The early warning signs and symptoms of psoriasis

While dry skin is a relatively common, can be a serious problem if you are suffering from skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis. Dry skin can often be a precursor to a state of health. Dry skin is the result of decreased production of sebum, the skin's indigenous oil, which is important to keep skin moist and lubricated. Dry skin is most commonly the lower legs, arms, flanks (sides of abdomen), and thighs. The cycle of dry skin is a degenerative cycleIt begins with environmental factors, primarily low moisture dehydrated, leading to skin. Dry skin is also connected to the natural aging process. Dry skin is often itchy and scaly.

The dry summer skin care requires a change in daily routine.
If the problem is severe dry skin you should consult your doctor for a complete examination. There are many factors can cause dry skin and a qualified professional, can helpa scientific diagnosis.

Although creams and lotions are based on a sea in base-oil is excellent for dry skin care. Eucerin is a great choice for daily care of dry skin on the face and hands and body. Whatever the choice of treatment, dry skin care is important. Peeling the skin regularly with a loofah scrub bar and not only the care of dry skin, but also the ingrown hairs.

There are some steps you can take to prevent andThe treatment of dry skin.
Aloe Vera and Aloe are ancient remedy for its natural moisturizing properties known.

A substance called Aalgo Offers dried seaweed used in baths or to create a paste for the treatment of dry skin, psoriasis and eczema. Antiseptic solutions can also be useful in the treatment of dry skin until the concentration is reasonable. Because of its sedative and antipyretic properties, is to be effective in treating dry skin, psoriasis andEczema. Shea butter has many advantages, including the treatment of dry skin, sunburn, dermatitis and stretch marks. And the 'what is recommended in health care for the treatment of dry skin in children. Treatment of dry skin on my stomach stretching the abdomen during pregnancy cause itching and dry skin.

What is the solution for dry skin. The best solution for dry skin is now flowing from jojoba trees in our hottest, driest deserts.

While dry skin is very common,can be a serious problem if you suffer from skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis. Dry skin is more susceptible to the daily aggressions and tension that your skin can look tired and stressed. Dry skin is less common in adolescents because their sebaceous glands are most active.


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How to identify symptoms of sore throat

Sore throat is an infection and inflammation of the pharynx by group A Streptococcus bacteria There are many different strains of this bacterium and some of them with rheumatic fever, a complication, sore throat, if left untreated or treated inappropriately developed when brought together.

Many of the symptoms of sore throat neck pain like that caused by viral infection. Therefore, people tend to ignore the sore throat. However, you must learnRecognizing the symptoms of fever, as well as rheumatoid Making a diagnosis and treatment before complications, problems, sinusitis, ear infections or scarlet fever sets in. Kidneys

Sore throat is transmitted by close contact, sneezing and / or cough. This explains why children are so vulnerable to him, given the busy environment in schools.

Once exposed to infection, sore throat, you're four 58 days. Usually beginswith a sore throat followed by painful and inflamed lymph nodes in front of the neck. You can grade fever, lethargy, headache, muscle aches, nausea and bad breath. If a package is selected, will be red with small red spots on the palate of the mouth and white patches on the tonsils.

Sometimes, depending on the type of streptococcus bacteria, the infected person to a red, bumpy end and rash develop groin or armpit. And then within 24 hoursRash will spread to the rest of the body. It is a complication of throat infections and is known as scarlet fever. Along with the rough sandpaper-like red rash, the person is suffering from fever.

If you or your family have these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor for further diagnosis and therapy.

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Signs and symptoms of swine influenza H1N1 virus in humans

Swine flu has brought a lot of fear around the world. This word has now become one of the most terrible words. The right knowledge can help protect against them. Prevention is always better than sorry. This is a type of influenza caused by H1N1 virus.

H1N1 virus is just another type of flu virus, like other typical symptoms of seasonal flu, the only difference. that the components of the pig H1N1 viruses and avian influenza has so manhave no immunity to it. This has made it a virus pandemic, the ability to cause a global epidemic, it could easily spread from person to person.

Swine influenza H1N1 symptoms

It 'very important to recognize the signs and symptoms of stage of swine influenza in the early years. In general, the symptoms of H1N1 are similar to those of the common winter flu. The symptoms of influenza begins after 1-4 days, a statementinfectious person. Sudden chills and fever are usually the first symptoms. Temperatures are usually between 100F and 104F to several days.

Other signs and symptoms may

Breathing or breath (dyspnea)
or dry cough, runny or stuffy nose, throat, head congestion and Scratchy
Chills or
or pain (myalgia)
or Headache
or fatigue or weariness
Or sometimes, diarrhea and vomiting

Emergency alarmChildren

Signs of a serious infection from swine flu could also be pneumonia and respiratory failure.

Or difficulty breathing or rapid breathing
gray or bluish skin
severe or persistent vomiting, or
fever or rash
or not waking up or interacting
or not drinking enough fluids or liquid
Irritability or
or improve symptoms of influence, but then again with cough and fever worse

Emergency alarmAdult

or difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath
Or the pain or pressure in the abdomen or chest
severe or persistent vomiting, or
Confusion or
dizziness or sudden

More serious symptoms that the person with the swine flu requires immediate medical attention.

For more information about swine flu, the mode of transmission and prevention is necessary to know complete information about H1N1. Be sure to hold the tomb of swine flu bookyou and your family away from this pandemic.


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New Era - virus H1N1 influenza

Or, formerly known as H1N1 influenza A virus is a new disease, first in April 2009 among men in Mexico, Canada and the United States that many people had died. H1N1 virus between humans has never been transmitted and is not associated with a virus of seasonal influenza. The recent news reported in people infected by the virus had the will to face great risk of death. The spread of the deadly virus from person to person and can be easily transmitted than normal seasonal influenza. The virusyou breathe to another person with exposure to the virus-infected human sneezing or coughing, traveling as released by the inhalation of air in the area. The virus can also contaminate surfaces and hands. The symptoms and signs of a person infected with the H1N1 influenza virus with similar addition to headache, fever, muscle aches, a runny nose, sore throat and diarrhea and vomiting.

seasonal influenza and virus attacks and changes each year but there are still manyPeople with immunity against viral infection that prevents people to stay healthy. Some countries have the use of influenza vaccines to reduce the practice and treatment of illness and death. However, containing H1N1 outbreak of new viruses that many people are not immune to compare with more infections than normal seasonal influenza. The World Health Organization have worked closely with all related parties to create a safe and effective vaccine forTreatment of this deadly disease, but it is certainly a time to implement before it can be implemented to the people. made the method of prevention of this disease to people who are sick because the health staff in relation to those for mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, practical, hands often enough to kill germs and to stay during this time ' Internal wash Avoid contact with healthy people as possible.

H1N1 virus is highly contagious andpretty fast among young generation distributed between 10 years to 45 years. The seriousness of this epidemic, the death may have mild symptoms of a very serious illness leads. Most infected people experience mild symptoms in the early stages and able to recover by itself without medical care or any type of vaccines. Those who are admitted by this virus in serious condition in hospital immediately and monitored because of their weak immune system. Many have reportedthat a person should seek medical attention now, you should feel shortness of breath, difficulty breathing or had a fever for more than three days in a row. Parents with small children is recommended practice and are informed about possible symptoms so that an immediate medical examination of the child's life can be given early enough to ensure one.


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Holiday swine flu - UK Holiday Travel Tips

Two words haunting the minds of tourists all year is the dreaded flu virus. Wherever you always travel in the world there is now widespread concern for the health of travelers and locals. The British government has invited the travelers of the United Kingdom not to leave the country until the symptoms have subsided.

relevant travel advice is easily accessible by destination. A trip to Europe needs to keep your free European HealthCard entitles you to free medical care and advice during your time in a country of the European Economic Area. If you are considering enterprises also beyond it would be wise to check with your doctor. The Foreign Ministry of the destination country will also ensure updates and answers to travelers to stay one step ahead of the virus.

It would also be appropriate to confirm with your airline for the passenger-like symptoms will be admitted with influenzatheir services on board. Currently, it is up to individual airlines to implement their procedures - but warned many airlines currently employ strict controls.

Many international airports have adopted the medical examination prior to adoption of arriving passengers. It 'very likely to be quarantined if these screening methods to confirm symptoms of swine flu. Through the use of consult your doctor before the visit, you may be able to eliminate theblock away from home.

If you planned ahead and booked the travel insurance for your holiday is easy to submit an application for insurance benefits on the disease. Insurers, who claim they are members of the Association of British Insurers influence with his label of anti-rejection drugs validated. The British National Flu Pandemic service shows the information for victims of influence with all information required quickly negotiate an insurance stress free. OnlySo, to retain all original documents, including drug labels for your process validated.

The remaining good family doctor and relevant inform the Foreign Office are expecting a relaxing holiday.


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Sickle cell - an inherited condition

Sickle cell anemia is an anemic condition, genetically inherited and causes red blood cells to form abnormally. normal red blood cells are round and transport oxygen around the body, but with sickle cell anemia, the cells are more than a "C"-shape or crescent moon, become lodged in blood vessels, blood flow due to oxygen and slowed down by the body. These cells do not die within ten to twenty days and the bone marrowReplace these red blood cells at a pace fast enough, this brings the condition of anemia.

