regards to cancer of the colon? Well, it has been stated that as a woman increases in age, she is more likely to develop colon cancer as this hazard increases two fold every five years. This is not made better with the process of menopause or if colon cancer runs in the family.

Unfortunately, women with other types of cancers such as breast and uterine cancer, are also viable prospects for colorectal cancer. But when all is said and done, there are ways in which a woman can protect herself from developing colon cancer or in cases where it already exists, decrease its impact. These include receiving the proper screening, more formally known as a colonoscopy. This test detects the early signs and symptoms of colon cancer so that it can be treated. This is why it is important for women to not have a high fat or low fiber diet but one rich in fruits and vegetables, as it reduces these risks. Furthermore, hormone replacement therapy is a good method used with women who have gone through menopause to reduce the likelihood of colon cancer as well. All in all, regular exercise and daily supplements such as calcium should be taken, which has been proven to have reduced the risk of having a cancerous colon by 30-50% in women.

Finally, as the colonoscopy has been proven to be the best tool employed for early detection of cancer of the colon, women should know all about such a procedure. A colonoscopy gives doctors a clear view of the lining of the colon to identify any signs of growths or enlargements resulting in this cancer. This 15-30 minutes examination involves the insertion of a slender, supple scope with a camera and an illuminator into the anus. With a running cost of $500 to $1000, the patient is made to take a number of pills or to drink a lot of a special fluids to release the bowels beforehand so that when the individual is sedated and examined, a clear depiction of what is going on inside the colon can be obtained.

There is really nothing to be scared about while going through this process. You will normally be sedated and made as comfortable as possible while you are examined. Besides, it is all for a good cause, which is maintaining your health. Because colon cancer is becoming so common in women, it is better to be in the know than to be clueless until it is too late. Be proactive and get yourself tested today!

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Steps to Setting Up a Colon Cancer Screening Test

Do you know which form of cancer is the second leading cause of deaths in the United States? Believe it or not, that would be colorectal cancer. Many of these cases are because the cancer was found too late to be cured or the symptoms of it were missed entirely. This is important because it can all be avoided since colorectal cancer, if found early enough, can usually be cured by surgery.

Doctors and specialists use various screening tests to look for this cancer in people even when they don't exhibit any symptoms. It so happens that in many cases these sometimes unneeded tests are the ones which find the colorectal cancers at an early stage and thus saving lives. Early discovery acan greatly improve the chances of successful treatment. Another reason physicians recommend screening tests is they can find and remove polyps that can become cancerous. Here are a few more ways you can schedule a screening test for colon cancer:

Schedule an appointment to see your family doctor. They can listen to any symptoms you may be experiencing and advise a colon cancer screening test such as a digital rectal exam. From that they can make a judgment. It's is also a good idea to schedule one anyway as a part of a routine check up.

Sit down with your doctor and go over all available options. Some of the more screening methods include tests such as a colonoscopy, virtual colonoscopy, DNA-based stool test, sigmoidoscopy, fecal occult blood testing and a double, contrast barium enema. These all can be recommended for you to undergo.

Find a gastroenterologist close to or at least a physician specializing in the gastrointestinal system. They can perform a colonoscopy for you. You are better off finding a specialist for this since this test is a little more invasive than the other screening options.

Have a colonoscopy performed if begin to feel some of the symptoms of colon cancer. Symptoms of colon cancer usually mean that you are well past the screening stage. Your doctor should start a diagnosis process instead. If your earlier screening tests came back positive, then your doctor should schedule another colonoscopy.

Be aware of any and all risk factors associated with colon cancer. Most doctors recommend anyone over the age of 50 to have a colonoscopy performed at least once every three to five years. There are other screening tests which can be given annually but thats because they are less invasive.

If you or anyone in your family has a history of cancer, polyps or irritable bowel syndrome, then it is a wise decision to be tested at an earlier age and not wait till your 50 especially if you have a lifestyle which puts you at risk. When your doctor talks about an at risk lifestyle, he is referring to a diet low in fruits and vegetables, smoking, alcohol and lack of exercise. These can all increase your risk of developing colon cancer.

So you can see why living a healthy lifestyle is so important and why you need to exercise more as well as eat better. All of these things will significantly lower your risk of developing colon cancer right from the start. If you are one of those who fall under the unhealthy lifestyle, it still isn't too late for you to change your ways.

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Chronic Renal Failure

Individuals with chronic renal failure and uremia show a constellation of symptoms, signs, and laboratory abnormalities additionally to those observed in acute kidney injury. This reflects the long-standing and progressive nature of their renal impairment and its results on many kinds of tissues.

Thus, osteodystrophy, neuropathy, bilateral little kidneys shown by abdominal ultrasonography, and anemia are typical initial findings that recommend a chronic course for a individual newly diagnosed with renal failing about the basis of elevated BUN and serum creatinine.

One of the most typical cause of continual renal failing is diabetes mellitus, adopted closely by hypertension and glomerulonephritis. Polycystic kidney disease, obstruction, and virus are among the less typical brings about of chronic renal failing. The pathogenesis of acute renal disease is very different from that of continual renal illness.

Whereas acute injury towards the kidney results in death and sloughing of tubular epithelial cells, frequently followed by their regeneration with reestablishment of regular architecture, continual injury results in irreversible loss of nephrons. Being a outcome, a greater practical burden is borne by fewer nephrons, manifested as an improve in glomerular filtration pressure and hyperfiltration.

For factors not nicely understood, this compensatory hyperfiltration, which can be thought of being a form of "hypertension" at the level of the individual nephron, predisposes to fibrosis and scarring (glomerular sclerosis). Being a outcome, the rate of nephron destruction and reduction raises, therefore speeding the progression to uremia, the complicated of symptoms and signs that occurs when residual renal purpose is inadequate.

Owing towards the tremendous practical reserve of the kidneys, up to 50% of nephrons could be lost without any short-term evidence of functional impairment. This is why people with two healthy kidneys are able to donate a single for transplantation. When GFR is further reduced, leaving only about 20% of initial renal capability, some degree of azotemia (elevation of blood vessels levels of products usually excreted by the kidneys) is noticed.

Nevertheless, patients might be largely asymptomatic simply because a new constant state is achieved in which blood vessels levels of those products are not higher sufficient to cause overt toxicity. However, even at this apparently stable level of renal purpose, hyperfiltration-accelerated evolution to end-stage chronic renal failure is in progress.

Furthermore, simply because individuals with this level of GFR have small practical reserve, they can very easily become uremic with any additional tension (eg, virus, obstruction, dehydration, or nephrotoxic medicines) or with any catabolic state connected with increased turnover of nitrogen-containing products with reduction in GFR.

