Blood Sugar and Cancer
Blood glucose was linked to the cause of a variety of different cancers. High insulin levels promote and environment that makes it much easier to grow for certain tumors. Research and testing is done is still the case, it is very difficult to make any kind of bold statements regarding the blood glucose levels and cancer. However, there is cause for great concern with certain cancers. These are the cancers we'll talk about it.
Colon and rectumCancer
In a Harvard University study, which involved more than 50,000 middle-aged men whose diets were most likely to raise blood sugar levels quickly and high were 32 percent more likely to develop colon and rectal cancer over 20 years. The effect is much stronger for heavier men.
Breast Cancer
In the Women's Health Study, women, followed by an increase in blood sugar diet were 135 percent higher chance of developing cancer of breast cancer in sevenYears than women whose diets were more blood sugar friendly. Many different studies have a tremendous increase in breast cancer in women who are not followed by blood sugar friendly diet shown. It was associated with a higher percentage of women who exercise often.
Endometrial cancer
In the Iowa Women's Health Study, which involved more than 23,000 women in menopause, those who do not suffer from diabetes and blood sugar-spiking followed diets were 46 percentrather this type of cancer for over 15 years or younger. An Italian study found that women who developed endometrial cancer compared with a similar group of women who could not be found 110 percent increased risk for this type of diet related.
Prostate Cancer
Here we go men, are you ready for this? An Italian study looked at men aged 46-74, developed prostate cancer and compared their diets to a group of similar men who did not have cancer. Those whose Diets were most likely to have blood glucose peak was 57 percent higher probability of prostate cancer. A similar Canadian study found a 57 percent increased risk.
Pancreatic cancer
Even the organ that produces insulin may be more susceptible to cancer if he is constantly bathed in the hormone. A study using data from the Nurses' Health Study over 18 years found that women whose blood sugar levels most of the diet were increased 53 percent greater likelihood of developing pancreaticTo cancer> than women whose diet increases the fewest. Women in the first group, which for overweight and physically inactive had 157 percent more likely to get cancer than similar women in the second.
If this information is not that you know how important the blood sugar in your life can be, then I really hope you find the information you will for implementation. Blood sugar can be very serious and should be treated as such. It is very important for the training grounds asThen I have found in previous articles, but it is important for living and quality of life.
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