Main symptoms

The main symptoms are the same symptoms, fatigue, and are associated with all types of anemia include tiredness. Other symptoms may include chest pain, cold hands and feet, dizziness, headache, shortness of breath and pallor.

With sickle cell disease, people often cause chronic paina crisis if the effect of clumping of sickle cell blood is the blood flow to small vessels of organs and limbs that are blocked.

When a crisis occurs, the person experiences, can suffer from acute pain. This pain usually lasts a few hours, but in severe cases, it was until a few days. sickle cell disease is diagnosed most commonly seen in children from the age of four months, especially in people of African descent American.

TheTreatment of

Treatments for sickle cell anemia have primarily focused on mobile alleviate pain and sickle complications Caused the symptoms of this disease as the only possible cure is a bone marrow transplant, the risk is a factor which can be fatal and search for an exact match donor is extremely difficult.

Most people with sickle cell disease are under constant medical supervision with dedicated professionals whoThe treatment of this disease that affects a wide range of treatments and medications.

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acid reflux symptoms, causes and preventions

With heartburn acid reflux is one of the most common symptoms. You are sure to have a breathing difficult and painful and foamy vomit throw when this happens. This is one of the telltale signs that exist, so it should be the chest pain associated with a strange potential heart attacks. Although chest pain is quite alarming Searing, there are reasons why you have it.

It 'possible that you may have drunk too much fizzyBeverages or alcoholic beverages a day before. Too much food may be another cause, because your body does not digest the food to be correct. This usually happens when you go on a lot at parties and you may have eaten too fast. Another symptom was a burning sensation in you throat. Yes, the acid is in order. With this, there will certainly be hard to swallow and breathe. Not because its just worried about these symptoms of acid reflux can be treated takingAntacids, stomach acid to normal levels.

A teaspoon of sugar could also transform the acid into the socket and then adjust the reflux. Some people, the symptoms go through one of these acid reflux think that with some asthma attacks may be breathing a little 'difficult. If you go through these symptoms regularly, you should be aware of habits to change your food, too. Preventive measures would always help in theseCases.


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Prevention of swine influenza

Since those days, the swine flu is spreading rapidly throughout the world, hopefully this small article helps you to prevent a consequence, that the swine flu.

- Cover mouth and nose - if you really want to prevent the swine flu, so you better cover your nose to the mouth, and while coughing or sneezing. The reason for this is the swine flu, the air can be distributed and it is through these precautions to take, and then it will be easy to preventSwine flu.

- Wash hands / face on a regular basis - whether to remain in control in a crowded room, this is a must to follow. The reason for this is the swine flu virus can stay on grounds of skin due to different and if you wash your hands and face often, the virus is not enough time for you to act, and you can be sure . You may also use hot water to wash hands and face, how easy it is for killing the virus. And it is alwaysmake better use of hand washing soap to wash their hands because of their ability to kill germs more effectively.

- Do not touch the infected person too - when you are dealing with an infected person, then you must always keep an eye on a lot of contact with the person concerned, as a reason to avoid this, you too are infected. Therefore, it can transmit the virus to keep the skin easily and will act accordingly.

- Stay home if you are infected - ifWe see no evidence relevant to the swine flu, and then it is best to stay home because they help, others will be infected. Also keep in mind to avoid are overcrowded, and there will be a great help to people who are not infected.

- Take your medicine - if you think you are suffering from swine flu, with symptoms of swine flu, and then it is always advisable to consult a doctor immediately.The reason is that, as an early influence of doctors can control something. Even doctors can not determine whether infected test a blood sample, even if you are unsure about the symptoms and then will do a blood test. They can find out exactly whether or not you are infected and adjust treatment accordingly.

So, as always, if you feel bad, so it is always advisable to consult a doctor and, consequently, the medical teamAre you the statement that was made. Thus it is always better, how to do the things necessary to get this prevents the spread of the world. Also, you must always remember that prevention is always better than cure anything.

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symptoms of swine flu in children - What are they and how to treat a parent at home?

This year, the swine flu actually does not leave us in the summer as seasonal influenza has symptoms. Swine flu experts continue to be reported and, in the warm months of waiting, the number of instances in autumn and winter that his unprecedented. This is bad news particularly for children, as appear to target or novel H1N1 swine influenza.

While most cases were slightly more intense, it is important to know the symptoms andactually know when they call the doctor.

swine flu symptoms are similar to flu, with sore throat, fever, cough, chills, fatigue and nasal congestion. For some who are infected may also experience diarrhea and vomiting.

The time for the professional, call your doctor if you notice:

Difficulty breathing or breathing in pants

A bluish coloration of the skin appears

A childtake in enough fluids

Difficulty in awakening

Irritated to the point he / she will not be touched

flu symptoms and then disappear again with the highest fever and vomiting

Children with pre-existing diseases as their immune systems, asthma, heart problems or kidney problems are at a significantly higher risk than others.

What can you do?

Accept the first thing is that if your child has symptomsCan not go to school or nursery. When to send, but will send him back. Then you have a plan for assistance.

Treatment consists of two columns of attack. The first pin attempt for the second relief of symptoms, while his family tries to spread the virus to other members.

Peace, a lot of water, nutritious food, aspirin or Tylenol, and maybe a few vitamins are the ingredients of the standard home remedies. Find a way, garlic, onion, addOranges, rosemary and thyme in the diet of children, such as anti-viral that can help.

Make sure there are objects like tables, handles, towels, sheets and rails clean and free of germs. Children can communicate symptoms of the virus from 1 day before symptoms have gone up to 7 days. Keep extra cleaning up to that date.

Because this flu season will be different.

The swine flu is already aPandemic. Will therefore be more cases than the typical flu season, which means that extended to medical resources. Shows not only with your doctor. Make an appointment to do, not to suspend the sitting in a waiting room any other virus.

Teachers make us ill, sick food workers, truck drivers are sick. All this could affect the availability of goods and services, including food.

This season has a plan for howdetail how you could make a plan for an earthquake or hurricane. Time to make this plan is not now, later


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H1N1 Swine Influenza - Symptoms and Warning Signs

The swine flu H1N1 virus is a respiratory disease caused by a will. The virus is spread from person to person in the same way that the distribution of a normal seasonal flu and colds. The USDA said that all consumers of poultry meat and products fit for human consumption if properly prepared and cooked.

swine influenza H1N1 is an influenza virus caused mild to severe symptoms. The vast majority of people who contract H1N1 swine influenza have recovered their own, without theira doctor or hospital. It should however be noted that death occurred due to people contracting swine influenza H1N1 in some.

The swine flu H1N1 has most if not all, of the symptoms of seasonal flu. Seasonal flu symptoms usually include fever, headache, pain, fatigue, cough and chest pain. Sometimes you may have a runny nose or closed, sore throat and runny nose. The three different H1N1 swineDifferences resulting from seasonal flu - the symptoms can be severe, and a significant number of cases reported vomiting and diarrhea.

These symptoms than a common cold. The common cold usually has a cold or closed, sneezing, sore throat, cough and occasional chest pain. Aches and pains can occur but are usually low compared to the flu. It 's rare, fever or headache, the common cold to get by.

To completecomparison of symptoms - Airborne allergies are generally sneezing and a runny or clogged nose. Sometimes a throat infection and cough may occur along with fatigue. It 'rare to have chest discomfort or headaches with airborne allergies. Pain, pain and fever are not symptoms of allergies air.

When should you be alarmed? Warning signs for children with swine influenza H1N1 include troubled or rapid breathing, bluish or gray skin color, or heavyWaking persistent vomiting, extreme hardship, not drinking enough fluids, not to interact with others, extreme irritability is missing - can not be held. You should be very self-conscious, improve the symptoms of flu then fever and cough aggravated back fast.

The warning signs are similar in adults and some additional symptoms such as shortness of breath or wheezing, feeling of pressure or pain in the chest or abdomen, sudden dizziness,Severe or persistent vomiting and confusion. As with children, adults show that the improvement may, and a sudden return with fever and increased cough.

The swine influenza H1N1, like the common cold and can be very low in the air, allergies, mild or severe. Everyone reacts differently. 70% of patients hospitalized with swine influenza H1N1 in the category had one or more medical conditions that placed them in "high risk". high risk include: pregnancy, diabetes, heart diseaseAsthma and kidney disease.

Make an inventory of your symptoms to see if you have allergies, flu, cold or air. Knowing what you have, makes it easier for you to deal with. The severity of flu symptoms could mean you might have H1N1 Swine Flu.

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Avian bird flu

Bulletin on avian influenza (bird flu)

Bill Gates has announced that it would be an additional $ 250 million to $ 4,000,000,000, was given to add the world to combat deadly diseases. What are these deadly diseases and how they can influence?
An increase that experts worried about the diseases and infections and fears of a worldwide pandemic, with potentially disastrous consequences is the 'flu. "Unlike an epidemic, the loca-pandemics and influenced a defined geographical area is global epidemics, and as such are more serious and more difficult to contain, especially in modern times of today, with virtually millions of people travel internationally each year.