The pathogenesis of continual renal failure derives in part from the mixture from the poisonous results of (1) retained products usually excreted by the kidneys (eg, nitrogen-containing items of protein metabolic process), (2) regular products for example hormones now present in elevated amounts, and (3) lack of normal products of the kidney (eg, loss of erythropoietin).

Excretory failure outcomes also in fluid shifts, with increased intracellular Na+ and drinking water and decreased intracellular K+. These alterations may contribute to subtle alterations in purpose of a host of enzymes, transport systems, and so on. Patients with chronic renal failing typically have some degree of Na+ and water excessive, reflecting loss of the renal route of salt and water excretion.

A moderate degree of Na+ and drinking water excess might happen without having objective indicators of extracellular fluid excessive. However, continued excessive Na+ ingestion contributes to congestive heart failure, hypertension, ascites, peripheral edema, and weight gain. About the other hand, excessive drinking water ingestion contributes to hyponatremia.

A typical recommendation for the patient with continual renal failing is to prevent excessive salt intake and to restrict fluid intake to ensure that it equals urine output plus 500 mL (insensible losses). Further adjustments in amount standing can be made either through using diuretics (in a patient who nevertheless makes urine) or at dialysis.

Because these individuals also have impaired renal salt and water conservation mechanisms, they're a lot more sensitive than normal to sudden extrarenal Na+ and water losses (eg, vomiting, diarrhea, and increased sweating with fever). Under these circumstances, they a lot more easily create ECF depletion, additional deterioration of renal purpose (which may not be reversible), and even vascular collapse and shock.

The symptoms and indicators of dry mucous membranes, dizziness, syncope, tachycardia, and decreased jugular venous filling suggest progression of amount depletion. Hyperkalemia is a severe problem in chronic renal failing, particularly for individuals whose GFR has fallen under 5 mL/min. Above that level, as GFR falls, aldosterone-mediated K+ transportation in the distal tubule increases inside a compensatory fashion.

Thus, a patient whose GFR is between 50 mL/min and 5 mL/min is dependent on tubular transport to maintain K+ balance. Treatment with K+-sparing diuretics, ACE inhibitors, or -blockers-drugs that may impair aldosterone-mediated K+ transport-can, therefore, precipitate dangerous hyperkalemia in a individual with chronic renal failure.

Individuals with diabetes mellitus (the primary trigger of continual renal failure) may have a syndrome of hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism. This syndrome is really a situation in which lack of renin manufacturing by the kidney diminishes the levels of angiotensin II and, therefore, impairs aldosterone secretion.

As a outcome, impacted individuals are unable to compensate for falling GFR by enhancing their aldosterone-mediated K+ transportation and, therefore, have relative difficulty handling K+. This difficulty is usually manifested as hyperkalemia even before GFR has fallen under 5 mL/min.

Finally, not only are patients with chronic renal failure a lot more susceptible towards the effects of Na+ or amount overload, but they are also at greater risk of hyperkalemia in the face of sudden loads of K+ from either endogenous sources (eg, hemolysis, virus, trauma) or exogenous sources (eg, stored blood vessels, K+-rich foods, or K+-containing medications).

The diminished capacity to excrete acid and generate base in continual renal failing results in metabolic acidosis. In most instances when the GFR is above 20 mL/min, only reasonable acidosis develops prior to reestablishment of a new constant state of buffer production and usage. The fall in blood vessels pH in these people can usually be corrected with 20-30 mmol (2-3 g) of sodium bicarbonate by mouth every day.

Nevertheless, these individuals are extremely susceptible to acidosis within the event of a sudden acid load or the onset of problems that improve the generated acid load. Several problems of phosphate, Ca2+, and bone metabolic process are noticed in continual renal failing as a result of a complex series of events.

The key factors in the pathogenesis of those problems include (1) diminished absorption of Ca2+ from the gut, (a couple of) overproduction of PTH, (three) disordered vitamin D metabolism, and (4) chronic metabolic acidosis. All of these factors contribute to enhanced bone resorption.

Hypophosphatemia and hypermagnesemia can happen via overuse of phosphate binders and magnesium-containing antacids, even though hyperphosphatemia is more typical. Hyperphosphatemia contributes towards the improvement of hypocalcemia and thus serves as an additional trigger for secondary hyperparathyroidism, elevating blood PTH levels.

The elevated blood vessels PTH additional depletes bone Ca2+ and contributes to osteomalacia of chronic renal failing (see later discussion). Congestive heart failure and pulmonary edema can develop in the context of amount and salt overload.

Hypertension is a typical finding in chronic renal failing, also generally on the basis of fluid and Na+ overload. However, hyperreninemia is also a recognized syndrome in which falling renal perfusion triggers the failing kidney to overproduce renin and thereby elevate systemic blood stress.

Pericarditis resulting from irritation and inflammation from the pericardium by uremic toxins is a complication whose incidence in continual renal failure is decreasing owing to earlier institution of renal dialysis. Increased cardiovascular risk is a complication seen in patients with chronic renal failure and remains the leading trigger of mortality in this population.

It results in myocardial infarction, stroke, and peripheral vascular disease. Cardiovascular risk factors in these patients include hypertension, hyperlipidemia, glucose intolerance, chronic increased cardiac output, and valvular and myocardial calcification being a consequence of increased Ca2+ x PO43 product as nicely as other, less well-characterized factors from the uremic milieu.

Individuals with continual renal failing have marked abnormalities in red blood cell count, white blood vessels cell purpose, and clotting parameters. Normochromic, normocytic anemia, with signs and symptoms of listlessness and simple fatigability and hematocrit levels typically within the range of 20-25%, is a consistent function.

The anemia is due chiefly to lack of production of erythropoietin and lack of its stimulatory effect on erythropoiesis. Thus, individuals with chronic renal failure, regardless of dialysis standing, show a dramatic improvement in hematocrit when treated with erythropoietin (epoetin alpha).

Additional causes of anemia may include bone marrow suppressive effects of uremic poisons, bone marrow fibrosis due to elevated blood vessels PTH, toxic effects of aluminum (from phosphate-binding antacids and dialysis solutions), and hemolysis and blood loss associated to dialysis (while the individual is anticoagulated with heparin).

Individuals with chronic renal failure show abnormal hemostasis manifested as elevated bruising, increased blood vessels reduction at surgery, and an elevated incidence of spontaneous GI and cerebrovascular hemorrhage (including both hemorrhagic strokes and subdural hematomas).

Laboratory abnormalities include prolonged bleeding time, decreased platelet element III, abnormal platelet aggregation and adhesiveness, and impaired prothrombin usage, none of that are totally reversible even in well-dialyzed individuals. Uremia is connected with elevated susceptibility to infections, considered to be because of to leukocyte suppression by uremic toxins.

