Incubation swine flu
Listen to the message that we new global pandemic, you can make a wonder what the incubation period for swine flu, the. So far, 5,500 Americans were hospitalized and 363 have died from the H1N1 virus. Worldwide, about 1,000 people were killed. And global health experts expect those numbers to skyrocket as the flu season hits the western hemisphere.
People can spread the virus before you even know about the disease that does what theThe incubation period for influenza in pigs is important. The Centers for Disease Control, says he has no official figures on how many days the virus is in your before developing symptoms. They say that probably 1 to 7 days, and probably 1 to 4 days.
During this period there will be "shedding" or caught the disease. Therefore, the influence is so important that everyone takes precautions against the spread of swine flu.
Simple hand washingis the first line of defense. We recommend that you wash your hands vigorously for 20 seconds, often with an antibiotic soap. Remember, the disease is transmitted when the surface to touch something that is contaminated and then touching your nose, mouth or eyes. Note that the virus can last up to two hours every reason to live.
If you come with the symptoms, you know you should spread the virus and take measures, in addition to protecting the people aroundand the general public. These include always sneeze or cough into a tissue and then the arrangement of the fabric, wash your hands frequently and disinfect surfaces around on you.
But even if the symptoms have passed, you can still transmit the virus for up to 7 days. As a warning is justified. In short, the incubation period of swine is vague, but can be anywhere from one day to one week.
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