What is the influenza virus so dangerous?

What is the influenza virus is so dangerous that, like all influenza viruses, it is subjected to the process of antigenic drift. This is the site where mutations in the genetic material that causes small changes occur in the physical structure of the virus.

These small changes are what scientists frustrated attempts to create the final vaccine against influenza. Due to continuous changes in the protein particles in the outer layers of virus (the immune system, and specifically forVaccination) of new vaccines will always be needed to combat new versions of the virus.

Swine influenza is an example of such change. But what these changes and what parts of the virus that causes the damage, destroying normal healthy cells?

The name of the H1N1 swine influenza virus gives us a clue to the internal life of the virus. It represents the main functional proteins on their surface.

The 'H' stands for hemagglutinin, a protein that binds toswine influenza virus in the cell and injected the contents into it.

The "N" stands for neuraminidase, a number of specialized enzymes, the infected cells causes the formation of new virus released.

these aspects of the swine flu make all potentially very dangerous. Although the form that is currently in distribution could be relatively mild, it is still a change in the virulent strain in the months before winter. The fact that there is also a newDisease means that there is no vaccine for the virus present. So if there is more lethal, we have provided no protection against it than the generic antiviral drugs like Tamiflu and Relenza are available.

know the devastation that influenza viruses can cause the Spanish flu infected more than a third of the world and killed more than 50 million people.

We have no choice, but the influence of alarm over the spread of swine fever. It isdangerous because it is so changeable and that is why we must take very seriously.

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Why are our children at risk for swine influenza and what can parents do to protect their children

We continue to feel so much like the swine flu and flu are usually in children, so what can we do to protect our children?

Unlike other fireplaces that swine flu or flu N1H1 affects young people, usually in the 24 years I have spoken with David Condoluci, DO, Director of Infectious Diseases for Kennedy Health System in New Jersey to find out why.

I learned that young people who are always present, not the elderly that we see most often in a given year. L 'Most vulnerable are people born after 1957 in which, due to the 1957 flu epidemic has some similarities in their immunity to the flu, which N1H1 are now to be seen. The man was born before that time been exposed and probably a little 'over immunity for this particular strain of those born after. Then, the older group has a lot of exposure through vaccinations and other strains of influenza, so there could be some minor background immunity, helping to protect itsto a certain extent. Persons born in 1957-1985 are at risk as well, but there appears to be a bit 'immunity in this middle group. It 's the younger group, the influence is largely virgin of this tribe, and this is what seems to be focusing on.

What can parents do to make sure our children? Dr. Condoluci believes that the best thing is to be protected by good hygiene. First, you want to stay away from places where it could be aChance of being infected, as the crowds when influenza is in the area. Personal hygiene is very important. If you sneeze, you have to sneeze on the sleeve and not on your hands. You should wash your hands often or use hand sanitizer, especially when in a situation where you have more contact with people. safer place for you to be to influence when, in your home because you are less likely to want to get in

What to do if you suspect that yourN1H1flu the child? Dr. Condoluci says that if your child should get three months as fever or what is similar to the flu, you should see your pediatrician immediately, because you're so young and vulnerable at this time. For those who are older, it would be based on the severity of the disease, if they go to the emergency room or see their pediatrician. If another child's symptoms (as above) Parents should probably take them to the emergency roomfor evaluation, but most of the time with your pediatrician and let them know the severity of symptoms. Generally, in most cases, you will become a sick child for a few days, but the child must be better. Most cases can be handled between the parents and pediatrician. In addition, good hand washing, fluids, Tylenol and the rest as the most important therapies for influenza, are not serious.

Do not panic. This is mostly common sense. WashMani, you teach your children to sneeze into the crook of the elbow, and when it comes to your neighborhood, avoid crowds during this time.

Check out my blog at http://www.preschoolteach.blogspot.com

E-mail me terribakman@gmail.com

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Prevent colds and other flu viruses with these natural remedies

You know, there are natural cures flu, easy to use as often, but not many know about it or make the effort, the cold use it as a defense against the flu, o. actions referred to in this article could eliminate connection in a flu, cold or worse the acquisition of your body.

Here are a couple of highly recommended vitamin nutritional supplements in its ability to prevent influenza or common cold and also helpRecovering from a virus attack. You can also work with the most powerful of influenza or common cold. If the body has a lack of what vitamin supplements can provide this, then you can be sure that the immune system is not working effectively, and perhaps worked too.

Present Day Natural flu remedies

probiotic supplements are found in almost all pharmacies, drug dealers, retailers, health food stores and large chains. What they do is ratherfascinating and provide some level of virus protection for the body.

Probiotics are "good bacteria" are (also known as gut flora) that live in the intestines. These small microorganisms aid in body's ability to process food. An additional feature is their ability to defend against toxins and germs. Not many people know today, but in the digestive tract is the first line of defense against many diseases is unique, frequent colds, flu andviral invaders.

A group of scientists conducted a recent study on the strength of probiotics. The trial was the percentage of volunteers to test the cold virus was made at the intake of probiotics compared with those that measure only taking a placebo.

The test group consisted of 272 healthy volunteers. Participated in a double-blind placebo-controlled trial (this is considered the gold standard in scientific circles). Half of the volunteers a daily probiotic with a concentration of a particularunits of billions of healthy bacteria active. The other subjects received a placebo.

After 12 weeks ago, volunteers who have shown a definite advantage for probiotic health than those who showed only the placebo.

1) Those who received the probiotic had a cold in less than twelve percent.
2) To make things even more interesting to make voluntary probiotics got over their colds thirty percent faster.
3) Finally, if a volunteer got a cold, volunteers to test probioticshad less severe symptoms.

As you can see, there is value in simple everyday with probiotics. Not only will your digestive system work better, you get a valuable protection against nature as viruses, bacteria and more.

Other protective influence

Another valuable addition to health insurance, even basic vitamin D. If an individual takes a daily vitamin most likely to buy the recommended dose per day. What does vitamin Dwill move the T-cells and keeps them active. A deficiency of vitamin D may actually burden an immune system. Here you will find those who need more vitamin D to stay healthy. E 'often use more integrated into the care of a physician to improve. Over-feeding of supplements may have an effect on the body reserves.

A weak immune system is a very dangerous situation. The weaker the immune system. the body more vulnerable to any kind of virus attackor illness. Supplements are good home remedies for the flu.

Vitamin D is a season of these additions may be taken into account when planning for colds and flu. Your doctor is the best solution for the right dosage of vitamin D.

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The power of lozenges Elderberry - Learn how to treat the symptoms of influenza

Cold and flu season comes every year and every year hundreds of thousands of people die from flu around the world. With the increase of the H1N1 disease, there is concern around the world that could become the next pandemic. While healthy people rarely School at the harrowing symptoms of headache, muscle pain, breathing difficulties and fever, absence from work and die family and friends should be avoided, and a week spent in bed is bad. New searchshows that influenza viruses can be blocked and the duration and intensity of symptoms of influenza only diamonds can be cut from two to six days with the use of elder.

Once infected, the intensity and duration of flu symptoms can be greatly reduced, stay hydrated, warm and calm, and elderberry lozenges system to strengthen the immune system and reduce pain and fever. Scientific studies have demonstrated that they were recipients of elderberry lozengesfrequent headaches and fever free within 24 hours, while the placebo group was worse than before.

Proof of lozenges Elderberry Is In

The current influenza pandemic individuals and national leaders in search of H1N1 remedy. Although there is no cure for the common cold is the elderberry extract showed one of the most effective means for H1N1. Elderberry lozenges prevent influenza or bond with the attacking virus, Tear unable to mount a host cell, thereby preventing infection. Elderberry lozenges also contain flavonoids, antioxidants that stimulate the immune system and reduce the anti-inflammatory agents, pain and fever.

The online journal of Pharmacology and pharmacokinetics (Volume 5: 32-43, 2009), the recently published scientific findings that show the influence of the first elder lozenges can block the influenza virus and a significant reductionThe symptoms> when compared to a placebo control group. The double-blind study has shown the effectiveness of elderberry lozenges, if two populations experiencing flu-like symptoms were compared. Both groups started the study with similar flu-like symptoms at the beginning of the study, however, within 24 hours, there was a significant improvement in the group of elderberry extract, while the placebo group, symptoms worse.

Getting Sick is not inevitable

It 's true that children should be exposed to a variety of bacteria to stimulate their immune system is not necessary for you with the influenza virus that infects after exposed. There are many preventive measures to take to minimize the risk of infection. First of all you wash your hands often with soap and water. Hand sanitizers are also effective.