The suppression appears to become higher for lymphoid cells than neutrophils and seems also to affect chemotaxis, the acute inflammatory response, and delayed hypersensitivity more than other leukocyte functions. Acidosis, hyperglycemia, malnutrition, and hyperosmolality also are considered to contribute to immunosuppression in continual renal failing.

The invasiveness of dialysis and the use of immunosuppressive medicines in renal transplant individuals also contribute to an increased incidence of infections. CNS signs and symptoms and indicators might variety from mild sleep disorders and impairment of mental concentration, lack of memory, errors in judgment, and neuromuscular irritability (manifested as hiccups, cramps, fasciculations, and twitching) to asterixis, myoclonus, stupor, seizures, and coma in end-stage uremia.

Asterixis is manifested as involuntary flapping motions seen when the arms are extended and wrists held back to "stop visitors." It's because of to altered nerve conduction in metabolic encephalopathy from the broad range of brings about, including renal failure.

Peripheral neuropathy (sensory higher than motor, lower extremities higher than upper), typified through the restless legs syndrome (poorly localized sense of discomfort and involuntary movements from the lower extremities), is a common discovering in continual renal failing and an important indication for starting dialysis.

Patients receiving hemodialysis can develop aluminum toxicity, characterized by speech dyspraxia (inability to repeat words), myoclonus, dementia, and seizures. Likewise, aggressive acute dialysis can outcome in a disequilibrium syndrome characterized by nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, headache, and seizures inside a individual with really high BUN amounts.

Presumably, this really is an impact of rapid pH or osmolality alter in ECF, resulting in cerebral edema. Nonspecific GI findings in uremic patients include anorexia, hiccups, nausea, vomiting, and diverticulosis. Even though their precise pathogenesis is unclear, many of these findings improve with dialysis. Ladies with uremia have reduced estrogen amounts, which perhaps explains the high incidence of amenorrhea and also the observation that they hardly ever are capable to carry a pregnancy to term.

Regular menses-but not a higher rate of productive pregnancies-typically return with frequent dialysis. Similarly, low testosterone levels, impotence, oligospermia, and germinal cell dysplasia are common findings in males with continual renal failing. Lastly, continual renal failure eliminates the kidney as a website of insulin degradation, thereby increasing the half-life of insulin.

This typically has a stabilizing effect on diabetic patients whose blood glucose was previously hard to control. Skin modifications arise from numerous from the results of continual renal failure currently discussed.

Patients with continual renal failing may show pallor because of anemia, skin color changes related to accumulated pigmented metabolites or even a gray discoloration resulting from transfusion-mediated hemochromatosis, ecchymoses and hematomas being a result of clotting abnormalities, and pruritus and excoriations being a outcome of Ca2+ deposits from secondary hyperparathyroidism. Lastly, when urea concentrations are extremely higher, evaporation of sweat leaves a residue of urea termed "uremic frost."

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Recognizing Early Colon Cancer Symptoms

Colon cancer occurs in the large intestine and it can be life threatening. More than 100,000 men and women are diagnosed with it in the United States each year. It is very important to be able to identify it early on for the best chance of a full recovery. During the early development of colon cancer the cells are benign in nature.

The longer they are in place the more likely they will become cancerous. For some individuals the cells become cancerous in a couple of months. For others, they may be settling in the colon for years before they are diagnosed or they start to give the person any symptoms to take notice of.

There are some symptoms of colon cancer that people should be well aware of. That way they can seek medical attention as soon as possible for the best treatment options. Many medical professionals like to include a screening at annual check ups as well because not everyone that is diagnosed with colon cancer has symptoms until it has significantly progressed.

One of the most common signs is that your bowels become different. You may become constipated for days, have diarrhea, or get sudden attacks of irritable bowel syndrome. Cramping in the abdominal region before and after you use the bathroom are also quite common. Sometimes developing gas that continues to occur on and off over a period of time can be associated with colon cancer as well.

Blood in the stools can be a sign of many medical problems, so you definitely want to get it looked at. It is also a sign of colon cancer so you don't want to ignore it. Some individuals simply assumed they had hemorrhoids or that there was a red color in their stools due to various supplements they take. Later they discovered they had colon cancer so always get it looked at as a precaution.

Feeling out of energy and ran down no matter how much you rest can be a symptom of colon cancer due to the cells that are developing in your body. Sudden weight loss without any changes in habits has also been reported. Others will end up feeling bloated so they assume they have gained weight. Their clothing will be very uncomfortable and even their feet may swell up and not fit well into their shoes.

A loss of appetite as well as changes in sleep patterns can also be recognized in some patients. They are often associated with the onset of other types of symptoms though that are painful and keep them awake. Becoming more susceptible to common ailments such as the cold or the flu may occur as well. This is because the immune system has been weakened due to the development of the colon cancer cells.

You may notice that simple activities are now almost impossible to complete. Walking around the grocery store may leave you light headed and out of breath. The loss of energy and the lightheadedness are generally the result of anemia. As the cancer cells continue to grow in the colon, they can absorb a large amount of the iron you consume. So you may be thinking your intake of it is high enough but your body is still being deprived of it.

Research indicates that the right colon has more room in it. This means that the cancer cells can grow larger before you start to develop any symptoms of the problem. When the cancer cells are in the left colon though there isn't as much free space. This means that a person will generally feel the pressure sooner and have more severe symptoms associated with the colon cancer.

If you have any of the signs of colon cancer make sure you discuss them with your doctor. The severity and longevity of them will depend on how rapidly the cancer is spreading. It will also depend on where in the colon the cancer is. When it is close to the rectum the symptoms seem to be more intense.

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What Are the Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance?

Lactose intolerance is a very common digestive disorder that makes it difficult for people to digest a complex sugar called lactose that is present in dairy products made from cow's milk. This disorder affects people who lack a special enzyme called lactase that allows the digestive system to break down lactose in the small intestine into simpler sugars for absorption into the bloodstream.

This difficulty breaking lactose down into simpler sugars causes people who suffer from lactose intolerance many embarrassing symptoms. These symptoms include a prolonged feeling of fullness in the stomach, bloating, an upset stomach and excessive gas that makes sitting in place very uncomfortable. These symptoms often appear immediately after eating foods that contain cow's milk and they can lead to more serious symptoms if they are not treated promptly.

These more severe symptoms are also common for people who suffer from more extreme forms of lactose intolerance. These symptoms often include problems with diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. These symptoms often vary in severity from person to person and they can be triggered by eating sweets, breads and other foods that use cow's milk as an ingredient.

