What is cancer - incidence, diagnosis, causation, symptoms, treatment and prognosis

Cancer is only by cardiovascular diseases as a cause of death in the Western world. Although cancer is predominantly a disease of older people with more than 60% of cancer deaths occur in people over the age of 65 Year of life, cancer may strike even the youngest of the children.

Cancer seems to occur when the growth of the cells of the body is out of control and cells divide too quickly. The cancer can develop in almost any organ orTissues such as lung, colon, breast, skin, bone or nerve tissue.

The most frequent sites are:

Prostrate 24%
Breast 13%
Lung 13%
Colon and rectum 9%
Bladder 3%
Uterus 2.5%

The cause of cancer is believed that a combination of genetic factors and non-carcinogens such as tobacco, viruses, infections, asbestos, vinyl chloride, inadequate nutrition.

The cancer often has no specific symptoms, so it is important that you limit your riskFactors and are subject to appropriate cancer screening. The signs and symptoms depend on where the cancer is, the size of the cancer, and how much they relate to the adjacent organs or structures.

If a cancer spreads (metastasis), then symptoms may occur in different parts of the body. As a cancer grows, he begins to press on nearby organs, blood vessels and nerves. If the cancer is in a critical area, such as certain parts of thethe brain, even the smallest tumor early symptoms.

But sometimes cancer begin there, not where it causes any symptoms until the cancer has grown quite large. Pancreatic cancer, for example, usually not large enough to feel on the outside of the body. At the time, a pancreatic cancer causes these symptoms, it usually has reached an advanced stage.

A cancer may also be common symptomsmany other problems, such as, fever, fatigue and weight loss. This may be because the cancer consumes much energy the body or it may be the release of substances that may affect the metabolism.

Some lung cancer to hormone-like substances which affect blood levels of calcium, nerves and muscles and causing weakness and dizziness.

It is important to know what some of the general (non-specific) signs and symptoms of cancer, but do not forget that undereach of these does not mean that you have cancer.

Most cancers can be treated and some cured, depending on the specific type, location and timing. The earlier the cancer is found, the better the prognosis.

A good example of the importance of early detection of melanoma skin cancer. Skin cancer can be easily removed if it has not grown deep into the skin, and the 5-year survival rate (percentage of people who are at least 5 years afterDiagnosis) at this stage is nearly 100%.

Early detection of breast cancer with mammography has been shown to reduce the average time of diagnosis of breast cancer in the population. Colorectal cancer is through colonoscopy and fecal occult blood testing, which reduces both colon cancer incidence and mortality, presumably through the detection and removal of polyps before malignant be demonstrated. Similarly, cervical cytology testing (using the Pap smear) leads toIdentification and excision of precancerous lesions.

Testicular self-examination is for men beginning at age 15 years to recognize testicular cancer is recommended.

Signs and symptoms

Pain may be an early symptom with some cancers such as bone cancers or testicular cancer.

Long-term constipation, diarrhea or a change in the size of the chair can be a sign of colon cancer.

Painful urination, blood in urine, or a change inBladder function could be) (such as frequent or less frequent urination on the bladder or prostate cancer are available.

Skin cancer may bleed and look like sores that do not heal.

A lasting wound in the mouth could be a cancer of the oral cavity and are therefore treated with the same, particularly in patients who smoke, chew tobacco or drink alcohol frequently.

Sores on the penis or vagina may either signs of infection or a cancer, and should notoverlooked.

Unusual bleeding can occur either early or advanced cancer.

Blood in the sputum (phlegm) may be a sign of lung cancer.

) Blood in the stool (or a dark or black stool could be a sign of colon or rectal cancer.

Blood in the urine can be a sign of bladder or kidney cancer.

A bloody discharge from the nipple may be a sign of breast cancer.

Many cancers can be felt through the skin, especially in the chest;Testes, lymph nodes (glands) and the soft tissues of the body. A lump or thickening may be a sign of cancer sooner or later.

While they often have other causes, indigestion or difficulty swallowing) may be a sign of cancer of the esophagus, stomach, or pharynx (throat.

A cough, can not go giving a sign of lung cancer.

A cancer may be suspected for a variety of reasons, but the final diagnosis of malignant diseases, have mostconfirmed by histological examination of the cancer cells by a pathologist.


Once the diagnosis of cancer is usually treated with a combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Radiation therapy is used to treat almost all types of solid tumors, including cancers of the brain, breast, cervix, larynx, lung, pancreas, prostate, skin, stomach, uterus or soft tissue sarcoma to.

Most forms of chemotherapy target all rapidly dividing cells and arenot specific to cancer cells, although a certain specificity of the inability of many cancer cells can repair DNA damage to occur, while normal cells generally can.

Modern methods for generating an immune response against tumors include intravesical BCG immunotherapy for superficial bladder cancer, and the use of interferons and other cytokines, an immune response in renal cell carcinoma and melanoma causing patients.

Painkillers, such asSuppress morphine and oxycodone, and antiemetics, drugs, nausea and vomiting that are frequently used in patients with cancer symptoms. Transmission and disease.

Advances in Cancer Research have developed a vaccine to prevent cancer made available. The vaccine protects against four HPV types which together cause 70% of all cervical cancers and 90% of genital warts.

The consensus on diet and cancer is that obesity increases the riskIll cancer. The cancer-fighting components of food are also proving to be more numerous and more diverse than previously understood, so that more and more patients are advised to consume fresh, unprocessed fruits and vegetables for maximum benefit to health.

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