An essential guide for flu symptoms Fighting for the whole family

Prevention of infection is the best defense in the fight against influenza, especially in light of the recent H1N1 pandemic. Instead of several days put him to bed with the flu, do not attend school, work, friends and relatives, and even risked serious medical complications, prevention is the best defense against influenza virus.

Once in the body, the influenza virus, or bind to host cells, which are then reprogrammed to create moreViruses are endangering the health of the respiratory tract e. People with poor respiratory health or weakened immune systems are particularly at risk in the fight against influenza viruses. Maintain good general health has a significant impact on the body of its ability to defend against this infection and there are many preventive measures, may reduce the risk of minimizing the infection.

Prevention is the best medicine

The flu virus spreads through the air when an infectedcoughs or sneezes, which is why it is important to cough into the crook of his arm and use a tissue when you sneeze. Cough into your warm, wet hands with germs offers the perfect environment for growth and further distribution. The virus enters the body when these particles come into contact with the mouth, nose, eyes and ears. The virus can spread even if one of these body parts are affected by contact with a contaminated surface.

Influenza viruses can be playedwith harmless detergents, disinfectants and sunlight. Families can use this information for seasonal flu, to prevent infection and disease. There are several steps to take to families to reduce the risk of infection and to prevent disease in the first place can.

1. Wash your hands frequently and properly
2. Be careful when touching potentially infected areas
3. Do not touch your eyes, ears, nose or mouth before washing hands
4. Swab their ears with alcoholKill germs
5. Use hand sanitizer regularly
6. Keep a safe distance from other people, sick or not
7. Disinfect the house and car and clean pets
8. Take your vitamins
9. Eating only raw food that has been washed with soap for himself and a straw
10. eat to stay well hydrated and getting enough rest

Many people receive vaccinations against influenza virus, which may or may not be effective. While the recipients of the vaccine against influenzacan not be infected, they can easily transport the virus to others on their hands, clothes and other goods based on the mistaken assumption that because we are not sick, they can not infect anyone else.

When prevention is not enough

All the good intentions and active prevention around the world can not protect everyone. Frequent hand washing, disinfection of the house and car, keeping a safe distance from potentially infected people and careWell, the general health can all work together to prevent infection, but there are no guarantees.

Good respiratory health is of paramount importance in the fight against influenza and other diseases, which is important because a healthy diet, proper and adequate hydration, sleeping one. Even with the best preventive measures, the infection can still happen. Fighting the flu symptoms often include a lot of extra food is always calm, sweet or liquid diet for a couple of days and warm. Hot Epsomsalt bath to reduce some of the pain and over the counter painkillers can help some of the complaints, but do nothing to reduce the duration of the life cycle of the virus'.

Fight flu with flavonoids

Once infected with the flu, family members may use the proven benefits derived from elderberry extract to reduce symptoms and the duration and severity of flu. ElderberryExtract contains flavonoids. Flavonoids are plant nutrients that prove beneficial to human health. Recently, the scientific journal has published a report on the phytochemical properties of anti-viral success of elderberry extract. Elderberry extract reduces the likelihood of infection by binding to human influenza viruses. This is not the position I am in the virus to human host cells. In fact, this prevents the infection does not arise.

Elderextract has been shown that the effect of reducing the severity and duration of flu symptoms with their anti-inflammatory. Instead of bad for six or more days have shown that laboratory results increased, the number can be reduced to cut no more than two days to extract. The results of this placebo-controlled, double-blind in the July 2009 issue of Phytochemistry, published a peer-reviewed scientific journal (Volume 70, Number 10).

Maintaining good airwayHealth and the under-utilization of the benefits of elderberry extract is helping families fight the flu symptoms and infection.

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