People who believe that they suffer from this condition should ask their doctors to perform a test for the disorder. These tests use breath or stool samples to look for higher than normal hydrogen levels in the blood. While it may be embarrassing to do this, it can be a good idea because there are several treatments available to reduce the severity of the symptoms. Avoiding dairy entirely, however, is by far, the best treatment for lactose intolerance.

Many of the symptoms are often easily mistaken for other maladies. For example, some people who have an upset stomach and excessive gas could believe they are suffering from irritable bowel syndrome instead of lactose intolerance. As a result, people who think that they could be suffering from lactose intolerance should speak to their doctor today to get tested for this disorder.

For More Dairy Sensitivity Information, Go To:

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Ovarian Cyst - Cancer Symptoms Or Not?

If you have an ovarian cyst, you may be wondering if it means you have cancer. The good news for the majority of women is that an ovarian cyst does not mean cancer. However, there are a few symptoms that make ovarian cancer slightly more likely.

The problem with ovarian cancer is that it is almost never detected until it is widespread. There are very few symptoms of ovarian cancer; those that do occur mimic other diseases. The first symptom in most cases is an irregular menstrual period. As the disease progresses, you develop abdominal pain, bloating, and sometimes a mass you can feel.

That is why, when doctors discover a cyst that has certain characteristics, they almost always recommend surgery. These types of cysts include any cyst that is a solid or partially solid mass instead of fluid filled, or a cyst that is septated, or divided into different compartments. A surgical biopsy of the cyst is the only way to be absolutely sure that there is ovarian cancer. When a biopsy is done, only 1 out of a 1000 cases end up being cancer. However, there are a few tests that can indicate a higher chance of cancer, including a brand new blood test.

You should always ask your doctor to do these additional tests before you agree to surgery. You can get a test for CA-125. Higher levels of this chemical indicates a greater likelihood of ovarian cancer. You can also ask for an ultrasound using doppler technology, which allows a doctor to better see a cyst's makeup. There is also CT imaging, which allows the doctor to see if the cyst is spreading to other organs.

Just approved in September 2009, the OVA1 test measures five different proteins that change because of ovarian cancer. The blood test combines the results of all five into a score that indicates the likelihood of ovarian cancer. It's definitely a test you should ask for if you think your doctor thinks your cyst may be cancerous.


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Don't Buy Wild Yam Supplement Until You Read This

The very wild yam supplement that you consume could very well come from the plant that you pass by on a walk through the woods. It doesn't look like anything special with plain long triangle shaped leaves rising up on a creeping vine stalk so thin it doesn't appear capable of support for such a big leaf much less two or three. And yet, Wild Yam which can be stumbled upon throughout about half of North America is an amazing perennial plant. This plant produces dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) like properties that act as a precursor to estrogen and progesterone. In some countries extracts from this plant have also been used as aphrodisiac.

What is DHEA?

DHEA is one of the most abundant steroids in the human body. Produced by the adrenal glands it has many different effects within the human body primarily as a mood stabilizer. It is also believed to decrease insulin resistance and is being studied as a possible aid to Alzheimer's patients. Clinical studies have determined that a higher level of endogenous DHEA is linked to lower risk of cardiovascular disease.

Other studies show promise in DHEA helping to restore oxidative balance in people with diabetes, but in studies of synthetic DHEA a risk of developing breast cancer was found in both pre-menopausal and postmenopausal women. Finally, there have been other tests which indicated people with lower levels of DHEA have a shorter life span than those with higher levels. More and more the evidence appears to indicate that synthetically manufactured compounds might yield faster results, but do so with at a higher risk of serious health risks. Finding ways to get the same benefits from a natural source would be the best alternative.

Benefits of Wild Yam

While there is dispute as to whether or not natural occurring compounds truly work as precursors to hormones like estrogen, progesterone and DHEA, it has been known that for generations plants like Wild Yam can treat many symptoms while promoting overall health.

Relief from Menopausal Symptoms

Menopausal symptoms range from mildly annoying to serious discomfort. As levels of hormones like estrogen rise and fall unpredictably women experience hot flashes, dry skin, cramps, mood swings and depression. Many women have found that eating wild yam or taking wild yam extract along with other natural remedies helps to balance their hormones and lipids.

Living Longer with Antioxidants

Unlike synthetically produced compounds Wild Yam has other benefits that occur biologically. This herb in particular contains high concentrations of beta-carotene, which protects the cells from free radical damage. Reducing this sort of damage lowers the risk of cancer and the sings of external aging. There is also evidence that wild yam extract can help modulate the metabolism or burning of fats in the body. Those who take yam extract regularly have been shown to have lower levels of LDL or the 'bad' type of cholesterol than people who don't. Wild yam extract when consumed along with other herbal supplements can bring about a great level of benefit especially for the ladies.

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Health Advantages of Supergreens - Part II

When it comes to staying healthy, I advise my patients to shop in the produce section of their local supermarket. There they will find all the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that protect and repair cells from damage caused by free radicals. It is believed that veggies hold the key to keeping your immune system strong along with immune-boosting antioxidants necessary to ward off infections like colds and flu.

Adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet is always a safe bet when it comes to improving your health. However, some foods are higher in antioxidants than others, especially those in the supergreens category. In the first article on the health advantages of supergreens, I explored the protective ingredients contained in green, leafy and cruciferous vegetables as well as the effect they have on your body.

Research has been going on for years to substantiate the effect green foods have on the human body. Supportive evidence of their benefit stems from a combination of anecdotal reports, small clinical trials, and laboratory studies. I'd like to share some of the outstanding findings that substantiate the theory of why greens are indeed super and why they are so often recommended for their anti-aging properties.

The Proof is in the Research

There are several green foods in particular that studies have shown to be miraculous for their healing qualities, chlorophyll, spirulina, and wheatgrass. Cholorella is unicellular green algae that is a popular food in Japan and has been for decades. It is found in many green veggies and is rich in protein, chlorophyll, and cartenoids. Chloroella not only nourishes the body and helps protect it from damaging chemicals but it has been found to protect against gamma-radiation as well as the adverse effects of toxic chemicals.

In a recent clinical trial, some patients with moderately severe symptoms of fibromyalgia improved significantly on a daily dose of chlorella supplements. Other studies suggest that chlorella reduces dioxin levels in breast milk, improves digestion, and helps treat hypertension. Korean researchers found that lutein and zeaxanthin (contained in chlorella) have a strong antitumor effect, especially in colon cancer.

Chlorophyll is another hot topic researched by medical experts who have reported hundreds of cases in which it has cured deep infections, stimulated healing, removed debris from open wounds, and accelerated connective tissue repair.

