The symptoms and precautions for Swine

From Sunday, April 26 said that the United States, a public health emergency is suspected or confirmed cases reported from many parts of the world. If a pandemic comes, it could be very serious for human health and the global economy, certainly not more bad news can also do the same.

A pandemic is an epidemic that spread throughout the world and often cause more serious disease outbreaks. The swine flu has killed many people in Mexico, the heartof the outbreak and the epidemic has features that a global pandemic could be recommended.

The flu virus is usually caused by the flu. Typically, viruses infect only one species, the influenza virus in human beings differ from those of birds and pigs. But this unusual pig flu virus is different because it is the mix of genes from a product from human, swine and avian influenza. Thus, the virus that have affected the pig now spread between people and people affecteddoes not affect the pigs have direct contact with infected animals with.

The danger is that further changes in the genes, a virus that can move very quickly with people to create and produce more severe disease. It can be transmitted through sneezing and coughing, or skin-to-skin contact, like shaking hands or kissing an infected person.

The biggest concern now is that this virus is so new that people have little or no immunity to it still have the vaccine.Deaths in Mexico, in healthy young adults. In past pandemics, such as the 1918 1919 flu pandemic, was also young, healthy people who die more.

As of now there is no vaccine. The new virus is run by two antiviral drugs, oseltamivir and zanamivir. Based on experience with other influenza viruses, treatment is more effective if given within 2 days the symptoms begin.

The first symptoms of influenzaViruses such as that of the regular annual flu: fever, muscle aches, runny nose and sore throat. Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea may be more to this than the normal swine flu influenza.
Adults, adolescents and children aged 3 to 12 years, more troubling signs are as follows:

oShortness breath
vomiting oPersistent
Children up to 2, more troubling signs are as follows:
Quick OveryBreathe
interaction oNot not normally eat or drink normally, with abnormally irritable or appears to be unusually drowsy
oHigh fever and rash
oA blue lips and skin

How to protect yourself from catching influenza virus, the same procedure we take the cold or the flu would prevent all:

oWash hands or alcohol-based cleansers often.
Or when you greet the people, not the hand or with the kisses exchanged.
oAvoid contact with peoplewith flu-like symptoms.
Ound to protect others if you develop sneezing and coughing, be sure to use tissues to wipe your nose and cover your mouth and throw the tissue in the trash or toilet bowl.

Just in case you're curious to know if the process of getting the virus is suspected. A fever of 38 ° C or more accompanied by a cough, sore throat and runny nose is a good reason to be suspicious. He added, if these symptoms occur within seven daysTravel to affected areas and close contact with confirmed or probable cases of swine flu, have good reasons for the bells of panic. If you are then be tested untypeable influenza A positive, and if the strain is, which means it will not show the diagnostic tests for seasonal flu strains that already exist. I am definitely in the red zone.

A laboratory confirmation of influenza virus from a swine diagnostic test kits tested by a laboratory WHO Collaborating CentreYou immediately hospitalized and treated with Tamiflu or Relenza as a preliminary course of medication.

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