What is avian influenza?

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), "Avian flu is an infection caused by avian (bird) influenza (flu) viruses. These influenza viruses occur naturally amongBirds. Although wild birds usually do not get sick of them, is very contagious among birds and can make some domesticated birds like chickens, ducks, turkeys, very sick and kill them.

History of flu strains similar

Bird flu is linked to the Spanish flu of 1918, which erupted when a global pandemic. While estimates of deaths and vary the number of people affected, most experts estimate that more than 20 million Americansfell ill and died of this about 500,000, about ten times more than the experts were killed in battle in World War I instead of the number of deaths worldwide from Spanish flu 3-50. Many people died in the first days after infection and others died later of other complications. Almost half the victims were young, healthy adults, something that is a characteristic common to most strains of viruses today, which tend to affect the most vulnerable population groupsyoung people of the United States, the old and the infirmed.

potential to infect humans

Avian influenza viruses do not normally infect people, but several cases of human infection by avian influenza viruses occurred in 1997, since then. From July 5, 2005, there have been 116 confirmed human cases of influenza A (H5N1) in Vietnam, Thailand and Cambodia, which in 54 deaths and at least two died in the Netherlands. Most cases occurred in poultry workers and are considered to havehas been transmitted through human contact with infected poultry or contaminated surfaces. However, there is at least one documented transmission from man to man, and there may be others.

Risks to human health today

could break the potential risk of a pandemic today for the following reasons:

 potential for mutations. Influenza viruses are constantly changing, and in-person transmission of avian influenza in person is rare, experts fear that the tribes it's time to infect and adapt the virus among men.

 no vaccines. There is no vaccine, and although efforts are made, development is thought of as difficult and require many years because of these modern varieties is so rare among humans.

 no immunity. There is little preexisting natural immunity to infections in human populations.

 The mortality (death rate). During the Spanish flu was an estimated 5% mortality, the initial outbreak of bird> Flu had a mortality rate estimated at 70%. But according to recent information from official mortality decreased by 30%. This should be good news but it is not, because if this trend continues, it is increasingly likely that a longer duration of the sick will be more difficult to highlight at an early stage. This lack of early diagnosis could lead to more people contracting bird flu, how it spreads quietly, thus increasing the likelihood that it will become aglobal pandemic.

The symptoms of bird flu

The symptoms of avian influenza in humans range from typical flu-like symptoms (fever, cough, sore throat and muscle aches) to eye infections, pneumonia, severe respiratory problems and anxiety, and other serious and life-threatening complications . The symptoms of avian influenza may depend on which strain of virus that causes infection.

Drugs to combat the symptoms whenThat infects

Several drugs have in common use for years to cure the symptoms for a number of viral, and while no one knows how effective they will be helping the bird flu, it is considered appropriate, or have something to do when you're in your order Started family. As with any medicine, you need the package insert for warnings about possible contraindications, drug interactions and possible side effects please read before takingthem.

 singular. This drug was developed years ago as an anti-cytokine agent for asthma, sinusitis, inflammatory lung diseases or allergies. Cytokines are released when viruses invade cells in order to qualify for the white blood cells and immune proteins called to fight the virus. Sometimes cytokines present in excess and causes a 'cytokine storm "that kills its victims within hours.

 Tamiflu. These antivirals on the market for several yearsYears and has been identified from influenza, the World Health Organization as the drug of choice against bird that is attributable to proven efficacy in treating people infected with H5N1, the burden likely to be involved in the event of a global epidemic. Tamiflu may not (can not use just ± 1 to 3 days marks) to be useful in the occurrence. All the major governments are currently stockpiling, its employees in the event of a pandemic, protect and enable themcontinue to provide necessary services to citizens.

Doctors and other prescribers should be aware that patients with severe influenza-like illness, particularly those with chronic diseases may or symptoms of acute illness complicated, severe bacterial infections, as an alternative or in addition to the viral disease and must be evaluated accordingly.

What if you decide to buy Recipes
We propose the following as a reasonableApproach because all the information available to date:

 Do not take the medication until the flu has spread for the people in your city.

 Recognize that Tamiflu may backorders are some pharmacies. In this case, you sign your name on the list to the pharmacy and ask them to notify you when it comes into play

 Not to keep both in the refrigerator or freezer. Otherwise, they will last years beyond the expiration date. Be sure to remember where you putthem, or may not be able to recall, if you feel bad. In addition, members of the family.

The therapy recommended

If the media warns of bird flu in your community, consider the start of therapy shown below:

 Start with Singulair once a day to avoid the first problem-cytokines.

 If you think you have contracted the flu, Singulair increase of two times a day and start Tamiflu twiceDay.

 Start all the usual support measures that have previously found useful for influence within, and be sure to stay very well hydrated by drinking fluids.

 Call your doctor to wake up and think that an appointment for an evaluation to avoid unnecessary and potentially serious complications from secondary infections.

Current weather

Experts believe that the bird flu pandemic hit the human population and that onlya matter of time. Nobody knows for sure, but most agree, is expected in the next 50 years, and many that the epidemic will occur in coming months. Approximately 350 million or more people could die of bird flu pandemic. Why now could put the medicines are intended not to rise to increased production and result in severe shortage, with a large gap between those in need and those who are able to obtain.

If you want to be prepared, have yourRecipes in the near future.

Dr. Joe

Other sources of information

Avian influenza and the last to receive updates via the CCC:

Http:// flu / avian /

About Singular:

About Tamiflu:

[HTTP: / / / CDER / consumer / info / druginfo /] tamiflu.htm

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Swine Flu - Symptoms and Help

In a world in a global economy is a certain, when global travel is routine, and the limits defined less and less, the recipe for a global pandemic is right. All that is necessary to force the man to his knees is the perfect disease. Historically, this "perfect health" has a particular version of the common mortal influence. In 1918, swine flu decimated version of a humanity threatened, killing somewhere between 50 and 100 million people aroundthird of our species. Today, the fear of such a global epidemic of swine flu high, is to clarify everything, here is a good introduction to the symptoms and possible assistance to persons with flu infected pigs.

As you can see today the dangerous variant of swine influenza A H1N1 type really is not much different than any other influence, that the past may have been a. The return game is as big as our body reacts to disease once infected us:It is therefore not easy to deal with the symptoms. Our bodies usually have a certain influence resistance to infection, which was we have in the past or that our ancestors Survived. This degree of immunity helps our body to flu symptoms, could work against us to kill and help prevent. The result is a relatively mild flu, which always home sick for several days. However, the swine H1N1 influenza viruses today is actually a mixture of pigBird and human influenza.

The swine flu is believed that humans become infected through contact with a contract. This type of influence was seen easily from person to person. A person infected with swine influenza H1N1 has become not notice the changes. Depending on the person's immune system, it took 24 hours or more for he or she begins to feel the effects of contagion. These symptoms reflect the effect of regular flu, but are much more difficult: muscle aches, headache, fever, sore throat, cough, chills and fatigue are often present. People infected with H1N1 influenza are also likely to suffer from diarrhea, vomiting, and dehydration as a result. Although these effects are strong enough, comes the real killer of pulmonary edema that causes the lungs fill with fluid, cough. In 1918 influenza pandemic, the victims drowned in their own body fluids literally. This> Symptoms take a toll on the body and can also aggravate existing conditions or allow access to new, such as tuberculosis or pneumonia.

Fortunately for us, it seems that the swine flu can be deadly as previously thought. Modern medicine has won a key factor in the ability of those most affected in developed countries to complete recovery. Ensure that an infected person identified early and receive adequate care seems to be importantSurvival. Antiviral drugs like Tamiflu and Relenza are currently very effective for control of swine influenza H1N1 before. It 'also important that an infected person warm and well supplied with moisture, make sure they receive plenty of rest and not be stressed unnecessarily, as this will help his body of work against the infection and avoid complications such as dehydration. A full recovery is possible with the right treatment.

It should be noted for us that we can make importantSteps to prevent the spread of swine. Simple measures like washing hands and mouth when coughing or sneezing to do that you have a great impact on controlling the spread.

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Natural Treatment for influenza - Rapid and durable solution

In the search for a natural treatment of flu, is a good idea to try to get the flu, which can not only help at this time, but also one that will impact on your susceptibility arrival. This means, for any treatment you get milder symptoms until it is just the most influence.

Some treatments work by removing the symptoms, health is dangerous for the long term, although it may giveBreathing space.

There is a health care system that offers fast results and effective treatments for long term gain and is completely natural.

Homeopathy is a system of medicine based on natural laws. He treats you like a whole person, but as a part of you. Your influence is the result of you as a natural balance. Or, in other words, the immune system is not working as it should. Balance and you can make that work is designed to do - and you will healPreventing the preventable.

Other advantages of homeopathic treatment are:

And before 'absolutely safe. No harm can come to you, even if the treatment is not the most suitable for you.