One very unique feature of chlorophyll is its similarity to hemoglobin, the compound that carries oxygen in our own blood. Dr. Yoshihide Hagiwara, president of the Hagiwara Institute in Japan, is a leading advocate for the use of grass as food and medicine. He believes that when chlorophyll is absorbed in humans it is transformed into human blood, which transports nutrients to every cell of the body.

Dr. Ann Wigmore, ND, a teacher of natural living has made wheatgrass a household word. Dr. Wigmore credits wheatgrass and the healing qualities of chlorophyll with curing her colon cancer. Due to Wigmore's endless writing and teaching, many consider wheatgrass a cure for cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome. It has also been shown to be a treatment for detoxifying the liver, purifying the blood, neutralizing pollutants, improving energy and circulation, and slowing aging.

Studies of wheatgrass by Dr. Chiu Nan Lai of the University of Texas System Cancer Center showed it to be a potent inhibitor of several carcinogens. Applying low levels of the extract to mutagens diminished activity in them by up to 99%.

Spirulina is blue-green algae that studies show has antiviral, immune supporting, and liver protecting qualities. Some other amazing properties of spirulina include helping to lower cholesterol, prevent inflammation, lower blood sugar, fight bacterial and viral infections, and contain antidepressant qualities.

Another important aspect of spirulina is its ability to remove toxins such as mercury, and radioactive substances from the body. Chlorella contains proteins and peptides that actually binds toxic metals and carries them out of the body making it even more beneficial for detoxification. The healing qualities of both of these greens cannot be underestimated! They are loaded with vitamins, minerals, proteins and fats, which work together to provide energy and vitality as well.

Dr. Lawrence Gibson, MD, Mayo Clinic dermatologist touts the effects of green, leafy vegetables for a younger looking skin. He advocates the use of green food supplements to promote clear skin and gain more energy due to their antioxidant properties. When applied to the skin directly it can help eliminate itching and is soothing for cuts, burns, scrapes, rashes, poison ivy, athlete's foot, insect bites, and many other skin conditions.

Antioxidants Boost Immunity

Foods contain different nutrients that work together to strengthen your immune system and promote health. Researchers have discovered three important antioxidants found in vegetables that are known for their health benefits.

• Quercetin - a plant based chemical (photochemical) found in teas that fights inflammation and may help reduce allergies.

• Luteolin - a flavonoid found in abundance in celery and green peppers that also fights inflammation. One study showed evidence that it may even help protect against inflammatory conditions like Alzheimer's.

• Catechins - a type of flavonoid found in tea that may help reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer's.

As you can see there is no shortage of research on the subject of supergreens. If you can't get enough of these wonder greens from eating fresh produce, try looking into taking dietary supplements. Make sure you read the label for the right ingredients and check with your doctor for the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of antioxidant vitamins and minerals for men and women.

Next time you're in the grocery store don't pass up those miraculous supergreens. They could be the answer to your good health and vitality for many years to come!

Mark Rosenberg, M.D.
Institute For Healthy Aging

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Dog Cancer Symptoms - What Causes Cancer and Common Illnesses With Dogs?

As loving responsible pet owners, the last thing we want is our pets to suffer from cancer or any low quality of life illnesses.

Different types of cancer are unfortunately very popular with all types of breeds and sizes of dogs. One should be very aware of your dogs health and should be able to recognise any form of cancer appearing as soon as possible. The sooner the cancer is found the better chance of treating and minimising the dreadful effects of this disease.

Cancer symptoms to watch out for on your dog

Unusual lumps or swellings that appear all of a sudden, a biopsy is required to confirm if it is cancerous.

Open wound and skin related problems that don't go away, skin cancer form because of reaction to allergies, exposure to certain chemicals and UV rays from the sun from being exposed in the sun for too long periods.

Prostrate cancer can also be found with older dogs, common symptoms are hard to see but dogs tend to have problems urinating and defecating. Often bloody urine and stools can be seen. Stomach, liver and kidney cancer are more popular with dogs. They tend to stop eating and drink a lot of water all of a sudden. Occasionally they will start eating grass and certain plants. Rapid weight loss is very common, along with chronic diarrhea.

Bone cancer known as osteosarcoma which is a common long bone tumour, is often diagnosed with symptoms like arthritis and muscle pains.
When you dog starts behaving out of the ordinarily, take note and investigate what the problem might be.

So what is the most common cause for all these cancer diseases?

If you look all the ingredients on a cigarette pack, it's no wonder why smokers suffer from lung cancer and other deadly associated diseases.

Same applies here, if you look at the ingredients in commercial dog food products, it is unbelievable what passes for nutrition for dogs. The cheaper the food, the worse the ingredients get. Most commercial food is loaded with all sorts of toxic chemicals and preservatives.

There are traces of Sodium Pentobarbital found in some commercial food. This is the same chemical used to euthanize animals. It is present because the meat in the food they use is processed meat which is made from dead animals or euthanized animals.

Dog food manufactures also use the chemical ethoxyguin (EQ) to preserve the dog food and give it a longer shelf life. This chemical is not allowed in human food, care to guess why? The chemicals and preservatives in commercial dog food is not fit for consumption.

If you think about all the common illnesses and problems dogs have, you realize that they are common symptoms that humans have when we are poisoned by chemicals.

Some illnesses like Kidney cancer, bladder cancer, stomach cancer, hair loss, chronic diarrhea and other major organ failure is directly related to these chemicals and ingredients used. Dog food is simply not regulated.

The only true way to prevent your dog from getting ill or getting cancer in the long term from harmful dog foods, is to make the dog food your self. Your dog could live nearly twice as long if you do this. They are easy simple methods of making home made dog food. The best way is to make dog food in bulk and to freeze it for later use in the week. If you follow the recommended recipes your dog will get al the protein, vitamins and minerals without much effort.

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Symptoms of Skin Cancer - About Skin Cancer

Even though skin cancer is a highly treatable form of cancer it should be monitored and perceived early to get the treatment which will cure it. If the cancer is left untreated it can spread to other areas of the body and cut back the probabilities of survival. You need to find out more about the symptoms of skin cancer.

The neatest thing you can do is monitor your skin closely and do a self-examination test monthly. By doing so, you can promptly notice if there are any obvious changes in your skin at the beginning stages of the cancer.

You should be watching for sudden growths on your skin that are asymmetrical in appearance. The borders of the cancer growth can be indistinguishable and it might have an irregular surface. A cancer may also be a brown, black, tan, white, red or blue color or a multitude of colours. If you notice an expansion like this has made a sudden appearance you should have it checked out by your doctor straight away.

You should make special note of any cuts or wounds that don't heal, because these are possible signs of cancer. Several different kinds of skin cancer are known. You need to have an idea of what each type looks like so you can determine if you have any of them. If you're not certain, talk to your physician about any odd skin growths or wounds that you come across on your body.

