Cancer Symptoms - Discover the Warning Signs That Could Save Your Life!

Colon cancer symptoms are a number of undesirable characters some of them frequently and regularly abdominal pain, diarrhea and constipation. If these things are left untended can even go so far as to experience bleeding in the anus or references to blood in the stool. Feelings of pain during bowel movements should also be given attention, as it can be a sign of a developing tumor.

Cancer, also by two other names, known colorectalCancer and colon cancer, describes cancer growth arising from the colon, rectum and appendix. In most cases starts with adenomatous polyps found in the intestines. Although these mushroom-like growths are usually benign, they can sometimes develop into cancer if they are left disabled.

If ever gastrointestinal bleeding is present, melena or black stools may also be present. Black stools with a tar mean look, that the malignantGrowth away somewhere at the beginning of the colon. If the tumor grows large enough, you can even experience intestinal obstruction. This can present as constipation, abdominal pain and vomiting, sometimes without nausea.

Some cancer symptoms can a little strange in comparison, and are almost independent. However, they are increasingly cause for concern because it means that the disease is most common. A sudden pallor of the skin, fatigue andfrequent heart palpitations could mean that the tumor has already caused iron deficiency anemia.

Diagnosis of colorectal cancer is done usually by colonoscopy followed by surgery and may even be found in malignant tumors to chemotherapy. To avoid that, nothing worse than these characters go, go to your doctor if you suspect that you will know, colon cancer symptoms can. Catching the disease early can meanthe difference between life and death.

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