Beat colds and flu with the oil of oregano

The most common of all diseases are the common cold and flu. Cold is only a self-limiting disease, but the influence is what we need to care. These diseases have common symptoms such as blocked sinuses, fever, sneezing, sore throat, headache and weakness. In a few days our colds may differ materially from the usual treatment only. But if you contract the flu, we need to adopt more stringent measures. Statistics show that in the U.S.States, 20% of the population is 10 down with the flu each flu season. Fifty thousand of them, mostly elderly people die, too.

There is no reason for concern, because there is no alternative to heal better than standard medications for the most part ineffective and pills. Now we have a very effective alternative - the oil of oregano. This is an essential oil that is made from the leaves of the wild oregano plant won. This plant grows in the hills of Portugal, Greece and Turkey, where theright combination of minerals and the total time for soil gives the work its high effectiveness. For centuries, this wild plant is known to cure skin diseases, digestive and respiratory diseases.

Modern medicine may have a number of studies and experiments in various U.S. universities, while the oil of oregano kill bacteria, viruses and parasites confirmed. The active compounds of this substance are carvacrol and thymol. They work together to known pathogens that killresponsible for colds, flu and other respiratory diseases, skin and digestive disorders. To do this, you must vulgare oil from the plant called wild marjoram Origanum, not the common oregano marjoram oregano called the food is used.

In order to prevent colds, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system. oil of oregano can help the immune system by at least two drops of oil per day under the tongue. If you already have an iced teaDose escalation could present twice a day. Flu-like symptoms are basically the same as the common cold. If you suspect, has called the flu, take 6 drops of oregano oil under the tongue every day, the influence of abating. In order to quickly put two or three drops on a cotton ball or paper towel and soak up the oil of oregano to relieve the symptoms of colds. If you feel the need for longer treatment with oil of oregano, seek the advice ofYour doctor.


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