Prevent colds and other flu viruses with these natural remedies
You know, there are natural cures flu, easy to use as often, but not many know about it or make the effort, the cold use it as a defense against the flu, o. actions referred to in this article could eliminate connection in a flu, cold or worse the acquisition of your body.
Here are a couple of highly recommended vitamin nutritional supplements in its ability to prevent influenza or common cold and also helpRecovering from a virus attack. You can also work with the most powerful of influenza or common cold. If the body has a lack of what vitamin supplements can provide this, then you can be sure that the immune system is not working effectively, and perhaps worked too.
Present Day Natural flu remedies
probiotic supplements are found in almost all pharmacies, drug dealers, retailers, health food stores and large chains. What they do is ratherfascinating and provide some level of virus protection for the body.
Probiotics are "good bacteria" are (also known as gut flora) that live in the intestines. These small microorganisms aid in body's ability to process food. An additional feature is their ability to defend against toxins and germs. Not many people know today, but in the digestive tract is the first line of defense against many diseases is unique, frequent colds, flu andviral invaders.
A group of scientists conducted a recent study on the strength of probiotics. The trial was the percentage of volunteers to test the cold virus was made at the intake of probiotics compared with those that measure only taking a placebo.
The test group consisted of 272 healthy volunteers. Participated in a double-blind placebo-controlled trial (this is considered the gold standard in scientific circles). Half of the volunteers a daily probiotic with a concentration of a particularunits of billions of healthy bacteria active. The other subjects received a placebo.
After 12 weeks ago, volunteers who have shown a definite advantage for probiotic health than those who showed only the placebo.
1) Those who received the probiotic had a cold in less than twelve percent.
2) To make things even more interesting to make voluntary probiotics got over their colds thirty percent faster.
3) Finally, if a volunteer got a cold, volunteers to test probioticshad less severe symptoms.
As you can see, there is value in simple everyday with probiotics. Not only will your digestive system work better, you get a valuable protection against nature as viruses, bacteria and more.
Other protective influence
Another valuable addition to health insurance, even basic vitamin D. If an individual takes a daily vitamin most likely to buy the recommended dose per day. What does vitamin Dwill move the T-cells and keeps them active. A deficiency of vitamin D may actually burden an immune system. Here you will find those who need more vitamin D to stay healthy. E 'often use more integrated into the care of a physician to improve. Over-feeding of supplements may have an effect on the body reserves.
A weak immune system is a very dangerous situation. The weaker the immune system. the body more vulnerable to any kind of virus attackor illness. Supplements are good home remedies for the flu.
Vitamin D is a season of these additions may be taken into account when planning for colds and flu. Your doctor is the best solution for the right dosage of vitamin D.
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