As swine flu, symptoms, risks and treatment with light

Swine flu signs and symptoms are similar to the pain with the standard influenza virus. H1N1 virus (swine flu) is transferable and is also a person of another as a fashion spread, the same as the seasonal flu, along with other common respiratory infections spread. The virus is not transmitted through food. Given the close contact (within one meter) with an infected person while talking, coughing or sneezing takes you vulnerable toBeing infected.


The swine flu can be very contagious, relatively far more contagious seasonal influenza. H1N1 virus is fatal, causing over 200 deaths so far. The pandemic of the H1N1 virus has been at the center began in Mexico at the beginning of 2009. H1N1 virus was confirmed in all Australian states and territories. regular swine flu is a contagious disease of the respiratory tract, often resulting in aType A influenza virus, which is in pigs. Since the seasonal influenza virus H1N1 in humans vary in severity from mild to severe. Throughout the world, with nearly 22,000 cases of H1N1 virus was concluded June 5, 2009 confirmed. Another theory on the origin of the H1N1 virus could be agriculture.

How is the swine flu?

Similarly it is easily transmissible swine flu, influenza pandemics occur before anothermore transferable than seasonal flu. Early studies show that the transfer of influenza virus is spread mainly by droplet infection (when an infected person coughs). Other swine influenza viruses have occasionally been transmitted from pigs to humans, but has spread person to person void.

Who is at risk and symptoms

There is a continued focus on people from high risk groups, flu-like symptoms, expectant mothers,People with respiratory diseases (eg asthma), cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, kidney disease, obesity and immunosuppression. may be individuals with health problems today, close to these conditions worse, they should get flu virus. Some people categorize high risk of influenza, is thus considered extremely important to be vaccinated, while others expressed a duty to get vaccinated for the job, becauseObligations.

What treatments are available

Currently, five days of treatment with antiviral Tamiflu (oseltamivir) and Relenza ® (zanamivir) was seen for influenza virus confirmed, probable or suspected cases. We are investing billions of dollars worldwide for the monitoring, control, treatment and protection against influenza is currently the majority of people suffering from flu symptoms, signs and make a full recovery withoutTreatment. Currently, Homeland Security announced a public health crisis, 25% more than twelve million quantities of Tamiflu and Relenza are the release cycles daughter of the nation's reserves, or if your child is sick with the flu or swine influenza virus, which should remain at home in his face and absolutely have contact with others in your home. For the H1N1 virus, the time of isolation, which may be provided for employees and customers who have the condition, or where you can, that theymight have the disease, is 7 days.


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