The annoying Cold Summer - Fact or Fiction?
Kick the symptoms of colds and flu all year round!
Summer colds are the worst. They can cramp your style, clog your snorkel, swim slowly and unbalance your skiing with retro-sneezes. He sniffed the sun, you may also feel feverish. But what can you do? As with other fun with wet wet misery. While others are tanned and smiling, it will be drippy and sad.
A summer cold is a disease caused by a viral infection in the noseand leads to symptoms such as runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, cough, headache, fever, etc., the body's response to infection by. Summer colds are generally much worse than winter colds, although less frequently in warm weather. True? Absolutely not.
The cold truth about it is summer, which are exactly the same in winter colds. People tend to take notice when they get a cold in summer, because I'd rather be on vacation oroutside. A cold in December and, well, figures. They bundle, buy boxes of Kleenex and cough drops extra. The test everything becomes bearable. I accepted without hesitation. You can also try a temporary relief while sipping hot tea. But try drinking hot tea in the dog days of August. (What else can you do to break hives?)
We get so sick of getting over the summer, because unconsciously the idea that the cold weather causes the disease wreaked havoc. Let's get real.This is 2009, we all know that the disease germs, due to weather. During the summer we have actually done a lot of things that are more vulnerable to bacteria, so it is not surprising that we do the occasional cold. Travel by air, with offices with air conditioning, go to other countries with different allergies germs of experience that can cause flu are all things, or we catch a cold.
If you remain healthy given this summer, get plenty of rest, drink aplenty of water, healthy eating, movement of washing your hands often and touch their mouths, eyes and nose. The next time you get sick during these summer months, dear, will not let you ruin. Take a break from your fun and relaxation for a day or two until you return as you would on a cold winter.
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