Influenza vaccination
Every year we hear, we need to get a flu shot or influenza vaccine angle is also known as the flu season around. We see it in all pharmacies and advertised on television commercials. Where does the flu come, as the vaccine is made, because we have the vaccine in the fall, is to get the vaccine have any side effects? With so many questions in my mind, I decided to do some research to do in this matter. Here's what I found out that the influence andInfluenza vaccination:
Scientists do not know exactly how the influenza virus has emerged, however, came to the conclusion that it started somewhere in migratory waterfowl such as ducks and geese. The influenza virus occupied by coating the cells of the intestinal tract of birds the.
The flu virus spreads from animal to animal and from animal to man. We start with the birds and pigs.'s Influence spreads from person to person through airborne droplets from the nose or throat of ainfected person, so coughing and sneezing. You can not get the flu from cooked meat.
The influenza virus in the three categories A, B and C. A is A, the most common and serious and can cause large epidemics. B is smaller and usually no major epidemics. C is the most gentle, will not lead to an epidemic and is comparable to the common cold.
The flu vaccine has been is 1945.
Influenza affects the nose, throat, bronchi andThe lungs and can lead to pneumonia.
There are many different strains of influenza virus and is changed every year.
The influenza virus can emerge in Southeast Asia or Europe.
The World Health Organization provides strain of influenza occur in winter and for the development of a vaccine. Take a trip to China every year to determine which strains occur.
The need to produce vaccine 6 months.
The vaccine consists of fertilized chicken eggs and purified. The process of is itself a long time.
The eggs of this method can be used to get.
100 million eggs vaccine used in the United States for the flu.
The influenza vaccine contains weakened or dead.
The viruses are grown in chicken eggs, then killed with formaldehyde, cleaned and packaged in vials and syringes. live viruses are packed for the nasal spray version.
The vaccine contains influenza type A and type B influenza A and profit for this year including the H1N1 virus.
L '> Obstetric flu vaccine recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), American College of Physicians (ACP) and and the American College of Gynecology (ACOG).
Should people from August to September, before the coldest months be vaccinated more like being inside for a long time. The influence shows from April to September in the southernHemisphere.
Vaccine is recommended for all persons over 6 months.
The injectable vaccine can cause pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, which is seen in 15-20 per cent of buyers of surplus. One percent of people develop chills, fever and body aches, flu symptoms, which are less serious than influenza.
The flu vaccine has been shown, 70% to 90% effective in people under 65 years. The percentages vary fromMatching of a vaccine for influenza viruses differ in a given year.
The influenza vaccine should not be given syndrome old, children under 6 months and for people who have severe allergies to eggs Barré or those with a history of Guillain-. The nasal spray should only be people 2-49 years of age and not pregnant.
Now that I've learned more about the flu vaccine, I understand why there is a vaccine, but I have other questions. The vaccine reduces theNumber of cases of influence and control, proliferation and development of serious life-threatening respiratory illnesses like pneumonia. But the flu vaccine is only 70% - 90% effective, which means 10% to 30% is ineffective. If you are considering all these drugs are destroying all the antibodies in our system that could be difficult to fight a mutation? Another concern of mine is, what are the long-term effects of this recording or spray? Yes, the vaccine since 1945, butPerhaps it is contributing to other diseases such as autism or Alzheimer's. There is statistical data of people who have been shooting steadily since 1945?
In my research, as professionals who are to receive the influenza vaccine for the inclusion of CONS is not to shoot. The group believes that, with the aim of the CDC encourages flu vaccine for easy revenue. You hear the CDC promotes false or misleading statements with claims that the vaccine preventsRespiratory diseases such as pneumonia and bacterial pneumonia is not a virus like influenza. They also believe the CDC falsified the number of deaths from the flu. Influenza CDC announces thousands die when their reports in a few hundred have. How many people die of pneumonia, which had a flu shot? My sister, for instance, had pneumonia and influenza vaccination in the same year and one of the cousins had the flu vaccination and thendeveloped pleurisy. The predictions of what flu strains will be prevalent in a given year are not always accurate, some years have completely wrong. Do not we all die because they were false or was there an increase in flu cases this year? The flu virus is preaching a guessing game. vaccine recipients may not always a reason why the virus is wrong this year. There is also controversy over condom use in influenzaVaccine. Thimerosal is a preservative used in many medicines that help prevent bacterial contamination. E 'mercury as ethylmercury, the other is known as methyl mercury in fish mercury known. High concentrations of methyl mercury can be toxic. Study of ethyl mercury is safe to say that, but in an effort to reduce mercury pollution of all kinds, the producers changed their production with little or no mercury.
Now with what you've got the flu shot is allabout. I am completely confused by the fact that the blow? I'm on the fence and have never had a flu vaccine.'m Several years older than me, but I'm not dead, get the flu several times'. I can change my mind when I'm older and my body is frail or have a near-death experience of influence, but in the meantime, while I was still strong and healthy I chose not to. Not influence my decisions, I'm just not in favor of the same injectionwith medicine and have a difficult time even taking vitamins. Please let me know what you decide and why. I hope you find this information useful. Thanks, Kathryn Alexander.
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