Prostate Cancer Signs and Symptoms - Know What to Look Out For

In the last twenty years, survival rates for people with prostate cancer have been steadily increasing, mainly due to better detection and treatment techniques. The chances of prostate cancer are successfully treated will also greatly increased if the cancer is diagnosed early, it is important to know what symptoms you aware of. If it is left, and spreads to the bone, it often can not be cured, and at this stage of treatment focuses on the extensionLife and the quality of life.

Show the following signs and symptoms of prostate cancer may be that someone has the disease, but can also be caused by many other things. Having these symptoms does not mean that someone of the disease. However, it is always advisable to go to a GP or doctor if these symptoms appear to be on the safe side. Even if prostate cancer do not usually up at the following symptoms until it has grown large enough toPressure on the urethra, so very early prostate cancer has few symptoms.

Prostate Cancer Signs and symptoms:

Painful urination
More frequent urination than usual (often during the night)
Weak and irregular urine flow
A feeling that after urination, the bladder does not empty completely
Blood in the urine in exceptional cases

Prostate cancer also can cause:

Decreased sexual desire in some cases

Again, these symptoms are not that someone has prostate cancer, but they are an indicator of whether there is a possibility. A GP or doctor will advise you in a position to determine whether a scan is required.

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