What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS?
True to its name, irritable bowel syndrome or IBS is a disorder of the intestine. Some common symptoms include abdominal pain, control of mucus in stool, lower abdominal cramps, inability of the bowels, gas and alternative bouts of constipation and diarrhea. It is in all age groups of children widespread in adolescents and adults. The symptoms may disappear suddenly, or may reappear at any time in the life of an individual. Although IBS canResult in great distress and inconvenience, it is not life threatening like cancer or it causes no permanent damage to the stomach or intestine.
It is estimated that a search of 10 people, medical care, suffer from this condition. Many did not appear any serious symptoms, and it is rather a common ailment, the one for 20-25% of visits to gastroenterologists. The predominant symptoms include lower abdominal cramps and swelling. In many cases, theseSymptoms disappear with defecation. IBS is more common in women than men. IBS should not be with other inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis, the inflammation of the colon causing confusion. IBS does not cause inflammation in the colon, however, and is not as serious as colitis.
The increase in fiber intake and a reduction of caffeine is found that some of its benefits. IBS is a syndrome, as it includes several symptoms. A balanced dietcoupled with adequate medication and stress management could bring relief for many, however, IBS can put many people out of action because they have problems when walking or traveling in the face.
The contraction of the muscles, intestines, bringing about the movement of its contents is typically caused by hormones linked with neurological and muscular electrical activity in the colon affected. IBS is not a colon contrast to many other inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative limited. In some cases, IBS may begin suddenlyIndividuals (Rome II criteria positive), which is much more homogeneous, or infectious diseases such as fever, acute diarrhea, or positive stool culture ( "post-infectious IBS).
Even today, the exact causes of irritable bowel syndrome remains obscure. But the common risk factors thought IBS triggers are poor diet, stress and hormonal changes. Eating gas-forming foods aggravate the condition could be persons who are already suffering from IBS. In some cases, attacks ofinfectious diarrhea could lead to IBS. Probability that a genetic cause is also not excluded, as in many cases, IBS includes all members of a family.
The treatment is usually
For people who are useful in constipation, fiber supplements or laxatives, while those that are identified from diarrhea, benefiting from anti-diarrhea medications such as Lomotil or loperamide. Codeine, but effective control diarrhea might addictive.
While antidepressants may Relieve symptoms, which are antispasmodic agents useful in the management of colon muscle spasms and stomach pains. Many alternative therapies such as acupuncture and homeopathy are also very popular in the management of IBS. While many people resort to acupuncture, no scientific proof to attest to its effectiveness.
If all else fails, at extremely low doses of antidepressants are also used as a last resort. It works by imitating the nervous system> Intestine.
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