Colorectal polyps

Colon cancer often begins as a small group of cells as "polyps" means. While initially some of these benign polyps can, over time cancer. Doctors routinely check colonoscopy for polyps once a patient is over 50 and they can remove polyps in the case of the lawyer. Although there is no guaranteed way to prevent polyps turning cancer, doctors say that early colonoscopy screening and a healthy lifestyle are the best ways to beat this deadly cancer.

There are many important risk factors for colorectal cancer, that someone makes a good candidate for colon cancer screening. Age is a factor, since approximately 90% of people diagnosed with this cancer are over 50 years. People are also more at risk if they ever colorectal cancer, polyps, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, diabetes, acromegaly (a growth hormone disease) or radiation therapy as part of another> Treatment of cancer. Some studies have shown that there is a greater risk for people with low dietary fiber and high fat / calories, diets high in red meat or eat / meat and sausages. Obese people and smokers have an increased chance of developing and dying from this type of cancer. As with most health conditions, genetics also play a role in many cases.

About 5% of all colorectal cancer has been passed by a genetic disease through the family line.These syndromes are FAP (familial adenomatous polyposis) and Lynch syndrome (hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer). Over 95% of people diagnosed with either syndrome polyps develop into cancer to be. The good news is that both syndromes are detectable through genetic testing. The idea that someone will not develop these syndromes of cancer, because an aunt, grandmother, siblings or parents have, is still controversial. Some say thatFamily can all have the same environmental conditions or exposed to unhealthy lifestyles.

There are many screening procedures for colorectal cancer. The simplest is a stool blood test (or an occult blood test) that a patient has a kit to take home a sample and return the sample to the laboratory, where a doctor the results under the microscope is investigated can create. Similarly, a stool DNA test is the test kit sent away to the laboratory for further analysis,may be able to show DNA mutations or tumors that indicate the presence of cancer. A flexible sigmoidoscopy only takes a few moments, and includes inserts a flexible, slender, lighted tube into the final two feet of the rectum and colon to see if polyps are present. A barium enema and X-rays using a contrast agent to assess the lining of the intestine. A colonoscopy is similar to sigmoidoscopy, but the device allows the physician to the possibility ofSearch the entire colon and rectum for polyps, and not just the bottom part. Finally, a virtual colonoscopy, a computer tomography machine to take pictures of the colon, which is less invasive than conventional colonoscopy screening to take.

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