The connection between flu-like symptoms and Lyme disease

Many people are aware of the dangers that are known Lyme disease, a disease transmitted by ticks place black-legged, also called deer ticks. The black-legged tick feeds on rodents and small animals that carry the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. Consequently, the infected tick can transmit the bacterium to humans through a bite.

Contrary to popular belief, Lyme disease can not contagious through kissing or touching, and while dogs and catsbitten by an infected tick, there is no evidence reported to transmit the disease to humans. However, pets can bring infected ticks into the house, reducing the risk of disease, its human inhabitants.

The symptoms of Lyme disease
symptoms of Lyme disease are usually experienced in three stages. Although rare, some people experience no symptoms at all during Phase 1, and not all people experience all three phases des

Usually the first symptom of Lyme disease appear to be erythema migrans, a distinct circular rash starts on the skin at the bite from 1 to 4 weeks. The rash may increase in size over time. It occurs in about 70% to 80% of those infected, and other flu-like experience many symptoms, such as:

Muscle and / or joint pain
Stiff neck
Low energy and exhaustion
swollen lymph nodes

Step 2:
IfIf left untreated, Lyme disease symptoms can be severe. In a few weeks, even months after the first bite, heart disease can cause nervous system disorders and other severe symptoms such as:

Multiple rashes
Pain and / or numbness of the arms and legs
moderate to severe headache
Conjunctivitis (eye infection)
Muscle cramps
arthritic pain
severe tiredness and fatigue

Level 3:
If you do noteffectively treated, the symptoms of Lyme disease in the third stage, the infection can cause health problems for many months, sometimes years after the first. Deaths from Lyme disease are rare, but without proper medical intervention, the disease may progress to a chronic illness, including chronic arthritis and neurological disorders. If a pregnant woman is bitten by an infected tick, the bacteria can produce harmful effects on unborn children, can cause miscarriage orStillborn.

Symptoms in the third stage are as follows:

severe tiredness and fatigue
chronic Lyme arthritis
Swelling of the joints (especially knees)
partial facial paralysis (Bell's palsy)
Memory loss
Lack of concentration and attention
moderate to severe mood swings
Speech problems
moderate to severe chronic heart problems and / or diseases of the nervous system

Precautions against Lyme disease
Taking precautionsTo prevent Lyme disease, the wise thing to do. It is not only to prevent Lyme disease, but it will also reduce the risk of ticks and other mosquito borne diseases like West Nile virus and yellow fever.

Observe the precautions following recommendations:

Security: Make sure your clothing covers the skin as possible (long sleeves and long pants). Wear sandals or shoes, the open front, especially when in a wooded area.light-colored clothing is easier to see for you to check on you.

Apply insect repellent: Use a strong spray insecticide over the entire body, including clothing. A high level of DEET is most effective.

Safely remove ticks: Each tick on the body must be carefully removed with a tweezers. Move slowly through the mouth and head (the part of the check mark is your skin). Swat or crush the tick because it can provoke it to attack even more closely.

IfIt is suspected that may have contracted Lyme disease, or experience some or all of the symptoms of Lyme disease ', contact your doctor immediately. Early detection is the key to preventing this disease from escalating into a serious chronic disease.

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