Avian Influenza - Symptoms

What is avian influenza?

Avian influenza is used to infect all influenza viruses that describe the birds - this includes both wild birds such as ducks and domestic birds like chickens. Now it seems that the virus of birds are a natural reservoir for influenza - so far, 15 strains of avian influenza viruses are known to exist in populations.

Many forms of bird flu virus causes only very mild symptoms in birds, or no symptoms.But some strains of influenza virus A, a highly contagious and deadly disease can produce quickly. This highly virulent strains of the virus as "highly pathogenic avian influenza" means. These are the viruses that are of particular interest. One such bird flu virus is infecting chickens in Asia, in this particular strain known as H5N1.

If the H5N1 strain to adapt and disseminate to the people who have very quickly become a global pandemic. This is becauseCurrently, people have no natural immunity or protection against this strain of bird flu.

In history there have been several outbreaks of bird flu virus virus were among countries that controlled by the quarantine or destruction of thousands of birds to contain it.

Bird flu symptoms

Infected birds shed flu virus in their saliva, nasal secretions and feces. susceptible birds become infected whenhave contact with contaminated excretions or surfaces contaminated with secretions.

The symptoms in birds show some or all of the following, a decrease in activity of birds (lethargy), a drop in egg production, swelling of the head, dyspnea, diarrhea, muscle paralysis and sudden death.

Human bird flu symptoms

In humans, bird flu has similar symptoms as other types of influenza, asFever, sore throat, cough, headache, lethargy, muscle aches and conjunctivitis. Cases of bird flu are more likely to lead to respiratory problems and pneumonia, which can be fatal.

The condition of the infected person's immune system also plays an important role in the severity of the infection.

If every time you suspect you may be infected with avian influenza, contact your doctor should be to confirm.

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