Colon Cleansing - Cancer Prevention

Colorectal cancer is a statistical likelihood that many may have in the western countries face. Also intestine and colon cancer is known, it is the third most common form of cancer. It is a diagnostic incidence of about 100 per day in the United Kingdom. In 2008, over 100,000 are colon cancers are diagnosed in the United States. Those affected are mostly from the developed world.

The survival rate for colon cancer, which currentlyApproaching 50%, improved by early diagnosis. Although the mortality rates have declined in recent years, probably due to better colon screening programs that allows the early detection and treatment, it remains high enough to ensure treatment as a dangerous threat to longevity.

Cancer is the process and result of dividing cells and multiply uncontrollably and faster than normal. The mass of tissue through the growth and collection of these formedabnormal cells known as tumor.

A tumor that enlarges, but remains in one place is called benign.

If the cells and begin to continue to penetrate the surrounding organs, or breaking from their original site to other organs via the blood and lymph system and grow uncontrollably in the same manner, the tumor is then classified as malignant. This process of abnormal cell proliferation referred to as metastasis. Malignant tumors are very often seriously life-threatening, to death, sometimes very soon after diagnosis.

Screening and prevention are in the drive to reduce colorectal cancer mortality is crucial. Tumors in one fifth of the cases have already metastases at diagnosis.

Signs and symptoms.

Blood and mucus in the stool.
Persistent diarrhea or constipation.
Unexplained abdominal pain or swelling.
Weight loss.

Although there may be other causes for the above signs and> Symptoms, it would be advisable to seek medical advice to causality explanation.


It is a statistical correlation age. 80% of cases are in the 60 +-group.

It is generally accepted that diet plays a contributory role in colon cancer. For example, research has shown that excessive consumption of red meat, the possibility of developing colorectal cancer increases. When the gut, a pigment that gives red meat is divided intoChemicals that damage the DNA in cells, which the intestinal tract. The cells may then multiply damaged caused in a way that the formation of tumors. On the other hand, a reduced diet consisting of fatty fish, fruits, vegetables and fiber-rich foods, the likelihood of developing colon cancer.

Strong drink, smoking and alcohol also thought as a possible cause.

Obesity and overweight are among the suspects.

From a family with aHistory of colorectal cancer and polyps appear to suffer first fall in the group with higher risk.

Lack of exercise, the incidence of the disease seems to be connected.

Inflammation of the lining of the digestive tract is suspected of predisposing to cancer. Diseases such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease may increase the risk of developing colon cancer.


Cancer is treated by--
• Surgery - the most commonly used method
• Chemotherapy - a post-operative and palliative option and
• Radiation therapy - in selected cases


Make the results of screening programs for early detection are encouraging. There is a 80% chance of treatment to be successful if the disease is detected early. The death risk by 16% through a regular, reduced bowel control. The UK's National Bowel Screening Program,was launched in 2006, aims at offering all of the risk age group a faecal occult blood (FOB) test of 2009.

Sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy are other detection and diagnostic tools that should be reviewed immediately, if even the slightest concern about the healthy functioning of the intestines, especially if any of the above signs and symptoms is experienced.


Prevention of cancer from the first position must clearly too high tothe list of priorities.

We can all have a very important contribution to reducing the risks of being a victim of colon cancer. Thus, from a healthier diet, taking exercise, attention to our weight and waist, verification of drinking and smoking habits steps that we can not act. The sooner it is perceived and practiced, the lower the risk of succumbing to cancer of the intestine.

Colon cleansing.

It has been said that the deathstarts with an unhealthy colon.

A colon that is not properly evacuation will be charged with decomposing materials. Harmful toxins accumulate in the gut and are absorbed into the bloodstream. Parasitic infestation, infection, inflammation, ulcers and cancers are other possible developments within a dysfunctional colon.

A healthy gut is absolutely necessary to diseases that prevent potentially create a medium for the development of cancer. Inflammation of the lining of theIntestine was associated with tumor formation.

Colon cleansing is not to be missed so also in a preventive plan for a good colon, and general health.

Used by the Egyptians over a millennium ago, bowel cleansing is still valued today as a detox treatment, the colon free of toxins that infect the bloodstream, and parasites that attack the lining of the digestive tract, mucus can be absorbed, the pathogenic effects, and decaying matter, hashas passed within its walls cause constipation.

Colon cleansing, and for the prevention of colorectal cancer, may also be useful, constipation, diarrhea, weight loss, effective peristalsis, irritable bowel syndrome, diverticulitis, bloating, flatulence, indigestion, bad breath, high blood pressure, cholesterol control, auto - intoxication, sinus problems, backache, headache, fatigue, hemorrhoids, insomnia, irritability, and skin diseases.

Thedetoxifying effect of colon cleansing to create a feeling of well being and vitality, more energy is from the better absorption of food nutrients derived through the intestinal wall cleaner.

The main objective of this article is the importance of awareness and pro-in the prevention of cancers of the colon mark active. If you would more information on how you could be preventive measures to protect your health, please make sure to take the website as indicated below.

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