Colon Cancer - Just the Facts

With breast cancer and cervical cancer is considered one of the "big cancer three", which in North America is widespread. The colon is the "tube" at the end of our digestive system, which stores waste before expulsion. The termination of the colon, is called "rectum" and the entire tubular structure is the large intestine. This whole system together, though, when discussing cancer.

Symptoms associated with colorectal cancer:

There are no specific symptoms that are used to diagnose colorectal cancer directly, but there is a group of conditions that mean there is a problem. So if you have any doubts, it is best to visit your doctor.

Common symptoms:

1. If the cancer is near the anus, constipation, diarrhea, abdominal cramps painful (and the constant need to empty the bowel),Narrowing of the stool, and the presence of blood or mucus in the stool.

2. If the cancer is above: Melena, or black stool is a symptom commonly reported.

3. Large bowel cancer tumors can prevent the transmission of excrement and appear as constipation, abdominal pain or bloating. Vomiting may occur.

4. Anemia, weight loss and loss of appetite are also signs.

Risk factors:

1. Genetics: If cancer in the family,suffer with a large number of close relatives or to develop an unusually young age of cancer, this point is a high risk of colon cancer.

Other conditions are the familial adenomatous polyposis, which likely makes the colon cancer and should immediately justify a visit to the doctor.

2. Age: The chances of developing colon cancer, a single jump suddenly hit the 60s, and that regular check-ups after thisAge a must.

3. Tobacco and alcohol use present high risk factors.

4. Consuming large amounts of meat with little fibers brings us a higher risk.

5. Sedentary individuals are also at higher risk.

6. Other conditions correlated with a higher colon cancer decreased selenium levels, a history of ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease.

Can a colon to help me?

Tests for colorectal cancer:

1. Barium Enema x-ray: As the name suggests, an enema is administered, and the barium is contained in the position, tumors or polyps exposed as a dark shadow on x-rays

2. Colonoscopy: It is the most commonly used test. A tube with video capability added to recognize the intestinal polyps. If polyps are found tests conducted to determine whether they have cancer, according to the results of subsequent biopsies. Requiring small tissue biopsies from patients. IfCancer is confirmed, the polyps have been removed () because of the colonoscopy, but tests must be performed to search for metastases, if necessary. In general, the lung, liver and stomach are particularly important.

CEA is used a product of some cancer cells, whose elevated levels are only indicative of the spread of colon cancer.

Treatment options:

1. Surgery:

The colorectal cancer, some of the surrounding tissue andadjacent lymph nodes are removed. After removal, the cavities in the gut patched. If the tumor is present in the rectum, the whole rectum are removed. In this case a colostomy will be performed to facilitate the excrement in order to leave the body through an opening in the abdomen known as a stoma to. Specific post-operative services will help to patients, are used to this change. Metastasis of colorectal cancer to other organs determines the survivalChances of the patient after surgery.

2. Chemotherapy:

Drugs for colon cancer surgery, and later usually administered approximately 5 weeks to kill microscopic cancer cells that can not be detected. But the drugs also destroy a large quantity of blood cells leading to weakness and a diminished immune system. Thus, the gear is given as a series of meetings with periods of rest to allow for the recovery. Thus, the drugs are allowed to penetrateto destroy the whole body of each of these remaining cancer cells. Chemotherapy statistically improved survival rates and correspondingly decreased number of tumor recurrences.

3. Radiotherapy:

It can be given before or after the operation, and its use has been particularized to the rectum. Colorectal cancer can be fatal and at best is extremely painful and uncomfortable. By practicing a healthy diet and regular check-ups, we cansignificantly reduce our chances of the disease.

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