Stay away from people withFlu-like symptoms> and disinfect the house, car and workplace. Use alcohol wipes to kill viruses on your ears, you may have through the air or by contact with contaminated fingers also contracted. It 's always a good idea to keep your hands from your face all over with the flu and cold season, unless you just washed. Similarly, avoid eating raw food that has not been washed with soap and water. Because the virus can survive for hours on aSurface, it is essential that you know what you are touched. Elderberry lozenges can strengthen the immune system and build a stronger defense against the disease, similarly, extracts of elderberry have been treated historically and prevent disease are used.

The story of elder

Elderberry is a shrub bearing fruit are found in temperate zones around the world and is used for food, drink and medicine for many centuries. In the early1900's of elderberry elixir were given to children between the ages of disease prevention school. Polyphenols and phenolic compounds now known to be present in elderberry fruits are antioxidants that help stimulate the immune system.

Today's technology and scientific research institutes have only proved what has been known for centuries in traditional cultures: elderberry extract is an effective measure of prevention against influenza and is one of the safest and most effective means to reduce the ' H1N1Flu symptoms and duration.

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Influenza - treatment early

Influenza - the first symptoms

Influenza, commonly known as influenza causes unease and this is just the beginning. The first sign is usually a cough and a slightly closed nose. This can block the sinuses to develop very bad cough, runny nose and sneezing all the time. As you advance, you will experience the physical pain and joint pain. It gets worse when you raise your body temperature and fever breaks out. 'S terrible when the trafficChest and start throwing up. Some people may shrug off the early symptoms because of their good physical condition. Very strong body immunity is an important factor in the management of an early attack.

Exemption of the first symptoms

Increase your intake of fluids. Use of medical inhalers and vapor rubs. Dab some 'of eucalyptus oil on a handkerchief and inhale it. Gargle with warm salt water. mouthwash specially formulated for medical use and throat swabs. Keep an ice creamPack at your fingertips. No ice? Use a damp cloth. Put them on the forehead. Monitor body temperature. Avoid fatty and spicy foods. These are some people that the influence of the measures should be recommended if it was feared, with the extension. But at best, such measures can only help in relieving symptoms. Our immune system can be used perfectly capable of influenza virus. However, making a very weak immune system and the tensions emerging, new and much stronger than taskdifficult. The flu is caused by viruses that infect the respiratory tract. At the first sign of an imminent attack of influenza, it is best to consult a doctor.

The treatment of influenza

The flu is often used during the winter months. However, the recent news that is happening now throughout the year. Vaccination is recommended. But once you start, what is the best treatment? Since influenza caused by viruses, is the best way to deal with him medication.Themedication, should help to combat the immune system to the level needed for the attack. Like all other diseases, prevention in this case, better than cure.

When prevention is not possible, it is best to be prepared. Further information on the best drugs for the treatment of influenza. Make sure that drugs are more genuine. Take it from reliable sources, reliable and professional. Influenza is contagious. It can be fatal, but thanks to modern medicine,can be treated. The key is to treat them early to avoid complications.

If you need the best remedy for influenza, which received by the trust and respect medical professionals. Be safe. Beware of cheap imitations and dangerous. The recommended drug for the treatment of works by blocking the action of an enzyme that the virus is of vital importance for the production of influence. Therefore, the drug effectively blocks the spread of the virus and limit further infection in the body.This action helps to take the body's immune system to attack and control the virus.

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Influenza Virus Flu - Symptoms and Advice Real World

Influenza is a viral disease considered unique in its make up, which changes every year, which is why last year, flu vaccine does not protect the load current. Fortunately, most individuals will then retrieve the flu in a week or so. Significantly more debilitating than a cold, but flu-like symptoms develop in 1-2 days and are often much more severe than the common cold virus.

FrequentlyThe symptoms of influenza virus included;

1. Exhaustion

2. Dry cough

3. Headache

4. Pain in joints and muscles

5. Sudden high fever

6. Neck pain

Many people also suffer from fatigue during and after suffering from flu, a perfectly normal part of the recovery process. Although for many of us the flu is a mild disease is much more serious for the elderly or people with weak immune systems into account theseIndividuals are more likely to need hospital treatment. In most countries in the world of the vaccination campaign against influenza in the course of 65 years is these vulnerable people, the majority of cases are given to the old, if you have diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, kidney disease or impairment of the immune system. Although these groups do not in any of you may still be able to receive the flu vaccine this yearprivate.

Flu-like symptoms in a relatively short time to be effective, exhausted and suffering usually want to read. Be very sure of fluids and take paracetamol tablets regularly to reduce fever.

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Gas Cramps, flu, or heart attack?

A patient recently seen for a check-up, I always ask them if others are in the unusual pain or symptoms was not in the chest. They often say they have just a little 'indigestion, muscle pain or cramps here and there. Then ask them if they know the symptoms of a heart attack and should reflect for a moment. Usually I can not tell the difference between what they think is indigestion, gas pains or heart attack.

Unfortunately, this isoften the case. People mistake heart attack symptoms, digestive disorders, cramps, breasts can often hear the gas, or influenza strains. Not all heart attacks occur as a drama with chest pain and presses to do in the immediate collapse. To make it even more confusing, symptoms of heart attack can be different between men and women.

Many heart attacks are relatively quiet, with only mild pain, pressure and discomfort that may, in the multi-Hours. Often ignore these mild symptoms and even try to go to work or go to sleep with him! In an attack, every moment counts and even vague symptoms ignored can cause disasters.

Today I am happy to share with you what I teach my patients about the signs and symptoms of heart attack and what to ignore, as they may be going on in the signs of an imminent attack, or that already.

Warning signs of heart attack

It 'important to know thatMany attacks do not require dramatic chest pain, although some might. It depends on how the arteries are clogged heart. However, most heart attacks have one thing in common, and that pressure / discomfort in the center of the chest, an on / off coming / going to quality. Many people compare this pressure to attack something heavy sitting on his chest was. These symptoms may or may not, after being associated with one or more, depending on whether maleor female:

• Nausea - even vomiting (women).
• vertigo - dizziness (men and women).
• call or ringing in the ears (men and women).
• Pain or discomfort in the arms, one or both (men).
• Pain in the (women), back, neck, jaw or stomach.
• shortness of breath (the women).
• breaking into a cold sweat (women).

time critical

When these symptoms do not wait more than 5 minutes on top of any call 9-1-1.emergency personnel can begin treatment after a heart attack long before arriving at the emergency room.

Noteworthy is important if you live in a remote area or an urban area, the transmission in the EMS may be subtle, and waiting for the arrival of EMS can do much more than it would receive would then be on your own, you get to the nearest hospital emergency room, or even a walk of 24 hours in hospital, the quickest way right now.

If you are alone, you may be reluctant to make a callNeighbor or friend to come and go in a hospital in the middle of the night, but if this is possible, this is the best and safest bet.

What can you do for yourself

While waiting for emergency medical personnel to get here, some important things to do and not do:

Chew 2, 325 mg of regular (not enteric-coated) aspirin. It would be prudent for all of the table to bring a small bottle of aspirin regularly in your pocket, or keep on your night, justfor the case. In this type of aspirin on the occurrence of symptoms, what his heart attack is like a drug, the heart is given in an emergency room, it helps to dissolve blood clots and blood to flow freely. Recent research shows that people who chewed 2, regular aspirin 325 mg symptoms during a heart attack) had a 50% reduction of blood thromboxane (a blood clot agent after five minutes chewing that, compared to 12 minutes ingestion. Notenteric (gastrointestinal)-coated aspirin, because it takes too long to dissolve and is in the blood.

9-1-1 Call doctor first instead of yours. Do not waste time, call your doctor. If symptoms occur outside of normal business hours, you get their answering machine says with a pre-recorded message that "if this is a medical emergency, hang up and 9-1-1. This saves time and more call 911 first. If only unlock the front door so do EMS personnelno time to waste trying to open the door.

Do not lie! This can only worsen the pain, heart attack together quickly and can even lead to arrest of the heart. Sit upright on the couch, bed or even on the floor beside the door with your back supported by a wall, a decrease of injury, you should avoid unconscious.

Panic Attack vs Heart Attack

In the film "Something's Got To Give," Jack Nicholson is in the ER Do you think that is having a heart attack turns out to be posing as a panic attack. If you are prone to anxiety, under very much stress, and / or an anxiety disorder are treated, it could be this, what do you think are the symptoms of a heart attack is actually a panic attack.

Panic attacks can be unpleasant but not life threatening. They are more common in women after age 35 and hormonal imbalances are often to blame. However, there are also men, only rarely.

The currentThe symptoms> are drowsiness caused by adrenaline, which can cause shortness of breath, palpitations and nausea - many of the same side effects of a heart attack. Because of the similarity, the symptoms of heart attack, women are sometimes mistaken for many to reach a panic. However, the symptoms of panic attack intensity guide right mood when you sit down and calmly a few deep breaths. Real heart attack symptoms usually do not.