And according to 'extremely affordable. Everyone can afford at least some aspects of homeopathy.

Third All health problems can be resolved with homeopathy because they deal not affect your health. Mental, emotional and physical problems can also be solved.

You can learn a fourthThe use of common home remedies, without knowing much. This means that you can ensure prompt treatment, which in itself make a huge difference to the final result to deliver even save a life.


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Over the counter medications - they are safe?

more and more strains of flu and colds going around with more and more children are coming down with these colds and flu. We all want our children to improve as quickly as possible. Most of us run to the pharmacy and buy a medicine for coughs and colds remedies, symptoms, deal with the. What most people do not realize is that these common drugs, often abused, and our children more harm than good.

Not only do these drugstoxic and harmful, there is no conclusive evidence they are effective. Over the past 50 years, there were only 11 studies on the effects of these drugs on children. But none of these studies show that over the counter medications to help coughs and colds at all.

In addition, there are many cases where children had become sick and even died using these drugs. These recent cases prompted the FDA to pull children doses of these drugsthe shelves. The FDA has recommended that children under six should not use over the counter drugs for cough and cold remedies. There are signs that young people can be accommodated. While this is a start to solve this serious problem that is not enough. There is also evidence that effective drugs on the counter for adults.

The best way to treat a cold is to let nature take its course. Most colds go away and, within seven days without the use ofany medication. The most effective treatment for colds is plenty of hot drinks and plenty of rest. There are several whole food supplements that we recommend are safe and effective for all ages. Their unique formulas can help the immune system and get rid of your cold and flu symptoms quickly. Make an appointment today for our nutrition scan to see what would complement the main advantages.

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Can You List Symptoms of bird flu pandemic?

Bird flu is creating a pandemic spread in Southeast Asian countries. More so the way it can spread to other parts of the world can not be neglected. The virus responsible for more than hundreds of deaths, the virus H5N1, a subtype of influenza A virus was detected. was the most lethal avian influenza virus Till, like bird flu is generally not attacked the people present.

Reports of symptoms of bird flu> Flu was submitted to WHO (World Health Organization) and CDC (Center for Disease Control). Are similar to SARS, but not completely comparable. And the interesting thing is that sometimes the symptoms vary from person to person and their completely different bird. The occurrence of virus attack is usually ignored. So you must be very careful with him. Why the alarms before an outbreak. And 'possible in every corner of the world, there are migratory birds reach the main carriervirus.

Before the virus infects humans is possible, it is raging on poultry. If you look at the people, one of the following symptoms in birds, you can do the possibility that the H5N1 virus a.

If the attack of the virus is less pathogenic then there are visible signs and the attack is not fatal enough. The highly pathogenic attack has clear symptoms and is quite destructive

The first depression in some ofBirds.

According Set eggs.

Third Loss of appetite and nervousness.

The fourth combs and wattles turn blue because of blood flow analysis.

Fifth cough and nasal discharge and frequent diarrhea.

Sixth Sudden death of a number of them, in the absence of symptoms may also symptoms of bird flu.

Influence on the basis of observations of humans attacked the bird reports finding that the symptoms are a bit 'humansimilar to ordinary flu, but the effect is more serious. The symptoms of bird flu reported in humans are:

1) invasion of cough suspect. In general, because we can follow a cold and cough, when the grounds, such as exposure to a lot of cold or ice and under the same. But there is no reason why such special.

2) Extended hours for fever.

3) stiffness of the neck.

4) the gradual transition to a lung infection.

5)Sensation of moderate or severe malaise and fatigue.

6) muscle pain.

7) Sometimes conjunctivitis can also occur.

8) Respiratory problems, such as difficulty breathing.

9) Very frequent sneezing with a lot of mucus coming out.

If these symptoms to you, do not waste time and visit a doctor before starting treatment, the faster relief! Do not break when you have positive results. It 's easy to manage. That's because his attentionthese symptoms.

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Top 10 Travel Tips to protect you from pandemic influenza H1N1 swine

Finally, you have some well-deserved vacation for a winter holiday. Maybe it's the last chance to take advantage of this recession-buster deals cheap flight.

There are only considered to be a major problem. Whether you are planning a joint family-friendly ski in a winter landscape, or to escape to sunnier climes of the South, you must be especially careful when traveling. Why this winter, swine influenza H1N1 is also enjoying a successful worldwide tour - thepandemic proportions. And you could be on its black list!

So here is your Top 10 Instant Travel Tip Check List to help you and your loved ones and spend a healthy holiday large, reducing the likelihood of infection with swine influenza virus H1N1.

(1) If symptoms of H1N1 near the start to stop in,! Do not put others in danger. If you become ill abroad, contact the Embassy, Consulate or High Commission for advice on Englishspeaking doctors and local medical services.

() 2 Check-out determines the health of your country - before leaving. You can do this online through the website of the World Health Organization. On arrival, some countries Swien flu symptoms screen passengers and quarantine suspected cases. Get all the flu vaccination for this destination (also seasonal).

(3) Ensure comprehensive travel and medical insurance, check for exclusions and specific clauses. Also know your tour operators suspended support policy reviews, the H1N1 virus.

(4) Prepare an emergency kit and prevention of travel medical, small and light enough to pack. If you are flying, check out the latest security restrictions at airports for items you can carry in hand luggage - including liquids. Include the appropriate supply of alcohol wipes, hand cleaning gel, disposable tissue, primary health care for influenza> Symptoms (ibuprofen, etc.)

(5) While en route by plane: The use of antibacterial cleaning of the surroundings (chair-arms, belts, light, button, etc.), Touch magazines loaded. Take your pillow and blanket. Train / bus to try to keep the windows open for maximum ventilation. (Similarly, hotel rooms or apartments.)

(6) Do you wash your hands thoroughly and often. Ideally, use warm water and soap. When traveling, this is not always an option. Conduct aSupply of wipes and antibacterial hand cleansing gel. Shower regularly, especially after the trip. Change to dispose of clothes and fresh linen, clothing or worn. When washing is not available, do not touch eyes, nose and mouth.

(7) Drink plenty of mineral water, it is important to keep your body rehydrated.

(8) Avoid crowds or crowded close confinement with other people - in particular, as some symptoms of influenza. Dry before touching public surfaces (suchDoorknobs, countertops, toilet seats, etc.)

(9) Avoid contact with animals - particularly cattle markets. The transmission from human to animal is extremely rare, perhaps impossible. But animals can harbor the virus. So the less you expose yourself to it, the better.

(10) returning from an affected area immediately after you run the health monitoring for 1-2 weeks, flu-like symptoms (sore throat, cough, runny nose, headache, muscle aches, etc.) to show you shouldThe symptoms, contact your doctor or hospital - by phone, immediately.

All these suggestions are recommended by health officials. Although there is no magic formula that can protect against swine flu, following these recommendations will significantly reduce the chance of infection. Enjoy a fun and relaxing holiday and stay healthy.

Copyright (c) 2009 Mark Farrell

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science and selective low-dose Echinacea Studies

A study in The New England Journal of Medicine published in July 2005 found that echinacea was ineffective against colds, in fact, sales of echinacea hit - and the public perception - in some circles. In the UK, for example, sales have fallen from a peak of € 6,100,000 to 4.9 million in 2005. This is unfortunate, because the study was severely criticized in a number of areas.

There are three basic areas that have been questioned in the study:

The firstAssay.

The second type of echinacea products are used.

The third significance of artificially induced by a virus in young and healthy.

The dose of Echinacea used is one of the most critical points. Although the quality of extract of Echinacea has been used in the study, the same as a good business background, study participants were given approximately one third of the recommended dosage for the suffering of a cold.

Sick students in the study were given only1.5 ml of extracts of echinacea three times a day. In milligrams, the 1.5 ml is equivalent to about 300 mg of dried root powder or 900 mg of echinacea per day total. Compare this with the dosage of the World Health Organization (WHO), which is 3 grams per day of dried root. Thus, World Health Organization recommends 330% more per day for cold and flu symptoms Echinacea. When Michael McGuffin, American Herbal Products Association, said: "It 'as a study on the effects of aspirin and a third was wondering why you have headaches. "

The headaches continued for good science. Looking at the type of echinacea extract used in the study, there are other differences as compared to commercial preparations.

The study used extracts that were made in a laboratory at the University. If there is a standard method for the extraction of Echinacea, so that all agents were in the same amount, thisbe a problem. However, this is not the case. MediHerb, herbal preparations are under the guidelines of the pharmaceutical Good Manufacturing Practices, wrote that the world after the test for other commercial echinacea products, they could not find anywhere near that level of alkylamides that had their echinacea have produced stronger. Echinacea alkylamides are an important ingredient for immune stimulation.

And 'is significant that even in commercialProducts - from companies with a vested interest in the extracts of Echinacea done right - is such a difference in quality. Even Consumer Lab, an independent test noticed quite a variance in various commercial preparations. Tests for phenols were not alkylamides, though.

But what hope is there that a laboratory study, gain experience in Echinacea has been able to improve the quality of products to provide the many commercial preparations failed? In any case, if thecoordinators of the study provide a chemical profile of Echinacea has made them, no comparisons with commercial products are without scientific basis.