The danger of skin cancer is the longer it goes untreated the better chance it has got to spread to other bits of the body. As the cancer moves thru the different stages the chances of survival drop dramatically. The cancer will travel to the other organs of the body and begin to spread precipitously. You should be aware of the symptoms of skin cancer so that you can be more prepared to look for it. You should know what the hazards are so you are taking your skin cancer self exams seriously.

This type of cancer is a preventable condition that can be simply treated. You must do all that you can to prevent skin cancer by defending your skin whenever you are exposed to sunlight. Overexposure to sun is one of the number one causes of cancer. If you are out in the sun you should make sure to wear a suntan lotion with an SPF rating of at least fifteen.

Wear hats and clothing to minimize your exposure to the sun if you are out. Use these cares in all seasons not just during the summer months. The sun can cause harm at any point of the year. Now that you know a few of the symptoms of skin cancer you are better armed than you were before.

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Common Hemorrhoid Symptoms

You should take the following credo to heart: Any irregularity you detect in or on or coming out of your body that does not go away for good, pretty much by itself and fairly quickly, should be checked out by a doctor.

The symptoms of hemorrhoids can very easily be mistaken for other, much more serious illnesses such as colon or rectal cancer, which if left untreated can be fatal. That being said here's what to watch out for in the case of hemorrhoids:

Any bleeding from the rectum before, during or after a bowel movement and especially any bleeding in the absence of a bowel movement.

Any noticeable change in the size, shape or color of your stools especially thin stools no wider than a pencil which would indicate a blockage or a forming block in the large intestine, or stools that are unusually dark and claylike.

Anything oozing out of your anus that shouldn't be - which is pretty much anything other than fecal matter.

Any fever combined with any gastrointestinal or other bowel movement irregularity.

Recurring diarrhea or constipation with abdominal bloating which cannot be controlled easily and quickly by a diet change or over the counter medicines.

Any lumps, bulges, rashes or sore spots in the area of the anus that do not completely disappear in a few days.

Any pain or swelling from the rectal area that does not disappear quickly and easily and can not be attributed to a physical injury.

Any tissue that bulges from the anus and does not return to its normal size and its normal place after a few days.

Any mysterious lump in the rectal area that you detect that does not disappear quickly and completely in a few days.


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Know How is Prostate Cancer Diagnosed

The diagnosis of prostrate cancer is done by doing a biopsy of the prostrate gland. The PSA test is performed and if the test is found to be abnormal, the cancer test is positive. The biopsy of the prostrate gland is done transrectally and the signs are obtained by ultrasound images. A needle is used to cut a small portion of the prostate gland. Normally, portions are taken from the base, apex and mid area of the prostrate gland. Sometimes, a large number of samples are taken to gain more efficiency. This happens normally in glands which are larger in size. The cut portion is further examined under a microscope by a pathologist, who then identifies the cancerous cells in the tissue.

Once the prostrate cancer is diagnosed, the pathologist further examines the pieces on a Gleason scale. The scale determines the characteristics of cancerous cells and thus detects the aggressiveness of the prostrate cancer. Based on the scores given by the scale, a proper treatment is suggested depending upon the intensity of the cancer. The main objective of this test is to determine the intensity of the risk of the prostrate cancer. A higher score suggests that the cancer has infected the lymph node and has resulted in metastases or secondary growth. People having a moderate score have a very little risk from the cancer while those who get a high score face a tremendous risk of cancer.

For proper diagnosis of cancer, early symptoms of cancer should be reported like abnormal bowel or bladder habits, a wound that does not heal, an unusual bleeding or discharge, lump in the breast or other parts of the body, indigestion or difficulty in swallowing, cough or sore throat. The doctor physically examines the patient and checks his medical and family history. He also tells various tests to be done. The tests include imaging in which pictures of the internal body parts are visible. This is also called as endoscopy. In this, the doctor can examine the internal organs directly through some laboratory tests. In imaging, the doctor is able to exactly tell where the cancer is present. Many times, the doctor uses special dyes because of which some organs get highlighted on a film. The dye can be injected in the body with the help of a needle or a tube.

X-Rays are the most common routes through which the doctor can see inside the body. In this kind of imaging, a CT or CAT scan is used in which the computer is connected to a x-ray machine, giving pictures as an output.

In radionuclide scanning, a mild radioactive substance is injected inside the body. The patient can also swallow it. Further, a scanner measures the radioactivity taking place inside the internal organs. Finally, a picture is printed on a paper or a film. The doctor can detect the abnormal areas in the body due to the intensity of the radioactivity in the body.

Ultrasonography also can be used to view the internal body organs. In this, high frequency sound waves are allowed to enter the body. These waves bounce back and produce a sonogram. The sonogram which is a picture is produced on a monitor of a TV screen.

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Please Read - If You Are a Woman Over Forty it Could Save Your Life

The three deadliest diseases could be prevented if the warning signs were recognized and medical attention sought before it's to late. Unfortunately most woman ignore these common irregularities and dismiss them as forgetfulness, menstrual problems or fatigue due to busy lives. Don't ignore these symptoms and brush them off, it could be the difference between life and death.

By the time a woman reaches forty, she has experienced many menstrual cycles and felt the bloating that is often associated. This fullness or bloating is common with your period and usually resolves itself after the first few days of a cycle. But if the bloating continues on a daily basis long after your period is over make an appointment with your gynecologist. Your doctor will rule out problems with the ovaries and recommend you to a gastroenterologist. Tests to rule out colon cancer should be done, especially if you have a family history, blood in your stool or cramping that lasts several days. Colon cancer can be cured but early detection is the key to survival.

Do you forget where you put the keys or what you were supposed to pick up at the store? This happens to all of us at one time or another and if it's only on occasion it's not a big deal. Sometimes we forget a word and it just won't come to us, it happens. If you forget words or confuse words on a more regular basis, it could be signs of a mini-stroke or mini-strokes which are the precursor of a major stroke. Numbness or tingling on one side of the body is a symptom of a stroke. Call 911, medical attention should be sought immediately. Patients treated in the first three hours following a stroke have a greater chance of survival and better odds of a full rehabilitation.

Our lives are so busy with working, family and community commitments we go to bed exhausted, sleep is a welcome respite. It feels so good to sleep in on a day off and get caught up on that missed slumber. Lack of sleep, sick kids, there are plenty of reasons that sex might not be on your mind like it used to. If you suffer from a constantly low libido it's a good idea to discuss this with your doctor. Diabetes restricts the blood flow in the body due to the high blood sugar levels. Less blood flow can result in decreased desire and functionality of the reproductive organs.

