Cancer Screening-What Women Should Know in 2007?

We've all had friends diagnosed with cancer. These are often friends who have lived the healthiest possible life, eating nothing but the best quality food. We are talking about smoking, have regularly lived people, the pursuit of totally healthy life style. Why did they get cancer?

The truth is that almost all cancers are caused by a genetic switch, or other in us, that works one-on or off. Whether this is the case, to depend to some extent onwhat we bring with us, be it cigarette smoke, on exposure to the sun or some kind of food additives. This is very simplistic, but science is advancing rapidly in the next five to ten years we can know exactly what will be the risk for each environmental vice, that we are committed to rule in.

Until then, we have knowledge about what kind of cancer we are most likely to come down with, and how cancer screening is effective against some of these.The point is that you take the power, control and minimize the risk of cancer happening to you!

The most common cancers in women who are in the United States:

Breast (213,000 new cases, 40,970 deaths per year, with a 1 in 34 lifetime risk of dying from him),
Lung cancer (81,770 new cases, 72,130 deaths per year, with a 1 in 20 lifetime risk of dying from him),
Colon cancer (75,810 new cases, 27,300 deaths per year, with a 1 in 45 lifetime riskIf they die off),
Endometrium (41,200 new cases, 7350 deaths per year, with a 1 in 196 lifetime risk of dying from him),

Skin (30,420 new cases, 3720 deaths per year, with a 1 in 500 lifetime risk of dying from him),
Ovarian cancer (20,180 new cases, 15,310 deaths per year, with 1 in 95 lifetime risk of dying from him),
Cervical cancer (9,710 new cases, deaths from the year 3700, with 1 in 385 lifetime risk of dying from him).

In general, care in addition to his annualTest with the precancerous lesions or cancer screening is highly recommended. Unfortunately, the cancer for which there are no effective screening instruments: endometrium, lung and ovarian cancer.

The good news is that endometrial cancer tends to show itself early from bleeding disorders, usually of menopause, which results in a high cure rate. The additional good news for the prevention of endometrial cancer is that the vast majority occur in people who are overweight. So, with regard to symptoms and keep your weight within normal range go a long way to prevent endometrial cancer. It also means if you are taking estrogen, that you discuss the risks against the benefits with your doctor.

Lung cancer is usually associated with smoking. Screening methods were ineffective in reducing mortality. Enough said. You know what to do for them too.

Ovarian cancer is a silent killer with no beginning > Symptoms and no reliable way to not display, at least not yet. It may take a blood test that is on the horizon that will change that in the near future. But for now, the tests were popular in the literature as screening tools, are mainly CA-125, not just effective. The best strategy is to improve increased to the persistent symptoms of bloating, indigestion, unexplained weight loss, pressure, abdominal or pelvic pain or other intestinal pay -- > Symptoms. Having said that, this kind of symptoms are far more likely to be caused by something other than ovarian cancer, so do not panic. Be vigilant when these symptoms are not gone. Too, but there are women who get ovarian cancer are genetically prepared in their fertile years, the vast majority of ovarian cancer in postmenopausal women diagnosed annually. If you have first-degree relatives, with breast or ovarian cancer have come downCancer seek genetic counseling. Testing may be recommended.

Screening options exist for cancers of the skin, cervical, colorectal, rectum and breast.

Women aged over 40 should receive mammograms every 1 to 2 years and thereafter every 50 years old. In addition, ask for a breast exam during your annual physical. Finally, although the breast self-examination is not proven to be effective, there are enough medical information necessary to do it regularly. You know your body bestand can recognize a bit sooner than everyone else. Finally, as far as preventive measures, a low fat diet, you can reduce your risk of religious respect, especially if you are on a diet with high fat content. Obesity increases the risk of cancer in any case.

There is a lot of press lately in terms of early detection of cervical cancer. The best news is that the combination of Pap smear and HPV test is highly effective in detecting PRE-cancer conditions of the Cervix. This means that treatment can be effective very early and relatively non-invasive, as treatment for pre-cancer is not cancer. The recommendations are very complex, vary with age and the details can be found on the American Cancer Society site to be found. In general, however, ensure that you receive this combined test at least every 3 years.

After 50 years, there are several options for colon cancer screening. Similar to cervical cancer> Cancer screening, the actual situation is the detection of precancerous polyps, cancer screening, but is also saving lives. Options include annual review of patients collected stool samples, sigmoidoscopy) (examination of the lower part of the colon every 5 years, a special kind of x-ray study on a double-contrast barium enema every 5 years or colonoscopy (with a view the entire colon) every 10 years. Discuss these options with your doctor to determinewhat might work best for you.

Finally, especially if you have a SO-lover, ask your doctor on every inch of your body for signs of precancerous lesions or cancer are looking for. Use sunscreen lotions that have an SPF (sun protection factor) rating of at least 15 The risk will depend on what type of skin you have, but these days you need to know what is the reported UV-paid index, where you live. This is a measure of the harmful ultraviolet solar radiationThey are exposed to radiation, on a certain day when you go outside.

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