Read moreand understand the difference between heart attack and other diseases with similar symptoms can share, can save lives. Get evaluated a doctor who can determine the risk, if you are a woman or a man for a heart attack.

They have two, 325 mg of aspirin in the area, and, above all, do not ignore the current symptoms call 911. Even if it turns out, save, panic, cramps, gas, or from those spicy meatballs dinner, attention and prompt action couldTo sell or someone else's life.

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H1N1 influenza A virus - how dangerous it is?

If you have news of the day, and more people from other parts of the world are infected with multiple virus or swine influenza virus A H1N1. The swine flu virus spreads to other countries by people from one country to ' more. How dangerous? It can be controlled? We try to find out.

New influenza A (H1N1), better known as swine flu, is a new form of the virus found in April came the pigs, the first time in2009. This virus infects humans and is spread from person to person. It was pushed into a position of spread of a pandemic on a scale and all in all sanitary and health conditions. From May 23, 2009, there are already 86 people, compared to 12,022 reported cases of H1N1 influenza virus died. In the U.S. alone, there are 9 deaths in 6552 cases.

This result is very worrying. As far as we know it today? It is believed thatthis virus is spreading in the same way to spread a virus seasonal influenza. This means to say, is spread through coughs and sneezes of people who are sick with the virus. We're not sure how difficult it is today in terms of the outbreak of disease and death. Since this is considered a new virus, scientists and doctors believe that most people have no immunity to it. Sad to say, was not yet discovered the vaccine for this disease. However, there are existing antivirusPrescribe medication, be perceived by doctors and alternative as it sounds good.

The good news is that the United States of America, a diagnostic test kit has been developed for this new type of H1N1 virus and is now distributed to all states in the United States and the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. Fortunately, this kit is shipped worldwide.

What can we do to not infected? Now, keep up to date. Stay away from crowded places, whenpossible and avoid close contact with people coughing and sneezing problem.

Stay healthy and regular exercise and take healthy food to eat. Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing, then throw the tissue in the trash after use. Wash your hands often with soap and water. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth because germs spread so quickly. Stay home when you are sick.

In my observation, the new influenza virus is dangerous, easy to infect themselves and angreat potential to lead to an outbreak, it is ascertained, but there is a high percentage of the recovery rates are reported. At present there is no reason to panic and fear. We should not be nervous, and we treat our day as normal. We just need to be more alert and more aware of what has happened in our area.


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What a cold stomach

cold in the stomach, the stomach flu or gastroenteritis by telephone, is a common disease in our lives. Almost anyone can suffer from this disease again. E 'caused by the virus of food. Although the virus can be killed, and some general methods of our family may suffer stomach as much as possible to protect.

Stomach cold treatment:

In our treatment, we can be feeding mainly on the basis of stomach cold treatment to the stomach and focusgo to the stomach flu symptoms.

1. A body of water

The title is an analogy. But the liquid is the most important ingredient. Sometimes our body can lose drink plenty of fluids because of diarrhea, vomiting, sweating or less liquid, and in exchange for losing too much body fluids due to salts and minerals like electrolytes. So you have enough liquid for your body by drinking water frequently, juices, sports drinks or some nourishing soup.

2. Eat moderateFood

If the cold has you worried about your stomach, eat some 'moderate and easy to digest foods such as bread, bananas, apples, rice or soup to perform. Now, the stomach is very weak, can relieve moderate to feed to the pressure of the stomach and time to recover.

3. To protect against invading viruses

Because the influenza virus is a disease caused stomach, the better idea is to protect a virus invasion. If anyone has suffered from cold in the stomach, do not use or disclose, food, beverages,Towel that can be affected by the stomach flu. You can also prepare some pills analgesic often. When the stomach flu symptoms appear, take the pills in time and kill the virus as soon as possible. But remember: Precautions are better than cure.

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Avian Influenza - Symptoms

What is avian influenza?

Avian influenza is used to infect all influenza viruses that describe the birds - this includes both wild birds such as ducks and domestic birds like chickens. Now it seems that the virus of birds are a natural reservoir for influenza - so far, 15 strains of avian influenza viruses are known to exist in populations.

Many forms of bird flu virus causes only very mild symptoms in birds, or no symptoms.But some strains of influenza virus A, a highly contagious and deadly disease can produce quickly. This highly virulent strains of the virus as "highly pathogenic avian influenza" means. These are the viruses that are of particular interest. One such bird flu virus is infecting chickens in Asia, in this particular strain known as H5N1.

If the H5N1 strain to adapt and disseminate to the people who have very quickly become a global pandemic. This is becauseCurrently, people have no natural immunity or protection against this strain of bird flu.

In history there have been several outbreaks of bird flu virus virus were among countries that controlled by the quarantine or destruction of thousands of birds to contain it.

Bird flu symptoms

Infected birds shed flu virus in their saliva, nasal secretions and feces. susceptible birds become infected whenhave contact with contaminated excretions or surfaces contaminated with secretions.

The symptoms in birds show some or all of the following, a decrease in activity of birds (lethargy), a drop in egg production, swelling of the head, dyspnea, diarrhea, muscle paralysis and sudden death.

Human bird flu symptoms

In humans, bird flu has similar symptoms as other types of influenza, asFever, sore throat, cough, headache, lethargy, muscle aches and conjunctivitis. Cases of bird flu are more likely to lead to respiratory problems and pneumonia, which can be fatal.

The condition of the infected person's immune system also plays an important role in the severity of the infection.

If every time you suspect you may be infected with avian influenza, contact your doctor should be to confirm.

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Know the symptoms of influenza in advance for better treatment

Influenza, commonly known as flu is a contagious condition family of RNA viruses include the Orthomyxoviridae. This infection usually affects the respiratory tract and can suffer with you, for a maximum of 2-3 weeks, depending on how your body reacts is to treat the virus and how to get started soon. Speaking of influenza treatment with oseltamivir of influenza antiviral Tamiflu is one of the most popular drugs on the market. It can help a grown manfrom flu symptoms to recover 30% faster. Although oseltamivir is used for the treatment of swine is not a substitute for the vaccine against H1N1.

And 'quite important to recognize the symptoms of influenza early to better prevention and treatment. Many people confuse the symptoms of common cold in place of flu, which delays the start of treatment and poor health. But if you look closely, it is impossible for youDistinguishing between colds and flu. Just having the right information and awareness. We see the symptoms of influenza.

Flu symptoms usually sudden and can be weak in a couple of days. The influence of the most common symptoms are fever, headache, fatigue and loss of appetite, runny nose, sore throat and dry cough. high fever accompanied by some of the symptoms listed in the rule is a good indicatorwho are infected with the flu. We see that children and young people suffer more from fever and chills for older people. acute influenza attack can cause your body temperature rises above 106 ° F, when the symptoms begin, especially. The fever usually lasts 3-4 days, but there is a general feeling of fatigue and malaise may be up to 2-3 weeks.

You may not have much experience with nasal problems until the fever persists. As a ruleimportant after the first time the infection is over. Children may suffer from vomiting and diarrhea for the duration of the infection.

This flu-like symptoms differ in extent and severity of cold symptoms. The risk of fever is usually low if you are hit with a cold. Very few people suffer from colds, suffer from headaches, muscle aches, or extreme fatigue, often severe symptoms of influenza.

A good wayThe diagnosis of influenza symptoms is important to apply sneezing. People with colds tend to frequent sneezing, while the influenza infection often than not sneeze. chest problems and cough can be quite severe with the flu, but only minor colds too.

It 'important to recognize flu symptoms early and accurately in order to avoid further health complications. Influenza can cause bronchitis and pneumonia, and evenDeath. So early diagnosis is important for early antiviral treatment. Talk to a doctor as soon as you feel that you may have flu has infected. And 'we recommend that you purchase Tamiflu soon, so you can return it within 24-48 hours of onset of symptoms for quick relief of symptoms.

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Fighting the flu-like symptoms and ways to protect yourself in this flu season

It is much easier to prevent than cure the flu symptoms. Hand washing and basic common sense can prevent many cases of seasonal flu and H1N1 is there. Vaccines for both types of influence and there are other measures people can is taken to avoid the influence, first and significant reduce the severity and duration of symptoms once infection occurs.

The cleanliness, the avoidanceof those who are sick and physical barriers to protect the body against infection. Stay hydrated, healthy diet and maintain a good body weight can support all the work to improve the immune system. Vitamins, minerals and other dietary supplements can help build support for the immune system. Since the only way to ensure that you are infected with both influenza virus is to live the life of a hermit, you will be much better than the basic good hygiene practices, to build a strong support system and immuneKnowing how to treat the flu, if they were infected.

Use physical barriers in the fight against influenza

physical barriers, such as surgical masks, disposable gloves, goggles and glasses, and in extreme cases, masks, can prevent all that influenza virus in the body. If the H1N1 influenza virus has been identified and known to be the first time, the nations most affected in the implementation of the use of masks and gloves to prevent spreadDisease.

