As swine flu, symptoms, risks and treatment with light

Swine flu signs and symptoms are similar to the pain with the standard influenza virus. H1N1 virus (swine flu) is transferable and is also a person of another as a fashion spread, the same as the seasonal flu, along with other common respiratory infections spread. The virus is not transmitted through food. Given the close contact (within one meter) with an infected person while talking, coughing or sneezing takes you vulnerable toBeing infected.


The swine flu can be very contagious, relatively far more contagious seasonal influenza. H1N1 virus is fatal, causing over 200 deaths so far. The pandemic of the H1N1 virus has been at the center began in Mexico at the beginning of 2009. H1N1 virus was confirmed in all Australian states and territories. regular swine flu is a contagious disease of the respiratory tract, often resulting in aType A influenza virus, which is in pigs. Since the seasonal influenza virus H1N1 in humans vary in severity from mild to severe. Throughout the world, with nearly 22,000 cases of H1N1 virus was concluded June 5, 2009 confirmed. Another theory on the origin of the H1N1 virus could be agriculture.

How is the swine flu?

Similarly it is easily transmissible swine flu, influenza pandemics occur before anothermore transferable than seasonal flu. Early studies show that the transfer of influenza virus is spread mainly by droplet infection (when an infected person coughs). Other swine influenza viruses have occasionally been transmitted from pigs to humans, but has spread person to person void.

Who is at risk and symptoms

There is a continued focus on people from high risk groups, flu-like symptoms, expectant mothers,People with respiratory diseases (eg asthma), cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, kidney disease, obesity and immunosuppression. may be individuals with health problems today, close to these conditions worse, they should get flu virus. Some people categorize high risk of influenza, is thus considered extremely important to be vaccinated, while others expressed a duty to get vaccinated for the job, becauseObligations.

What treatments are available

Currently, five days of treatment with antiviral Tamiflu (oseltamivir) and Relenza ® (zanamivir) was seen for influenza virus confirmed, probable or suspected cases. We are investing billions of dollars worldwide for the monitoring, control, treatment and protection against influenza is currently the majority of people suffering from flu symptoms, signs and make a full recovery withoutTreatment. Currently, Homeland Security announced a public health crisis, 25% more than twelve million quantities of Tamiflu and Relenza are the release cycles daughter of the nation's reserves, or if your child is sick with the flu or swine influenza virus, which should remain at home in his face and absolutely have contact with others in your home. For the H1N1 virus, the time of isolation, which may be provided for employees and customers who have the condition, or where you can, that theymight have the disease, is 7 days.


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The real murderess of H1N1 Swine Flu - secondary infections

Meet the real murderess of swine flu, H1N1, secondary infections. Many people who are infected with influenza virus and then came with a secondary infection, pneumonia, ie, did not survive. Therefore, it is imperative that you take all necessary precautions to prevent infection and on another, you should contract the flu virus.

That's right, the real murderess is not necessarily the H1N1 influenza virus infection is secondary. Youwant to protect at all costs against a secondary infection. Since you have already blocked the virus, there is a lot easier to develop pneumonia.

One of the best ways to protect against these complications is to prepare your immune system in time for cold and flu season. There are several ways to build your immune system naturally. Eating healthy is a possibility. A good balanced diet of 30% protein, carbohydrate 30% fat (no trans fat) and 30% workingmiracle to keep in good health. Avoid eating food of any kind. Keep sugar and saturated fats from your diet. You can sweeten malted barley, sugar, dates, honey or raw sugar to your food. These and other sweeteners are online.

Would do well to keep the potatoes from your diet completely. Even if they contain carbohydrates, carbohydrates in potatoes are not good. Bread is another element that is not necessary. If you need to eat rye bread. It 's the bestChoice.

Your diet is as important as building the immune system with probiotics and the elderberry extract. If you are cold or flu symptoms come on, start the echinacea and goldenseal immediately. Diffuse essential oils in the living room, others think too sick, and stay hydrated. Drinking coconut water and eating chicken soup for electrolytes. Eat only when hungry, and get plenty of rest.

Prevent secondary infections, becauseare the real killers of swine influenza H1N1. Therefore, you have to worry if you feel flu-like symptoms occur. Staying at home, so do not give your virus to others. Although there are some ways to protect against secondary infections here, there are many other ways, you need to know. Start by checking the ways to prevent influenza infection, or secondary now, too. As always, eat healthy my friends.

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Learn more about the common cold and influenza

While everyone knows they can not do everything on a cold or flu, not everyone knows that hate sick. Who does not hate them risk their lives daily to keep a very angry, down right nasty cold? Every year there are over a billion cases of colds and flu in the U.S. Most of you were probably victims of life more than a couple of times in your. Understanding the basics of the cold and flu to help you from the beginningSick of this year!

The common cold is a disease of the nose caused by a virus to cause many symptoms including runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, cough, headache and fever. These symptoms are your body's response to any type of infection. And 'know that there is no cure for the common cold, but there are many things you can do to combat cold symptoms and shorten the duration of your browser. Drugs such as antihistamines,decongestants and cough suppressants are often very effective in alleviating pain for many of these. The best preventive measure against the flu can take is to wash your hands often. Not only wash after you go to the bathroom or touch to go a bit 'rough, but make it a priority to wash them frequently throughout the day and keep them sterile. Try to avoid too much you touch your nose and mouth, because these steps as the infectionin your body. Also, stay away from sick people as much as possible so that it is not infected.

Influenza is a contagious respiratory illness due to influenza virus. It may be easier for a particular disease and in extreme cases can even cause death. You have probably heard of seasonal influenza vaccine, and many of you have even come to be likely. The flu vaccine is injected with a small amount of the influenza virus, which isYour body more resistant to the virus. But a flu vaccine is not always that you are immune to all strains of influenza. The flu virus is mutating rapidly, and the seasonal flu vaccination is only a preventive measure against the strain most common. Your flu symptoms cough suppressants may also be treated with medications such as antihistamines, nasal drops e.


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Want to combat the symptoms of bird flu bird flu

One of the recent concerns about the world is the bird flu outbreak. Bird flu has spread to countries like China and Indonesia, Thailand. Now, this virus is rapidly spreading to other countries like Japan, Korea and more recently in European countries. It 'important for individuals to be aware of this problem and understand the symptoms of bird flu, to take immediate measures to prevent the spread of the virus andfurther.

The symptoms of bird flu registered in humans include fever, cough, sore throat, muscle aches and conjunctivitis. Other types of complications for people with these diseases are contracted eye infections and acute respiratory distress. The most feared consequences of avian influenza to humans are respiratory disorders such as pneumonia and other life-threatening complications much, that eventually may lead to death.

Since this condition is veryDangerous bird flu is the key is required to prevent this dangerous disease pandemic in life is not a full blown flu. Throughout the world need to stop coming up with an awareness of underlying disease, such as understanding signs and symptoms of 'bird flu and how to communicate and work together in pursuit ends the global chain of victims of avian influenza.

What are the things needed to be done to prevent avian fluInfection? How do you know if the person has for you this rare disease? What are the symptoms that show, if this condition is affected? What should you do if you suspect a family member has the flu? These are just among the many questions that you should know the answer.

Prevention is surely the most 'important in this fight. You could, unfortunately, a very low chance of cure if you are already infected by the disease. L 'That's why prevention is so important.

The first step in preventive defense against bird flu is a person wearing the mask of the bird flu, especially if he or she is exposed, or poultry operations will be longer than usual, as people in the Animal Hospital work, domestic poultry farms, or who already showed symptoms of bird flu. Some bird flu masks must be removed with high nano-particles, which were effective inViruses and bacteria. These masks (usually disposable) to effectively isolate and destroy bacteria and viruses, preventing their entry side of the human body.

Bird flu has infected humans, a serious threat to animals and how well. We must give our efforts to improve ward off the flu, especially since his fast is always a highly contagious disease has been reported. Be sure to act immediately, is called by the doctorAssistance or medical aid arrives in isolation, if you notice any symptoms of bird flu. You can contribute to this deadly virus is not spread further.

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Facts about stomach flu, common cold and flu

The disease influenza is a disease that affects the upper respiratory tract. Influence signs and symptoms may vary, but are often similar to a common cold, except that relatively high fevers are almost always present in cases of flu, but rarely in adults, in the cold. Although most people in haste for the flu, the risk of complications in some people.

The disease is caused by influenza virus infection. The symptoms of colds influenza virus may be caused by a nearly 200 different viruses, including rhinoviruses, corona viruses. The Norovirus stomach flu is caused by infection with the. Although the names are similar and people often have a condition called "influence", influenza signs and symptoms (other than headache and fever) are very different from those associated with the stomach flu. What is considered "cold and in> Influenza Season, "in reality is not caused by changes over time, but by an increase in indoor activities and close contact among large groups of children and adults in schools.

If, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea and abdominal pain, then you have probably infected with a norovirus. Influence of the stomach is known as food poisoning or gastroenteritis, sometimes, because the symptoms are the same. Stomach flu symptoms appear suddenly and usuallylast less than three days. Influence signs and symptoms may take days, until ten, usually begins with a fever, muscle aches and chills and end of a cold-like symptoms (runny or stuffy nose, dry cough, sore throat, etc. ), usually observed after other symptoms. improve

Influence of disease, stomach flu and common cold are all contagious diseases. The virus can be transmitted through close contact from person to person by touching contaminatedSurfaces or eating contaminated food. Ways to avoid the virus include avoiding close contact with those who are obviously sick, wash your hands after touching public surfaces and keeping your hands away from mouth, nose and eyes. Antibiotics can not kill one of these infections, since all viral infections. A doctor is usually unnecessary, unless the fever is unusually high or prolonged or a bacterial infection or other complications develop symptoms. A coughthat produces mucus may indicate bronchitis or pneumonia. The pain in the ears may indicate an ear infection. Severe headache, facial pain and pain in the teeth can cause infection of the sinuses.

Those people, the symptoms are at high risk of developing complications from influenza disease should develop their own doctor for 48 hours, as the anti-viral drugs are sometimes prescribed to reduce the duration and severity of flu symptoms and signs thesePeople, and to reduce the chances of spreading the virus in these groups. Those are high-risk people aged over 50, nursing home and long-term residents, people with heart problems, lung disease, diabetes, kidney problems, sickle cell disease and children who are on a regime of aspirin and of someone who suffers from a weakened immune system, including those treated with immunosuppressive drugs. Women in their second or third trimester of pregnancyalso have an increased risk of developing complications of the virus.

Scientific studies have shown that certain vitamins, minerals, herbs and other natural products can be used to reduce the symptoms and the duration and severity of signs of influenza. They may also provide a regular health supplement to the likelihood of developing diseases, influenza and other viral infections reduce to be taken.

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Symptoms of kidney stones - you already know the symptoms and if you have kidney problems

We all have what it takes to have kidney stones. As we continually pump our bodies with foods that are high in oxalates or insoluble salts, coupled with foods that are insoluble calcium and protein, there is an increased risk of kidney stones. Often do not realize that these rocks were formed in our system. We will see that only if we, the symptoms of kidney stones.

Symptoms of kidney stones:

1. It 'difficultPain or a nagging pain in the lower back, usually on one side or both sides.

2. Unexpected seizures or cutting from the back of the rib below and spreading around the stomach, even reach the bar and the genital area.

3. Unclear and sometimes blood-stained urine and smelly.

4. Feelings of nausea and fever and chills;

5. Frequency of alleviating the need of you urine and sometimes burning pain on urination;

L 'The following are the tests that your doctor will probably put you in touch with the confirmation that the symptoms you feel are the symptoms of kidney stones.

The diagnostic tests for kidney stones

1. Take a blood test, where information on chemicals and substances that in excess can be determined in your body.

2. Do you have a urine test to determine where the medical information available for the composition of urine and you have an infection.

3.Obtaining X-ray image, where the stones are visible as white spots, usually contain stones, calcium.

4. Subject to an intravenous urography (IVU), a special dye is injected and is quite the urinary tract are projected in a X-ray equipment more stones that are difficult to see in an ordinary X-ray display.

5. Passing through an ultrasound test that uses high frequency sound waves, the ability to produce an image of an internal organ must, in this case, theImpairment.

6 Take a Non-contrast Helical Computed Tomography - recognize shown this method also projects images from a series of x-ray images at different angles and diagnose kidney stones. Most doctors believe this is the most accurate diagnostic test.

If your doctor has enough information to judge on his hand, that your complaints are symptoms of kidney stones, he recommends the following treatments:

Treatments for kidneyStones:

1. Almost proverbial drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day.

2. Do you have a regular exercise to be physically active, as it is to move the stones while they are still small. In addition, it will give more water to drink prod.

3. A prescription of acetaminophen or codeine for pain relief from natural stone, flush with water.

4. From the form of kidney stones and bother re-charge, the doctor will ask you to strain urineto get hold of some rock samples. Your doctor will decide the composition of the stones, so you know what types of foods to avoid.

5. If, however, despite these simple treatments kidney stones symptoms persist, doctors will have no choice but to several surgeries to remove the recommended method for ureteral stones that may block or pass urine.

6. Further provisions for anti-biotic may also occur, preventionThe infection is spreading to other parts of the body.

The symptoms of kidney stones are known calcium.Hence recur as long as your kidneys and pumped with oxalate and other materials in the form of insoluble proteins and the care of your food. The removal of the stones removed, the symptoms of kidney stones.

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Swine flu symptoms - I do not swine flu or not?

Think you can get the swine flu influenza? Here's what you need to know the symptoms of influenza A (H1N1) and a list of the pits.

The H12N1 virus, commonly known as swine flu is a disease in humans. Contrary to what many believe, is not transmitted from pigs. You took someone else.

The reason was the swine flu H1N1 is because the original virus, the disease causes people came from pigs.

The H1N1 virus easilycontains genes from other human beings, pigs and birds virus.

The swine influenza virus is not air. To get the virus, you should actually be in contact with any bodily fluids such as mucus, coughing germs, sneezing, touching another person, the virus can have on you.

I have to pig flu or just a normal flu season?

First you should know that it is very unlikely that you will be able to tell the difference between aNormal seasonal flu and H1N1. If you suspect that there might be infected with the H1N1 virus, you should consult a doctor. Since data from the two viruses are very similar, only the doctor can give positive results. And even with that, you may need to provide a throat swab, stool sample or blood sample.

"Do not" do anything. The H1N1 virus and seasonal influenza are similar, then you must consult the Doctor to be sure.
This is a list of the most common symptoms of H1N1 (swine flu) and you can see how they are similar to a normal flu season.


Neck pain




Limb pain



Some people have diarrhea

Some people experience vomiting
It should also be aware of this, not that anyone can have all the symptoms, but most people experience at least twoSymptoms>.

The symptoms of swine flu in children are shortness of breath, wheezing, vomiting continuously, cranky and irritable, high fever, and can lead to severe dehydration.

The symptoms of swine flu in adults may include the above symptoms as abdominal pain, chest pain, dizziness and lethargy.

When should I seek medical care?
You should seek emergency care as soon as possible if youThe experience of the following symptoms:
* You have difficulty breathing or chest pain

* The color is purple or blue lips

* Did you keep vomiting or liquid

* If you have signs of dehydration such as dizziness when standing, without urinating, or in children, lack of tears when crying

* If you attack (eg, tics)

* There are less than normal and are alwaysconfused.

Do not risk being caught ... Consult your doctor if in doubt!

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When planning a vaccination drive against influenza Remember Consensus

Influenza or flu can be very devastating in the workplace, if proactive measures are not taken. For employees stay healthy and avoid illness, employers have decided to participate in many influenza vaccination in the workplace units. This unity of vaccination are planned and scheduled by the employer and the employee can work to get the flu vaccine, without fail. There are several steps involved in organizing a successful influenceThe vaccination drive and one of these steps with the participants fill out a consent form. Informed consent is an essential part of this process.

The explanation of the influenza vaccine -

The consent form provides employees with information about both influenza and influenza vaccine. This module is a brief explanation, such as flu or flu spreads, its symptoms, and symptoms can last for as long as this. After approval50-20 percent of the municipality affected may each year from influenza. For this reason, the information contained influenza vaccinations are the helps participants understand the reasons for participating in a year.

Participants fill out the form required to meet the nine "yes" or "no". These issues include things like: Do you have allergies? Do you have any complaints? Are you taking drugs? The workplaceThe administration of vaccinations to verify information on the form of vaccines and the data will determine the eligibility of participants to obtain influenza vaccine. The consent form also encourages participants to read parts of medicine information for consumers titled "Before receiving (influenza vaccine)" and "side effects".

The consent form also recommended to the participants, what they can expect after receiving the vaccination. FluThe vaccines often produce side effects, most of which are not serious and do not require medical intervention. Side effects of flu vaccine can redness, swelling or tenderness at the injection site. Some participants may be symptoms such as fever, muscle aches and mild. These side effects usually only last a few days. When the side effects that promote the informed consent of all parties to seek medical help.

That the signing of the consent form means-

If a participant signs the consent form to receive the flu vaccine, they're saying that you have read and understood the information contained in the consent and medical information for consumers. The participants confirmed that they had their questions satisfactorily by a doctor or pharmacist before vaccination. Finally, by signing the consent form participants agree, the influenza vaccine produced by administrationCompanies.

