Different types of virus and symptoms of influenza
Influenza or flu is a highly contagious condition. It spreads easily because people infected around the street without knowing of his condition. influenza infections show symptoms, after almost a week, so there is no way of knowing that you are infected.
Introduction of influenza
Influenza viruses in tiny droplets when coughing and sneezing due to spread. Usually spread from person to person. It may also, if a person touches something randomwas infected with the virus and then touching their mouth or nose. Infections from the first day of a person until the fifth day are infected with the disease to spread. People aged 65 years and children aged under 5 years are at risk of serious illness from influenza. Millions of Americans suffer from influenza each year, and the number of patients from November to April, the United States is the influenza season in
What are thedifferent types of influenza viruses?
A, B and C. The virus, the most serious is published every 2 or 3 years: the flu virus can be divided into three categories. This virus is vulnerable to mutations and the regular production of new strains for which humans have little resistance, and is responsible for numerous epidemics and pandemics in the world. Swine flu and avian influenza are the subtypes of this virus. These mutations caused by some proteinSurface of the influenza virus. HA and NA or HA or neuraminidase, two proteins that make the virus thrive in the body. There are 16 known HA and NA note 9, each with a different subtype. Swine flu and the spread of avian influenza viruses from birds to pigs and when a person comes into direct contact with them. This leads to various infections in humans and cause epidemics. Bird flu or avian influenza has caused a lot of people across the world and had spreadpandemic proportions.
Influenza B virus is relatively less dangerous, and this effort is responsible for smaller outbreaks. If you are infected with type B, a time, then the immune system to resist this kind of virus for many years to come. Influenza B is more common in children between 5 and 14 who were still infected before.
Type C virus is a mild strain of influenza. The symptoms of type C are similar to symptoms of a common cold. much peaceand water are sufficient to treat this type of virus. Doctors can prescribe antiviral drugs to combat this virus, if your immune system is weak.
The symptoms of
Some people confuse flu symptoms with a cold because of their proximity. However, the symptoms get worse with time and problems may occur as follows:
Nasal congestion
Dry cough
Muscle pain
Abdominal pain
These symptoms can last 7-14 days for the flu. high fever and muscle aches may be after some time, but sore throat, runny nose and cough may persist for some time. Sometimes fever may occur for some time yet. Rest regularly to prevent the disease from spreading.
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