Colon cancer - symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and care

Colorectal cancer is also known by many, including colon cancer. It is a common cancers develop slowly, with more than 34,000 people in the UK are diagnosed each year. About 80% of people diagnosed with colon cancer are aged over 60 years. The symptoms can include changes in bowel habits, consistent diarrhea or constipation, blood or mucus in the stool, fatigue and weight loss or pain or lump in the abdomen.

The exact cause ofCancer is not known, but there are several factors that make people at greater risk. Research suggests that diet may be a factor, those with a diet high in animal fat and protein and low fiber have an increased risk for colon cancer. Even those who have a high alcohol intake may be at greater risk. People with a history of colorectal cancer in the family can be a slightly higher risk of developing the disease, but only 5-10% of sufferers have family memberswith the same disease.

If you think you have one of the symptoms of this cancer, you should visit your GP immediately as an early diagnosis and treatment are important to combat the disease. The doctor will do a physical examination, and to refer to a hospital specialist you believe to be a cancer.

There are three tests that are performed by hospital specialists to diagnose the cancer;

Barium enema, which is a special x-ray examination of thethe large intestine, where a mixture of barium and air passed through the rectum into the intestine, the doctor will see the adoption of the barium through the intestines on the x-ray screen, and any abnormal areas can be seen.

Proctoscopy / sigmoidoscopy is, where air is pumped into the intestine and then a tube with a small, lightweight camera is passed into the intestine so that any abnormal areas can be seen. This test may be uncomfortable but not painful.

Colonoscopies are done, if the doctormust see the entire length of the large intestine, the bowel must be empty, and a colonoscope is passed into the intestine. This is helping a long tube with a camera and light at the end to the anomalous areas and swelling. During the test can be taken photographs and samples of the cells on the inside of the colon. A sedative is given in the rule to the procedure more comfortable.

Treatment depends on the stage and the location of the cancer. Cancers of the colon and thesuch, the rectum are usually treated in different ways. Patients with cancer at early stages of the intestinal wall are included, can be completely cured with surgery in general. If the cancer has spread through the muscle of the intestinal wall and into the lymph nodes, the chance of the cancer is back, so chemotherapy is often combined with surgery done. People with rectal cancer, radiation therapy may also be administered before or after surgery.

With advancedStage colorectal cancer where the cancer spread to other parts of the body like stomach, liver and lungs, it is usually not possible to completely heal, but treatment may be able to control it for a long time, by reducing the symptoms and gives a good quality of life.

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