Signs and symptoms of colorectal cancer

The risk of colorectal cancer is that the signs and symptoms of colorectal cancer in the later stages are only displayed. Most people with cancer do not experience a symptom in the early stages of the disease. However, if the signs and symptoms of colorectal cancer are shown, it depends from person to person. The development of symptoms depends really on the location and size of cancer in your colon.Learn to read than you.

Common signs and symptoms of colorectal cancer:

1. Rectal bleeding or blood in the stool, appearing

2. Constant abdominal pain or discomfort. Most suffer from pain, abdominal cramps or gas

3. Diarrhea or constipation or even the frequency of bowel movements

4. Feeling of incomplete bowel movement, that is not completely emptied your bowels.

5. Weight Loss. This includes, if you eat properly and not thereMeals.

6. Fatigue or weakness in the body

7. Abdominal pain During Bowel Movement

You see blood in the stool does not always mean one of the signs and symptoms of colon cancer. There could be other causes for it. It could be through piles of small tears in the anus. At same time, if your diet contains beets, red licorice or other fruits and vegetables with red pigment, you can also make your stools look reddish.

Iron products asas well as medicine for diarrhea to your chair black and seemingly alarming. However, while the blood is not the surest sign that one of the signs and symptoms of colorectal cancer, it is still better and safer to drop by the clinic for an exam. You never know what can happen, and prevention is always better than cure.

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