Don't ignore what your body might be trying to tell you, listen and seek medical advice if you are experiencing any of these symptoms. We want you to celebrate your 41st birthday and many more.

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Natural Treatments For Prostate Cancer Treat You, Not Your Prostate

There are many highly effective natural treatments for prostate cancer. No natural treatment do you any harm, as the more conventional treatments can. They tend to work by improving your overall health, as well as that of your prostate.

But before considering one of the best natural treatments for prostate cancer, let's just look at the facts of this problem.

Prostate cancer often occurs in older men. Normally it is very slow growing. This means that it is usually not the cause of death. Or even discomfort. So you may want to consider whether it is even necessary for you to take any action at all.

The options you are given by mainstream medicine tend to be rather permanent - removal of the prostate will put an end to the physical side of your love life. And it doesn't target the cause. It is simply removing the effect.

A much more logical approach is to consider what caused the prostate cancer in the first place. This will be unique to you and is often from being unable to work through a deep trauma, whether physical or emotional.

By choosing a modality of health care which recognises this, and considers your personal expression of ill health, you have a far better chance of healing the cancer AND of keeping your prostate.

And any health problem only means you are out of natural balance.

Homeopathy is a modality of health care which uses your unique cause and personal symptoms to find the most appropriate treatment. It's powerful but gentle approach to any health imbalance means it has the potential to cut through to your cause and heal it.

To be more accurate, homeopathy stimulates your immune system so that it can now work as it was designed to - and that means you are now able to cure you of any imbalance, whatever label it has.

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Chemotherapy Drugs For Liver Cancer

Liver cancer can called as a metastatic cancer because in almost all cases, the cancer actually development from original cancer which has been spread to other area. But it can be specified as stage four colon cancers that cannot be recognized due to the lack of symptoms.

Your doctor may recommend to chemotherapy which is the best treatment for all cancer including liver cancer. You need to consider the best chemotherapy drugs in order to get recover from this disease faster.

Avastin is known as the best chemotherapy drugs for liver cancer. Even it is expensive, avastin can possibly extend your chances of survival by shrinking tumors for later removal.

Avastin is generally used in chemotherapy for colon cancer which shows up in the liver. The doctor may give a combination for liver cancer chemotherapy along with avastin such as Doxorubicin (Adriamycin), Cisplatin, Methotrexate, 5FU (fluorouracil), and Gemcitabine in variant doses.

Chemotherapy may give before or after surgery depending on patient's condition. But your doctor may prefer chemotherapy then surgery to remove the shrunken tumors. This happen because liver cancer usually occur when patients already have cancer in other part of body like colon cancer.

If the size of tumor is small, patient have options to do surgery first. But this condition happens in small number of cancer cases since many people have tumors in the liver that are too large for liver resection.

All chemotherapy treatment gives various side effects. But the most common chemotherapy side effects for liver cancer are lost of appetite which can be serious problem that could decrease chances of survival. But this condition can eliminate by used some drugs like marinol to increase appetite and decrease nausea.

However, the chances of survival and better quality of living are much higher than just five years ago with the great advances in cancer treatment.


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Stress and Colon Cancer

Stress is an integral part of most people's lives. But when that stress becomes distress, it can have serious effects on the efficiency of the colon, even to the point of it becoming cancerous.

Traumatic stress reduces the body's ability to protect itself from attack by infections, and from diseases such as colon cancer. When a trauma is experienced, the body has received a 'shock' from which it normally recovers. However, a stressful experience can have the effect of disabling the normal functioning of the body, so that specific organs, such as the colon, are attacked to the point where recovery is lessened. The immune system, which fights infection, is also weakened when you come under stress.

The colon responds strongly to various stimuli, like foods or stress; and while these do not bother most people, they can have a negative effect on others.

One of the organs that is vulnerable to disease is the colon. Irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, is associated with stressful conditions, and if not treated, can lead to serious health problems.

In people with IBS, stress and other strong emotions can strongly affect the colon in a negative way. As with many other organs, it, too, has many nerves that connect it to the brain. The heart, lungs and colon are partly controlled by the autonomic nervous system, and this responds to stress. That's why when you are frightened, your heart beats faster, your blood pressure rises, or you may gasp for breath. The colon also responds to stress.

Let me list some things that have been linked with a worsening of Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms: eating large meals can lead to bloating from gas in the colon; having to take certain medicines; foods, such as, wheat, rye, barley, chocolate, milk products, or alcohol can exasperate the problem; drinks with caffeine in them, such as, coffee, tea, or colas; and the one we are concerned about in this brief article - situations of stress, living in the midst of conflict, or even emotional upsets, can all lead towards a worsening colon condition.

However, there is help available. You can inform yourself about this condition, and perhaps make simple life-style changes that could improve your health, and save you a lot of trouble in the future. Just click on the link below to see other actions you might be willing to take to spare you and your family unnecessary worry.

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Signs and Symptoms to Be Noticed When You Have Prostate Cancer

This type of cancer can be found during the routine examinations. This cancer is frequently grows slowly and if found earlier, the viewpoint for the illness is positive. In several cases, there is no treatment given at all if found out late already, the specialist can choose to just wait what to occur. No sign of growth can be seen in a long duration of time.

However, there are many symptoms that tumor can be present, so when you discover these symptoms, you must seek help immediately. Try to see a specialist for this type of disease. All of the signs may indicate an innocent dilemma so do not presume the worst prior of getting it examined completely.

The signs you need watching out for mainly are related to urine being passed out. If you found any problem in this situation try to consult your physician right away.

The first sign you must watch for, the need of urinating more frequently than doing it normally. You must be cautious of what is regular for you, so you could be able to spot any changes in your normal routine of urinating. It is usual also to observe increased urination at night, while you would generally go throughout the night having no problem in relation to urination.

You may observe also that if you have the urge to urinate, you have to do it quickly. The prostate is extremely close to the urethra and bladder, therefore, if any type of tumor or lump within the prostate is present, it may push the urethra and it is the reason of your necessity to urinate urgently than you do normally.

Another sign of possible problem is to have trouble in urinating actually. You may get the want to begin urinating but you are not capable to do so, you are not able to start it, or if you make it, you may notice the flow of urine is not stable.

If you have prostate cancer, you will have pain in urination or ejaculation. Pain is really a less regular sign although; most men having symptoms may see they have one of the signs mentioned earlier. Provided you have anything untoward being checked out, you are doing the correct thing.

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Thoracic Spinal Stenosis Symptoms and Treatments

Thoracic spinal stenosis is a condition in which the spinal cord or spinal nerves are compressed by narrowing of the spinal canal or the openings between vertebrae. The thoracic spine has some unique characteristics that make thoracic spinal stenosis a little different than stenosis in other areas. Thoracic spinal stenosis rarely occurs in isolation, but is almost always accompanied by stenosis in the lumbar area, and sometimes also the cervical spine.

