Colorectal Cancer Facts - This is a preventable disease

Do you know what the second leading cause of cancer death in the U.S.? Cancer - is an entirely preventable disease. Many people are unaware that screening could be saved every year for this disease, thousands of lives. Unfortunately, these tests are not as often as they could be used.

It is believed that colon cancer take many years to develop, usually first as a pre-cancerous polyps in the color or rectum. Because they take on, more like along time to develop, it is time to recognize and remove growths before they become troublesome. Therefore, colorectal cancer is a very preventable disease.

Measures to: - early detection

As with all cancers, early detection is the key to survival. The earlier cancer can identify you, the better your chances of survival. Colorectal cancer screening, most polyps before they become available cancer. Removal of the growthsactually prevents cancer occurs. You can prevent this cancer or detect it early enough to remove it using one of these procedures:

An occult blood test (FOBT) is a very simple procedure that you can do at home. This procedure examines hidden blood in the stool sample, which can be a sign of cancer or polyps or other disease.

A sigmoidoscopy allows you to see about one third of the total length of the large intestine. A small,flexible, hollow, lighted tube for cancer or polyps in the rectum and lower colon to detect.

A colonoscopy is similar to a sigmoidoscopy, except it allows you to see the full length of the large intestine.

A double-contrast barium enema is an x-ray procedure that the doctor can see the entire intestine.

Symptoms and risk factors

If you develop symptoms such as persistent abdominal cramps, rectal bleeding or a sudden change in theBowel habits - you are looking for your doctor very soon. Risk factors for colorectal cancer are higher for people who already have colon cancer or polyps, or for those with chronic inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis book. Even those who have a close blood relative who has had colorectal cancer or polyps. If you have these risk factors, you need the screening tests have often done. Visit with your doctor about yourpotential risk factors.

When doctors see a polyp or other abnormality, then they will be a small tissue sample for the test. If cancer is found, then surgery is often the next step. Sometimes surgery is combined with radiotherapy and chemotherapy, was one of the most effective treatment methods.


Nearly all colon cancer start as a polyp, which grows into a tumor. When polyps are detected at an early stage(before) they become cancerous, they can be surgically removed before cancer develops. Because cancer generally takes such a long time to develop, there will be a preventable cancer. The key to success is early diagnosis. Also a good meal with low-fat diet with an emphasis on fresh fruits and vegetables can also help reduce the risk of colon cancer.

Early detection is the key to success in the fight against all forms of cancer - especiallyColorectal cancer. You are visiting with your doctor and schedule regular screenings.

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