One of the authors of the study, David Gangemi, also said the dosage and the extract used: "I think in retrospect if we go back and look at some of the other products that are out there we may have only one-tenth the level we should be" .

The last point was raised about the study is relevant only because it isto compare the experience of healthy college students with a good immune system, the typical consumer of echinacea supplements. As an herbalist said it is difficult to generalize their experiences: "This could not relevant to real-life situation, where people with immune systems compromised by a series of constantly evolving viruses and bacteria.

There are a number of studies have found, Echinacea, in fact, to relieve the symptoms of colds and flu and helpthe healing process. The American Botanical Council provides a summary of 21 clinical studies on various preparations of Echinacea and Echinacea species (there are three species), on its website. It 's a pity that this attempt failed for the same support that one study found defective.


First American Botanical Council

According MediHerb clinical support and the process's default Web site

Third Nutraingredients

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Being aware of acute and chronic symptoms of Lyme disease

symptoms of serious illness can suddenly solve day for anywhere from a few to more than a couple of weeks while Never-ending Lyme disease is the gradual graft in the internal situation of the person affected.

Acute Lyme disease is easily and effectively treated with a single or similar prescription of antibiotics, penicillin, amoxicillin and doxycycline.

Lyme disease begins with flu-like symptoms regularly feelings. Lyme disease> Symptoms include headache, fever, muscle aches, weakness and stiffness in the neck. Then the bite of ticks, for a few days or a month, after which about 60% of patients with light skin occurs in erythema migrans (EM) - a growing irritation. dark-skinned people do bruise.

The flu-like symptoms, symptoms that Lyme disease may actually be a long treatment, and events, even minor emotional and psychological mood similarSwings, sleep problems and difficulty concentrating.

Analgesics can be taken, and medication to reduce the body temperature of muscle and joint pain. The treatment lasts 1-2 months. First signs should immediately be careful, be taken without hesitation. The common first sign is a bull's-eye rash, the influenza-like symptoms is fever, weakness, body, joint, muscle aches and chills. Unusual symptoms of acute Lyme disease include palpitations, heartBlock neuroborreliosis and neurological symptoms like altered state of mind and disorder of the central nervous system. There is a potential for Lyme disease, go through a phase of eyes from the beginning of the switch end of the acute illness. Severe symptoms may disappear for weeks, months or even years before running again and again in the hard additional.

Fractional Lyme disease symptoms:

The doctors are probably premature falsely in the name of Lyme diseaseinfluence, and later, the experience of a couple of non-specific symptoms with a number of difficulties with various organs. This is only a partial list of the symptoms of Lyme disease, because there are three hundred characters in the glossary doctor implies Lyme disease. The report mentioned above, is not a diagnostic tool, but the intention is to present an ideal base for a dialogue with the medical staffimmeasurable Lyme disease.

specific disease symptoms are: sore throat, night sweats, severe fatigue and inflamed glands

Digestive: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain (especially in front of children), diarrhea and digestive problems, some of the key symptoms of Lyme disease.

Heart vessels: some of the most important Lyme disease: vasculitis - inflammation of the wall of the blood, including veins, arteries and capillaries carded pancarditis - inflammation of theHeart or its surrounding myocarditis - inflammation of the heart muscle, the muscular part of the heart.

Muscles: inflammation and pain are common symptoms of Lyme disease: arthritis, which transfers from joint to joint damage in the joints of the body, consequently, loss of muscle tone, muscle aches. Bell's palsy - paralysis of the facial nerve resulting in inability of the facial muscles on the affected side control,

Nervous system: encephalitis - isMeningitis (inflammation of the meninges system of cell membranes that surround the central nervous system) and encephalitis, a disease or inflammation of the brain, neuro-syphilis - an infection of the brain or spinal cord, encephalitis - an inflammation Acute brain, spinal nerve root pain, Tremor shakes e. Results: Deficit reflexes, irregular blood flow in the brain, confusion, mood changes and speech problems - these are the main problems of the nervous systemIndicating symptoms of serious illness and conditions, memory loss, sleep disorders, dementia, panic attacks and neurotic disorders.

Skin: get to catch people who have Lyme disease always a rash. It is usually a model of bullseye ring-shaped white and red around the tick bite. Later, the paresthesias may develop symptoms such as Lyme disease - a feeling of skin, such as burning, tingling, itching or tingling, with no apparent physical cause. Sensory feeling, tingling andNumbness.

Reproductive system: people who are sick with Lyme urine may have a problem. The problem may be to complete the flow of urine from the bladder. Other symptoms of Lyme disease have fecal incontinence - loss of bowel control, causing involuntary defecation. Men may have testicular pain - pain in the testicles. Sexual dysfunction.

Women may have problems, throughout pregnancy - miscarriage, baby, and lagging.Many of Lyme disease are indicative of diseases such as:

Multiple sclerosis - disease affecting the central nervous system.

Parkinson's disease - disease of the central nervous system that the tasks of motor and language skills and other compromised.

Alzheimer's a progressive and fatal brain disease, the most common form of dementia. Alzheimer's destroys brain cells, causing problems with memory, thinking and behavior.

Chronic disease:

30-50%Lyme disease patients continue to develop acute symptoms of chronic Lyme disease. Also, a few older place, but patients without symptoms can actively do their illness following a series of fears, such as trauma, surgery, pregnancy, concurrent diseases, antibiotic treatment, or emotional stress.

Never-ending Lyme disease is particularly dangerous because the symptoms are much stricter in the way, there are no medicines difficult for them. Can not beeffectively treated with antibiotics, so there is specific and individualized approaches in the care of chronic patients. The effects are long-term demand for the use of antibiotics, plus other therapies.

There is more controversy about the approach to drug treatment. The interaction of more than a few drugs and chronic use of antibiotics can be overwhelming as the liver, kidneys and circulation as well.

Antibiotics can cause seriousimpair the patient's immune system. steroid therapy may be indicated. Since the effects and consequences of a variety of treatments that are not yet established a solid treatment can not be fully guaranteed only by medicine.

immune responses by bacterial invasion are sometimes renders a person liable to affect the acquisition of other diseases.

Additional testing is required for the Lyme disease consistently since its pathogenesis, the system for Lyme disease iscauses, is not entirely known. In addition, more than a few suggestive observations with those of other diseases, making proper diagnosis difficult for physicians. The person may have acquired new disease, yet show symptoms similar to the late phase of Lyme disease. Currently, physicians and clinicians to study alternatives for the treatment of fresh intentionally to identify plans of care for Lyme disease patients.

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Osteomyelitis - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Methods

Osteomyelitis is an acute or chronic inflammatory process of the bone and its structures secondary to infection with pyogenic organisms. It can be usefully subclassifed on the basis of the causative organism, the route, duration and anatomic location of the infection. In kids and teens, osteomyelitis usually affects the long bones of the arms and legs. Bacteria can infect bones in a number of ways. Bacteria can travel into the bone through the bloodstream from other infected areas in the body. The infection that causes osteomyelitis often is in another part of the body and spreads to the bone via the blood. Affected bone may have been predisposed to infection because of recent trauma. The approach to osteomyelitis depends upon the route by which bacteria gained access to bone, bacterial virulence, local and systemic host immune factors, and patient age. Infections of the leg and arm bones and those of the vertebrae are usually acquired through the bloodstream. If left untreated, the infection can become chronic and cause a loss of blood supply to the affected bone. When this happens, it can lead to the eventual death of the bone tissue.

It is one of the more serious infections of childhood, and was once a major crippler of children in the days before antibiotics. People of any age can develop osteomyelitis, though it's most common in children and people older than 50. The bacteria or fungus that can cause osteomyelitis, however, differs among age groups. In adults, osteomyelitis often affects the vertebrae and the pelvis. There are two forms of osteomyelitis - acute and chronic. Osteomyelitis may also occur where a piece of metal has been surgically attached to a bone, as is done to repair hip or other fractures. In addition, individuals with diabetes who develop foot ulcers are more susceptible. In any of these situations, the organism has a direct portal of entry into the affected bone. Osteomyelitis can affect both adults and children. People with osteomyelitis often feel severe pain in the infected bone. They may have fever and chills, feel tired or nauseated, or have a general feeling of not being well. The source of the blood infection is usually Staphylococcus aureus, although it may be caused by a different type of bacteria or fungal organism.

Causes of Osteomyelitis

The common causes and risk factor's of Osteomyelitis include the following:

A result of an injury to the bone.

Intravenous drug users.

Prosthetic bone devices, such as screws, plates, or wires.

Poor circulation.

An infection in the body carried by the blood to the bone.

Artificial joints, such as a knee or hip.

Trauma to the skin or bones, such as surgery, deep skin cuts, and bone fractures or breaks.

Weakened immune system.

Fungal infection.

Symptoms of Osteomyelitis

Some sign and symptoms related to Osteomyelitis are as follows:

Pain in the bone.

Pus drainage on skin.

