regards the influence high for diabetics
H1N1 made headlines and caused the disease throughout the world. The dangers of any kind of influence are well documented. What is not generally known is the increased risk of influenza is for people with diabetes. Any infection can increase your blood sugar level, which implies a certain risk, especially for people with diabetes is poorly controlled. These diabetic complications may not only experience, but usually have a longer and heavier battle with the fluthemselves.
May I introduce myself. I am Matthew T. Draelos MD, a specialist in endocrinology and metabolism specialist. People with diabetes should definitely get a flu shot in position, preferably in September, but even now, when it is not already done so. You should also have a pneumonia vaccine as the flu are people with diabetes are three times more than die of pneumonia as well.
To minimize the potential exposure, the flu, ask family members, close friends andEmployees get flu shots to one. People with diabetes must take special precautions symptoms, even when the choice of drug for over-the-counter flu cure. Some-the-counter drugs are safe, but many, including cough drops and cold fluids and medications influence, with added sugar. Look for the words "sugar free" when you buy any drugs. If in doubt, ask your doctor or pharmacist.
Those who experience fluComplications such as nausea and vomiting, dehydration and pneumonia. Other side effects such as rhabdomyolosis (serious muscle damage) and central nervous system side effects of the system are much less common. If you have diabetes and do for the flu, the following precautions:
Never completely stop insulin therapy without checking with your doctor. If you are insulin dependent (type 1) diabetes and insulin have been completed, it will probably go in diabeticsKetoacidosis, a dangerous life-threatening condition. adjustments of insulin are needed to offset the effects of infection and reduced food intake.
blood sugar and insulin regular attendance is important. Check your blood sugar at least every 2-4 hours, and change the dose of insulin accordingly. Remember, if you experience nausea from influenza, you may not know how the fluctuations in blood sugar levels.
Be sure to eat regularly, preferablyFoods from the regular diet. Everyone has to eat while they are sick, and this is essential for anyone with a blood sugar problem.
Take your insulin with food. In insulin without food can cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), which also entails serious risks to health.
Drinking water and other liquids to prevent dehydration. Ideal for a cup of fluid per hour of trying. The American Diabetes Association recommends drinking sugar-free drinks like tea, water and sugarGinger Ale.
If his blood sugar is low, drink fluids like juice and sports drinks, about 1 / 2 to 1 cup at a time.
Check for ketones. If these are too high, can lead to coma. Contact your doctor if the levels begin to rise.
Finally, conscious of her that influenza is a potentially fatal disease for everyone, because it can lead to complications like bacterial pneumonia, severe dehydration, muscle complications and even encephalitis (inflammation of the brain). E 'particularlydangerous for diabetics, so prevention is always the best protection.
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