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Herbal supplements to fight the flu

It 's a scary world out there. The newspapers are full of horror stories from around the world to show the many dangers that we face only to leave the house every day. Most of these horror stories about dangerous new diseases are emerging every day.

For over a century, doctors have damp conditions with medications and treatments complex antibiotics. In serious diseases and conditions, this is definitely the right course of action.

Buthealth problems may be less severe, prescription drugs are not the answer. In these cases, patients may find relief for what is lacking in the world of herbal supplements.

Herbal supplements are a number of health benefits. You can increase as energy, memory, or the base resistance. In the case of treatment of diseases, a number of conditions can be treated or cured through the targeted use of dietary supplements. supplement on the latest research, the researchers found that the grass Supplements can be especially useful for combating the flu.

We all know that the symptoms of fever associated with common flu, the plague, to say the cough e. Since our body fight the flu virus, the effects of the battle has left us feeling weak and usually wear.

While chemical drugs fight these symptoms on the head, take herbal supplements to a more natural position. Herbal supplements to combat> Influenza work, emphasizing the body's defenses. Strengthening the immune system, of course, can help us, the real battle influenza virus instead of masking the symptoms.

There are larger, ethical factors, in deciding how to treat flu symptoms. Today, people are often relying too heavily on antibiotics and drugs for the treatment of diseases.

This is often disruptive physicians who meet frequently are morecomplex and resistant strains of viruses and diseases. With natural supplements to fight the flu, you can be sure that the drugs are for serious flu usually saved for those who need it.

In addition, each dietary supplement significantly reduced the severity of the system. In conjunction with the influence elements of real struggle, supplements can help us achieve this goal a greater degree of mobility and peace of mind in a flu-likeAttack. During rest and medical treatment are the best ways to influence, as a struggle for life sometimes we do not allow that luxury. To this end, some treatments help influence, get up and move, so you do not have to file.

Herbal preparations are ideally taken before the onset of severe symptoms. When everyone around you is the victim of influenza, it is best, experts recommend you consult a herbal treatment and adopt a proactive approach to your doctorTreatment.

Although no one around you has the flu, may be useful to follow a course of personal events of herbal treatments to stimulate the immune system, especially before any major work o. But even after the onset of symptoms, these supplements can significantly reduce the severity and duration of influenza. Feeling better is half the battle when it comes to overcoming the disease.

If flu symptoms develop or worsen, please consult yourDoctor. Used in tandem with conventional Western medicine, herbal treatments influence could be the right approach for me.

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Swine flu effects

Swine influenza is a virus that attacks the respiratory system of the devastating death, only for pigs, caused similar symptoms in humans and animals, often causing.

The virus is very unpredictable and can vary from person to person and severity of symptoms. While 95 percent of those infected, the page I feel as if it was seriously the worst influence in his life a little experience small percentageEffects.

So, who are most at risk for these negative results? This is a question which is quite difficult, because as soon as experts believe that only a certain group of people who see the worst of the virus, their theory is proven wrong offer. That said, it's safe to say that to see young children and people with weakened immune systems, the results appear worse.

As the swine flu caused the death

Death is caused primarily becausecan turn into a bacterial pneumonia very quickly. If this happens, it is often aggravate asthma or obstructive airway disease can eventually cause organ failure or it is not enough oxygen is pumped through the blood. In about 30 percent of cases of swine flu, death, respiratory failure is given by, due to secondary bacterial infections.

While the seasonal flu remains mainly in the respiratory tract, flu, undermines thea little 'deeper and once it reaches the lungs, which is where problems occur. This severe damage in respiratory distress, which can lead his life in danger. As a result of crises, infections in some people is to develop.

What are the treatment options?

While the best way to avoid the effects of manipulation of the swine flu vaccine are fortunate to have some effective treatment options available. And RelenzaTamiflu are two antiviral agents used to reduce the symptoms of swine flu. The important thing to know these options is that they have experienced symptoms begin to be started within 48 hours after the first. This means that, despite the fact that doctors will not tell you to leave the hospital as soon as you have a fever, is ultimately made on instinct, in order to start treatment in time.

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Cold or flu? 5 symptoms of a flu, a cold rather than interpret

Since the common cold and flu (short for influenza) have many symptoms in common, it is easy to confuse the disease to others. Early diagnosis of influenza and treated before the virus progresses can really make a big difference in the duration and severity.

Also seen in position, the difference between the two is crucial. And although you might not get it right every time, here are 5 signs that help to capture more accuratelyInfluence.

High Fever - One of the symptoms that are not usually present with a cold high fever. With the influenza epidemic of the fever is usually very suddenly, and the temperature is generally between 102 and higher. The increase in body temperature is an indication that the body is fighting a serious threat.

Aches and pains - aching muscles for no apparent reason, and the pain is not usually associated with musclesspecific body parts such as legs or arms, but throughout the body. Many complain that the paper if it touches the body hurts.

irregular body temperature - is often a flu victim to feel the cold to the point of shivering for a moment, then flushed, hot, or even after sweating. This is rarely the case with the common cold.

Fatigue - Many of us can drive through a cold, continuing with daily activities, whilecongestion, sneezing, coughing, and the care of a runny nose. And while this is not the recommended way to treat a common cold, most people generally maintain a level of energy that is very close to normal.

With influenza, there is a noticeable lack of energy. Some describe it as feeling like the wind went out of the sails, or that he had been hit by a Mack truck. This is a clear indication that the body with all its power to prevent a condition that affects more than one is seriouscold.

Dry cough - Many times a cold increased production of mucus. This is the body tries to wash away germs. Many times, the excess fluid from the nose into the throat causing cough that carries the mucus discharge. With the flu, an acute cough is often dry cough.

Obviously, these symptoms vary from person to person and should serve as general guidelines. And since the flu virus spread by droplet infection,influence and a large number of people very quickly, early detection is the key not only for your health but the health of those around you.

If you suspect that you have the flu, see a doctor immediately, because if the flu in 48 hours of treatment greatly increase the chances of reducing the duration and reduce the impact of.

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Different types of virus and symptoms of influenza

Influenza or flu is a highly contagious condition. It spreads easily because people infected around the street without knowing of his condition. influenza infections show symptoms, after almost a week, so there is no way of knowing that you are infected.

Introduction of influenza

Influenza viruses in tiny droplets when coughing and sneezing due to spread. Usually spread from person to person. It may also, if a person touches something randomwas infected with the virus and then touching their mouth or nose. Infections from the first day of a person until the fifth day are infected with the disease to spread. People aged 65 years and children aged under 5 years are at risk of serious illness from influenza. Millions of Americans suffer from influenza each year, and the number of patients from November to April, the United States is the influenza season in

What are thedifferent types of influenza viruses?

A, B and C. The virus, the most serious is published every 2 or 3 years: the flu virus can be divided into three categories. This virus is vulnerable to mutations and the regular production of new strains for which humans have little resistance, and is responsible for numerous epidemics and pandemics in the world. Swine flu and avian influenza are the subtypes of this virus. These mutations caused by some proteinSurface of the influenza virus. HA and NA or HA or neuraminidase, two proteins that make the virus thrive in the body. There are 16 known HA and NA note 9, each with a different subtype. Swine flu and the spread of avian influenza viruses from birds to pigs and when a person comes into direct contact with them. This leads to various infections in humans and cause epidemics. Bird flu or avian influenza has caused a lot of people across the world and had spreadpandemic proportions.

Influenza B virus is relatively less dangerous, and this effort is responsible for smaller outbreaks. If you are infected with type B, a time, then the immune system to resist this kind of virus for many years to come. Influenza B is more common in children between 5 and 14 who were still infected before.

Type C virus is a mild strain of influenza. The symptoms of type C are similar to symptoms of a common cold. much peaceand water are sufficient to treat this type of virus. Doctors can prescribe antiviral drugs to combat this virus, if your immune system is weak.

The symptoms of

Some people confuse flu symptoms with a cold because of their proximity. However, the symptoms get worse with time and problems may occur as follows:

Nasal congestion
Dry cough
Muscle pain
Abdominal pain

These symptoms can last 7-14 days for the flu. high fever and muscle aches may be after some time, but sore throat, runny nose and cough may persist for some time. Sometimes fever may occur for some time yet. Rest regularly to prevent the disease from spreading.

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Tamiflu - can you take Tamiflu as a preventive measure against infection with influenza?

Tamiflu as a preventive measure

Tamiflu can prevent? This is a question that asks people all over the world now. For those who are less informed than a word about what is Tamiflu and what makes you take the medication.

What is Tamiflu?

