Colon Cleaning UV light, a concept

Colorectal cancer is a killer and the only way to kill it to prevent in the first years of life, it can be seen in the initial stage in order to treat them. There are many foods you can eat to keep your colon working well and build up the bad bacteria. Eat right and stay away from vices can help prevent colon cancer. Here is a concept that will help kill the unwanted harmful bacteria in the colon can. This idea comes from the newAdvances and innovations of UV light to clean water. The only problem is how to get light where the slogan says: "... Where the sun do not shine, here's a thought that maybe some savvy science major, innovative medical education and entrepreneurs want to look at?

UV light is used to kill bacteria in water filtration applications. It works so well, in many sewage treatment plants are using huge units, substantially bacteria from the water, so that theyback into the groundwater, river or sea. Hospitals have used UV light to kill bacteria, there are so many applications for these technologies. Perhaps we should look into a small marble-size battery-operated UV light device. One that can be taken to clean of unwanted bacteria in the stomach and prevent potentially cancer and. The small marble size unit is about the entire system in the stool, cleaning as it goes. Then the patient can eat only a fewYogurt and various other things that make the good bacteria back into the system. I suggest that the unity of marble size UV light flash, a cycle for the best good bacteria and / or the worst cycle for the bad bacteria. Rank near or at 5-8 Hz

There are many super small batteries that can be used and the device could be as small as an M & M candy or many of these young boys could be taken at a time on a relatively empty stomach. It is clean from the stomach, small intestine, largeIntestine and the colon with this UV light. It could be a very simple process and very inexpensive. Although it was perhaps not so much the sound units are used over and over again, by washing them in a series of small plastic container and shook it. Like the old lenses, saline solution and / or isopropanol and then rinse, turn them on and reuse, or trade back into the doctors office for official body, recharging batteries and a complete sterilization.If you want a full report on my idea, contact me.

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