What is avian influenza?

Bird flu or avian influenza is caused birds to be found by viruses, they can. Similar to other strains of influenza virus, such as the influence of the dog, swine flu and other influenza viruses that have adapted to its host,. A flu virus in birds, however, belongs to a (non-avian) virus family, which is the origin of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI).

Subtypes of avian influenza H5 include the concern is more for health commonly known as H5N1, have a high riskPeople. Studies show that the H5N1 virus that causes severe illness people with a high mortality rate of the virus can infect.

How is it spread? Avian influenza in birds and the spread of birds from birds to other animals and people, to be contaminated by the inhalation and ingestion. All birds are said to be prone to avian influenza. Unfortunately, poultry such as chicken, the weakest, because of the prevalence of the disease to other animals, particularlyPeople.

People who have close contact with an infected bird are easy targets for viruses. H5N1 has been used by millions of poultry animals in Asia, Europe and Africa, causing death and is still growing. World Health Organization has seen this variety discovered as a threat of a pandemic in humans, since it was founded in 1997 in Hong Kong. Experts believe that the strain of avian and human influenza, when exposed to others, any mutation of the virus in another form of influencecan be deadly to all living things.

What are the symptoms? The visible symptoms of infection with avian influenza is an eye (conjunctivitis) and flu-like symptoms. H5N1, however, is a deadly strain that many people in many Asian countries like Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia , China and many others killed.

The governments of these countries in Asia are doing their best to avoid all types of birds, especially poultry, which came fromThe countries with bird flu. Continue to all imports of poultry and poultry products home quarantine.

Avian influenza is a life-threatening disease. If you think you have symptoms, the centers, go to your nearest health area report a case of bird flu in the immediate treatment and also to receive immediate medical attention.

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