Flu - Get The Facts, myths jump!
This is the time of year when I can see the flu, some patients with symptoms of what she calls "a touch - a little sneezing, coughing, maybe some, maybe a sore throat, some tightness in the chest, Tired headachey, maybe even a little 'sick to the stomach with diarrhea. More often than not, but I am just a bad season, cold or a stomach virus, and do not realize that a real battle with the flu feel for.
How do I tell my patients, regardless of what manyPeople think that the influence is not just a little 'more intense, harmless version of the cold season, with the addition of intestinal symptoms. While cold viruses and influenza because of both the upper respiratory tract, the cause do not have the same disease.
In fact, the influence is not so easy to get a cold virus. Influenza viruses are normally only in a particular season and the common cold viruses are present throughout the year. Flu makes you feel a lot 'the worst' influence andtypical combination of symptoms of fever, fatigue and pain in joints and limbs hit by a Mack truck feeling. "
There are other diseases with similar symptoms of generalization does not always mean that you have the deadly flu. Influenza can cause serious side effects hospital in this country can and can too.
In fact, there are a lot of myths about the flu, I like to clarify for you so you would know what Importance of prevention and treatment of influenza is. Let's look at some of them:
Myths about Influenza
influenza vaccines is the influence: This is absolutely false. The flu vaccine is a virus meaning of its active, disease-producing is not killed by the vaccine. This idea probably comes from the fact that in the past there have been some side effects such as the flu vaccine have felt connected to that> Flu symptoms.
Some people are sensitive to thimerosal preservative used in vaccines that prevent contamination by bacteria or fungi. Today, however, according to the CDC, flu season in 2010-2011, there are 74 million doses of thimerosal-free vaccine. If you can feel the sensitivity of thimerosal, and / or simply want to avoid it, be sure to request thimerosal-free vaccines. Influenza vaccines are only good for one season.A new one is needed each year.
Antibiotics kill the flu, many of my patients are surprised and disappointed if they experience symptoms are eligible for antibiotics for their colds and tell them that antibiotics do not work on the flu. The flu is a virus, antibiotics caused no influence. Antibiotics only for bacterial and fungal bit 'of work. However, some people get bacterial infection of the lungs and sinuses, sometimes withtheir influence. Then I prescribe antibiotics.
Do not deal with the flu: If it is true that nothing cures the flu, there are several prescription drugs and alternative supplements, the symptoms can help to lesson the influence of a lot. Prescription drugs are Tamiflu, a pill, and Relenza, an inhaled drug. aides alternatives include "Os" for Oscillococcinum and echinacea, the symptoms must first be very brief ininfluence within the first 24-36 hours. Elderberry (Sambucol)% extract research has also shown promise in reducing the symptoms of flu by 56 Andrographis (Indian Echinacea) taken within the first 24-48 hours stimulates the immune system to fight viruses. Homeopathic Ferrum phos, dulcamarra, Nux Vomica, Gelsemium, Arsenicum, Bryonia, Rhus and beautiful women can relieve flu symptoms significantly.
In fact, homeopathic remedies have been influencedcredited with 100% survival rate in patients who took the 1918 during the influenza epidemic. See a professional experienced in the use of homeopathic medicine for exact matches to resolve, the symptoms must be done better to actually go forward.
Influenza really only interested in the elderly: It 's true that older people can be more susceptible to the influence and / or most affected by it because of immune deficiency and complications such as pneumonia, which can be set toBut people of any age can do and get the flu and should take the same precautions to prevent them. Children under 6 months with the highest risk for the disease, because they are too young to keep the vaccine. If you have a child at this age, you should get vaccinated and to keep the baby away from people who are sick.
Facts about flu
Hand washing best prevention: If people washed their hands more, particularly since in public toilets,Food retail and other surfaces that connect people, objects, many cases of colds and flu could be prevented anywhere. Apply a small bottle of hand sanitizer with you and / or use the bathroom that most stores offer clean basket handles.
Nasal wash / irrigants: Keep a small bottle of aloe / saline nasal spray with you. When in public, some spray in both nostrils, hold for a moment and then exhale into a tissue. This flushes anyExposure to viruses, bacteria, mold spores before they enter your lungs.
Strengthen the immune system: The best strategy for disease prevention is your immune system healthy and functioning at an optimal level. This means eating nutritious foods (add a little 'raw chopped garlic to the vegetables a day) and get enough sleep (at least 7 hours per night), exercise (at least 30 minutes a day, 4-5 times a week ), and further strengthening of the immune system vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C toat least 1,000 mg per day, 1000-2000 mg of vitamin D3 per day, 100-200 mg of resveratrol per day, 25 mg of zinc per day, quercetin 100 mg per day, beta-carotene 5,000 units per day. Replace only what is missing and / or inadequate levels in your multivitamin.
Influenza first is a picnic. It can make you terribly and can cause serious complications. The best way to deal with the flu is to prevent it! Know the facts about driving influence. In addition, you will receive an annual influenza vaccine, keep yourof the immune system healthy and remember to wash your hands when in public places. Having a healthy, happy New Year Flu-Free!
Mark Rosenberg, MD
Institute for Healthy Aging
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