General discomfort, uneasiness, or ill feeling ( malaise ).

Fever and chills.



Recurrent bone pain.

Weight loss.

Muscle spasm.

Ongoing, severe back pain that is worse with movement.

Treatment of Osteomyelitis

Here is list of the methods for treating Osteomyelitis:

Antibiotics will be given to destroy the bacteria that are causing the infection.

Bone grafting.

If antibiotic treatment fails, the infection may need to be surgically removed. Surgery may include draining the infection, removing infected bone and rebuilding the spine.

A new prosthesis may be implanted in the same operation or delayed until the infection has resolved, depending on its severity.

Hyperbaric oxygen.

Spinal instrumentation and fusion may be used to correct spinal deformity and provide permanent stability to the spinal column.


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Acid Reflux Symptoms - My Stomach is on Fire

Burning, oh the burning in my stomach and even my throat! Acid reflux symptoms are most often described by sufferers as burning, gnawing, painful and oh, yes, the kind that refuses to go away, chronic...and persistent...and burning!

Painful, chronic persistent heartburn that lasts three or more months and occurs at least twice each and every week is often diagnosed as Acid Reflux Disease or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). This pesky little nuisance can cause long term damage to the esophagus if left untreated. Erosive esophagitis, wow...that even sounds painful just reading those words... occurs when the gastric acids bubbling backwards through the LES, the lower esophageal sphincter, and into the esophagus eventually eroding away the lining of the esophagus causing not only the erosions but often times inflammation and tissue damage as well. This leaves the patient with a very painful esophagus which can make swallowing undesirable and quite difficult.

In the adult population, acid reflux symptoms are classically seen as heartburn, chest pain, difficulty swallowing (dysphagia), pain or an uncomfortable feeling in the upper middle part of the stomach (dyspepsia) and even difficulty swallowing or the feeling of a lump in the throat. Less common symptoms include a chronic cough, wheezing, hoarseness, a sore throat and earaches.

When trying to minimize the symptoms of GERD it is important to remember that everyone is different! Some easy things to try include losing weight if obesity is an issue, avoiding or at least decreasing alcohol consumption, eliminating or decreasing smoking, and avoid foods which may trigger acid reflux symptoms. Food triggers can include chocolate, caffeinated drinks, spicy foods, garlic, onions, tomato-based foods, fatty foods, fried foods, mint flavorings, citrus fruits. Bummer, sounds like that leaves out a lot of my favorite foods!

But it is certainly worth making the lifestyle changes necessary to avoid the pain of acid reflux disease symptoms.

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What Are You Doing to Minimize the Effects of Swine Flu?

I would like you to know a little about the nasty little virus called Swine Flu and some of the the measures you can take to help yourself and minimize or perhaps even prevent some of the nasty effects that you can have, if you should be unlucky enough to become infected.

First of all, the Swine Flu Virus is a new virus, it originated in Mexico at the beginning of 2009. At this point in time there is no vaccine available, The vaccine will have to be developed by the pharmaceutical drug companies and then it will have to be laboratory tested before being used on humans, so, as you will understand, the availability will be some months away, probably towards the end of 2009.

A Zoonosis is any disease or or infection that can transfer from a vertebrate animal to humans. They can be bacterial, viral or parasitic, in this instance swine flu. The problem with any virus is that they are continually changing, perhaps the swine flu virus is not very aggressive this year, but by next year it could have developed a lot more deadly traits.

It is believed that the virus is possibly a Mutation of the Bird Flu Virus and the Swine Flu Virus, this has been the difficulty in the beginning of diagnosing what the problem was with the people in Mexico. Doctors there started to give their patients Antibiotics, which was of no use at all, because antibiotics will not kill a virus, antibiotics are only effective against Bacteria.

It is believed that Flu remedies, such as Tamiflu, does help to calm some of the effects, but it certainly is no guaranteed cure.

All the reports so far, indicate that this virus is no worse than the normal seasonal Flu, but you must remember that thousands die every year from ordinary Flu. There are vulnerable people all over the world, that react differently to flu, some get hit very hard and others only suffer mild symptoms, of course there are lots of people that escape flu entirely. Today is the last day of May, 2009 and there are over 15,000 cases of Swine Flu worldwide, obviously these figures will be well and truly out of date by tomorrow and the next day.

What can we do to help ourselves, there are all the usual things that are commonsense, washing your hands frequently, stay away from crowds of people, if you sneeze, do it in to a tissue, then safely dispose of the tissue, do not get close to others that are coughing, or sneezing.

Eat healthy foods, concentrate on Fruit, vegetables, nuts and berries, anything that is considered natural and don't forget to keep hydrated, drink plenty of water.

You might wonder why flu effects different people in different ways, well it can have worse consequences for the very young and the aged. It can also be attributed to just being lucky, not being in the place where it was all happening.

It can also be assumed that some have a better and more efficient Immune System than others. We all have an Immune System, built in, it has been there since birth. The immune system is there to help the body fight off any type of infection that comes along, whether it is a virus, bacteria, or any other type of illness or disease. You should, as I have said start concentrating on eating healthy foods, and consider if you should perhaps take supplements like Vitamins, or natural nutrition that has been used for years to boost the efficiency of your immune system. There are a few very good natural products available that are classed as natural nutrition for your immune system. Myself and family have been taking these products for over five years and we have never had any serious health problems since.

Some of the symptoms of Swine Flu. A large number of effected flu victims say that one of the first symptoms was Bloodshot Eyes, then coughing, runny nose, stomach ache, frequency of having to run to the toilet. A general feeling of being unwell. Some have all of these symptoms and others might only have one or two, there is no hard and fast rule with nature.

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The Most Common Liver Disease Symptoms

It doesn't matter if it's a disease of the liver of a gall bladder affection, jaundice is the main symptom. If one notices that his skin color becomes jaundiced he can almost be sure he has an issue with his gall bladder or liver. The eyes also get an yellow color, instead of the characteristic white. The jaundice appears because the old blood isn't filtered out correctly. If the jaundice appears with flu like symptoms together then a medical control is required because it may be a result of hepatitis or serious damage taken by the gall bladder.

In the Asian medicine Jaundice is splitted in two types, the Yin Jaundice and the Yang Jaundice. The first one is mainly characterized by the whole body being colored in a vivid yellow, thirst, coloring of the tongue (yellow). The second, the Yin jaundice turns the face, the eyes, and the skin slightly grey. Yin jaundice produces low fever, nausea, no appetite and palpitations.

If you constantly have a bad appetite then you should consider having some medical test because this is one of the symptoms of liver disease. This will lead to decreasing of body weight and a not balanced metabolism that will lead to an unusual, unhealthy quantity of carbohydrates and fat in the blood. Another result of this symptom is anemia. This is the most severe consequence of a bad appetite. If a person developed anemia it is very possible that he will develop a disease in the liver cells (hepatocytes). Vomiting and nausea will appear, and in the vomit there are big chances that blood will be found. Ulcers have an increased risk rate if anemia is left untreated.

If you notice that your stool is too light colored then this may happen because the quantity of bile produced is too small. If this happens constantly then you can be sure that you have some liver or gall bladder issues. Bile isn't secreted in the right amounts or it won't reach the intestines because of the stones that may block the way.

Another common symptom is polyuria, also known as excessive urinating. This symptom appears at more than just this disease. A consequence of polyuria is polydypsia that is excessive thirst.

Other symptoms that may appear are strokes, depressions, spasms, allergies, seizures, colored yes (red, yellow) and mood swings (irritability.)

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Symptoms of Swine Flu - Know the Difference Between H1N1 Flu and Regular Flu

Swine Flu is a number one health concern the world over. The HI1N1 flu or Swine Flu was first detected in US in April 2009. The worst affected areas initially were Canada and Mexico before H1N1 flu cases began to emerge in other areas of the world. In a short span of four months, the disease has spread to almost all regions in the world. World Health Organization has called H1N1 as pandemic which means a big epidemic that involves the entire country or perhaps the world. Usually, the signs of a pandemic are when a virus without any immunity to stop it, spreads across various parts of the world.

Risk factors of Swine Flu
Swine Flu spreads from person to person in the same way as regular seasonal influenza viruses spread. People with high risk for seasonal flu are also at high risk for H1N1 flu. For example, people above 65 years of age, pregnant women, children below 5 years of age and those with chronic medical conditions and lifestyle diseases like diabetes are at high risk.

Symptoms of Swine Flu
In children, the symptoms of H1N1 virus include:
1. Rapid Breathing or Difficulty in breathing.
2. Grayish or Bluish Skin Color
3. Dehydration
4. Persistent of severe vomiting
5. Not able to interact properly with people, become irritable
6. Flu like symptoms, bad cough and fever

In adults, the symptoms of swine flu include:
1. Shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing
2. Pain in chest or abdomen
3. Sudden dizziness or loss of energy
4. Severe or continuous vomiting
6. Flu like symptoms, bad cough and fever

The symptoms of H1N1 is similar to the ones that people get in regular, seasonal flu and so things like fever, sneezing, cough, body ache, head ache, shivering, sore throat and fatigue are common. Diarrhea and vomiting are also symptoms that have been associated with some cases of this flu, also known as Influenza A.