Tamiflu is a medicine for the flu. What causes the flu? Influenza is an infection caused by the virus. There are three types of influenza. I'm the kind'A' influenza type B and influence of type 'C' influence.

Type A is the most dangerous among them. It affects people very badly. It has caused epidemics in various regions of the world. Some of the famous because of outbreaks of influenza, Spanish flu of 1918, the 1957 Asian flu and Hong Kong in 1969.

Prevention methods

There are several ways to prevent influenza. The most common among themalways be given the flu vaccine. It has always maintained the most common types of flu. It is an injection, for decades.

Today, modern drugs have on markets have become more popular, is the most popular including Tamiflu. This is an oral drug. The drug is in the form of a capsule, a capsule of seventy-five milligrams of the drug. This drug is also in the formsuspension.

I will discuss the doses of drugs as well as you should, if we take as a preventive measure.

How to take Tamiflu?

For medicine, you should be good for you from this medication two days / 48 hours, the symptoms are within. You should not take this medication twice daily, once in the morning and evening. This is usually prescribed for a course of five days.Do not leave the course, anyway. As a preventive measure, should not take this medicine once a day. This can be done in one of two ways: one tablet or morning or evening.

Medication schedule

But if you take this medication in the morning, then you should continue taking this pill only in the morning, when the evening, it was only in the evening. The intake of the tablet in the morning one day and the day after the eveningReduce the impact of the tablet. So it is not used for any purpose. So hard to keep a schedule. A favorite program will be an evening dose. This is recommended because they interfere with the possibility of a stomach on the intake of these drugs. It is advisable to take this medicine with food. So, what better time that night! You can take a period of seven days if you are known to be exposed to the virus, or if you worked in the virusinfected area. If you are continually infected with the virus, then you should take as long as you work. Protection lasts as long as the medicine you are taking this medication.

There are some people out there who are having a problem with your kidneys. For them the prescribed medication is one tablet per day, if they are known to be infected. In case they take it as a preventive measure is mandatory for them to take the medication every secondDay.

The suspension of Tamiflu for children under twelve. But not the recommended dosage for children under twelve in certain cases to give him / her as a preventive measure.

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Mosquito Diseases - What you should know

Apart from that annoying creatures (I have something on the forehead) for the most different diseases mosquitoes, which are undesirable to wear the best. Using the most familiar with the West Nile virus, the mosquito last reported carrying the disease. There are many other diseases that mosquitoes carry, but we will discuss later in detail.

Dengue Fever

Dengue fever is currently composed of four different viruses. Aedes mosquitoes usually carry out this type of infection.With dengue, there is a vicious circle in which a mosquito is infected, an infected person and then biting more people. Dengue fever is usually characterized by symptoms such as headache, severe bone, fever, nausea and vomiting and joint pain. Some errors of dengue fever a bad case of flu. The treatment is similar to a lot of rest and fluids. In some cases, your doctor may prescribe medication to reduce fever. Patients usually recover withintwo weeks.


Malaria is a disease transmitted by mosquitoes known. Symptoms include fever, chills, muscle aches, fatigue, nausea and vomiting. Patients with malaria may mistake their symptoms for flu symptoms. Unfortunately, when left untreated, can lead to other diseases such as anemia and malaria due to jaundice. Once bitten, it can take several weeks before a patient has symptoms begin, this is a disease transmitted by mosquitothat it is difficult to diagnose. Malaria is the most commonly refers to traveling to foreign countries with large populations of Aedes mosquitoes. Fortunately, there are many treatment options for patients with malaria. There are also preventive treatments for a patient. These include:

Chloroquine - Travellers should take into account, this pill two weeks before the trip and for four weeks after travel if going to a malaria-infested areas.

Doxycycline - ThisThe treatment began two days before departure and can continue to house up to 4 weeks after return.

Unfortunately, malaria is a very serious and insidious disease. Even after recovery, some patients may find their symptoms return several months or years after treatment.

Viral encephalitis

Encephalitis is a viral disease, severe inflammation in the brain. There are several reasons, although many people with the disease they get from an insect bite(Usually a mosquito bite). Fortunately, the majority of patients with viral encephalitis contract are back to normal, but recovery often takes a long time. There is some risk of permanent injury from the disease as well. In rare cases, encephalitis can cause death.

West Nile encephalitis is only one form of viral encephalitis. It is more common in areas like the Middle East, Africa and Asia.

West Nile Virus

West Nile virus has recently abandoned the coastthe United States. The symptoms are flu-like and may include fever, muscle and joint pain, headaches, rashes e. At this moment there is no cure for West Nile disease, although patients usually recover in one to several weeks. Some people are not affected as badly as others. West Nile is particularly risky for people with weakened immune symptoms. Severe reactions, the disease may also paralysis and encephalitis.

Protect yourselfMosquito born diseases

While most of this information seems pretty horrible (this is because it is) the good news is that we basically to protect themselves from mosquito bites. Although it may not be able to prevent every bite, you can reduce the risk of reducing to a mosquito born disease.

Common preventive measures include:

Keeping up with repellents or insecticides against mosquitoes in the garden under control.

Use a mosquito repellent with DEET. There are familiesFormulas that contain less DEET are safe for use on small children.

Wear long sleeves and pants if this is in areas infested with mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are also common at dusk, which is a good idea in the long run and spray to wear clothes when in this environment.

Using citronella candles and other natural insect repellent.

Keep grass cut short to discourage mosquitoes.

Avoid the water available for more than a day in your garden or around your house, asThe mosquitoes usually breed in stagnant water.

You will probably find a combination of these strategies works best to keep harm to you and your family to mosquitoes.

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Migraine hell - or symptoms of swine flu

It 's a great news and a wide range pandemodium in some places in the world. Swine flu symptoms appear recently spoke in turn, wherever I am.

I would like to address the really big differences between the migraine symptoms of fever and A.

Now you might think, "You're crazy, how can a flu migraine compared to pigs?" Well, it's mainly because, even if you can not put the two things together, many peoplehave.

Sure, there are some symptoms that a diluted form in the cross from migraine swine flu but not to the point where you want to believe you. I do not think anyway.

If you have never suffered from migraines, you might think: "It 's just a headache', and for some patients with migraine lucky (if I may use these terms together) can only be a" big headache "

Unfortunately, most people suffer from the curse of the terrible headachetend to be much stronger than a "bad headache".

Let me explain.
Similar symptoms are:
Headache (yeahhh)
Fatigue or lack of energy (and not about you, but if I do not feel well, I really do not know with much energy)
(Again, see above comment) loss of appetite
Sore muscles .... Many diseases have "this as a symptom.

The problem I have with the swine flu is primarily about how the media has been treated by. As usual, the television andThe newspapers have exaggerated the extent of the problem and taken away part of the population to leave with Frenz. Crazy I know.

The reason for me to write this because it is something that has really gotton my nose recently. A friend of a friend was absolutely convinced that hell had the symptoms of fever, headache did when she was living in what I call.

I know that migraines can ruin your life and make you really miserable and snappy. ButUnlike influenza virus, there are ways you can minimize migraine disorder, life can have this on your own.

Writing a diary or migraine is a great way to mark what kind of situations, foods, etc. cabin promote an episode of migraine.

Avoid certain foods such as coffee and alcohol, the severity of migraine and frequency of occurrence.

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Influence - How to flu-like symptoms treated at home

Influenza is the most common disease in the United States, which can be prevented by vaccination. But having 5-20% of the population (about 15 to 60,000,000 people) were treated with this potentially fatal disease of the airways. Every year there are approximately 36.00 deaths related to influenza.

due to complications of influenza can occur at any age, serious now. But children, people over 65 years, and those with chronic illnesses at higher risk. Symptomsthe flu include fever, headache, tiredness, dry cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose and muscle aches. These symptoms occur suddenly, and the person concerned to report feeling as if they were hit by a truck. " Although the symptoms of a cold are similar to normal, you gradually develop a couple of days and are not as intense as the symptoms of flu.

The virus multiplies in the lungs and spreads from person to person through dropletsby coughing and sneezing. Therefore, it is very important to cover your mouth (preferably with his sleeve, not your hand) when coughing or sneezing. Hand washing is also essential to prevent the spread of the virus.

What if the virus attacks?

Two of the most important things you can do for yourself or your family members, when the flu is to rest and drink plenty of clear liquids. Hot tea with honey and lemon for older children and adults,like chicken soup (homemade is best, but in cans) will help thin out secretions. Scientists have confirmed what mothers and grandmothers knew all along: chicken soup helps with upper respiratory tract, loosening mucus. Therefore, a daily dose of chicken soup every day during his illness, he feels better and can help speed recovery. If you are a vegetarian, vegetable soup or hot tea with honey will do.