After the H1N1 virus was known, schools, bus stations, train depots, and airports were closed. Since the virus spreads from human to human faces by particles in the air and the creation of physical barriers and avoiding contact with others can be very effective. This high traffic areas were then disinfected to kill any remaining virus. Viruses can be exposed to direct sunlight, detergents, disinfectants and destroyed. Disinfection house, car, school andThe work is an important preventive measures should be used during a flu season.

Most people can virus vaccines to combat influenza

The flu shot and nasal spray flu vaccine, preventive measures against both strains. Flu vaccine, killed virus, and nasal spray use weakened live virus. should not the nasal spray. influenza vaccines should pregnant womenIf children aged between two and five and their caregivers, adults over 65 years, health care and people with chronic diseases.

influenza vaccines should not be used by the vaccine ingredients people who are allergic to eggs or other poultry. flu vaccine should not be used in the past, people have had negative reactions to influenza vaccines in Patients with Guillain- bars should not influenceVaccine.

Good hygiene helps prevent the flu virus

Hand washing is by far the best prevention in the fight against the influenza season. Your hands should be washed thoroughly and often, for at least 20 seconds. Because the virus can live for hours on many surfaces, you never know where they might be. Hand sanitizers are also effective in the fight against influenza viruses belong. Other preventive measures in combating practices:

a.Avoid people who appear sick.

b. Use a tissue or the crook of your arm when you cough or sneeze.

c. Disinfect your home, car, school and work.

d. Avoid crowded public areas.

e. Wash fresh fruits and vegetables with soap and water.

f. Avoid ordering fresh fruit and vegetables restaurants during the influenza season.

g. drink plenty of fresh clean water.

h. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, mouth and ears.

i. Clean your pets with a damp clothTowel after the first out there.

With Immune Support products in the fight against influenza

Vitamin C and zinc are both well-known products support the immune system. Without the right tools, your body can not protect themselves. Recent scientific studies have provided more tools to use to combat the flu season, when the second: extract of elderberries. Elderberry extract is used by hundreds of years, both as food and medicine. Traditionally, elderberry extract has beenbe used for syrup, wine, liquors, jams, and many other goodies. E 'was also used for its immune support of vision and prevent breathing.

At the 15th Annual Conference on Antiviral Research, were the results of research at the prestigious University of Oslo conducted publicly published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. This research on the effectiveness of elderberry extract found that products containingElderberry extract prevents the flu virus from attaching to host cells and thus prevent infection.

In addition, the search for scientific proof that the lozenges and other products with elderberry elderberry extract has a profound effect on reducing the severity and duration of flu symptoms when a person is infected. Fighting the flu means to avoid being infected with disinfectant in first place with good hygiene, physical barriers, andsupport the immune system provided by elderberry extract.

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Recognize the symptoms of influenza

flu season is arriving in Georgia. The CDC reports that Georgia is one of eight states where widespread influenza activity. Flu season usually peaks in mid to late winter and about 5% to 20% of the population get the flu each year. How can you tell if it's cold, the flu or just a bad thing? When to see a doctor?

Colds and flu have much in common. Both diseases are caused by respiratory infectionsViruses and both can make you feel unhappy. These are some symptoms in common. However, colds begin slowly, with symptoms most commonly occur over several days. Flu symptoms comes on quickly and it seems more difficult. Flu symptoms usually include high fever, sometimes as high as 104 degrees, severe muscle aches and extreme fatigue . Cold rarely suffer from a fever, or have a low level of education in the worst case. The pain is mild.Sneezing and stuffy nose are often not with the flu, but with a cold.'s Influence usually produces chills, severe chest discomfort, a nonproductive cough and headache. It may also be dizziness, nausea and vomiting. A sore throat may be present. With a cold, is common to have sneezing, stuffy nose, sore throat and productive cough. People usually within a few weeks from a cold day or a. patients with influenza may be more evilmore.

Influenza can cause serious complications, including bronchitis and pneumonia. These complications can lead to hospitalization. Not much can be done to treat cold symptoms, except. However, if you think you have the flu should see a doctor. Prescription anti-viral drugs to shorten the duration of flu symptoms, but treatment must begin within 48 hours after the first. Pregnant women, adults over the age of 55 andChildren under two years should always consult a doctor if the flu. People with chronic health problems such as asthma, diabetes, lung disease and symptoms of heart disease should consult their doctor if they have flu symptoms.

Protection against the flu is to get the best flu vaccine each year. Wash your hands often with soap and hot water is also helpful. based hand sanitizer alcohol may sometimes not be used if washing.Avoid touching eyes, nose, mouth, and viruses are often introduced into the body through mucous membranes. If you get flu symptoms, consult your doctor as soon as possible.

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Swine flu action plan

Swine flu, Mexico has all the news from the first cases were discovered, and was a great panic as flu cases have begun to show in our nation. Thousands of people are worried and confused about the recent threat and do not know what to expect from this new disease. To properly manage the swine flu, there are several things you should do.

1: I understand

When we hear adangerous new disease, it is easy to panic. However, we have to search so that we all recognize the influence, when we come into contact with them. The swine flu that has hit many people in the United States and Mexico is a virus that has not been previously identified in North America. The biggest difference between the swine flu and other influenza strains is that the swine flu virus has components of pig and avian influenza in him, People have no immunity to it so that it becomes more like a pandemic.

2: Avoid catch

It 'important to rest take all preventive measures you would with a normal flu virus, including washing hands frequently with disinfectant or eat healthier, and more. If you know someone that maybe the influence will encourage the doctor to come in order to avoid this and contact with others.

3: Manage

Swine> Flu symptoms similar to those of normal human influenza, with fever, cough, sore throat, muscle aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Some people have diarrhea and vomiting associated with the swine flu influenza. Just as the seasonal flu, swine flu can cause a worsening of underlying chronic disease. If people seem to be a loved one or of these symptoms, immediately consult a doctor. The faster the influencedetected, the less severe the symptoms are.

4: do not contain

That the swine influenza virus could be symptoms of infection for people on who were ill for more than seven days may be contagious for longer than 7 days after the flu first. And the children can also contagious long time as well. If you have been infected with the virus, to take all necessary measures to prevent the spread with the doctorstating that it is no longer contagious.

Although the swine flu scares, it's manageable. If everyone takes the necessary precautions, we have violated minimum infection and the public.

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How to differentiate between colds and flu

Many people do not know the difference between the flu and colds. Both are viral infections of upper respiratory tract. The cold virus causes Rhino during influenza virus causes. The influence occurs unexpectedly. Cold usually develop slowly. explain the influence may seem like a common cold during the first. The most common symptoms such as runny nose, sneezing and sore throat. The influenza virus is virulent and usually develops more rapidly the flu. It isusually accompanied by high fever, fatigue, muscle aches and pains. The treatment of common colds and flu was the duration of symptoms. Strengthen the immune system, helps to reduce the relief of symptoms. Our main body to fight infection, the immune system. This structure consists of a network of cells, tissues and organs that are tasked with preventing the proliferation of foreign organisms and evil are engaged inBody.

The immune system attacks organisms and substances that invade the body and cause disease. If you get sick, it means that it has failed.

Some vitamins and minerals can help to optimize the functions of the immune system.

* Vitamin C - helps fight infections produce white blood cells and antibodies.

* Vitamin E - Expansion of production of B cells to destroy bacteria. It also stimulates the production of cells to find and destroy the harmful cells. E 'Slow or reverse the effects of aging on the immune system associated with it.

* Beta-carotene - help to promote the growth of cells to fight infection and natural killer cells and T cells supporating.

* Manganese - has antioxidant properties and is the main component of an immune response that enzyme.

* Selenium - a trace element for the proper functioning of the immune system

* Copper and zinc - important for the development and maintenance of the immune systemFunction.

The balance of nutrients is important in maintaining the body's defenses. Nutrients work best in combination. Moreover, consumption of antioxidants, either through food or dietary supplements, the benefits to our body's defenses.

Unlike supplements, these simple tips can keep the immune system as his best:

* Exercise - regular exercise five times a week

* Sleep - sleep safe enough to allow the body enoughRest

* Do not smoke - smoking suppresses the immune cells

* Limit alcohol consumption - should be more than one drink per day

The elderly and children are more susceptible to influenza. Poor diet and too little sleep can lower immunity and the body becomes more susceptible to infection. A balanced diet should include fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein and small.

Regular exercise helps strengthen the immune sytem. To reduce theThe risks of infection. those should limit flights during the holiday season, high season.

The flu spreads easily through the crowd. Avoid these places whenever possible, the height of flu season to reduce the chances of infection.