How do I catch swine flu?
H1N1 is transmitted the same way like seasonal flu. Flu viruses are spread usually from person to person through sneezing or coughing by people who have influenza. Some people may become infected with the deadly H1N1 by touching something that has virus on it and then bringing to their nose or mouth.

How can someone with swine flu infect it to someone else?
Infected people can actually infect others from the first day itself, even before they themselves get any symptoms. This means there are also chances that one can pass on the symptoms of flu even before she or he knows that she or he is sick.

How do I protect myself from swine flu? How can I take precautions against H1N1virus?
There is no vaccine that can protect you or be prevention against H1N1 Flu. You can only maintain hygiene and take care to prevent spread of germs that can lead to illnesses like influenza. Here are the ways in which you can prevent yourself against the flu:

1. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you sneeze or cough. Throw the tissue in the trash after you sneeze into it.

2. Wash your hands with a liquid handwash like Dettol or Lifebuoy, especially after you cough or sneeze.

3. Do not touch your mouth, eyes or nose. Germs can spread in this manner.

4. Avoid contact with people who are infected. This is sad but then the disease is highly infective.

5. If you are sick with influenza, stay at home and do not go to school or work. Limit your contact with people so that they do not get infected.

6. Do not venture into crowded spaces.

7. Increase the airflow in your room by opening the windows for proper ventilation.

8. Sleep well, eat nutritious food and practise healthy habits so that you are physically active and immune to the flu.

How long can the Swine Flu virus stay on things like doorknobs and furniture?
According to medical experts, the influenza virus can stay on environmental surfaces and infect people from 2 to 8 hours after being deposited on things like door knobs, books etc. Germs of H1N1 can spread when a person touches infected areas or infected people and then touches their eyes, ears, nose or mouth. Cough droplets or sneeze from an infected person can travel through the area. When a person comes in contact with droplets of sneeze of another person or touches things like books or desk of that person that is contaminated with sneeze droplets, and touches his or her own eyes, mouth, nose etc; before washing hands, one can contract the virus.

What are the medicines and treatment options?
Taking oseltamivir(Tamiflu) or zanamivir(Relenza) can treat H1N1 but they should be taken in the early stages of the disease. Antiviral drugs or prescription medicines can make your immune system strong and keep the flu viruses at bay and stop them from reproducing in your body. So, you should start taking antiviral drugs within two days of getting H1N1 or influenza symptoms.

How do I prevent getting H1N1 in high risk areas?
If you live in places where people have been infected with H1N1 virus or have influenza like symptoms mentioned above, then you should stay home and avoid contact with these people. If you develop flu like symptoms, do not leave things to chance and take instant medical care. Your health care provider or doctor will be able to tell you whether H1N1 flu testing is required.

Does WHO recommend using a MASK?
If you are not sick or if you are not living in high risk areas, it is not required to wear a mask. If a near and dear one is sick with H1N1, you need to wear a mask since you will be in close contact with the ill person. Dispose the mask after contact and wash and clean your hands thoroughly. Using the mask correctly is important because using it incorrectly will spread infection.

How can I differentiate between H1N1 Swine Flu and seasonal flu?
You cannot tell the difference without a medical verdict on it. Since symptoms for both the diseases are same like cough, headache, sneezing, fever, runny nose etc, only your doctor will be able to say if you have H1N1 virus. In case, your doctor suspects symptoms, they will have your blood sample, nasopharyngeal (nose to mouth) and throat swab to laboratories.

Home remedies for swine flu:
There are no home remedies, especially when you have to figure out if it is H1N1 or season flu. The H1N1 requires anti-viral drugs because treating it is an emergency issue. However you can prevent the spread of swine flu and strengthen your immune system by doing the following:
1. Wash your hands properly before having a meal, not just with soap and water.
2. Wear face mask before going outside. If someone is coughing or sneezing near you, cover your nose and mouth with palms or a hanky. Swine flu gets into the body through the mouth and nose.
3. Drink lemon balm tea because it has anti-viral properties.
4. Chew fresh garlic cloves because they have antiviral properties as well.
5. Steam inhalation with chamomile or eucalyptus thrice a day can relieve lung congestion and prevent swine flu symptoms.


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Tips For Staying Healthy This Season

By now all of us have heard all the warnings about the swine flu. This flu is a new influenza virus that is spread from person to person in the exact same way as the regular seasonal flu spreads. There are simple steps that you can take to help keep yourself healthy this flu season.

There is some basic information that you should know about the swine flu. It can be spread when anyone at the Kankakee County hospital coughs or sneezes. When someone coughs or sneezes into their hands rather than into their elbow, they will spread the flu virus onto all the surfaces that they touch. When someone else then touches that surface and then touches their eyes, mouth or nose, they will then be in direct contact with the swine flu virus. The swine flu really isn't any stronger than the seasonal flu, but since the strain is a new one, very few people have immunity to it. This means that the virus will spread more quickly and will infect more people. Those who are at high risk for serious complications from the flu, will most likely wind up getting it.

If you feel as though washing your hands thoroughly and coughing into your elbow isn't enough to protect you from the swine flu, you can consider getting the H1N1 vaccine. Your local Kankakee County healthcare provider will be able to inform you better as to what is the right steps for you to take. Pregnant women, those 6 months through 24 years old, and those who are at higher risk of complications because of chronic health disorders or compromised immune systems should all consider getting the vaccine. Like any vaccine the swine flu vaccine has its share of potential side effects. You should consult with your doctor to discuss them in further detail.

The symptoms of the swine flu are similar to the seasonal flu. Fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Diarrhea and vomiting have also presented as symptoms in some patients. Before rushing to your Kankakee Illinois healthcare provider, call them first. Your doctor will decide if you need to go to the hospital or not. If you feel that the symptoms that you or your child are experiencing are that severe, a visit to the hospital will probably be needed. It is extremely important that you maintain communication with your doctor and take whatever advice he gives you.


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Swine Flu Symptoms in Kids - What Are They and How Does a Parent Treat Them At Home?

This year, the swine flu actually does not leave us in the summer as seasonal influenza has symptoms. Swine flu experts continue to be reported and, in the warm months of waiting, the number of cases in autumn and winter that his unprecedented. This is bad news particularly for children, as appear to target or novel H1N1 swine influenza.

While most cases were mild in intensity, it is important to know, and symptomsactually know when they call the doctor.

swine flu symptoms are similar to flu, with sore throat, fever, cough, chills, fatigue and nasal congestion. For some who are infected may also experience diarrhea and vomiting.

The time for the professional, call your doctor if you notice:

Difficulty breathing or breathing in pants

A bluish coloration of the skin appears

A child does not wanttake in enough fluids

Difficulty in awakening

Irritated to the point he / she will not be touched

flu symptoms and then disappear again with the highest fever and vomiting

Children with pre-existing diseases as their immune systems, asthma, heart problems or kidney problems are at a significantly higher risk than others.

What can you do?

The first thing is to accept that if your child has symptomsCan not go to school or nursery. When to send it, but will send him back. Then you have a plan for assistance.

Treatment consists of two columns of attack. The attempt to pin the first time for a second relief of symptoms, while the family tries to spread the virus to other members.

Peace, a lot of water, nutritious food, aspirin or Tylenol, and maybe a few vitamins are the ingredients of the standard home remedies. Find a way, garlic, onion, addOranges, rosemary and thyme in the diet of children, such as anti-viral that can help.

Make sure there are objects such as tables, door handles, towels, sheets and rails clean and free of germs. Children can communicate symptoms of the virus from 1 day before symptoms have gone up to 7 days. Keep cleaning additional to that date.

Because this flu season will be different.

The swine flu is already apandemic. There will be way more cases than the typical flu seasons which means that medical resources will be stretched. Don't just show up at your doctor's. Make an appointment so you don't sit in a waiting room exposing everyone else to the virus.

Teachers are going to get sick, grocery store workers will get sick, truck drivers will get sick. All this could impact on the availability of goods and services including food.

This season needs a plan that is as detailed as a plan you might make for an earthquake or hurricane. The time to make that plan is now, not later

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To Cruise Or Not to Cruise - The Swine Flu Question

Hurricane season is about over and prime cruising season is about to begin. But do you really want to take a cruise this season with the prevalence of the H1N1 Swine flu spreading across the world?

The cruise industry would say that they have prepared for this pandemic and to yes, book your cruise.

Executive Vice President of the Cruise Lines International Association, CLIA, Michael Cyre, explained that the cruise industry is taking proactive steps "to keep H1N1 off of cruise ships and appropriately manage and treat influenza illnesses when and if they occur".

One of the ways cruise companies are relying on to keep the H1N1 virus off the ship is through the use of mandatory pre-boarding health screening questionnaires. All passengers are required to complete and sign a written questionnaire prior to boarding. If a passenger answers affirmatively to having flu-like symptoms

including fever, cough, runny nose or sore throat a secondary screening will be conducted. A secondary screening will also be conducted if a passenger reports that they have had contact with with a confirmed H1N1 case. In either instance a fully paid passenger may be denied access to the ship.

