Cervical Cancer Early Symptoms - 7 Early Symptoms of Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is early symptoms experienced by an estimated 13,000 women in the U.S. every year. Early signs of cervical cancer and cervical cancer are the second most common cancer among women worldwide.

Cervical cancer causes are often caused by sexually transmitted human papilloma virus as the cause or "HPV". Most HPV infections do not lead to cervical cancer early symptoms andCancer. However, it can be infected with these virus types may lead to abnormal changes in the cells of the cervix. Certain changes to "high-grade lesions" can progress to early signs of cervical cancer and cervical cancer if not treated.

Common cervical cancer early symptoms are these symptoms:

• vaginal bleeding after sexual intercourse

• pelvic pain

• Pain during intercourse

•Unusual vaginal discharge

• Abnormal bleeding between menstrual bleeding

• Heavy bleeding during menstruation

• increased urination

In cervical cancer early symptoms are suspected, Pap smears are the best currently available screening technique to evaluate the cells on the surface of the cervix to. The Pap smear is a test for the early detection of cervical cancer symptoms, such as cancer or pre-cancer cells of theCervix. Most Pap smear test results are rated from Class I to Class V.

• Class I is normal;

• Class II is an irritation or inflammation,

• Class III means that a true cervical dysplasia, which is from mild to serious,

• Class IV is one of a variety of precancerous lesions or cancer,

• Class V is one of the most serious invasive cervical cancer signs.

Pap smear tests are necessary, but they are not always accurate. AndResults sometimes appear normal, even if a woman, the abnormal cells of the cancer. If cervical cancer early symptoms are suspected, and the Pap smear comes back either as normal or as positive, others look more Pap smear from a different laboratory and a second opinion from another doctor. If your Pap smear shows dysplasia, a biopsy can rule out cervical cancer.

Another test developed with the help of a small fiber optic probe, which mayReplace Pap Smear. This method is still being tested. We hope that the women should be more screening to avoid unnecessary biopsies and help diagnose cervical cancer early symptoms and early-stage cancer. Ask your doctor if this or a more accurate test for cervical cancer is now available.

Early signs of cervical cancer often go to the woman, unaware that there is a problem! Cervical cancer is usually aslow-growing cancer. As a result, cervical cancer is often diagnosed and treated at an advanced stage when the success rate is much lower. Most women with invasive cervical cancer will be treated with surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy or a combination thereof. And a hysterectomy may be recommended as a result of cervical cancer has spread within the cervix.

With the ovaries is an important source for the production of hormones, hysterectomywith removal of ovaries is a major event with public health consequences for a woman. Even if the ovaries are not removed, their function within 1-2 years was reduced following a partial hysterectomy, again with the corresponding consequences for health.

Understand what the cervical cancer early symptoms so that proper medical help can be obtained if necessary. And you learn more about the first symptoms of menopause and side effects of hysterectomy, two important related women'shealth concerns.

Copyright 2006 InfoSearch Publishing

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