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Swine Flu Scare - The vaccine seems to be more afraid!

In April, U.S. Department of Health and Home Security said the spread of swine flu, a national health crisis. In June, boosted by the World Health Organization (WHO) pandemic alert to level 6. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) and followed the declaration of a public health emergency has liberating effect on both the business practices of drug and limit the impact on our rights.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved"Fast-track" the creation of experimental drugs and vaccines, these drugs do not have to go through the normal tests for safety.

The state of emergency absolve pharmaceutical companies in liability if adverse reactions occur should the use of drugs.

Legislators in some states are passing laws that give government officials the homes and businesses without consent, to inspect and quarantine the people make the vaccine mandatory isand a ban on assembly movement of citizens.

Scary numbers

The projected figures used to scare people about the swine flu influenza all worried, but how realistic?

The WHO reports that since April 2009 there were no deaths in the world in 2000 given by the swine flu, a mortality rate as the number of lives of ordinary flu no less. The flu has taken 13,000 lives by January.

A recent survey in New York City found that hundreds ofThousands of New Yorkers were infected with H1N1, the number of strains, the influenza virus is known, is now only 0.1% had to go to hospital.

Although the spread of swine fever has rapidly reduced the severity of their symptoms a. Most cases are mild and less serious than seasonal flu, and most people recover after a couple of days.

Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General, noted that people should not overreact to the "pandemic" word. APandemic is how quickly spread of a virus is not new as it is difficult to define.

More revealing is the fact that 80% of people experience flu-like illness caused not by the same influence. Most of the diseases we are experiencing is due to secondary bacterial infections such as sore throat.

The scientists found that during the 1918 pandemic, which many so-(5-10), was killed Streptococcus pneumoniae in debt most of the deaths. There is much Strepeasier to deal with a pandemic today is less likely to be serious.

And Hsu, professor of computer science critical public health, which is the decision to declare a pandemic.
"I think it can serve the WHO World Health Organization, creating a more evidence-based and reasonable" benchmark "of H1N1 infection.

Hsu said that the infection takes 2 billion image that WHO does not consider that medical treatment and improvement of health and that his research suggests the rate of influenza virusinfluenza infection in the United States may have already stabilized.

"One could reasonably question the reliability of the WHO Declaration of mass infection," said Hsu. "With a statement without strong support, which would risk their responsibility to the song."

Mike Adams, Natural News editor and author of bird flu hoax is doing some number-crunching statistics for swine flu. He argues that if the vaccine have been produced in 100% effective, 200,000 people wouldhad to be vaccinated to prevent one death. Also note that more than one person will die from 200,000 in the vaccine and that your chances are struck by a 40 times higher than that of the vaccine with your life saved by the influenza virus.

Adams points out that President Bush 2 million Americans have died of avian influenza and provided, instead of only 257 people died worldwide in 2003, the H5N1 virus.

The swine flu began in 1976 and aPandemic so it was also expected. After mass vaccination, 25 deaths, hundreds of cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome (a condition where the body attacks its own nerve cells) and $ 1.3 billion in stock ... the pandemic never came to be.

Pharmaceuticals Gain and the "fast track"

The pharmaceutical industry is making billions of drugs from the production of vaccines against influenza virus. Tamiflu sales tripled in the first half of 2009 931.000.000 $, and is expected to reach1860000000 U.S. dollars by the end of the year. Mike Adams calculated the swine flu shot for $ 25 each. The 600 million doses in October, Tally will be administered up to 15 billion U.S. dollars th

Mike Adams believes that the swine flu vaccine and side effects of drugs, the two companies produce more income for more than one drug had to be replaced in the coming years to combat the effects in

The drug testing of FDA approval process and usually with clinical trials and will last about 12 years.Recently reduced this time lobbying for about 9 years. The swine flu vaccine? There will be less than 3 months for testing.

The vaccine industry has never had a cost effective choice for pharmaceutical companies now have before. Pressure at low prices (taking into account their common intention) research and investment in stalled vaccines.

Over the past five years, Homeland Security terror inspired by biological warfare, diseases such as SARS and avian influenza, and"Fast-tracking" has led to increased financial interests in the production of vaccines.

"Fast-tracking," gives the record years of clinical studies on large populations of subjects required. The swine flu vaccine (like every year a new flu vaccine) is not a new use as a drug, but a "master-change" or modification of an existing vaccine (flu vaccine standard).

Vaccine Effects

A survey of 216 doctors found that up60% would choose to get the vaccine, the report concerned the lack of sufficient studies to ensure its security.

Health officials say that the time standard test does not take time to be done to protect us from 's projected the swine flu season'.

Most influenza vaccines are produced in chicken eggs and the swine flu vaccine is growing only half as fast as the virus vaccine. Faster than the average chicken egg there, but researchInvestments have not been this full. Instead, invest the old egg method, the method that technology companies have been on
This led to the use of adjuvants, substances used to enhance the immune response and therefore require less of the vaccine to work.

Squalene is an adjuvant added to vaccines. Squalene from the body as a native molecule of oil to your brain and nervous system is recognized, said Dr. Joseph Mercola. You can use it in olive oil andYour immune system recognizes it and use its antioxidant properties.

If you use squalene and a strain of virus (without queuing digestive system of defense), injected your immune system kicks into high gear and attack all of squalene in your body.

The use of squalene in anthrax vaccine to U.S. soldiers led to the development of autoimmune diseases known as Gulf War syndrome.

Symptoms include:

Abnormal body hair loss
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosisSclerosis
Chronic diarrhea
Chronic headache
Chronic fatigue
Erthrocyte increased sedimentation rate of blood
Memory loss
Mood swings
Multiple sclerosis
Neuropsychiatric problems
Night sweats
Non-healing skin lesions
Sensitivity to light
Raynaud's phenomenon
Sjogren syndrome

The first swine flu vaccines are designed to go conditions on vulnerable groups such as children, pregnant women and people with chronic health problems. The other ingredients in the vaccine lowers the immune system and leave these people have a higher risk of side effects.

Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS)

The British government sent a senior neurologist notice that the swine flu vaccine, Guillain-Barre was linked to nerve diseaseSyndrome (GBS).

In 1976, during the first outbreak of swine flu, millions of people in the U.S. have been vaccinated 40th 500 people who developed Guillain-Barre syndrome and killed 25 people. Usually a temporary condition, 5-6% of patients die from GBS.
In GBS, the body is activated to attack the lining of its own nerve cells and causes muscle weakness, paralysis and inability to breathe.

In 1976 more deaths from the swine flu vaccination, asthe same influence. The vaccine increases the risk of contracting GBS by eight times.

Tamiflu Effects

Some people are planning to hold off the swine flu vaccine (although, even if we have in this election or not is unclear) and to fight the symptoms of fever associated with Tamiflu.

Originally invented to combat bird flu, Tamiflu has a variety of side effects, nausea mimic the symptoms of swine flu, asDiarrhoea, headache and fatigue.

Tamiflu has been banned in Japan, and only a reduction in the duration of influenza infection of 1-1 and a half days.

Tamiflu causes side effects in more than half the children who took the drug, including:

Infections of the brain
neuropsychiatric effects, such as the inability to think clearly, nightmares and "strange behavior"
Sleep problems
Stomach cramps
14 dead
A very important aspectEffect of Tamiflu was the antibiotic.

Antibiotic resistance

Vaccines are given a temporary immunity to the virus, and you can win immunity after recovering from a bout of flu, is much longer. In fact, what's interesting about the swine flu is that the elderly, the flu are usually resistant to seem more inclined a.

The researchers suggest that this is due to natural immunity and antibodies, which have gained by older adults,recovered from similar strains of influenza.

Our children have not been able to acquire natural immunity. Annual influenza vaccine is a common occurrence was the same for adults and children.

Japan and Denmark have the drug (low dose in order to avoid the risk of infection with the swine flu), both of Tamiflu-resistant cases of swine influenza virus. Condom use has led to a new virus strain des

Now, before the swine influenza virusnot change. The widespread use of antibiotics can lead to becoming a superbug.

The normal seasonal H1N1 virus is almost completely resistant to Tamiflu in just over two years.

The European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention warns that there is little evidence high, different to support the use of these delaying tactics with the flu, and scientists warn that "it is not clear whether large-scale prevention is justified, given the potential risk - LevelDevelop resistance. "

Dr. Josh Action steps:

1. Do not be an injection of a vaccine that is untested in practice, or take medication to lower your long-term immunity and contribute to the development of superbugs.

2. On the contrary, strengthen the immune system, of course:

The elimination of sugar and processed foods
Under a clove of raw garlic per day
Supplement with a high quality probiotic
Increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D
First lotSleep
With stress-busting techniques
The exercise

3. If you do get the flu (influenza virus or otherwise):

Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize
Eating raw food or juice
Do not give aspirin to children

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Overdose Symptoms of Omega-3 Oil - Watch Out for Overdose Symptoms of Omega-3 oil!

