What are the signs of colon cancer?

This article describes a set of facts about cancer, what is and what is the most important sign of cancer. Colorectal cancer is a definition that is used to describe colo-(or colon rectal) cancer. The colon is part of the intestine. These casings are made of the small intestine (between the stomach and appendix) and the large intestine (the site) to the anus. The large intestine is divided into the long> Colon and rectum, a short, just before the anus. Two-thirds of all cancers occur in the colon and third in the rectum.

There are a number of different symptoms of cancer are related. The main symptoms of colorectal cancer are abdominal pain, diarrhea and constipation, blood in the stool. But the fact is that all the symptoms from person to person, so you can never quite sure, and there are even cases to say, without any symptoms vary at all. IfYou see a sign of colon cancer, contact a doctor immediately. It could be bleeding from the rectum or blood mixed with your stool. Often, however, believe the people that this is linked to hemorrhoids, which they always made the correct diagnosis and treatment in the early stages when the chances of preventing the highest.

Here is a list of colon cancer symptoms: pain in the lower abdomen, chronic bowel problems with bowel movements, diarrhea ismore than a few days, mainly colon problems with bowel movements, obstruction of bowels, iron deficiency anemia, which suggest bleeding in the intestine, blood in the stool, significant weight loss, abdominal mass or hardness in the abdomen, significant changes in the intestine - practice of Annex cancer pain characters.

A sign of colorectal cancer is an indication that something is not right in the body. But signs are defined asThings that are seen by a doctor, nurse or other medical professionals to. But only a single application may not be sufficient to define the exact condition. There are cases in which cancers begin where it causes no symptoms until the cancer has grown quite large.

So in this chain of thought, it must be noted that a sign of cancer listed above does not mean that you have cancer, there are many other conditions thatcan lead to exactly the same symptoms. It could be another cause for each of these characters, but the idea is to allow the medical practitioner so that they can be studied to know.

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