Do not be afraid of fever. Fever simply means that the bodyAttempt to ward off infection. Since the immune system, stimulates the reduction of fever may not necessarily be an advantage. General rules of thumb that I use when advising patients on the treatment of fever:

If the fever of less than 102 and the patient is well, I suggest that fluids and cold compresses to the neck armpits and groin. The skin in these areas is thinner than elsewhere and blood vessels are closest to the surface. Cool compresses will help to cool the blood,that the fever. But do not let it shake the person as fever chills, which is caused by muscles contracting, the body temperature.

If the fever reaches 102 or higher, or causes of fever, malaise, I recommend acetaminophen (paracetamol for example) or ibuprofen (eg Motrin or Advil) in addition to fluids, rest and compressed.

viral diseases like influenza, with fever lasting 3-4 days. At any time the fever persists for 3 days, orcan not be controlled with fever reducing medicines such as acetaminophen or Motrin, you should evaluate your health care provider.

Most people recover within 1-2 weeks from the influence. A significant number of infected people develop encephalitis with the flu or complications such as ear or sinus infection, pneumonia. Also, the flu can worsen chronic diseases such as asthma, heart disease, or COPD. In addition, a considerable effortthat accompanies the flu can last for 3-4 weeks.

One of the most effective means to prevent influenza illness due to vaccination. Young children aged 6 months or older, adults over 65 years of age should people with chronic diseases, especially those who receive the respiratory system and heart, vaccinated annually against influenza

If the flu strikes, the following will help you better:

Warm clear fluids (no milkas mucus thickens and worse symptoms)
Chicken Soup (loosens phlegm)
Expectorant (ie, Robitussin, Mucinex) *
Fever reducing agent (such as Tylenol, Motrin or Advil) *
Saline nose drops (relieve)
Antiviral drugs prescribed by your doctor
Antibiotics can

* Consult your doctor for a safe dosage instructions for children

Why do I need to get a flu vaccine every year?

The influenza virusis highly adaptable and continually evolving. different strains of virus may exchange their genes mutate, or simply that the emergence of new strains of influenza. The flu vaccine is available to place each fall is the result of scientific predictions, which influenza strain will predominate in the next season. Since it is not always accurate estimate, the available vaccine is not 100% effective if the forecast is out for the season to be inaccurate. Also, since theVirus has the ability to quickly change from season to season, flu vaccine this season are available to us this year will take effect would probably not be coming flu. So what we need to be vaccinated against ' influenza each fall.

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The symptoms and precautions for Swine

From Sunday, April 26 said that the United States, a public health emergency is suspected or confirmed cases reported from many parts of the world. If a pandemic comes, it could be very serious for human health and the global economy, certainly not more bad news can also do the same.

A pandemic is an epidemic that spread throughout the world and often cause more serious disease outbreaks. The swine flu has killed many people in Mexico, the heartof the outbreak and the epidemic has features that a global pandemic could be recommended.

The flu virus is usually caused by the flu. Typically, viruses infect only one species, the influenza virus in human beings differ from those of birds and pigs. But this unusual pig flu virus is different because it is the mix of genes from a product from human, swine and avian influenza. Thus, the virus that have affected the pig now spread between people and people affecteddoes not affect the pigs have direct contact with infected animals with.

The danger is that further changes in the genes, a virus that can move very quickly with people to create and produce more severe disease. It can be transmitted through sneezing and coughing, or skin-to-skin contact, like shaking hands or kissing an infected person.

The biggest concern now is that this virus is so new that people have little or no immunity to it still have the vaccine.Deaths in Mexico, in healthy young adults. In past pandemics, such as the 1918 1919 flu pandemic, was also young, healthy people who die more.

As of now there is no vaccine. The new virus is run by two antiviral drugs, oseltamivir and zanamivir. Based on experience with other influenza viruses, treatment is more effective if given within 2 days the symptoms begin.

The first symptoms of influenzaViruses such as that of the regular annual flu: fever, muscle aches, runny nose and sore throat. Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea may be more to this than the normal swine flu influenza.
Adults, adolescents and children aged 3 to 12 years, more troubling signs are as follows:

oShortness breath
vomiting oPersistent
Children up to 2, more troubling signs are as follows:
Quick OveryBreathe
interaction oNot not normally eat or drink normally, with abnormally irritable or appears to be unusually drowsy
oHigh fever and rash
oA blue lips and skin

How to protect yourself from catching influenza virus, the same procedure we take the cold or the flu would prevent all:

oWash hands or alcohol-based cleansers often.
Or when you greet the people, not the hand or with the kisses exchanged.
oAvoid contact with peoplewith flu-like symptoms.
Ound to protect others if you develop sneezing and coughing, be sure to use tissues to wipe your nose and cover your mouth and throw the tissue in the trash or toilet bowl.

Just in case you're curious to know if the process of getting the virus is suspected. A fever of 38 ° C or more accompanied by a cough, sore throat and runny nose is a good reason to be suspicious. He added, if these symptoms occur within seven daysTravel to affected areas and close contact with confirmed or probable cases of swine flu, have good reasons for the bells of panic. If you are then be tested untypeable influenza A positive, and if the strain is, which means it will not show the diagnostic tests for seasonal flu strains that already exist. I am definitely in the red zone.

A laboratory confirmation of influenza virus from a swine diagnostic test kits tested by a laboratory WHO Collaborating CentreYou immediately hospitalized and treated with Tamiflu or Relenza as a preliminary course of medication.

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Flu - Get The Facts, myths jump!

This is the time of year when I can see the flu, some patients with symptoms of what she calls "a touch - a little sneezing, coughing, maybe some, maybe a sore throat, some tightness in the chest, Tired headachey, maybe even a little 'sick to the stomach with diarrhea. More often than not, but I am just a bad season, cold or a stomach virus, and do not realize that a real battle with the flu feel for.

How do I tell my patients, regardless of what manyPeople think that the influence is not just a little 'more intense, harmless version of the cold season, with the addition of intestinal symptoms. While cold viruses and influenza because of both the upper respiratory tract, the cause do not have the same disease.

In fact, the influence is not so easy to get a cold virus. Influenza viruses are normally only in a particular season and the common cold viruses are present throughout the year. Flu makes you feel a lot 'the worst' influence andtypical combination of symptoms of fever, fatigue and pain in joints and limbs hit by a Mack truck feeling. "

There are other diseases with similar symptoms of generalization does not always mean that you have the deadly flu. Influenza can cause serious side effects hospital in this country can and can too.

In fact, there are a lot of myths about the flu, I like to clarify for you so you would know what Importance of prevention and treatment of influenza is. Let's look at some of them:

Myths about Influenza

influenza vaccines is the influence: This is absolutely false. The flu vaccine is a virus meaning of its active, disease-producing is not killed by the vaccine. This idea probably comes from the fact that in the past there have been some side effects such as the flu vaccine have felt connected to that> Flu symptoms.

Some people are sensitive to thimerosal preservative used in vaccines that prevent contamination by bacteria or fungi. Today, however, according to the CDC, flu season in 2010-2011, there are 74 million doses of thimerosal-free vaccine. If you can feel the sensitivity of thimerosal, and / or simply want to avoid it, be sure to request thimerosal-free vaccines. Influenza vaccines are only good for one season.A new one is needed each year.

Antibiotics kill the flu, many of my patients are surprised and disappointed if they experience symptoms are eligible for antibiotics for their colds and tell them that antibiotics do not work on the flu. The flu is a virus, antibiotics caused no influence. Antibiotics only for bacterial and fungal bit 'of work. However, some people get bacterial infection of the lungs and sinuses, sometimes withtheir influence. Then I prescribe antibiotics.

Do not deal with the flu: If it is true that nothing cures the flu, there are several prescription drugs and alternative supplements, the symptoms can help to lesson the influence of a lot. Prescription drugs are Tamiflu, a pill, and Relenza, an inhaled drug. aides alternatives include "Os" for Oscillococcinum and echinacea, the symptoms must first be very brief ininfluence within the first 24-36 hours. Elderberry (Sambucol)% extract research has also shown promise in reducing the symptoms of flu by 56 Andrographis (Indian Echinacea) taken within the first 24-48 hours stimulates the immune system to fight viruses. Homeopathic Ferrum phos, dulcamarra, Nux Vomica, Gelsemium, Arsenicum, Bryonia, Rhus and beautiful women can relieve flu symptoms significantly.

In fact, homeopathic remedies have been influencedcredited with 100% survival rate in patients who took the 1918 during the influenza epidemic. See a professional experienced in the use of homeopathic medicine for exact matches to resolve, the symptoms must be done better to actually go forward.

