Appendicitis Causes Symptoms Information With Treatment

Appendicitis (or epityphlitis) is a condition characterized by inflammation of the appendix. Appendicitis occurs when the opening is blocked by attachment to the cecum. This rock is a fecalith (literally, a rock of stool) called. The appendix is a part of the intestine, not all known use to humans. This is a small tube of about 5-10cm long that is at the end of the cecum (the little pocket near the start of the large intestine). In the United States, 1 in 15 peopleget appendicitis.

Other times, the lymphatic tissue in the appendix to swell and block the appendix. The body responds by mounting an attack against the invasion of bacteria, called inflammatory attack. The cause of this failure is unclear, but there may be changes occurring in the lymphatic tissue, for example, refer to the inflammation that line the wall of the appendix.) Have a good understanding of this common problem, can help to avoid unnecessary visits to the first aid and Avoid delay in diagnosis or misdiagnosis, if your child will actually have appendicitis. Since appendicitis is considered a surgical emergency if you think your child has appendicitis, call your doctor or go to the emergency room immediately.

Causes of Appendicitis

The most common causes of appendicitis:

Tumor obstruction

Viral infection of Appendix

Parasitic worms disabilities

Fecal disabilities

Barium obstruction (by a medical test)

Symptoms> Appendicitis

Some symptoms of appendicitis:

Pain in the right abdomen

Inability to go to gas



Chills and thrills




Low fever that begins after other symptoms

Anorexia (appetite)

Treatment of appendicitis

The surgical removal of appendix (appendectomy) as soon as possible if the doctor feels a mass on theoutside.

If the mass can be heard outside, patients with IV antibiotics and fluids are discussed, and appendectomy is done if the patient is more stable.

Appendicitis is an emergency that must be treated surgically. You can not be cared for at home. Call your doctor immediately if you suspect your child has appendicitis. However, do not give your child a medicine to numb the pain without consulting your doctor.

The surgery is performed under general anesthesia. AfterOperation, it may be some pain and discomfort at the site. The injection is given, if to be necessary to relieve pain. During the postoperative period, usually the patient can drink fluids, and begin a light diet in stages. The total length of hospital stay among patients and can 3-7 days.

Before surgery, a medical check-up is necessary to ensure the doctor if it is fit for anesthesia and surgery. Simultaneously, a bloodTest is done and also an ultrasound and possibly an X-ray - abdomen, if necessary.

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