There are 12 thoracic vertebra and they articulate with the 12 sets of ribs that protect our major organs. The thoracic spine curves outward, and the curve is gentler than the cervical or lumbar curves. Because of the ribs, the thoracic spine is more fixed than the cervical or lumbar areas, too. Most of the motion of the thoracic spine is rotation, with little flexion or extension.

The spinal canal is naturally narrower in the thoracic area, even though the size of the spinal cord remains the same. That means there is less extra space, so it takes less obstruction to cause problems.


Like cervical and lumbar spinal stenosis, thoracic spinal stenosis can be congenital or acquired. There is a great deal of difference, however, in how it is manifested.

Most thoracic spinal stenosis is due to degenerative changes--arthritis in the joints, bone spurs, disc degeneration and other changes due to aging. As the degeneration progresses, you may experience pain in your back and legs, either aching in your legs when you walk that gets better when you rest, or pain that radiates down your back or legs. You may develop problems with walking or loss of bowel or bladder function.

Because the thoracic spinal canal is already naturally narrow, people with congenital spinal stenosis cannot tolerate any extra pressure on the spinal cord. They tend to develop symptoms of cord compression (loss of sensation or movement below the injury) rapidly after minor injury.


Degenerative thoracic spinal stenosis may get better with conservative treatment, which includes anti-inflammatory medications, pain management and physical therapy. Steroid injections or nerve blocks may help manage the pain.

If the pain is uncontrolled or if there are signs of cord compression, however, surgery is necessary to relieve pressure on the cord or spinal nerves. Traditional surgical options are laminectomy or corpectomy to provide more room in the spinal canal and spinal fusion to stabilize the spine and prevent damage to the cord.

Minimally invasive surgery may be an option for some cases of thoracic stenosis. Surgery is done through an endoscope using a microscope to directly visualize the spine. Microsurgical techniques allow the surgeon to perform precise, delicate maneuvers to remove the nerve pressure and repair structures.

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Colon Cancer - Aspirin May Prevent It!

Maybe it's the American love of red meat, maybe it's genetics. Either way you slice however, colon cancer (colon CA) is in the public eye as one the most common types of cancer in the U.S. today. With over 130,000 new cases identified each year, your chances are about 1 in 6, of getting the disease sometime during your life.  If you have a primary relative, parent or sibling, with a hereditary form of colon cancer, your chances of getting colon CA is much higher. How much higher?  In some cases, such as colon cancer associated with Lynch syndrome, the chances of developing hereditary colon cancer from a genetic donor parent is a whopping 90-100%!  (Lynch syndrome is only associated with about 3-5% of all colon cancer however). So, now that we have a group of patients with a known level of cancer predictability, we have news of a miracle drug that can significantly lower the risk of developing colon cancer.  This drug is known as acetylsalicylic acid, or plain old aspirin. 

After testing and following an 1100 person test group of patients with Lynch syndrome, researchers came to the conclusion that there was indeed a significant long term drop in colon and endometrial CA. Half of the group was given a placebo, and the other half was given a daily dose of 600mg of aspirin.  That's equivalent to two adult aspirin tablets.  After about 2.5 years, the data showed no significant difference in the cancer rate, but after 4 years, there were only 6 cases of colon cancer in the aspirin group. That's in contrast to the 16 cases of persons with Lynch syndrome, that took the placebo, and developed colon cancer.   

There is some thought that aspirin acts as a COX-2 inhibitor, which is a similar action in some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pain medications.  COX-2 is a co-enzyme found in high levels in tumors and is involved in cell growth and cell division.  Therefore if we stunt the cancer cell growth and division, we stunt the development of tumors.  There is still a lot of research and studies to do before your gastroenterologist or oncologist will recommend this regimen for you, but hey, its only aspirin.  People with cardiovascular disease take it daily in small doses, (81mg).  There is a higher risk of bruising and bleeding with daily aspirin as it causes the your blood platelets to not be as "sticky", but it just may be worth that risk. Who would have thought that this wonder drug invented in Germany in 1897 would have so many uses? 

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Common Symptoms of Pancreatic Cancer

Nobody wants to suspect that they have pancreatic cancer. And the reasons should be obvious. With an official pancreatic cancer diagnosis, a person is basically given a death sentence since the prognosis of the disease is not very good. Yet, if a person is experiencing the common symptoms of pancreatic cancer, they should still get tested for the disease.

By knowing for sure whether or not they are suffering with it, they can get the treatment they need that will:

1) relieve some of the symptoms

2) give them some chance that they can live longer. But in order to get checked out they will need to know what the common symptoms of pancreatic cancer are. They are provided in greater detail below.

Stomach Pain that May Spread to Other Areas

Abdominal pain is one of the most common symptoms of pancreatic cancer. It occurs because the tumors press up against the organs and nerves in your abdominal cavity. Yet, despite this sometimes the pain will spread to other areas of your body as it travels through nerve pathways in the abdominal region. The middle and upper back is an example. As far as how often the pain occurs, it can be chronic or once in a while. So, don't necessarily expect that in order to have pancreatic cancer, you must be in pain all the time.

Appetite Changes

As the pancreatic tumors take over your abdominal region, they will deprive healthy cells of vital nutrients. They may also suppress the stomach slightly. As a result you may experience changes in appetite. This could lead to weight loss, since a loss of appetite would naturally mean you're not eating as much. Unfortunately, many people may not suspect weight loss as one of the common symptoms of pancreatic cancer, especially if they are actually trying to lose weight. But if they experience any of the other symptoms described in this article, it definitely could be due to that disease.

Severe Itching

Of the common symptoms of pancreatic cancer, severe itching is one of the most unusual. It is caused by excessive bile accumulating in the skin.


When it comes to the common symptoms of pancreatic cancer, jaundice is one of the most signature. This occurs due the body's inability to dispose of bilirubin, which is a byproduct produced by worn-out blood cells. When the body functions normally, bilirubin is disposed of in bile. However, when a person has pancreatic cancer, bile flow gets blocked by the tumors. This results in yellowing of the skin, which is characteristic of jaundice.

Digestive Troubles

When a person has pancreatic cancer, enzymes that would normally be produced by the pancreas get halted. This is a problem since these enzymes help ensure a healthier digestion. As a result a pancreatic cancer sufferer may encounter digestive problems, especially if the foods they are consuming are high in fat. Such difficulties will also lead to additional unexplained weight loss as well as malnutrition.


More advanced stages of pancreatic cancer may result in blockage of the digestive tract which could result in nausea.

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