Canine influenza or dog flu

Canine influenza or dog flu, is it really possible? Until about six years ago, the answer would be, it is not possible. But everything changed in 2004 when it was discovered and confirmed as Dr. Cynda Crawford, an immunologist at the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine.

It was during this period that many greyhounds who have been diagnosed with the flu, when there was a huge explosion at a track in Jacksonville, Florida, and is completelydocumented in a September 26, 2005 issue of the journal Science.

What is it?

canine influenza is a highly contagious respiratory disease in dogs is often confused with kennel cough, but it is much more serious. In fact, it may be so severe that, although rare, can take the life of your dog. It not only impacts on greyhounds no longer, as it is now, the entire dog population is spread out and has a potential risk to health around the world for yourDog.

canine influenza is believed to have originated from a horse and is technically H3N8 virus and the influenza virus. Although at first it was a lot of misconceptions, is not a human virus, and as such can not be transmitted to humans. There is a horse virus and it was quite common in horses for at least 40 years and is now generally accepted that, on horses and has adapted and can contribute to the disease of dogs.

It 's still quite often confusedBordetlla or kennel cough, a virus is complex. kennel cough affects the dog's trachea and bronchial tree, but that is usually very mild to moderate symptoms with no other reality. For this reason, it is considered to be limited to themselves. However, canine influenza is much more serious than is often associated with very high temperatures and threatening, cough and nasal discharge.

canine influenza is highly contagious and spreadsrespiratory secretions of the virus into the air by infected dogs, very similar to spread in humans. This virus can be transmitted through direct contact with an infected dog or a contaminated toys, drinking or eating disorders unit of the intestines. However, it is so contagious that it is accessible to persons who come into contact with the virus and can play their hands, clothes or shoes to be distributed.

This virus will be up to 48 hours for some items infectious.infected dogs have a higher probability of them in their secretions 2-4 days after they were exposed. But just like human influenza, they may have no signs or symptoms or who are infected but still may be able to spread the virus up to 10 days because it is so highly contagious, that dogs are protected lived, or a lot of dogs for some reason are much more susceptible to the virus.


Canine Influenza rapidly form separate kennel cough from the variety of symptoms that show your dog. But just like the kennel cough, is the first symptom is your dog starts to cough. Once this is done, the next set of symptoms are conjunctivitis liquid, will be where your dog a irritated eyes, and rhinitis, which is where your dog's nose begins a. Sneezing may or may not be one of the firstSymptoms>.

If it is severe, there are two other symptoms, the surface is faster. The first is where your dog starts to make breathing very difficult time, and the second is the development of fever. If the fever reaches 106 degrees, your dog's life is in danger now, and you should consult a doctor immediately. However, there is also another possible life-threatening symptoms of dog flu, pneumonia.

It 'was reported that a smallNumber of dogs developed pneumonia due to this virus, and did not survive.


canine influenza has no generally accepted treatment when he was still very early in the real discovery and understanding based on the levels of the virus. To add to the confusion, any form of treatment may also be controversial, because the vet is not sure if it's the flu or kennel cough only. Once it identifies how the influence of the dog,Liquids can, to prevent dehydration, but if your dog has difficulty breathing, go to the hospital and given oxygen until the arrest.

cough suppressants may also be used, but before this is done, be sure to discuss in detail the pros and cons of this form of treatment because it can be dangerous. Under no circumstances should you ever give your dog a human being over the counter cough medicine without a rigorous guide to the vet.

Most of allThe cases to recover your dog is too full of this virus. However, just like people, if your dog has a different kind of breathing problem, or develops a high fever or pneumonia, dog can not survive. E 'have developed a vaccine, but not to treat this virus. You can not prevent, but usually to decrease the severity of it. It 'also used to reduce the amount of virus that spread from dog to help the environment.

However, unless the dog isin high risk neighborhood, so to speak, will not be generally recommended. It 'important to remember that this is still a relatively new virus in the dog world and there are no new discoveries occur.


canine influenza is very real and present. In most cases, the dog survived, but as human influenza, can be very sick. Although this virus is highly contagious to other dogs at this time there have been no reported caseswhere they are transmitted to humans, at least not yet.

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