Influenza really only interested in the elderly: It 's true that older people can be more susceptible to the influence and / or most affected by it because of immune deficiency and complications such as pneumonia, which can be set toBut people of any age can do and get the flu and should take the same precautions to prevent them. Children under 6 months with the highest risk for the disease, because they are too young to keep the vaccine. If you have a child at this age, you should get vaccinated and to keep the baby away from people who are sick.

Facts about flu

Hand washing best prevention: If people washed their hands more, particularly since in public toilets,Food retail and other surfaces that connect people, objects, many cases of colds and flu could be prevented anywhere. Apply a small bottle of hand sanitizer with you and / or use the bathroom that most stores offer clean basket handles.

Nasal wash / irrigants: Keep a small bottle of aloe / saline nasal spray with you. When in public, some spray in both nostrils, hold for a moment and then exhale into a tissue. This flushes anyExposure to viruses, bacteria, mold spores before they enter your lungs.

Strengthen the immune system: The best strategy for disease prevention is your immune system healthy and functioning at an optimal level. This means eating nutritious foods (add a little 'raw chopped garlic to the vegetables a day) and get enough sleep (at least 7 hours per night), exercise (at least 30 minutes a day, 4-5 times a week ), and further strengthening of the immune system vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C toat least 1,000 mg per day, 1000-2000 mg of vitamin D3 per day, 100-200 mg of resveratrol per day, 25 mg of zinc per day, quercetin 100 mg per day, beta-carotene 5,000 units per day. Replace only what is missing and / or inadequate levels in your multivitamin.

Influenza first is a picnic. It can make you terribly and can cause serious complications. The best way to deal with the flu is to prevent it! Know the facts about driving influence. In addition, you will receive an annual influenza vaccine, keep yourof the immune system healthy and remember to wash your hands when in public places. Having a healthy, happy New Year Flu-Free!

Mark Rosenberg, MD
Institute for Healthy Aging

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The symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women

The symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women may begin in the late 20's to 40's. Symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women tends to increase the age of women, especially if ignored in previous years. Symptoms of hormonal imbalance, one or more of following:

The symptoms of allergy or

or depression, fatigue and anxiety

Endometriosis or

Fibrocystic breasts or

or loss of hair and facial surgeryHair growth

or headaches, dizziness and foggy thinking,

or a low sex drive

Osteoporosis or


or urinary tract infections and incontinence

or uterine fibroids

or weight gain, water retention and bloating

or wrinkled skin

The symptoms of hormone imbalance are caused primarily by the body the wrong relationship between progesterone and estrogen. The two female hormones,Estrogen and progesterone, exist in a delicate balance. Variations of this balance can have a dramatic impact on health, leading to symptoms of hormonal imbalance. can vary the amount of these hormones that the woman's body produces from month to month, depending on factors such as stress, diet, exercise and most importantly - ovulation or the lack of ovulation.

In the first 10-12 days of the menstrual cycle, only estrogen is produced in the female body. IfOvulation occurs, then the progesterone produced in the ovaries. The 28 days or so, including the levels of two hormones, such as the menstrual period. However, if ovulation does not occur, you can still have the menstrual period, but the estrogen is never "balanced" by progesterone, which needed ovulation to trigger its production. And this leads to symptoms of hormone imbalance appearing - you have estrogen but progesterone production drops to very low levels.

In developed countriescountries to take the women on the pill are exposed to household chemicals at home, car exhaust and other environmental xenoestrogens. In addition, women often have stressful lives, eat processed foods or eating out, synthetic estrogen HRT (hormone replacement therapy) and hysterectomies. All of these can add more estrogen in the female body, what the symptoms of estrogen as a hormonal imbalance because of more.

How can you tell a woman when experience is symptoms of hormone imbalance? A, fast and effective way to meet women simple online test provided by the clinic in one of the women leaders for the first signs of symptoms of menopause and hormonal imbalance. The online test takes only minutes and is free. Find out more about your health, symptoms such as symptoms that tell you anything about the problems and what to do based on your answers to important. Read more about hormonal imbalance, estrogen dominance> Symptoms and doctor-recommended natural treatments to eliminate the symptoms of hormonal imbalance.

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As you can see, Influenza A (H1N1) Symptoms

Unfortunately, there is no vaccine available as of this writing was the swine flu, and although it may not be as bad as initially thought, there are several cases a few miles from my house and maybe even yours. With my work habits, including flights with planes full of germs and potentially three children, many are exposed to school, I am concerned. No doubt there are good if you read this.

There are several high-risk groups, children areunder 5, elderly, pregnant women and overweight people. However, anyone can catch H1N1.

Warning sings for children disturbed / abnormal breathing, bluish skin, fever with rash, sleep longer, and include the lack of interaction. Also looking for irritability and reduced fluid intake. In most cases of influenza-like symptoms can come back, but then again with worse (usually dry), cough and fever.

In adults, respiratory problems, including signs of heatingShortness of breath, severe / persistent vomiting, confusion, dizziness and possible sudden and severe pain and chest pain.

Not self-diagnose! Probably you're not a doctor and I can not seek professional help the doctor if you suspect influenza virus.

I am a classic case of what not to do. I was pretty bad for current business, although still working. I had symptoms of both H1N1 and pneumonia, but a diagnosis and I had just decided to bronchitis. Turns out, Ihad pneumonia, and although fortunately on the mend now, I had to see a doctor. If you suspect the condition of swine flu or other serious emergency medical attention immediately!


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What is avian influenza?

Bird flu or avian influenza is caused birds to be found by viruses, they can. Similar to other strains of influenza virus, such as the influence of the dog, swine flu and other influenza viruses that have adapted to its host,. A flu virus in birds, however, belongs to a (non-avian) virus family, which is the origin of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI).

Subtypes of avian influenza H5 include the concern is more for health commonly known as H5N1, have a high riskPeople. Studies show that the H5N1 virus that causes severe illness people with a high mortality rate of the virus can infect.

How is it spread? Avian influenza in birds and the spread of birds from birds to other animals and people, to be contaminated by the inhalation and ingestion. All birds are said to be prone to avian influenza. Unfortunately, poultry such as chicken, the weakest, because of the prevalence of the disease to other animals, particularlyPeople.

People who have close contact with an infected bird are easy targets for viruses. H5N1 has been used by millions of poultry animals in Asia, Europe and Africa, causing death and is still growing. World Health Organization has seen this variety discovered as a threat of a pandemic in humans, since it was founded in 1997 in Hong Kong. Experts believe that the strain of avian and human influenza, when exposed to others, any mutation of the virus in another form of influencecan be deadly to all living things.

What are the symptoms? The visible symptoms of infection with avian influenza is an eye (conjunctivitis) and flu-like symptoms. H5N1, however, is a deadly strain that many people in many Asian countries like Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia , China and many others killed.

The governments of these countries in Asia are doing their best to avoid all types of birds, especially poultry, which came fromThe countries with bird flu. Continue to all imports of poultry and poultry products home quarantine.

Avian influenza is a life-threatening disease. If you think you have symptoms, the centers, go to your nearest health area report a case of bird flu in the immediate treatment and also to receive immediate medical attention.

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Top 10 Flu Home Remedies

It 'that time of year ... If the idea (or memory) of flu-like symptoms will cure all the programming and the annual influenza vaccine for influenza research at home. If you are concerned about fever, cough, sore throat, nasal congestion, along with the terrible pain and chills, which depend not only for a day or two, but fourteen days ending, you are not alone.

Antiviral drugs can help the symptoms if you take right afterthey get sick. But there are home remedies, ten all-natural, we have listed here that can help manage the symptoms of influenza.

1. Drink so that you give your body enough fluids to combat the water lost because of fever, vomiting or diarrhea. Their best drink choices are water, fruit juices, soft drinks and electrolyte. Herbal tea with honey soothes the throat. Stay away from caffeinated beverages or alcohol. If an upset stomach, take smallSips of liquid and ice lollies and chips to the body fluid it needs. You know you're getting enough if your urine is almost colorless pale yellow.

2. Enjoy a soup of a study published in Chest in 2000 in the journal Science shows that chicken soup can really only the symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections. Some doctors do not credit the soup, they think they have a steaming bowl of steam increases the nose and help youBreathing.

3. Rest on the couch that you hear the fatigue that your body needs to lie the disease in order to fight your resources are focused on. They have to spend these days on the couch. If you are sick you are not able to practice or go over your regular duties. If you try, you will eventually be sicker longer. Not only do you need to rest during the day but at night. good sleep (at least 8 hours) helps the immune systemSystem work better.

4. Moisten the air as moist air breathing helps break up nasal congestion and sore throat relief. A steam shower is filled with a good choice, but if you want the energy you can get too hot from the shower and sit in the bathroom filled with steam a couple of times a day. You can get a similar effect using a humidifier, but be sure to keep it regularly so it is clean, free from mold or other contaminants.

