Cold or flu? 5 symptoms of a flu, a cold rather than interpret
Since the common cold and flu (short for influenza) have many symptoms in common, it is easy to confuse the disease to others. Early diagnosis of influenza and treated before the virus progresses can really make a big difference in the duration and severity.
Also seen in position, the difference between the two is crucial. And although you might not get it right every time, here are 5 signs that help to capture more accuratelyInfluence.
High Fever - One of the symptoms that are not usually present with a cold high fever. With the influenza epidemic of the fever is usually very suddenly, and the temperature is generally between 102 and higher. The increase in body temperature is an indication that the body is fighting a serious threat.
Aches and pains - aching muscles for no apparent reason, and the pain is not usually associated with musclesspecific body parts such as legs or arms, but throughout the body. Many complain that the paper if it touches the body hurts.
irregular body temperature - is often a flu victim to feel the cold to the point of shivering for a moment, then flushed, hot, or even after sweating. This is rarely the case with the common cold.
Fatigue - Many of us can drive through a cold, continuing with daily activities, whilecongestion, sneezing, coughing, and the care of a runny nose. And while this is not the recommended way to treat a common cold, most people generally maintain a level of energy that is very close to normal.
With influenza, there is a noticeable lack of energy. Some describe it as feeling like the wind went out of the sails, or that he had been hit by a Mack truck. This is a clear indication that the body with all its power to prevent a condition that affects more than one is seriouscold.
Dry cough - Many times a cold increased production of mucus. This is the body tries to wash away germs. Many times, the excess fluid from the nose into the throat causing cough that carries the mucus discharge. With the flu, an acute cough is often dry cough.
Obviously, these symptoms vary from person to person and should serve as general guidelines. And since the flu virus spread by droplet infection,influence and a large number of people very quickly, early detection is the key not only for your health but the health of those around you.
If you suspect that you have the flu, see a doctor immediately, because if the flu in 48 hours of treatment greatly increase the chances of reducing the duration and reduce the impact of.
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