Early symptoms of prostate cancer

The problem with trying to diagnose prostate cancer is early, that causes the symptoms of early prostate cancer, which are similar to benign (non-cancer) prostate enlargement as benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH. In fact, BPH often causes more symptoms than prostate cancer and is very common in men as they get older. Many men diagnosed with prostate cancer and BPH is. So many men, BPH is not prostateCancer in general.

These early prostate cancer symptoms are mainly due to obstruction of the flow of urine from the bladder. As the prostate enlarges, it makes the pipe runs from the bladder, to pay the urine from the body tight. This may make it difficult to pee normally.

1. Hesitancy - difficulty starting to pee

2. Weak stream - the stream or flow of urine is not as fast and as hard as it used to

3. Effort - you need to push --Urine from

4. Prolonged urinating - it also brings out more in small amounts of pee

5. Feeling of incomplete evacuation - the bladder still feels as if there is some urine in the left, after you've just emptied.

6. Urinary retention - the inability to empty the bladder at all

Other symptoms are due to irritation of the bladder by the enlarged prostate. These symptoms are the same for BPH, such as those for prostate cancer.

1. Urgency - If you go you now need to go to, it is difficult to maintain

2. Frequency - they do need to pee more often

3. Nocturia - you need to get into the night to pee

4. Urge incontinence - when you suddenly need to urinate and can not hold on as an accident, if you can not get to a toilet in time

If you are one of these symptoms, it is worthwhile to see, talk to your doctor about it. First, there are many applications that can use> Plus symptoms, the doctor can check whether they are due, not to BPH, prostate cancer, which may require urgent treatment. If you have these symptoms, the doctor may want you have a PSA blood test or a DRE.

IMPORTANT advanced prostate cancer Symptoms

If prostate cancer spread outside the prostate gland symptoms from the fields there will be distributed. Sometimes these are the first signs that something is wrong, and the cancer diagnosed late. You can also occur while a patient is being examined (as seen in the clinic regularly) after treatment for prostate cancer and show that the cancer has progressed despite treatment.

How cancer affects the spot around the prostate, it may be nerves, affecting the penis. This can lead to problems, and always maintaining an erection. It could also be painful ejaculation or blood in the semen. Thereare many other causes of problems) with erections (erectile dysfunction, and you should speak to you doctor about any concerns you may have. There are many effective treatments for these serious or it may be a sign of something that has to continue with investigations.

Locally advanced prostate cancer can also cause pelvic pain, or sometimes the feeling to) the anus (anus. This pain can be very serious and often persistent. Most men would often require a lot of painKillers from the doctor for this type of pain.

The most common site of secondary spread is the bones. This is generally perceived as pain that is persistent, and felt the same place in the bone for a certain period. Sometimes you can not hear properly or sleep the pain affects the way in which you are moving and can be day to day life. It can also hit just one site or several bones.

The cancer in the bones and causes them to more brittleand easier to break or rupture with even minor injuries. If the bone breaks in the spine that are affected by cancer, which can cause pressure on the spinal cord. This is the piece of the body which messages from the brain to the arms and legs sent to tell them to move back and carries messages about sensation and temperature. When the spinal cord can be squeezed numbness in the arms or legs and difficulties they cause moves. It may also affect the way you open your bowels orurinate, is often associated with pain in his back. Cancer secondaries in the bones may also have high levels of calcium in the blood, you feel nausea, drowsiness, confusion, can cause constipation and abdominal pain.

Remember, there are many reasons why (can), especially older men get aches and pains in the bones (arthritis, etc.), but if you're worried, you should consult your doctor. You may be able to tell you want to or can arrange for you to get a bone to be scanned (seeearlier). This of course helps to evaluate what form of treatment would be most appropriate.

If cancer is more advanced, it can start to cause weight loss and a general deterioration of health. If it spread to other areas over the bones of the body it could cause symptoms such as shortness of breath cause, if cause spread to the lungs, headache, when the brain is distributed.

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