The most effective way to combat various diseases and improve the quality of life is to regularly consume fish oil. Omega-3 fish oil available on the market. But in addition to finding the best Omega-3 oil, you must also be careful in the amount of dosage. Overdose of omega-3 oil sometimes prove to be extremely detrimental to overall health. In this article we will talk about oil symptoms of an overdose of omega-3.

Omega-3 oil iswith fatty acids - DHA and EPA - and some amount of vitamin A and D and are abundantly present in fish. While there are many other sources for vitamin A and D in the body, DHA and EPA are mainly consumed only fish oil. Overdose of Omega-3 capsules can raise levels of vitamin D in our bodies that have been shown to be harmful to health. Overdose Symptoms of Omega-3 oil and a hardening of the arteries can weaken bones. When these conditions occur,immediately stop taking omega-3 capsules and contact your doctor.

All excess is harmful, and Omega 3 fatty acids are no different. Overdose Symptoms of Omega-3 oil are more pronounced in patients with other diseases such as asthma, hypertension, obesity and diabetes.

constant bleeding in people with diabetes is often seen as a symptom of an overdose of DHA. This is because of high levels of insulin or the body unstable. You must immediatelyQuit trying to take omega-3 oil and a doctor. However, side effects usually include nausea, stomach cramps, drowsiness, bad taste in the mouth (especially after eating), rashes and acne. These symptoms may go away after a few days if body fat is used for the registration of new, but if you keep coming back, check with your doctor.

Pregnant women should be very careful about the dosage of omega-3 oil. An overdose can cause malformations of the child.Vegetarians should consume DHA and EPA, because they come directly from an animal source. You can obtain these fatty acids indirectly via capsules of flax seed oil, alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) to hold. However, pregnant women should find a way to direct the transfer of these fatty acids to their child. If the above symptoms of an overdose of omega-3 oil occur, the patient should immediately seek medical attention.

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Swine flu and regular flu - the similarities and differences

The year 2009 marks an important event in the history of the treatment of influenza. The H1N1 virus, the influenza pandemic that caused the infected pigs last year alone. The experts found a new strain of H1N1 infecting the man in 2009. Thus, the swine flu term loosely connected people with a new type of flu from pigs, which are transmitted. Difference from normal influenza (flu) can be diagnosed only influence its willingness to test one, becauseits symptoms are often very similar.

At the time of discovery, the influenza virus is a novel, because it is never infected humans. It implies that the human immune system does not occur in combat, in particular strain of the virus. normal influenza is relatively easier to deal with, because many of us had influence our lives at some point.

annual influenza vaccine and drugs such as Tamiflu, oseltamivir can help fightvirus strains that cause seasonal influenza. A new H1N1 vaccine was developed after the beginning of 2009 to protect people against influenza swine influenza.

The influenza virus type H1N1 can infect healthy and young, is stronger than the normal flu strains that mainly people with weakened immune systems. If you examine the options for treatment, Tamiflu for the treatment and prevention of influenza among persons aged 1 o. So be it regular or influenceThe swine flu, oseltamivir can be useful.

It is not easily distinguishable by their symptoms of both conditions. The most common symptoms are fever, chills, headache, muscle aches, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, fatigue and, possibly, nausea and diarrhea.

There is not much in the way both seasonal influenza and swine influenza agent transfer from one to another difference. All influenza viruses are usually transmitted by coughing or sneezing of people Infection with influenza. You can also catch the flu by touching someone or something to put on the virus and then touching your nose or mouth.

One of the main differences between seasonal flu and swine flu is that people with more than 65 years, most at risk of influenza infection that seasonal influenza with pigs. This is probably because older people develop immunity rest some of the new types of influenza strains.

Unlike normal> Flu, swine flu progresses rapidly and can cause severe respiratory symptoms within 5 days after getting infected with the H1N1 virus. Therefore, it is recommended hospital care, an effective fight against swine flu.

If you are experiencing flu-like symptoms, talk to your doctor and possibly do a test of influence. What kind of influence have Regardless, the process must start early.

If your doctor recommends Tamiflu for you, make surecomplete the entire treatment period. Tell your doctor if you have kidney, liver, have heart or lung disease, or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding at the time.

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viral diseases and their symptoms

The viral disease caused by infection of the virus. They are generally divided into two sections of heavy, simple and delicate. General flu-like symptoms, joint pain are the known viral cold symptoms.

The names are many and the viral disease that has affected many people around the world. Viruses are actually small microbes that can only be seen under a microscope. These viruses can spread and multiply in number, in forcehuman body. These viruses can infect the categories of small organisms, plants and animals. The viruses were discovered in 1898. Since then, several types of viruses were discovered. E 'was observed that the virus in every part of the ecosystem as environmental and climatic conditions may find their categories are different. A viral disease that occurs when a virus enters the human body. It can happen when someone contaminated food, drinking contaminated water or enter into aContact with an infected person. The viruses can be in two different sections of light and heavy to be classified. Coughs and colds, flu, flu virus as it usually happens with everyone. Recently, avian influenza and the H1N1 infection, the epidemic has affected many people around the world like. Diseases like chickenpox, shingles and HIV / AIDS are just some of the serious viral infections. viral infections can be serious when transmitted sexually. Some of the other serious viral disease from HPV, hepatitis A, B and C, mumps, etc.

The person suffering from a viral infection with fever, headache, pain, muscle pain, muscle aches, fatigue and upper respiratory tract infections. In the event of a flu virus, the person suffering from diarrhea with nausea, chills, loss of appetite and chills. Flu symptoms include nausea, vomiting and even. A case of severe diarrhea, the disease known medically as "stomach> Flu. "The other viral symptoms, problems with breathing. In one case, a viral infection occurred because STD is a person with many other types of disasters, health suffer a.

In a process of testing, the medical experts to go for blood tests as a CBC or complete blood test. In this process, doctors see the number of white blood cells and red. The other tests are cultural tests, where a doctor takes a sample of the infected body to control the spread ofMicroorganisms. The samples are usually taken from the blood throat and phlegm from the lungs. It also includes a lumbar puncture, also known as Spinal Tap. Medical experts take a small amount of cerebrospinal fluid or CSF for testing. The CSF, which is removed, for example, indicates the presence of white blood cells and other microorganisms. This type of test is viral meningitis, viral pneumonia. The doctors go for X-rays, MRI tests and computed tomography or CT scanScan to control symptoms of viral infections.

The viral diseases are treated with doses of antibiotics or antiviral drugs. Some of the antiviral drugs adefovir and Delaviridine ganciclovir. Tamiflu has recently been introduced as a drug for H1N1 infection. Some of the anti-viral drugs can have serious side effects such as causing skin rashes on the skin, headache, diarrhea, nausea, chest pain and irregular heart beat, etc. drugs even rashes.

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Incubation swine flu

Listen to the message that we new global pandemic, you can make a wonder what the incubation period for swine flu, the. So far, 5,500 Americans were hospitalized and 363 have died from the H1N1 virus. Worldwide, about 1,000 people were killed. And global health experts expect those numbers to skyrocket as the flu season hits the western hemisphere.

People can spread the virus before you even know about the disease that does what theThe incubation period for influenza in pigs is important. The Centers for Disease Control, says he has no official figures on how many days the virus is in your before developing symptoms. They say that probably 1 to 7 days, and probably 1 to 4 days.

During this period there will be "shedding" or caught the disease. Therefore, the influence is so important that everyone takes precautions against the spread of swine flu.

Simple hand washingis the first line of defense. We recommend that you wash your hands vigorously for 20 seconds, often with an antibiotic soap. Remember, the disease is transmitted when the surface to touch something that is contaminated and then touching your nose, mouth or eyes. Note that the virus can last up to two hours every reason to live.

If you come with the symptoms, you know you should spread the virus and take measures, in addition to protecting the people aroundand the general public. These include always sneeze or cough into a tissue and then the arrangement of the fabric, wash your hands frequently and disinfect surfaces around on you.

But even if the symptoms have passed, you can still transmit the virus for up to 7 days. As a warning is justified. In short, the incubation period of swine is vague, but can be anywhere from one day to one week.


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The connection between flu-like symptoms and Lyme disease

Many people are aware of the dangers that are known Lyme disease, a disease transmitted by ticks place black-legged, also called deer ticks. The black-legged tick feeds on rodents and small animals that carry the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. Consequently, the infected tick can transmit the bacterium to humans through a bite.

Contrary to popular belief, Lyme disease can not contagious through kissing or touching, and while dogs and catsbitten by an infected tick, there is no evidence reported to transmit the disease to humans. However, pets can bring infected ticks into the house, reducing the risk of disease, its human inhabitants.