5. A tent, as an easy way toopening the airway is blocked. Bring a pot bring water to a boil, remove from oven, cover a towel over your head and bend over the pan of water under the tent. Inhale deeply through your nose for 30 seconds. You can have one or two drops of peppermint oil or eucalyptus oil to add water if you choose.

6. Use compression on the forehead and nose to relieve sinus pain and headaches hot.

7. Being an idiot and cough drops, throat lozenges and candyYour cough or sore throat easier. Zinc lozenges with elm or may be effective for alleviating symptoms or shortening their duration.

8. Gargle with salt water, her throat to get rid of mucus builds up on the back. This may also help to open clogged pipes.

9. Irrigate the nasal passages lead to congestion and nasal drip, perhaps even reduce the risk of infection of the sinuses. You can do this with a neti pot that iscan be purchased at some pharmacies or health food store, or use a spray bottle of saline. Pour the salt water through one nostril and let it drain for washing away the other jams.

10. Line up help so that you choose someone to lead and ... so as soup or tea ... for simple tasks around the house. If a family member or friend offers help, take them on it.

Thus, while suffering with the flu is no picnic ... This affects all naturalHome remedies can help you and beyond, and feel better in no time.

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The most common symptoms of liver disease

It does not matter if it is a disease of the liver of an infected gall bladder, jaundice is the main symptom. If you notice that his skin is jaundiced, it can almost be sure you have a problem with his gall bladder or liver. The eyes are yellow instead of the typical white. The jaundice appears, because the old blood is not filtered properly. If the jaundice appears with flu-like symptoms together then a medical examination is necessary becausemay cause hepatitis or serious damage taken by the gallbladder.

In Asian medicine jaundice in two types, the yin and yang jaundice Jaundice is divided. The first is characterized mainly by full body, colored a vivid yellow, thirst and the color of the tongue (yellow). The second, the Yin jaundice face, eyes and skin gets a little 'gray. Yin jaundice produced low-grade fever, nausea, anorexia and palpitations.

If ever a badThe appetite, then you should consider some medical tests, as this is one of the symptoms of liver disease. The result of body weight and not fall a balanced metabolism, an unusual and unhealthy carbohydrates and fats in the blood. Another result of this symptom is anemia. This is the worst consequence of a lack of appetite. If a person develops anemia, it is very possible that he has developed a disease in liver cells (hepatocytes).Nausea and vomiting, vomiting or there are good chances that the blood to be found. The ulcers have an increased risk of anemia is the rate if left untreated.

If you notice that the chair is light colored to happen, because the amount of bile produced is too small. If this happens all the time, then you can be sure to have some problems with liver or gall bladder. Bile is not secreted in the right amount or not reach the intestine, because the stones that can blockway.

Another common symptom is polyuria, excessive urination is also known. This symptom seems to be more than just the disease. One consequence of polyuria polydypsia that is excessive thirst.

Other symptoms that may occur stroke, depression, seizures, allergies, seizures) and dyed (yellow and red mood swings (irritability.)

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How to tell the difference between the flu-like symptoms and allergy symptoms

Often there is a lot of confusion between similar flu-like symptoms and allergic symptoms, only because both have similar symptoms in the beginning stage. At the beginning of the person experiencing a runny nose, sore throat, itchy eyes and headaches. If you experience any of these symptoms, it is important to judge properly, you can use the right drug for the treatment. If you do not want to spend amoney for the cold medicine, only to discover that you have allergies.

The best way to determine what the body is suffering from disease is to provide solid evidence that lead to get a diagnosis. Here is a list of suggestions for you to get a solution Guide:

Let's start with the "flu symptoms"

Here are some of the most common flu symptoms:

Fever (usually high)
Muscle pain
Extreme fatigue
Runny nose (usually from 2 to 3 days or after the experience of the above symptoms)
Gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, (usually starts the same day or the day 2 after the experience of the above symptoms)
Now it's time to start thinking like a detective and gather some information:

Were people who were either coughing or sneezing?
You were in a medical office or hospital waiting room (so no one goes to the doctor becausefeel good, go there because they are sick)?
You were in a position with limited ventilation?
Do you have another phone (I use keyboard phones are full of germs, people do while using the toilet and we are all guilty of it. Next time think twice before using the phone to someone)?
You were with someone else's computer, pens, cups, utensils (always a spring so as not to be shared by many)?
If you wash your hands for at least sixtimes a day (this is in addition to wash their hands after using the toilet)?
You should now have an idea of the kinds of questions that you are moving. As a rule the first 2-3 days the symptoms are worse when it comes to influence. By day 3 or 4 you should only have a stuffy nose, sore throat or mucus.

The effect must not be too short and should not be too long. If symptoms persist for several days or allergens during a "season", is alikely indicator that responds to a particular pollen or airborne particles. If you are, and the third day the symptoms are still persistent, you will control the symptoms of allergy following section:

Allergy symptoms

Allergies are not always obvious. People have developed a case of cold, red nose, itchy eyes, coughing or constant. Sometimes it may seem that the stomach cramps, arms, or rash on the face. Simply put, allergiesa series of reactions to antigens such as pollen, mold, or anything in your environment that your body is controlled.

Allergy Clues

The allergy season is usually in the spring and summer months.
If you are allergic to pollen, you may be allergic to leaves (Autumn)
Did you buy new furniture (forgot to dust and vacuum furniture)
They were part of a recent outdoor activities
While driving your car with the windows you have to go deep by someone whoMow their lawns
While the dog for a walk or have the latest lawn
Were you to new pets or animals in the open
When was the last time you cleaned your car a / c vents, or change the filter. This is one of the largest producers of allergic reactions, especially when you start, you're a / c for those hot summer days
Did you eat something new or added new herbs to your cooking
If you are using a new soap, deodorants, perfumes or clothes
When was the lastTime you change your home A / C, air filters
Check your home or office for dust in excess
When was the last time your pillow bed (s), if you suffer from allergies, it is ideal to change twice a year
Your home or work environment changes
You should now have an idea of what you need to ask. These questions can help the doctor to diagnose. Do not be surprised if the doctor will ask some of the sameQuestions!

The information contained in this blog is not a substitute for medical diagnosis, and those who suffer from allergies symptoms your doctor or flu symptoms to consult with the needs.

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The treatment of flu symptoms Wisely - What to do if you feel exposed to the influence

the influence of gravity and enhanced with deadly strains emerging markets is important to always know, how and for treatment of what to do in case of exposure to influenza. Fortunately, the traditional treatments, many symptoms continue to support the most dangerous strains of avian influenza, the cure is a cause for all the world.

If you believe that you, the exposed, should have been the flu symptoms will pay particular attention to the presence of. It isalways possible that, even if it comes into contact with an infected person or animal, will not be infected. The virus travels through the particles of saliva and mucus, and therefore can not be sent in all cases the contact. Proper hygiene and avoiding the patient may prevent infection.

However, when symptoms occur, you should immediately go to the doctor for. Especially if the experience of pain, in addition to cold symptoms, you may sufferof a flu strain. This is because immediate treatment is necessary to have the option of using antiviral drugs. These drugs, such as Tamiflu and Relenza takes the severity of flu symptoms by controlling the virus. Essentially, the viral version of antibiotics, but to kill the virus suppressed, we are. However, these drugs are administered in a hurry, two days after the onset of symptoms to be effective within a time limit. Therefore, Immediate medical assistance is needed.

In addition to antiviral drugs, there are other traditional treatments for flu symptoms, you can use to nurses. Adequate fluid intake is one of the most important aspects of the fight against influenza. Dehydration is a sign of the disease is always very difficult, therefore, any measure must be to ensure that this will not happen. There are also over-the-counter medications, which can mitigate the severity of> The symptoms of influenza. In paracetamol or ibuprofen to control fever, cold medicine and lozenges, the illness more bearable as the body fights the virus. It 'important to get plenty of rest during this period, such as your body needs to replenish.

After a few days if your symptoms do not improve or if they are serious, you should go to the doctor. Although there is no miracle cure for treating the flu, you should be supervised by a physicianworst conditions do not guarantee transpire as a result of a viral infection such as pneumonia.

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Cancer Symptoms

When I started research on cancer, I feel bad after a few years ago I began to notice some different categories.

The cancer would always fall in four minutes, five categories. You are leukemias, lymphomas, sarcomas and carcinomas. The fifth is the type of melanoma skin cancer or is it just. Some will say, adenocarcinoma is on the list, instead of skin cancer, so we just stick with these 6 categories.

