Perspectives on Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer is a major health risk and constitutes a public health problem in
most Western countries despite widespread use of screening technique
to detect early stages of the disease. In the United States alone, more than
148,000 people with colorectal cancer diagnosed every year. Over 55,000
Deaths occur in the United States due to colorectal cancer. Colorectal cancer is
a very common disease, and it is the third most commonmost common form of cancer in both
Sexes. In men, third after prostate and lung cancer and in women
after lung and breast cancer. Second only to lung cancer
Cancer in relation to the number of deaths from cancer.

Majority of colorectal cancer (72%) start in the colon and smaller portion
(28%) results in the rectum. The lifetime risk that the diagnosis
Colorectal cancer in the UnitedStates, 5.9% for men and 5.5% for women.

There are several known risk factors for colorectal cancer. As a male
represents a higher risk of colorectal cancer compared to women. Increasing
Age is associated with an increase in the risk of colon cancer.
The incidence of colorectal cancer is higher in African Americans compared to
Caucasian. Risk of developing colorectal cancer is much higher for people
Life in theIndustrialized nations compared to less industrialized

Diet rich in fat and cholesterol, is at higher risk for developing linked
Colorectal cancer. The lack of proper exercise, presence of inflammatory bowel disease
Disease, some types of polyps and family history with a diagnosis
for colorectal cancer have been associated with a higher risk of developing associated
Colon cancer.

Early stages of colon cancer can notcause no symptoms. Some people
experience nonspecific symptoms such as light could be abdominal pain, bloating or
Diarrhea. Occasionally it can cause bleeding and microscopic diagnosis
of colorectal cancer would be due to the presence of anemia, suspected of
chronic bleeding. Some people may develop, Frank bleeding or symptoms of
Intestinal obstruction.

Screening for colorectal cancer can detect the disease, in an early stage. A
rectal examination and examination of stool samples for the presence of
microscopic amounts of blood are very common screening tools. Sigmoidocopy
and colonoscopy are invasive tests that can detect and
It could be removed a few polyps, the precursors of cancer. Less invasive
Techniques such as barium enema, virtual colonoscopy, a CT scan machine
are also frequently used in screening and diagnosis of colon cancer. Adults
with an average risk of colorectal cancer should begin
Begin screening at age of 50

Treatment of colorectal cancer depends on the stage of the disease. Early
Stages of colorectal cancer are treated with surgery alone, the later stages of
Colorectal cancer treated with surgery followed by chemotherapy with or
without radiation therapy. Rectal cancers are more often treated with
Radiotherapycompared to colon cancer. Advanced stages of colorectal
Cancer, where the disease has spread to other organs, are usually treated
with chemotherapy alone. There are several new chemotherapeutic agents and
biological medicines for the treatment of cancer. Treatment
significant changes of colorectal cancer in the last 10 years has changed significantly. The
newer drugs show significantly improved efficacy and prolongation of life
Life expectancy in patients with advanced colon cancer.

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