The symptoms of Lyme disease
symptoms of Lyme disease are usually experienced in three stages. Although rare, some people experience no symptoms at all during Phase 1, and not all people experience all three phases des

Usually the first symptom of Lyme disease appear to be erythema migrans, a distinct circular rash starts on the skin at the bite from 1 to 4 weeks. The rash may increase in size over time. It occurs in about 70% to 80% of those infected, and other flu-like experience many symptoms, such as:

Muscle and / or joint pain
Stiff neck
Low energy and exhaustion
swollen lymph nodes

Step 2:
IfIf left untreated, Lyme disease symptoms can be severe. In a few weeks, even months after the first bite, heart disease can cause nervous system disorders and other severe symptoms such as:

Multiple rashes
Pain and / or numbness of the arms and legs
moderate to severe headache
Conjunctivitis (eye infection)
Muscle cramps
arthritic pain
severe tiredness and fatigue

Level 3:
If you do noteffectively treated, the symptoms of Lyme disease in the third stage, the infection can cause health problems for many months, sometimes years after the first. Deaths from Lyme disease are rare, but without proper medical intervention, the disease may progress to a chronic illness, including chronic arthritis and neurological disorders. If a pregnant woman is bitten by an infected tick, the bacteria can produce harmful effects on unborn children, can cause miscarriage orStillborn.

Symptoms in the third stage are as follows:

severe tiredness and fatigue
chronic Lyme arthritis
Swelling of the joints (especially knees)
partial facial paralysis (Bell's palsy)
Memory loss
Lack of concentration and attention
moderate to severe mood swings
Speech problems
moderate to severe chronic heart problems and / or diseases of the nervous system

Precautions against Lyme disease
Taking precautionsTo prevent Lyme disease, the wise thing to do. It is not only to prevent Lyme disease, but it will also reduce the risk of ticks and other mosquito borne diseases like West Nile virus and yellow fever.

Observe the precautions following recommendations:

Security: Make sure your clothing covers the skin as possible (long sleeves and long pants). Wear sandals or shoes, the open front, especially when in a wooded area.light-colored clothing is easier to see for you to check on you.

Apply insect repellent: Use a strong spray insecticide over the entire body, including clothing. A high level of DEET is most effective.

Safely remove ticks: Each tick on the body must be carefully removed with a tweezers. Move slowly through the mouth and head (the part of the check mark is your skin). Swat or crush the tick because it can provoke it to attack even more closely.

IfIt is suspected that may have contracted Lyme disease, or experience some or all of the symptoms of Lyme disease ', contact your doctor immediately. Early detection is the key to preventing this disease from escalating into a serious chronic disease.

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What are the main symptoms of kidney cysts?

The renal cysts begin to appear on a person named by the onset of polycystic kidney disease Kidney Disease (PKD). Before discussing the most important for kidney cyst symptoms struck first look at what and who PKD. polycystic kidney disease is mainly a hereditary disease, although, as we shall see, this is not always the case. The most common form is autosomal dominant PKD known. 90% of people with PKD are autosomal dominant. In thisForm, the person must only inherit the altered gene from their parents who are interested, making it a 1 in 2 chance of developing PKD.

The other form of PKD is inherited autosomal recessive PKD known. This affects children and requires that they inherit the abnormal gene from both parents hit her. This results in prejudice to a 1 in 4 chance of inheritance PKD with about 1 in 10,000 children. There is a third type of PKD, can get someone, even ifnone of their parents, have the abnormal gene that causes PKD. This form of PKD is usually associated with kidney problems due to a long-term dialysis, or age. But what are the symptoms of renal cyst should you try?

symptoms of renal cysts for autosomal usually start in life appear in the suffering of season. However, the applicant does not begin for several years after symptoms have begun the experience of the cystto develop. The typical symptoms of renal problems with cysts are:

- Headaches

- Urinary tract infection

- Pain and pain, sometimes sudden and harsh pain in lower back and abdomen

- The blood in the body of urine

Sorry, there is no cure for the symptoms of renal cysts are so sufferers can only take measures to try to alleviate pain and prolong their life. When you start the experience of these symptoms, isOf course, strongly recommended that you make an appointment with your doctor.

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Extreme fatigue - symptoms

Fatigue or even once in a while tired is normal, especially since we live a hectic life. This is a normal kind of tired where you feel refreshed when you take rest and relaxation. However, if you still tired after long hours of sleep and rest, then you may be suffering from extreme fatigue. It 'also known as chronic fatigue (CF). Regardless of what the causes of extreme tiredness, perhaps, you can not lead a happy and productive lives.

Cases of extreme fatiguesyndrome of CF just some of the most difficult cases are treated. It 'difficult to accurately diagnose CF syndrome than most of its symptoms are similar to other illnesses. E 'is therefore very important to consult a doctor if you think it is CF's syndrome. In this way you can your doctor may do tests for other diseases and ensure that we provide the right treatments and medications.

Here are some of the most common chronic fatigueSyndrome symptoms:

Fatigue-This is the most common symptom that people know. People with chronic fatigue syndrome feel mentally and physically exhausted all the time and for no apparent reason. This leaves them feeling completely worn out. Neither sleep nor rest can heal. If this fatigue lasts for 6 months or more, then you are probably suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome.

Pain-This symptom is so common as fatigue, but most peoplewho have suffered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome do not know. People that have chronic fatigue syndrome, joint or muscle pain or suffering from flu-like symptoms such as headache and sore throat. Abdominal pain, skin sensitivity and irritable bowel are also some of the symptoms.

Hypersensitivity-were suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome are often sensitive to light and sound, the sound, not loud and lights that do not reallybrilliant. Some even complain about the odor-sensitive drugs and certain foods and chemicals. In general, the chronic fatigue syndrome patients feel overwhelmed by sounds, smells and sights. Their environment literally too much for them.

sleep disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome patients have sleep problems. Even if you feel completely exhausted, you will not sleep or good sleep. for ordinary people to help them sleep a bit 'of physical exertion, but the chronicpatients with fatigue syndrome, exercise will worsen their insomnia.

extreme fatigue may also occur when the adrenal glands will be reviewed and exhausted. The adrenal glands are responsible for all of your daily life stress, physical, mental and psychological. If the adrenals are consumed, can not keep up with all your stress and, consequently, are beginning to show signs of adrenal fatigue.

Here are some of the most common symptoms of adrenalFatigue:

Weight gain: If you suffer from adrenal fatigue, you find that you can gain weight very easily.

If you suffer from unexplained fatigue, adrenal fatigue, you will be extremely exhausted for no apparent reason. Even after a night of sleep, that is, if you can go to sleep, you're always tired and exhausted.

More susceptible to colds and flu-If you suffer from adrenal fatigue, you may find you and more vulnerable to influenza,cold. You will also find that it takes more time for you to return to your normal health.

Depression can be found, even the smallest task to be met always exceeded. This can lead to depression and social withdrawal.

Major PMS-Are you a woman suffering from adrenal fatigue, you may find that your time more and more irregular or heavy. You may also find that state of mind and extreme PMS food cravings.

Other symptoms ofadrenal fatigue include low libido, low resistance, low blood pressure, distraction, nervousness and anxiety.

If you have any of these symptoms continuously for months more than 6, you should consult a physician. With the help of medication and treatments, these symptoms can and live your life like everyone else.

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Treatment of influenza and its symptoms with Electronic Acupuncture

If you think you have a really bad cold, but the disease rather sudden success, is likely to have influence. A cold develops gradually over the course of the influenza virus can occur within hours after exposure. Unfortunately, there is no cure for the flu, only stop-gap treatment for its many symptoms. Are you tired of pumping himself full of painkillers and decongestants, consider acupuncture for the electronic processing and its influenceSymptoms>.

Typical flu symptoms

Influenza usually mimics many of the symptoms of the common cold: runny nose, sore throat, sneezing and nasal congestion. However, the influence factors in some places, such as fever, headache, muscle aches, chills and sweating, and even cough. In general, the symptoms feel like a bad cold ten or twenty, depending on the severity of the infection.

Because influenza is a viral infection,Basically have to let the infection run its course. However, there is no need to grin and bear it though. Sure, you can take counter drugs to alleviate some of the symptoms, but they are only short-term solutions. Electronic acupuncture has the ability to drug treatment of influenza and its symptoms without invasive.

Electronic Acupuncture Overview

The basic principles of acupuncture, the disease is nothing more than energystuck in the body. If you can restore the flow of a certain way for the release of energy, you will feel better. Traditional Acupuncture uses tiny needles along the body, while the electronic version in the form of a small portable device with a wand that delivers pulses of electromagnetic waves located at specific points on the hands and palms is inserted. These acupuncture points are on a page, so you can identify specific functions of the organization indicated.

