Colonoscopy Information 101
What exactly is a colonoscopy? It was built as a thorough examination which takes a deep look inside or endoscopic test is defined in the large intestine and part of the small bowel using a camera that is passed through the anus. Colonoscopies are advantageous because they are in the detection of ulcers and polyps may help that can be performed for the diagnosis and treatment. Medical imaging technology has contributed greatly to this form of the procedure.
Colonoscopies are generally neededif a person gastrointestinal problems, as have bleeding, changes in bowel habit, or they suspect they might malignancies. The method can detect colon cancer is present in the body.
There are certain conditions that exist must be done for colonoscopy. For example, the colon must be free of feces. That means no toxic deposits on the walls of the colon. The person in treatment is based on a one share, consisting of three day diet, consisting of low fiberand / or clear liquids, including water, apple juice, broth, and sports drinks. In addition, aspirin should not, or drink beverages with color.
Recovery time is often necessary after a colonoscopy, usually so that the sedative wear off. Colonoscopies range between 20 minutes and half an hour on average. Common side effects include bloating and wind, according to the procedure pain that is caused by the air that goes into the colon during the procedure. Colonoscopies can be seen asbetter than X-rays, because therapeutic interventions can be made during the procedure.
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