E 'fatigue, exhaustion or fatigue? Understanding the symptoms
If you feel run down and can not keep up, you may weary you describe your symptoms as fatigue, exhaustion, o. Although we often use these as interchangeable words to describe what we feel, in medical terms they mean very different things. Understanding the symptoms of each can help us better explain how we feel and ultimately lead us to find a solution to the problem.
There are different types of fatigue. The type of fatigue caused by a feltCancer patients do not, for example, the same type of fatigue we feel at the end of a long day.
Fatigue différend of distress, because even if you do not feel like your body is still some 'energy to spend on tap. Symptoms include fatigue, a feeling of heaviness or weakness in muscles, forgetfulness and impatience. Fatigue is common, especially if you are tired and have not had time to relax. Most of the time, all you need is rest for usrecover from a bout of fatigue.
Fatigue is a different animal. A person suffering from, will have difficulty concentrating, a decline in physical capacity and endurance, sleep, and can move away from social activities they once enjoyed. Fatigue, in contrast to the effort, not a temporary condition that can be erased with a nap or rest.
Learn to exhaustion scale. Exhaustion will be marked by confusion, delirium, numbness, difficultydifficulty in sleeping and awake and full withdrawal from the others. Exhaustion is a serious situation, a deeper problem than simple fatigue. Anyone who has had experience of this level is a problem, you should immediately consult a doctor.
If you understand where the symptoms are on the ladder, you can decide on appropriate measures to begin to feel better. Fatigue responds to rest and regular exercise can also help prevent future episodes.For the person tired, you must determine if there is an underlying cause of his illness or problem is a lifestyle that must be addressed. The effort is not always a serious disease, but it can cause, or show other health problems if it continues too long. Fatigue may require medical measures, and you should tell your doctor if your symptoms are extreme, dass
Very often, when we have exhausted and run down, we experience fatigue. Fortunately, we havecan take measures to correct the problem before it becomes a burden or a cycle of frequent tiredness. Typically, there are sleep problems, nutritional problems, lifestyle or other issues, such as long working hours, stress, shift work or play as often when a person experiences fatigue. correct determination of the cause of fatigue, and steps you need to feel fit and in good health.
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