Bird Flu
Avian influenza has not been a new global pandemic, such as the swine flu was in 2009. Typically, the bird flu virus is found only in birds and is not the same as the human influenza virus. Great, because we need to know? The first case of a man with "bird flu" in 1997 was seen in the last ten years there have been few cases of people with the bird flu virus had been contaminated.
The bird flu virus is found mainly inThe birds, the birds usually found in Asia. This disease is highly contagious and deadly to birds difficult. The risk of people contracting the disease is very low, but as we have seen, it can happen. Therefore, it is good to know how the disease can be passed so that we can avoid the risk of contracting it. Most cases of people catching bird flu are due to contact with infected poultry (domesticated chickens, ducks, or turkeys). This includes and not limitedSecretions or excretions from infected animals. The cases of contamination from human to human are very rare, but occurred mainly in cases of family members who live in nearby neighborhoods.
All the people, the surrounding countries have been infected by birds in Asia, where influenza is known to have come into close contact with infected birds. However, more than half of human cases infected with the virus have died, indicates the seriousness of the disease can be. Even the bird fluThe virus remains a rare disease in humans, but the CDC is looking at the disease to let you know that the strain does not mutate or spread to humans in a faster way.
The symptoms of bird flu cases have varied from case. Flu-like symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat and symptoms of muscle pain have also introduced rules to include other serious eye infections, pneumonia and respiratory disease. Since this disease affects its victimsquickly is important to get checked by a doctor. Some of the drugs have shown that human influenza cure avian influenza, but not in all cases.
The severity of avian influenza virus since its launch, the extra precautions to ensure and protect the U.S. food supply, made primarily in the poultry sector. Migratory birds are the culprits that transmit the disease from bird to bird. So the federal government controls all the wild birds in areas wheremay be able to contact with Asian birds. Not to mention that security is very secure poultry farms. Number of poultry owners first concern is to protect their flocks, have special procedures for tracking and monitoring of their birds.
The National Chicken Council, all the chickens Society guidelines for the examination of each flock of birds that are willing to follow the care to be taken with food set. Found infected poultry were destroyed. But after the CDC, althoughsome, like a bird that can not be in the supply of food from properly handled and cooked food infected have been infected. Follow cooking instructions packaged fresh meat and poultry, you can be sure they are not infected. proper cooking temperatures would destroy even the slightest signs of the virus.
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