As is evident, influenza A (H1N1) Symptoms

Unfortunately, there is no vaccine available as of this writing was the swine flu, and although it may not be as bad as originally thought, there are many cases only a few miles from my house and maybe even yours. With my work habits, including flights with planes full of germs and potentially three children, many are exposed to school, I am concerned. No doubt there are good if you read this.

There are several high-risk groups, children areunder 5, elderly, pregnant women and overweight people. However, anyone can catch H1N1.

Warning sings for children disturbed / abnormal breathing, bluish skin, fever with rash, sleep longer, and include the lack of interaction. Also looking for irritability and a decreased intake of fluids. In most cases of influenza-like symptoms can come back, but then again with worse (usually dry), cough and fever.

In adults, respiratory problems, including signs of heatingShortness of breath, severe / persistent vomiting, confusion, dizziness and possible sudden and severe pain and chest pain.

Not self-diagnose! Probably you're not a doctor and I can not seek professional help the doctor if you suspect influenza virus.

I am a classic case of what not to do. I was pretty bad for current business, although still working. I had symptoms of both H1N1 and pneumonia, but a diagnosis and I had just decided to bronchitis. Turns out, Ihad pneumonia, and although fortunately on the mend now, I had to see a doctor. If you suspect the condition of swine flu or other serious emergency medical attention immediately!

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