If you take something really sick and weak, a particular action is excludedCancer, especially if the symptoms last for a longer period. Symptoms of cancer would be in search of weakness, pallor, fever and flu-like symptoms go away, who cares. This could be a sign of cancer in the blood or bone marrow, which is basically the immune system.

Symptoms of bone cancer pain has been the obvious, most of the bones. The public areas are for early cancer, or hip bone. Even in the long bones of the arms, theis the forearm. When bone pain is not evident in normal situations such as television or on foot, but worsened when something picked up or walking a straight, bend your legs and where to attach great importance to the thighs that certain characters are also controlled.

My thigh bone pain is what put me to examine the possibility of cancer in my body. I was hiking to the waterfall on my fortieth Birthday and leg bone pain was worse. I had noticed,before, but decided to ignore it. This was the turning point, the pain was too much for trekking is not just around the house and I decided to get me a doctor.

I ignored the pain for 2 years because it was lighter and has a gradual build-up, because I was too busy working to go to the health care provider. This was my first mistake, I almost waited too long to check myself. The cancer was discovered that my lymphoma had spread to bone. The treatments and procedures Iexperienced, well maintained and are currently in progress will be divided in another article. The focus of this article are the symptoms of cancer so that the reader can not do what your body tells you.

Other symptoms to be aware of rectal bleeding, abdominal cramps, loss of appetite, constipation alternating with diarrhea, weight loss and weakness with a pale complexion. These may be symptoms of cancer overall for many diseases, but the difference withis generally worse, not solve, such as influenza.

As common sense about lumps or masses anywhere in the body to be taken seriously. The masses do not go away and a strange kind of pain you have never seen an area of interest for you to be. I had a small bump on the side of my head above the ear in the hair that grew larger and was involved in pain when touched. After an examination and biopsy revealeda type of skin cancer and was removed immediately. I ignored this for about two and a half years until he got about an inch in size.

Cancer is now very common with all chemicals, heavy metals and dyes in today's market and food used. With this knowledge and to know some symptoms of cancer, you have to protect yourself and the things around (cancer-causing products). To prevent cancer-test for the diagnosis of symptoms and observe the chemicalUse and the foods you eat. You're the one who knows your self the best.

Researching on the Internet symptoms. Do not be afraid to consult the doctor, even if they say what you like about what your body says it has found on the Internet.

I have a growing list of symptoms of cancer, which is available for those who need quick list might look on you.

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E 'fatigue, exhaustion or fatigue? Understanding the symptoms

If you feel run down and can not keep up, you may weary you describe your symptoms as fatigue, exhaustion, o. Although we often use these as interchangeable words to describe what we feel, in medical terms they mean very different things. Understanding the symptoms of each can help us better explain how we feel and ultimately lead us to find a solution to the problem.

There are different types of fatigue. The type of fatigue caused by a feltCancer patients do not, for example, the same type of fatigue we feel at the end of a long day.

Fatigue différend of distress, because even if you do not feel like your body is still some 'energy to spend on tap. Symptoms include fatigue, a feeling of heaviness or weakness in muscles, forgetfulness and impatience. Fatigue is common, especially if you are tired and have not had time to relax. Most of the time, all you need is rest for usrecover from a bout of fatigue.

Fatigue is a different animal. A person suffering from, will have difficulty concentrating, a decline in physical capacity and endurance, sleep, and can move away from social activities they once enjoyed. Fatigue, in contrast to the effort, not a temporary condition that can be erased with a nap or rest.

Learn to exhaustion scale. Exhaustion will be marked by confusion, delirium, numbness, difficultydifficulty in sleeping and awake and full withdrawal from the others. Exhaustion is a serious situation, a deeper problem than simple fatigue. Anyone who has had experience of this level is a problem, you should immediately consult a doctor.

If you understand where the symptoms are on the ladder, you can decide on appropriate measures to begin to feel better. Fatigue responds to rest and regular exercise can also help prevent future episodes.For the person tired, you must determine if there is an underlying cause of his illness or problem is a lifestyle that must be addressed. The effort is not always a serious disease, but it can cause, or show other health problems if it continues too long. Fatigue may require medical measures, and you should tell your doctor if your symptoms are extreme, dass

Very often, when we have exhausted and run down, we experience fatigue. Fortunately, we havecan take measures to correct the problem before it becomes a burden or a cycle of frequent tiredness. Typically, there are sleep problems, nutritional problems, lifestyle or other issues, such as long working hours, stress, shift work or play as often when a person experiences fatigue. correct determination of the cause of fatigue, and steps you need to feel fit and in good health.

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Symptoms of kidney stones - already know the symptoms and if you have kidney problems

We all have what it takes to have kidney stones. As we continually pump our bodies with foods that are high in oxalates or insoluble salts, coupled with foods that are insoluble calcium and protein, there is an increased risk of kidney stones. Often we do not realize that these rocks were formed in our system. We will see that only if we, the symptoms of kidney stones.

Symptoms of kidney stone

1. It 'difficultPain or a nagging pain in the lower back, usually on one side or both sides.

2. Unexpected seizures or cutting from the back of the rib below and spreading around the stomach, even reach the bar and the genital area.

3. Unclear and sometimes blood in the urine and smelly.

4. Feelings of nausea and fever and chills;

5. Frequency of alleviating the need of you urine and sometimes burning pain on urination;

L 'The following are the tests that your doctor will probably put you in touch with the confirmation that the symptoms you feel are the symptoms of kidney stones.

The diagnostic tests for kidney stones

1. Take a blood test, where information on chemicals and substances that in excess can be determined in your body.

2. Do you have a urine test to determine where the medical information available for the composition of urine and you have an infection.

3.Obtaining X-ray image, where the stones are visible as white spots, usually contain stones, calcium.

4. Passing through an intravenous urography (IVU), a special dye is injected and is quite the urinary tract are projected in an X-ray machine to more stones that are difficult to see in a normal X-ray image to display.

5. Passing through an ultrasound test that uses high frequency sound waves, the ability to produce an image of an internal organ must, in this case, theImpairment.

6 Take a Non-contrast Helical Computed Tomography - recognize shown this method also projects images from a series of x-ray images at different angles and diagnose kidney stones. Most doctors believe this is the most accurate diagnostic test.

If your doctor has enough information to judge on his hand, that your complaints are symptoms of kidney stones, he recommends the following treatments:

Treatments for kidneyStones:

1. Almost proverbial drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day.

2. Do you have a regular exercise to be physically active, as it is to move the stones while they are still small. In addition, it will give more water to drink prod.

3. A prescription of acetaminophen or codeine for pain relief from natural stone, flush with water.

4. From the form of kidney stones and bother re-charge, the doctor will ask you to strain urineto get hold of some rock samples. Your doctor will decide the composition of the stones, so you know what types of foods to avoid.

5. If, however, despite these simple treatments kidney stones symptoms persist, doctors will have no choice but to several surgeries to remove the recommended method for ureteral stones that may block or pass urine.

6. Further provisions for anti-biotic may also occur, preventionThe infection is spreading to other parts of the body.

The symptoms of kidney stones are known calcium.Hence recur as long as your kidneys and pumped with oxalate and other materials in the form of insoluble proteins and the care of your food. The removal of the stones removed, the symptoms of kidney stones.

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Swine Flu - Symptoms

The recent outbreak of swine flu in Mexico has caused much concern among the community of international organizations, mainly due to the increasing number of victims. It 'important to recognize the symptoms of the disease, prevent the spread of swine flu.

Swine influenza is an infection of the respiratory tract by influenza virus type A, caused endemic in domestic pigs. In the past this was usually only people with influenza infection - those infected will had a direct and close contact with infected animals. But the current epidemic of swine flu in Mexico is different, caused by a new strain of influenza virus. As per recent reports on health, the influenza virus is surprisingly quickly transferred to humans, spreads easily from person to person, which in severe disease infection. It 'was reported that the disease in people diagnosed with any exposure to pigs was.

In pigs, swine flu The symptoms> include the sudden onset of fever, depression, coughing, sneezing, breathing problems, redness or inflammation of the eye, flies feed and discharge from the nose or eyes.

Because the flu virus in humans, the H1N1 influenza virus are constantly changing. Although the swine flu virus are not the same as human influenza virus, swine influenza flu symptoms are similar to seasonal human influenza products. In humans, swine flu town> Flu symptoms include fever, chills, sore throat, muscle aches, headache, cough, lethargy, loss of appetite, weakness and general malaise. Some may also experience runny or stuffy nose, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

But for people who can take care of itself and reduce the measures of corresponding treatment in the early stages of infection, increasing the risk of these complications. To confirm that the virus of the disease is the result of swine flu, a livingLaboratory tests. Antiviral drugs like Tamiflu and Relenza are considered effective for the treatment and / or prevention of infections caused by swine influenza virus.

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