Some cruise companies have started using thermal imaging cameras to screen passengers for elevated body temperatures. A higher than normal temperature may lead to a secondary screening and denial of boarding.

If you're planning a cruise this season you should check carefully the company's refund and insurance policy regarding this issue. You may find that the cruise portion of your fare may be fully or partially refunded if you're denied boarding but not your pre-boarding hotel and airfare.

But being denied boarding at the outset of your cruise isn't the only way your cruise vacation may be ruined. If a passenger exhibits flu like symptoms while under sail the ship may be denied docking at their port of call.

On June 10 and June 11, 2009, a Royal Caribbean vessel, the Adventure of the Seas, was denied entry to two Caribbean Islands. Both St. Lucia and Antigua did not let the Adventure of the Seas dock after the ship

reported that three people onboard exhibited flu symptoms. But, after tests came back, it was then discovered that those persons did not have the H1N1 virus.

Last May, the Pacific Dawn, a P&O Australia vessel was denied entry to all of its ports on a 10-day itinerary. This decision was based on the ship reporting flu symptoms experienced by three persons onboard. Tests later came back negative for the H1N1 virus.

Most cruise lines will provide some sort of compensation if an itinerary is severely affected but to what degree is anyone's guess. Compensation may come in monetary form, credit towards another cruise or a combination of both.

Although the cruise industry is taking rigorous action to monitor swine flu both pre-boarding and while under sail, keep an eye on the news this season to see how it will affect cruise itineraries. With cruise ships reaching the size of small cities today the chances of a passenger slipping through the screening process increases greatly.

If you do choose to take a cruise this season, be sure to thoroughly review both the insurance and refund policies of your cruise line.

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Inflammation Causes and Cures

Sometimes, it's easy to tell what's causing inflammation. Insect bites, sprains and other injuries are usually noticeable when they occur, and treatment is usually pretty obvious. Other causes can be more troubling. Heart disease may cause swelling in the ankles and lower legs. Kidney disease can cause it everywhere. Knowing what to do may help you with more important things than could save your life.

Minor Causes

For most of us, these events are inconvenient and somewhat painful. Under the right circumstances, they can be worse, which will be pointed out.

Bites: Insect bites can cause inflammation and severe itching. Several home remedies may be helpful in reducing the itch factor as well as the swelling. Rubbing alcohol, meat tenderizer, distilled witch hazel and lime juice are a few examples. If it is a chigger bite, applying nail polish is also beneficial.

Stings: These can be worse than a bug bite, especially if an allergy is present. Immediately after the sting, apply a paste of baking soda and water to the area. This can help draw out the stinger and some of the venom. After this is done, apply ice for the first twenty-four hours. Hot epsom's salt water may be used after that period of time.

With both of these problems, look for signs of anaphylactic shock, including swelling in the mouth and throat, difficulty breathing and loss of consciousness. This requires immediate medical aid. Call 911 and follow the dispatcher's instructions while you await the paramedics.

Bruises: Both the broken blood vessel and other factors create swelling around a bruise. This also makes it tender to the touch. Ice is helpful in reducing the amount of bruising and keep it down. There are a couple of other home remedies that may be useful. A cool compress of distilled witch hazel can be soothing. If you know how to do it, arnica may also be beneficial, but it does require some care.

Sprains: If you've ever had a severe sprain, you may argue that this isn't a minor cause. They can be very painful and take a long time to heal. However, compared with those that can kill you, a sprain fits the heading.

Sprains should be seen by a doctor to determine the severity and the appropriate treatment needed. It may also be necessary to rule out a fracture, so x-rays may be required. Once this is done, a treatment plan will be devised.

If you wish to use home remedies, here are a few. Some may be recommended by your doctor. If not, be sure to ask whether or not that are appropriate for you.

RICE will be recommended. That stands for rest, ice, compression and elevation. Don't use the joint, keep it propped up, ice it and wear the compression device your doctor will give you. Using the joint too soon will prevent it from healing and could make the situation worse.

If you are over eighteen and not allergic to aspirin, willow bark and gotu kola may be helpful. You can make it as a tea to soak the area, or make an olive oil or alcohol extraction. The latter two can be applied with a cotton ball a few times a day.

Major Causes

These three causes could change your life...or end it if they are ignored. The symptoms are distinctive if you know what you're looking for, though it is possible to have the symptoms without the diseases attached. None of these diseases should be treated solely by home remedies.

Heart Disease: If you have swelling in both feet and ankles that cannot be explained by other conditions, it could be a symptom of heart problems. Other symptoms may also be present, including chest pain and shortness of breath.

Kidney Disease: This can create inflammation all over your body, particularly in your face and hands. You may not have many other symptoms until the disease has become very serious.

PAD: Peripheral artery disease may cause inflammation in a leg or arm, usually deep inside the limb. It can be difficult to diagnose, but important to catch. Clots could form, which could cost you the limb or your life if it gets loose in the blood stream.

If you have inflammation from an unknown source, it is a good idea to see your doctor...the sooner the better. It may be nothing, but if it is one of these problems, your life is at stake. Make sure you tell your doctor of other symptoms that may have occurred, any medical conditions you already have and anything you are taking, whether it's prescription, herbal or over the counter. This will help the doctor make the correct diagnosis and help ensure you quality of life.

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Immune Response - A Look at How the Body Naturally Fights the Flu Virus

The immune system is made up of a network of special cells, proteins, tissues, and organs that defend the body against invading bacteria and viruses. Through a series of steps, designated as the immune response, the immune system attacks invaders when they enter the body's system.

Leading Line Of Defense Against The Flu Virus

There are three categories of immunity: innate, adaptive, and passive. Innate immunity gives the body general protection from germs that affect other species, such as feline leukemia. Included in the innate or natural immunity community are the body's outer barriers such as skin and saliva. Adaptive or active immunity involves the lymphocyte network and develops throughout the human life. Passive or borrowed immunity is taken from another source and lasts for a short period of time. One example is the breast milk from a mother. It provides a baby with temporary immunity to the diseases a mother has been exposed to.

Adaptive immunity is the category that is developed through the body's white blood cell system. Also known as leukocytes, white blood cells seek out and destroy the harmful invaders that enter the body through the eyes, nose, and mouth. These defenders are produced and stored in many areas of the body including the thymus, spleen, bone marrow, and lymph nodes.

There are two types of white blood cells; phagocytes and lymphocytes. Phagocytes destroy invading organisms. While there are a number of different cells that comprise the phagocytes network, the most common of them is the neutrophil. It primarily fights bacteria while the other phagocytes make sure the body responds appropriately to specific germs. Lymphocytes recognize and remember former intruders and assist the body in destroying them if and when they return. There are two kinds of lymphocytes; B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes. Initially they are all created in the bone marrow of our bodies and either stay there, maturing into B cells, or they move to the thymus gland where they mature into T cells. B cells find invading organisms and send out the T cells to destroy them.

How The Immune Response System Works When Fighting Flu

When bacteria and viruses, also known as antigens, are detected in the body, white blood cells work together to recognize and respond to the threat. These other cells prompt the B lymphocytes to produce antibodies, specialized proteins, which lock onto specific foreign agents and identify them for T lymphocytes. Once an antibody is developed, it exists within the body for the rest of an individual's life and provides protection against the specific germ it was created for, should the germ reappear. While antibodies recognize viruses and have the ability to lock onto them, they cannot kill them. That is what T lymphocytes do. Once the T lymphocytes locate the foreign agent, they destroy it. During the process, T lymphocytes also send out messages to other cells, most notably complements, that it is time for them to assist in the destruction of the invading bacteria and viruses as well.

Recognizing how the body's immune response system is effective in fighting flu encourages individuals to take an active role in determining their body's ability to fight flu by including supplemental agents in their daily routine. These supplements have the potential to augment the body's natural ability to provide antibodies, antiviral agents, and antioxidants during flu season. The most prominent of these supplements are vitamins, minerals, and herbs.

Supplements That Assist In Fighting Flu

The most notable supplements from the vitamin, mineral, and herb categories for fighting flu are vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant and a strong antiviral agent, zinc, which increases the production of white blood cells, garlic, often used in antibiotics, and another less well-known immune booster, elderberry lozenges. Not only do elderberry lozenges provide immune support, but laboratory tests have also demonstrated that elderberry extract is effective in fighting seasonal influenza and the H1N1 flu virus. The nutrients found in the elderberry fruit work in much the same manner as B lymphocytes. By locking onto specific foreign agents and masking their outer proteins, these nutrients assist in blocking the infection of other cells.

Understanding how the body's immune response system works allows each individual to actively participate in fighting flu. One of the most beneficial actions rests with boosting the immune system. Supplements such as vitamin C, zinc, garlic, and elderberry lozenges assist the body's immune response by augmenting its natural ability to provide antibodies, antiviral agents, and antioxidants during flu season. By incorporating this knowledge into one's flu-fighting strategy, fighting flu will become more effective than ever before.

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