If you treat the flu andto see their symptoms, a map of hand to see which areas are electromagnetic pulses would be handled by the best. For example, if you suffer from respiratory problems and fatigue, either inches stimulate acupuncture points along the palm side of the symptoms are similar to those. Sore throat and cough are the specific acupuncture points on the palm just below the middle finger to the space between the middle finger and index finger. As long as you can read a map, you can follow the map handrecorded with an electronic acupuncture machine.

Consider purchasing an electronic acupuncture, not only to treat the flu and its symptoms, but also many other diseases and similar health conditions. The device can also include a diagnostic mode, which can detect the disease in undiagnosed. Electronic acupuncture can be done at home with you, every time you want a tool that makes it convenient and effective treatment for you.

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Have flu-like symptoms, muscle aches, fever and a combination?

Is defined as the flu? How different from the symptoms of colds, flu symptoms for muscle pain and fever together?

The flu is more serious than a cold. Symptoms of a cold cranking primarily physical, like a stuffed up feeling, cough, sore throat, a. In general, there is a cold touches your too much energy. You will be able to more or less, with the newspaper. The symptoms are a nuisance and not a hindrance.

Withany kind of influence, you have a fever and some form of muscle soreness. You may have muscle aches. It might be bone pain. This tends to beat your high energy. want to stay away from work, go to bed for treatment.

These are all very good ways to get your body in an attempt to help heal you. and then go to work, play their own doping to your influence seriously. It could also end up in hospital.

A few days in bed at the beginning of flu can be veryconvenient in the long run.

In the crazy world of today, it is common to think more of your work or your obligations as to health. Take this medicine for a vaccine against it, and at any price to keep going.

This is suicide for your health. It 's easy to deteriorate further. If your body is tired of going to bed. The world will not stop because they are at work.

Your body is with you for life. Your task is not.

Fever is a good indication that your body needs The time to do what he does, in peace. It 's a very good way, your body has to solve a problem. Let him get on with it. suppressive drugs and vaccines to control the appearance to help you overcome the flu, but they are a long-term damage.

If you want to damage your body to overcome the flu symptoms and muscle pain or bone, there are some good homeopathic medicines.

The two most common homeopathic medicines that can help your> The flu is when the pain accompanied by muscle injuries are the time honored favorite Arnica montana. And Gelsemium.

Each of these drugs have a different picture, then you need to know all the symptoms. But the pain is or solve your flu-like symptoms with muscle if you have symptoms that match your medicine.

Homeopathy does not suppress the symptoms. It helps your body gently. But if you make the wrong choice, nothing happens.No damage is done to your overall health.

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Simple Cat cat flu or sneezing?

Cat flu is a disease very common in kittens and cats. It 'hard to tell if your cat has a little' dust or hairs in the nose, or if more serious, like something the cat flu. When you try to treat sneezing, cough, runny nose or other flu-like symptoms cat, it is best to treat them all as being the most severe cat flu. The treatment for the cure worse than even the most simple. If there is only a mild case of bacterial infection, it is clearquickly with the right treatment, and if the cat is more serious influence to respond to a natural, homeopathic remedy.

The key must be used in both cases a fast-acting remedy without side effects, do not break the bank. We all know how expensive can a trip to the vet. In addition to the high cost of veterinary medical treatments are not guaranteed and can cause dangerous side effects of treatment of the disease. There is also the invasive treatment of yourPet, let alone reveal the ugly, your cat will give in return for your efforts.

Cat flu is actually caused one of the two herpes viruses, cat or cat calcivirus through. Both have shown a number of symptoms. If your cat sneezes often, you have a cat sneezing blood or mucus, a cat or a cough depressed, this influence could sign the cat. Fortunately, the same natural homeopathic treatment that cures the pain less effectivelyalso remove the influence of cat.

Natural homeopathic treatments have been used for centuries for everything from arthritis to treat tuberculosis, and work for people and animals. Your cat sneezing symptoms can be treated at home with your easy by a small amount on your cat's tongue. Within minutes, the homeopathic healing work on your cat's immune system and overall health improved. Do you have something on hand for immediate treatment even before you need it.

They just want thethe fastest and safest effective remedy for influenza cat, cat sneezing and other conditions your cat. All natural materials, plants and herbs used in a homeopathic remedy, holistic cat flu have no side effects and fast work. They are inexpensive and, unlike conventional medicine, have a long life. Keep some 'at your fingertips so you can treat your beloved pet at the first sign of trouble, and you will have a happy, healthy cat before you know it.

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Swine flu-like symptoms in human influenza

The swine flu has these symptoms, the most popular form of seasonal human influenza.

There is a series of viruses that cause disease in humans and animals, such as difficulty breathing, fever and fatigue.

Avian influenza - which to date concerns the issue of the pandemic has started for people to start again - is a more lethal.

According to the Health Protection Agency, outbreaks of swine influenza - a diseaseexcited by influenza type A - often affect pigs.

People who are probably around the pig H1N1 virus, but also the virus spread from person to person.

Suggest that memories of the concerns of bird flu are linked, noted the threat of a pandemic, the public's attention to human cases of influenza were reported in Mexico and brought-regions of California and Texas in the United States.

have been discovered on this point, no case inThe United Kingdom for at least 10 years.

Doctors discovered that this virus is transmitted and distributed from person to person, even if I do not know how easily the virus circulates among people, said the Health Protection Agency.

The symptoms of swine flu in humans are synonymous with symptoms of normal seasonal human influenza and include fever, fatigue, loss of appetite is lacking, cough and sore throat. Many people havealso reported vomiting and diarrhea.

The test, which indicates that the human H1N1 swine influenza oseltamavir with antivirals (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza) can be treated.

vaccine against seasonal flu is caused by a virus that spread with adequate strength in human beings that have some popular forms of immunization and to increase the natural can be.

Avian influenza is caused by avian influenza viruses in pigs adapted to transmission during the influenza induced by Influenza viruses for the infection in pigs adapted.

Potentially serious problems can arise when human and animal influenza viruses are combined and led to the development of different viruses that are resistant to immunity and may be extended by the people, sparking a pandemic.

The Health Protection Agency said it was too early to say whether the events were in Mexico and the United States to lead a more or eruption may be the occurrence of a pandemic form> Influenza virus.

Currently the test is low able to implement in practice are fixed.

Experts from around the world are located in close collaboration with the World Health Organization to find what this situation entails danger Wellness World.

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influenza virus and avian influenza - Influenza and avian influenza can be treated with antibiotics?

To understand this, we must first look at what bird flu and influenza.

What is influenza?

Influenza is a disease that has the following symptoms. They include fever with temperatures above 38 degrees Celsius or 100 degrees Fahrenheit. You can also experience chills, muscle aches, headache, fatigue and loss of appetite, neck pain, cough and chest pain. Symptoms may take days to a few andtreat with medication. Some people may suffer, which can last for several weeks. What is the forgetful need is a good rest and we are forced to consume large amounts of water, preferably warm. Symptoms in children can cause abdominal pain. This should not be confused with appendicitis. Children can also suffer from cramps.

Drugs for treatment of influenza are limited. are drugs such as amantadine and Rimantdine has been around for a number of decades. ButRecent studies have shown that they are effective against influenza type B. The new drugs are introduced into the market. They are sold under the trade name Tamiflu oseltamivir as the main composition. There is another drug known as zanamivir. This drug is sold under the trade name Relenza. This drug is highly effective against the flu. Both drugs are highly effective for both types of influence, ie the type A "influence" and "B"Influence.

The influenza virus is caused by. In general, the viral protein is found with two factors, factor H and N-factor. There are sixteen different factors H and nine N factors. A combination of these factors is the influenza virus. The influenza virus H1N1 has caused the Spanish in 1918. This virus has about 40-50 people were killed around the world. And let me tell you that the flu can be avoided by simplyto measure. You should regularly check the annual influenza vaccine. Most of the common flu vaccine can be addressed with the flu.

What is avian influenza?

Avian influenza is a viral strain that I have discussed in the paragraphs first inside They consist of large groups of viruses (a combination of factor H and factor n), the infection of birds. Sometimes these viruses are also other types as a guest. Here are mutated in the host countryand to develop a new strain of the virus. Most species of bird flu does not affect humans. But when it does infect humans, then it proves fatal. The specificity of avian influenza that has caused infections in humans. And when that happens, then we are destined to develop a new strain could have, and this can be very dangerous.

What are antibiotics used?

Antibiotics are primarily for the care of a drug, abacterial infections. Influenza is a viral infection will not find a course of antibiotics. In the case of viral infections, where the influence has been infected by the pneumonia and the flu has reached proportions. The bacteria in the body begin to fill. This will require antibiotics.

The facts as I have said above, it is very clear that you are quite sure that avian influenza and treated with antibiotics are not.

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